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File: 46 KB, 600x474, vegan-because-my-body-is-not-a-graveyard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4477650 No.4477650[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Are there any other vegans up here in /ck? What convinced you to go veg? For me it was the plight of poor defenseless animals and videos I have seen of murderhouses by PETA. How do you convince your friends/ family to give up flesh?

No matter what argument or what video I give my bf he seems unmoved, and I'm thinking of breaking up with him because it makes me sick whenever he eats anything made from the carcas of a murdered animal or a product of an animals suffering (eggs, milk). Why can't he see that not only is he hurting innocent animals but also me? Any advice from the foodies on some ways to get someone to see the necessity of becoming vegan for logical and moral reasons?

>> No.4477653

I love this thread. This thread is the best thread on /ck/.

>> No.4477664
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>> No.4477668

Oh and don't forget it's not only moral to go vegan but it's healthier! Yay for living longer and not being fat!

>> No.4477684

Don't forget to report it everyone

>> No.4477715

Please break up with him . He like everyone else in the world deserves to be with someone who loves him for who he is. And doesn`t need to change him to serve their own self importance.

>> No.4477726

Yay for dying of lack of B12.

>> No.4477732

PETA kills more animals than they save, you fucking moron.

>> No.4477740

Ugh, I have to cook for a vegan in a couple days. Not only that but they're allergic to gluten as well.
They're already limited in what they eat, why the fuck voluntarily limit yourself some more?
What do I cook? Cardboard?

Also, we're omnivores, we're supposed to eat meat as well as everything else. We don't have sharp teeth for no reason. Your mouth isn't filled with molars, is it?

>> No.4477805

Some would disagree.


>> No.4477828

And they would be wrong

>> No.4477839

I know this is a troll thread but real question here
Why don't vegans/vegetarians care if I swat a mosquito or kill ants or if I exterminate cockroaches but killing a lobster is a big deal even though cockroaches and lobsters are from the same phylum? If I remember correctly bugs of ANY sort are animals

>> No.4477855

PETA cares. They got pissed at President Obama when he swat and killed a fly during an interview.

>> No.4477860

But cockaroaches are air breathers and lobsters are water breathers, vastly different sizes, and I'm sure very different flavorings.

>> No.4477889

You don't.
It is their choice to eat meat.
It is not your responsibility to try and convince them to stop eating meat.
Please go away.

>> No.4477892


>> No.4477896

1. You're going to fucking die, it's inevitable.
2. The human body cannot be physically optimal on a vegan diet.
3. Get fucked.

>> No.4477897

They killed thousands of dogs last year too.

>DAT hypocrisy.

>> No.4477918

It's called selective hypocrisy.

>> No.4477927


>Selective Hypocrisy

Most awesome term i've heard today, thanks!

>> No.4477935

saging a troll thread

>> No.4477936

This pic made me laugh heartily. Most METAL description indeed. Awesome shit.

>> No.4477960

Hypocrisy is selective reasoning to begin with. It's kind of redundant to specify it as selective.

>> No.4477964

What in that article provided in the link provided is inacurrate or wrong?

>> No.4477970


If gorillas can do it, humans can do it.

>> No.4477971

>What convinced you to go veg?
>For me it was the plight of poor defenseless animals and videos I have seen of murderhouses by PETA
>making lifestyle choices based on PETA videos

There is no way that OP isn't not trolling.

OP, if you're serious you should... well idk

>> No.4477974

Dammit, dropped my sage. Sorry, /ck/

>> No.4477977


I for one don't kill every bug I see. But infestations of your property pose health dangers as do mosquitoes as they carry infectious diseases (though there are plenty of countermeasures to just swatting them)

>> No.4477981


Omnivore doesn't mean you need to eat meat daily and with every meal like some Americans do. Look at other primates and how much meat they eat...it's next to none.

>> No.4477982

>Some would disagree.
And they would be wrong.

>> No.4477983

I know you're trolling, but -

My body is a mass grave with bricks of bone and mortar of blood. It pleases me greatly. A vegan's body is a mass grave, of the same materials, just a bit less of them.

The vegan believes that by pretending this is not the case, they are granted free license to feel morally superior.

>> No.4477988

>obvious troll is obvious

>> No.4478048

Tofu is always a good supplement for meat eaters, that way you can avoid eating meat and still get the pleasure of eating it.

>> No.4478124

Have any peoples here ever tried being vegan? How did it go, and how long before you threw down the tofu and nuts and picked up a steak and tore into it like a flesh craving zombie.

>> No.4478133


I have no craving for meat at all, the less I eat the more sick it makes me to smell and taste meat, shit is like a drug.

As for side effects, I have more energy, I am happier, and I poop a lot more so I lose weight.

>> No.4478164

Your body is kind of a graveyard. A graveyard for trees.

>> No.4478165

>murdered animal

but a human was not killed???????????

>> No.4478166

>some would disagree!!!!
>website name is eatveg

fair and impartial i am sure...

>> No.4478167

what are the odds of having a bunch friends who are all part of the <1% who really have gluten allergies.

you're getting trolled, anon. hope he/she is a good lay.

>> No.4478170


Also the bacteria that lives inside you. And on you.

>> No.4478176

I also went vegan after learning about factory farming from a video by PETA. I'll be eternally grateful to them for that, though these days I like to pretend they don't exist.

I kind of forget if I went vegan immediately after I watched that video (Glass Walls), but I know I started researching factory farming after that and I wasn't sure HOW I was going to go vegan, just that I could not support that industry anymore. It just wasn't an option.

My mom has been trying to be vegan since then as well, though she never saw the undercover videos so I think that's why it's harder for her to stick with it. She eats a lot less animal products though.

I wish other people did realize that they're not only hurting animals, they're hurting me when they support that industry too. It honestly feels like a stab in the chest every time I see someone eating animal products, knowing the cost... I can't fucking understand it.

So far what's worked best for me to convert people is baking for them. Once people try some good vegan food they ease up to learning about the issues. I think most people are too scared to listen because they think they're going to have to sacrifice so much. But I assume your boyfriend has already been introduced to vegan food so I'm not sure what to say I guess. Personally I couldn't be with someone like that. I'm actually currently making this guy go vegan just so he can date me, lol.

>> No.4478178

I lasted one and a half days then accidentally a bag of pork scratchings. I could last longer with cheese and eggs, but an entirely vegan diet is terribly boring.

>> No.4478191

Boring? Nah, that would be your cooking, not the vegan diet itself.


>> No.4478199

I would never allow my kid to go vegan. If he/she tried that shit, I would ground them indefinitely until they started eating meat again. No going out, no friends, no video games, no tv, no music, only school and books until they learn to be normal again.

Once they reach the age of 18 they will be cut off and will not receive any sort of financial support or aid for college or anything else.

No son or daughter of mine is going to be one of them people.

>> No.4478205

Our mouths are actually more evidence we lean most biologically towards herbivores.

Also this: >>4478143

>> No.4478211

Read 'Disease-Proof Your Child' by Dr. Fuhrman.

I really hope you don't actually have a kid.

>> No.4478212

Simply living in contemporary society is an atrocity on a global scale so this veganism stuff is just some holier-than-thou bullshit.

>> No.4478220

>living in contemporary society is an atrocity
>so I can do whatever fucked up bullshit I want and not be judged for it because somebody forgot to use their hemp bags and used a plastic one instead at the grocery store.

>> No.4478234
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Gordom Ramsay is my hero. I loved it when he said of vegetarianism
>'My biggest nightmare would be if the kids ever came up to me and said "Dad, I'm a vegetarian". Then I would sit them on the fence and electrocute them.'


>If one of my daughters' boyfriends turns out to be vegetarian I swear to God I'd never forgive them.'

This is why he fucking rules and he's my hero.

>> No.4478235

He said later when he learned about farming practices in the UK that he understood now why so many choose to go vegan.

>> No.4478237

I think it should be illegal for a parent to force or impose any sort of vegetarian or vegan lifestyle upon their children. I think it should be considered child abuse.

>> No.4478241

Talk about going to far. Thankfully you're never likely to have any.

>> No.4478245

Funny, because you're basically guaranteeing your child disease and cancer later in life. Again, read 'Disease-Proof Your Child' by Dr. Fuhrman.

You're also forcing them to eat (most likely tortured) animal carcass and secretions, when if they knew what they were doing they wouldn't want any part of that. You're also destroying the environment for them and burdening them with the responsibility to fix the problems we selfishly left for them.

They're going to fucking hate you when they're older.

>> No.4478251


A plastic bag does more long term damage than buying a steak.

>> No.4478249

Two worst kinds of people

>Vegans/ Vegetarian animal rights activists

>Fundamentalist Religious people

I hate anyone who tries to force their views down my throat in an effort to try and get me to adopt their way of life. Fuck off I say to these people.

>> No.4478253

I shouldn't have any issues with my children thinking of going vegan. I can always indoctrinate them from an early age to always associate vegetarianism and veganism with evil, insidiousness, and self-destruction. Basically raise them to be anti-vegan.

>> No.4478258

I've seen the videos you speak of, and I still like, want, and continue to eat meat.

There's more important problems in the world than nonsense like this.

>> No.4478259
File: 60 KB, 500x500, tumblr_mkr8s1w4em1qak6ufo1_r1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When has a vegan ever "forced their views down your throat", and what does that even mean? I see meat eaters say this almost every time a vegan openly states their opinion.

>> No.4478261

>Because my body isn't a graveyard
>kills plants and eats them

>> No.4478262

I disagree. I have an Indian Jain friend. His family's diet is completely vegetarian. Not vegan, however (butter... butter everywhere), but completely meat free. He's never had a bite of beef or chicken in his life. He's not preachy about it, he just doesn't view meat as foodstuff in much the same way many westerners don't see Chinese caterpillar fungus as foodstuff.
He's a perfectly well-adjusted guy. I only learnt of his vegetarianism after I'd invited him over to dinner, after knowing him for several years, and he'd asked if I wouldn't mind cooking something meat-free for him. I'd never noticed that food he cooked at his place was always meat-free.

>> No.4478265

Factory farming is without a doubt the biggest issue we can actually all do something about. And I'd love to see the day someone who said "there are bigger issues than this" actually did something about those issues.

>> No.4478269

For one I'm not going to waste money on preparing an extra meal to satiate and appease any notions of vegan foolishness placed in my child's head.

>> No.4478272

>Using 'others' to reference animals and not people


>> No.4478278

It means getting in someone's face and badgering them to adopt your way of thinking and way of life, much like those fucking animal rights protesters who will try and throw red paint on people wearing leather.

If that happens to me, I'm having that fool arrested for assault.

And then go out and buy another leather jacket, good job on helping the leather industry, because I'll just buy another one.

>> No.4478281

>animal's rights
top lel, only second to women's rights

>> No.4478282

>I've volunteered at soup kitchens.

>> No.4478289

You honestly don't see how what you're doing is way worse than that? I'm not saying dumping red paint on people who fund animal cruelty is cool, just saying what you're doing is a million times worse than anything animal activists have ever done.

Also you're acting like all animal activists are like this, when most just spread awareness of the issues people like you try to sweep under the rug.

Do you even know anything about the leather industry?

Also, never heard of people dumping red paint on people wearing leather, just fur. Fur production I think is more widely known as being cruel than leather is.

>> No.4478300
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>> No.4478306

Yea I know about it, I just don't see anything wrong with it or what the big deal is.

>> No.4478313

My parents fed me meat. I grew up without hating them.
FYI, being a person who is alive is almost a guarantee that you will get sick, and a 100% guarantee that you will die. No amount of eating leaves will change that.

>> No.4478332

Actually vegan diets fight cancer 8x better, so yeah, it does change that.

I would hate my parents if they knew the issues with factory farming, knew there were healthier alternatives to the shit they were feeding me, and still forced animal products on me.

I probably wouldn't talk to them again if I found out. Especially as someone who has a disease that animal products contribute to, I would hate my parents for knowing they could have prevented that.

>> No.4478336

So eating leaves grants immortality now? Holy shit!
I know the issues. My parents know the issues. I do not hate them one bit. Why should I? They granted me the protein and nutrients I required to grow into a functioning adult.

What disease do you have?

>> No.4478352

Africa wouldn't have a food problem if they were all vegans. It's a scientific fact; I read it on PETA's website.

>> No.4478362

It is MORAL to eat meat. God mandates it be so. The Bible clearly speaks ill of vegetarianism.

Romans 14:2
For one believeth that he may eat all things: another, who is weak, eateth herbs.

1 Timothy 4:1-3
Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils ... commanding to abstain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth.

Acts 10:9-13
Peter went up upon the housetop to pray about the sixth hour: And he became very hungry, and would have eaten: but while they made ready, he fell into a trance, And saw heaven opened, and a certain vessel descending upon him, as it had been a great sheet knit at the four corners, and let down to the earth: Wherein were all manner of fourfooted beasts of the earth, and wild beasts, and creeping things, and fowls of the air. And there came a voice to him, Rise, Peter; kill, and eat.

We were and are MEANT and designed to eat meat.

>> No.4478393

Romans: “It is best not to eat meat” (14:21).

“You have lived luxuriously on the earth and led a life of wanton pleasure; you have fattened your hearts in a day of slaughter.” James 5:5.

"Woe to the shepherds of Israel who only take care of themselves! Should not the shepherds take care of the flock? You eat the curds, clothe yourselves with the wool and slaughter the choice animals, but you did not take care of the flock! You have not strengthened the weak or healed the sick or bound up the injured. You have not brought back the strays or searched for the lost. You h𝗮ve ruled them h𝗮rshly 𝗮nd brut𝗮lly.” Ezekiel 34:2-4.

“Animals and birds are dying because of the wickedness of our people, people who say ‘God doesn’t see what we are doing’”. Jer 12:4

“A righteous man has regard for the life of his animal, But even the compassion of the wicked is cruel.” - Proverbs 12:10

In The Gospel of the Nazirenes, Jesus states, “Wherefore those who want to be my disciples, keep your hands from bloodshed and let no flesh meat enter your mouths for the Lord is just and bountiful who ordains that man shall live by the fruits and the seeds of the earth alone” 38:1-6

In The Gospel of the Nazirenes, Jesus agrees: “Verily I say unto you, for this end I have come into the world; that I may put away all blood offerings and the eating of the flesh of the beasts and the birds that are slain by men. In the beginning the Creator gave to all the fruits of the trees and the seeds of the earth and the herbs for food. But those who loved themselves more than the Lord or their fellows, corrupted their ways and brought diseases into their bodies and filled the earth with lust and violence.” 75:6-14

Jesus also says, “Speak the truth, be just and merciful to one another and to all creatures, and walk humbly with your Creator.” 7:9-10I

>> No.4478396

PETA is a fucking scam and practically a terrorist organization

Greenpeace is where it's at

>> No.4478400

“Better a meal of vegetables where there is love than a fattened calf filled with hate.” Proverbs 15:17

Isaiah 11:7, God’s last dietary law, states, “The wolf will live with the lamb, the cow will feed with the bear, the lion will eat straw like the ox, and a little child will lead them. And neither will harm nor destroy on My Holy Mountain.”

Acts 15:20 states, “…abstain from food polluted by idols, from sexual immorality, from the meat of strangled animals and from blood.” Acts 15:29 adds, “It seemed good to the Holy Spirit and to us not to burden you with anything beyond the following requirements: You are to abstain from food sacrificed to idols, from blood, from the meat of strangled animals and from sexual immorality. You will do well to avoid these things.”

The aformentioned Acts verses are reiterated in chapter 7, verse 10 of The Gospel of the Nazirenes: “Keep yourselves from blood and things strangled and from dead bodies of birds and beasts, and from all deeds of cruelty, and from all that is gotten from wrong. Do you think that the blood of beasts and birds will wash away sin? I tell you, No! Speak the the truth, be just, and merciful to one another and to all creatures, and walk humbly with your Creator.”

Cruelty to animals is sacrilegious and desecrates the Good Lord’s name. In The Gospel of the Nazirenes, Jesus agrees, “This commandment have I given you, that you love one another and all the creatures of the earth. Love is the fulfilling of the Law. Love is of the Lord, and the Lord is love. Whoso loves not, knows not the Lord….you are my disciples if you show mercy and love to all creatures, especially those that are weak and oppressed and suffer wrong. For the whole earth is filled with dark places of cruelty, with pain and sorrow, by the selfishness and ignorance of man.” 76:5-6

>> No.4478406
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Oh look.. the bible contradicts the shit out of itself constantly.

Atheists: 1
Christians: 0

>> No.4478408
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Matthew 15:11

King James Version (KJV)

11 Not that which goeth into the mouth defileth a man; but that which cometh out of the mouth, this defileth a man.


>> No.4478409

Isaiah 66:3 states, “Whoever sacrifices a bull is like one who kills a man, and whoever offers a lamb, like one who breaks a dog’s neck.”

“And Jesus was going with some of his disciples when he met with a certain man who trained dogs to hunt other creatures. And he said to the man, ‘Why do you do this?’ And the man said, ‘By this I live and what profit is there to any in these creatures?’ These creatures are weak, but the dogs they are strong. And Jesus said, ‘You lack wisdom and love. Every creature which has been made has its end, and purpose, and who can say what good there is in it? Or what profit to yourself, or mankind.’

And for your living, behold the fields yielding their increase, and the fruit-bearing trees and the herbs. What more do you need than these which the honest work of your hands will not give to you?

A grain of wheat will produce ten thousand heads, and every head will have ten thousand grains, and every grain will produce ten pounds of fine clean flour, and other seeds, fruits and grass will produce in corresponding proportion, and all the animals will use those foods that are products of the soil and become in turn peaceable and in harmony with one another, and with man. Woe to the crafty who hurt or abuse the creatures of the earth. Woe to the hunters for they shall be hunted. And the man marveled and stopped training the dogs to hunt, and taught them to save life rather than destroy it. And he learned of the doctrines The Way and became his disciple.” 14:6-9

“Then Jesus said, ‘Do you think that I speak of the eating of flesh, which you ignorantly do in your temples?’ Not as your ancestors, who craved for flesh and taking of it, ate of corruption till it stank in their nostrils, and their carcasses fell by the thousands in the wilderness by reason of the plagues.” 31:2-3

>> No.4478411

“For the fruits of the trees and the seeds of the herbs alone do I partake, and these are changed by the Spirit into my flesh and my blood. Of these alone and their like shall you eat who believe, and are my disciples, for of these in the Spirit come life and health and healing to man.” 32:4

>> No.4478413

>Acts 15:20 states, “…abstain from food polluted by idols, from sexual immorality, from the meat of strangled animals and from blood.” Acts 15:29 adds, “It seemed good to the Holy Spirit and to us not to burden you with anything beyond the following requirements: You are to abstain from food sacrificed to idols, from blood, from the meat of strangled animals and from sexual immorality. You will do well to avoid these things.”

The aformentioned Acts verses are reiterated in chapter 7, verse 10 of The Gospel of the Nazirenes: “Keep yourselves from blood and things strangled and from dead bodies of birds and beasts, and from all deeds of cruelty, and from all that is gotten from wrong. Do you think that the blood of beasts and birds will wash away sin? I tell you, No! Speak the the truth, be just, and merciful to one another and to all creatures, and walk humbly with your Creator.”

You greatly took this out of context. It is telling you not to drink their blood, and not to strangle them, it mentions nothing of not killing them.

It is a dietary restriction, not condemning the eating of animals.

Animals have to be slaughtered in accordance with scripture... thus don't eat things you find dead, don't drink blood, do not eat animals sacrificed to idols, etc.

That has nothing to do with eating meat, but mere ritual and custom of HOW to properly eat meat.

>> No.4478417

I can understand being a vegetarian, as it is repeteadly proven to be a very healthy lifestyle. In fact I am a vegeterian in private, I just eat meat when it's served socially.
However, being a full vegan (meaning you don't touch eggs, dairy, etc..) is just denying your body of important nutrients and forcing you to take a ton of pills to cope. If you're that concerned about the animals there are several providers that have a staple of treating their animals well, get eggs from free-roaming birds, for example.

>> No.4478418

Uh, no. http://www.hsph.harvard.edu/nutritionsource/calcium-and-milk/

>> No.4478420

Just because something appears to contradicts itself doesnt mean the entirety of it is fallacy. Plus some things appear to contradict one another only when taken out of context.

>> No.4478421

Maybe milk isn't that healthy, but getting proteins from a pure vegan lifestyle is really hard

>> No.4478437

It's very easy. You only need 10% of your daily calories to be from protein if I remember correctly.




>> No.4478438


No it's not hard. You don't need a ton of protein. the average US consumer probably eats about 2 or 3 times the amount needed.

It's actually really easy to get the protein you need. Beans, lentils, vegetables, all have protein in them. Tofu and veggie burgers have tons of protein in them. If you stock your house with these ingredients and eat them instead of meat, you will easily get your daily amount.

After a work out I'll make myself a veggie burger melt with 2 patties. Boom 30 grams of protein. Breakfast is oatmeal with 4 grams of protein. Snack is granola (3g) and cashews (5g). Open a can of chick peas and drain and wash them... put them in a tupper ware, and top your salads with them... 5 grams of protein. Fried toffu cutlets on the side of a salad is another 15g. A plate of beans and rise, or lentils/dahl and rice is 25g.

The hard part about eating a vegan diet isn't getting enough protein when you are cooking and eating your own food. The trick is getting enough protein when you are eating shitty fast food. Imo.. this is why vegan diets are so healthy. You just can't eat fast food if you are going to be vegan because it is basically impossible to get the nutrition you need. (This is actually a problem for non vegans too, but you just don't acknowledge it... by the time you get your full nutritional value from eating fast food you have eaten way too much saturated fat, cholesterol, and sugar)

it's not that eating vegan is difficult.. it's that eating healthy in america is difficult because you have to grow up and cook your own food.

>> No.4478443

milk is healthy.

>> No.4478445

This. He doesn't deserve to be a with a bitch.l

>> No.4478456

>It's actually really easy to get the protein you need. Beans, lentils, vegetables, all have protein in them. Tofu and veggie burgers have tons of protein in them. If you stock your house with these ingredients and eat them instead of meat, you will easily get your daily amount.

I think I just gagged a little and tasted some of my ham sandwich from lunch.

>> No.4478465


milk has a lot of saturated fat in it. a cup of whole milk.. or your breakfast cereal has about 25% of your daily value, if you use the US daily intake guidelines (which are about double what the europeans use - and they suffer les cardio vascular disease - wonder why?) so really it's like 50% of your daily intake of sat fat.

You eat that and a cheese burger and you're over your daily limits.

If you drink skim.. you might as well be drinking water.

Milk is not really that healthy. And you absolutely don't need it to live.

>> No.4478468


Enjoy your diabetes, cvd, cancer.

Thanks for posting in a vegan thread.

>> No.4478471


Saturated fat isn't tied to heart disease like you think it is

>> No.4478478


Yes it is. Specifically palmitic fatty acids like those found in milk.

From the World Health Organizations report on Diet, Nutrition, and the Prevention of Chronic Diseases found at:


Page 92
Saturated fatty acids raise total and low-density lipoprotein (LDL)
cholesterol, but individual fatty acids within this group, have different
effects (3--5). Myristic and palmitic acids have the greatest effect and are
abundant in diets rich in dairy products and meat.

according to the table on page 98:
convincing evidence exists for a high risk link between cvd and the following:
Myristic and palmitic acids
Trans fatty acids
High sodium intake
High alcohol intake (for stroke)

(note that they placed transfats and myristic and palmitic acid in the same evidence category - palmitic being found in meat and dairy products, myristic being found in palm kernel oil, coconut oil, and butter fat)

also page 98:
The evidence shows that intake of saturated fatty acids is directly related
to cardiovascular risk.
Within these limits,
intake of foods rich in myristic and palmitic acids should be replaced by
fats with a lower content of these particular fatty acids

page 157 has a chart that shows the strength of evidence against palmitic acid for CVD - again note that it is the same strength of evidence as transfats

saturated fats in general are also in that table but are found to have a lower quality of evidence.

>> No.4478509
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All the holier than though, placing themselves on pedestal vegans who enjoy saying things like "enjoy the cancer, enjoy yada yada sickness".

Do you people also abstain from drinking and smoking?

Clearly I do not need to indicate why I ask this, but if you do then, hypocrisy much?

Or do you not really care about the health benefits that you claim occur but just try and use that to "scare" people over to your side. Basically thinking well if I can't convince them that people shouldn't eat meat for the sole purpose of animal rights, then I might as well try and scare them?

>Not working on me, I eat meat, smoke, and drink, so your little health rants don't really mean that much to me

>Life is full of risks and ya know... YOLO, so have fun with a long empty life of abstaining from all fun activities.

>> No.4478515

Drinking isn't bad and I don't smoke because it is a high risk activity with zero reward IMO.

Living longer and, more important, healthier means more time doing what I love and spending time with people I love.

You can say smoking cigarettes and being fat are truly what "living is all about", but I don't consider that living the good life.

I'm sure the diabetics with missing appendages, vision loss, mycoses, etc. still think not giving a shit was worth it.

>> No.4478517

>tl;dr version
>moron walks into a vegan thread and posts yolo

>> No.4478521


>> No.4478531

If the conversation is about health and the vegans know about health, obviously they're going to contribute.

Me, I love learning about health. It's been a hobby of mine since I was a freshman in high school (a lot of my family is in the medical field so I think they played some role in that). So I know a lot about nutrition, but that doesn't stop me from overindulging on cookies and Taco Bell.

Just because I don't care about my own health doesn't mean I don't care about others. So of course if I know something someone else doesn't, I'm going to share the information with them.

And if someone else is claiming vegan diets are unhealthy and being a total ass about it, I say vegans have every right to say, "enjoy the cancer, enjoy yada yada sickness".

>> No.4478532

Sorry OP, can't hear you over the sound of a delicious steak that I'll be eating in a few hours for lunch.

>> No.4478535
File: 16 KB, 600x337, 105 old bacon fountain of youth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a particular article of interest for you and the rest of the vegans here asserting meat is so bad for you. Be sure to read ALL and not just the beginning
>A 105-year-old Texas woman who worked a life of physical labor and mothered seven children revealed the secret to her longevity: bacon.

>"I love bacon, I eat it everyday," Pearl Cantrell told NBC affiliate KRBC when asked the secret to living so long. "I don't feel as old as I am, that's all I can say," Cantrell added.

>Cantrell, who lives in central Texas and still dances, also told KRBC that her 105th birthday party was a three-day affair with more than 200 guests.

>When Oscar Mayer found out about Cantrell's love of bacon, it sent one of its iconic Wienermobiles to make a bacon delivery to Cantrell's home. (You can watch video of Cantrell riding around her Texas town in the Wienermobile on local CBS affiliate KHOU.)

I want all you vegans and vegetarians to pay particular attention to this next quote
>There's been some research to back up Cantrell's claim about the health benefits of bacon. A University of Zurich study published by the journal BMC Medicine in March found that eating little or no red meat can be a risk factor for early death. However, the same study found that eating too much bacon increases the risk of bowel cancer. (The study analyzed the diets of more than 400,000 people between the ages of 35 and 69.)

>> No.4478539

This >>4478535

was first directed at you,
and then the rest of the vegans

>> No.4478540

>too much bacon
That's dangerously close to heretical thinking there, bro.

>> No.4478541


That was in no way meant in a negative way towards you. I was actually amused that i've never come across that term before

>> No.4478546


Rather the stinking pile of grass that gets tossed away after doing the lawn...

Btw, do you vegans get upset when someone is cutting their lawn?

>> No.4478549
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I would not touch those people with a 10-foot pole.

>> No.4478551


Oh look.. one woman, who dances a lot, ate meat and lived to tell the tale. This is surely the type of science that we need to make well informed decisions about what men should eat to avoid CVD.

>eating too much bacon increases the risk of bowel cancer

enjoy your cvd, diabetes, cancer.

stop bothering posting in a vegan thread. we don't give a shit here. the science is on our side whether you like it or not and we aren't going to change just because you say we are missing out. if we chose vegan, then it is safe to assume, we don't feel like we are missing out.

>> No.4478552

>caring about animals dying to feed you

if slowly torturing chickens to death over the course of 12 hours made them taste even more delicious, it would be made mandatory and not a single person would care aside from bleeding hearts like yourself

>> No.4478554

111 year old vegan.

108 year old vegan.

Then there are countless vegans who look way younger for their age. And considering how few people were vegan 100 years ago, it really is amazing that there are even two centenarian vegans. It says a lot more than one meat eater out of billions...

>> No.4478555

And yet with all that science you assert is on your side you ignore that which isn't
> eating little or no red meat can be a risk factor for early death.

>> No.4478557
File: 88 KB, 500x373, carnivore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>taking an imaginary moral high ground AND not eating meat
truly, vegans are worse than liberals

>> No.4478559

OMG, I'm a liberal but THIS^ LOL

>liberal meat eater might I add

>> No.4478563

This is a made up scenario, but if it wasn't I would tell OP that many people are able to accept their chosen mate's dietary restrictions and continue to eat how they want.
If my child or spouse decided to become vegan I wouldn't change the rest of the family's menu to cater to just one person. I would respect their choice and counter that they should respect mine. Sticking to your guns and eating the way you think is fit is admirable but nagging about it constantly to your bf will just make him even more aggravated and less likely to change. Seeing you eating delicious meals without comment on his lifestyle will go alot further and may inspire curiosity in trying the lifestyle on his own. If you can't handle that then it is possible you two don't really need to be together.

>> No.4478564


>> No.4478565

>implying chickens aren't already slowly tortured over their entire lives in factory farms.

Natural life for a chicken: 7 years
factory farm life for a male bird: 1 day
facotry farm life for a female bird: 6 weeks

Female chickens can't stretch wings, no room to make nest, can't peck for food. Stressed, they peck each others feathers out and resort to cannibalism, so beaks are burned off (they do have nerve endings in their beaks and this does hurt them)

>> No.4478566

>eating little or no red meat can be a risk factor for early death.
[citation needed]

>> No.4478568

>dying at 80 having lived a life full of bacon, steak, and chicken
>dying at 111 having had no joy whatsoever when it comes to eating
I'll take 80 for $500, Alex.

>> No.4478569

Why would you think that I care about that?

You're just making me hungry.

>> No.4478570

The key to healthy living and long life is MODERATION and EXERCISE. Too little or too much can and will hurt you.

Why does it have to be the extremes with you vegans... apparently you think people can either eat no meat at all or be having 6 square meals of meat and only meat a day.

>> No.4478571


Single study, "can be a risk factor" doesn't say it is actually a risk factor.. and doesn't say what their confidence interval is for the statistical population.

Good job on finding really strong science.

I love it when even bad science says meat gives us cancer and you look the other way.

>> No.4478573

That 111 year old vegan looked pretty damn happy to me.

>> No.4478574

>knows nothing about nutrition
>claims "moderation is key!" thinking they're playing it safe

>> No.4478575

found in article that mentions the study


>> No.4478576


>Have kids.
>Realize it would be nice to see your grand children and even great grand children.
>Lose a leg to diabetes.
>Repent on your death bed like all the other sinners.

"I was young and stupid.. thought i'd live forever."

You all sound like teenagers that just haven't grown up yet.

If you are teenagers.. enjoy eating whatever you want right now. no one is talking to you. your metabolism is fine and you can eat anything right now and you'll be relatively healthy. this science stuff around eating right is for grown ups that need all the help they can get as they have half a foot in the grave already.

>> No.4478577

You realize there are other places, beside factory farms that sell humanely raised meat?

>> No.4478579

The factory farming of all animals is a bad thing:

Natural lifespan: We'd love to know.
Factory-farmed lifespan: 73 male, 78.5 female.
Natural diet: Semi-wild hunter gatherer existing mainly off roots and tubers and some meat.
Farmed diet: Processed beef, anaemic veal, drugged eggs to give artificially yellow yolk, chocolate, Coke.
Natural habitat: Border of woodland.
Unnatural habitat: City centres, offices, M25 motorway.
Natural behaviour: Warm, gregarious, loving, with a heart of gold and a survival instinct.
Confined behaviour: Aggressive ("road rage", kicking photocopiers in office etc.) terse, vengeful, depressed, nihilistic, introverted.

Most of the vegan backlash, i consider to just come from the fact that the people lashing out are factory farmed themselves, and it's the only thing they know.

>> No.4478581

She probably has a low threshold for excitement then.

Collecting Stamps and knitting sweaters for the great grandchildren who never come and visit because Grandma only serves celery to them is probably like riding a roller coaster to the rest of us.

>> No.4478583

Do you even know anything about cancer? There are over 200 different kinds, and many have nothing to do with diet.

There are many things that increase or decrease your chances of getting it, but the one factor that you can't do anything about is age. You want to cry about meat being the ultimate evil? What about salt? It causes cancer in japan because most of their food is full of it, and TOO MUCH OF ANYTHING IS ALMOST ALWAYS BAD FOR YOU.

Eating meat won't increase your odds for getting cancer any more than spinach. Being a worthless fatass that eats barely cooked meat every few hours or a weakly vegan who doesn't exercise will do far more damage than someone who eats both in moderation and gets plenty of exercise.

>> No.4478584

>implying this is even 1% of the 8 billion chickens killed per year

>> No.4478589

>implying you are some sort of oncologist.

Many studies are finding that consumption of meat, even vegetarian consumption of dairy, raises your risk of certain types of cancer 6 fold.

>> No.4478590

Well I'm in my late 20's, a meat eater, and I never ever plan nor want children, let alone grand children. Children get on my ever loving nerves. I hate it when parents bring their brats along to movies or restaurants. Kids are the devil.

>> No.4478593

>hurrrr meat gives you diabeetus
This is what vegetarians actually believe.

>> No.4478598

>implying humane ranching didn't come about because of a need for a better way

it won't make up the rest of that 99% if more people don't push for it so writing it off isn't helping anything vegtwat

>> No.4478595

>increase 0.0001% by 6 fold
wow, it's fucking nothing

>> No.4478596

The 111 year old vegan was a he, and he was still traveling the world and had his 111th birthday party as they filmed.

All smiles.

>> No.4478603

All of the unnatural habits except the lifespan and the confined one sound much more fun.

>> No.4478604

Animal protein causes cancer:

Vegan blood fights cancer 8x better:

>> No.4478609


>> No.4478610

I swear the way you describe things sounds just like a fucking politician pushing that agenda.

>> No.4478611

>I have no idea about anything

>> No.4478607

>tfw working on my fourth kid right now and only 25
I want at least a dozen, hopefully more. Gotta boost up that white TFR brah.

Also the idea of millions tracing their ancestry back to me a thousand years from now makes me happy inside.

>> No.4478613

A low-fat vegan diet and a conventional diabetes diet in the treatment of type 2 diabetes: a randomized, controlled, 74-wk clinical trial1,2,3,4

>> No.4478614

Meat consumption and the risk of type 2 diabetes: a systematic review and meta-analysis of cohort studies
We identified 12 cohort studies. The estimated summary RR and 95% confidence interval of type 2 diabetes comparing high vs low intake was 1.17 (95% CI 0.92–1.48) for total meat, 1.21 (95% CI 1.07–1.38) for red meat and 1.41 (95% CI 1.25–1.60) for processed meat. There was heterogeneity amongst the studies of total, red and processed meat which, to some degree, was explained by the study characteristics.

>> No.4478615
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Congratulations, you're retarded.

>> No.4478616

Does diet affect the intensity of someone's body odor? Like if you eat meat does it change how your pits and feet smell? Or how your semen tastes?

>> No.4478618

>Eating meat won't increase your odds for getting cancer any more than spinach
You obviously don't understand the literature.

>> No.4478620
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>> No.4478621

Picking an anomaly =/= a peer-reviewed study showing causation or, at least, strong correlation.

Do you even science? Or think, for that matter?

>> No.4478623

Like if I increased the meat in my diet would the smell of my pits and feet intensify, and would the taste of my semen become stronger?

>> No.4478627

Yes, similar to how eating shitloads of garlic, onion and asparagus can make you reek.Eating an excess of anything is bad for you.

>> No.4478629

I thought we agreed how to handle this shit.

>> No.4478632

I eat meat and hunt, and I also eat a few vegetarian meals a week.

I find it interesting how people pretend that a life not eating meat is somehow not worth living. You guys sound like depressed eaters who don't have much joy in your life.

A healthier, longer life without meat would mean more sex, exercise, hiking, canoeing, time with friends and family, productivity, and all the hobbies and little things I enjoy.

To think eating meat 1-2 times a day is more important than everything else is just sad and retarded.

>> No.4478631

>oh no if I have fun something bad might happen
Guess I should never go outside. Might get hit by a car.

>> No.4478633

Oh look, the "everything causes cancer" 'argument'.

>> No.4478634

>implying that you could actually ranch, grass feed, farm 8 billion chickens a year.

You would need 20% of the land area of the continental united states.

>> No.4478639

>mfw a 1000 years from now all your ancesters won't be eating meat because it's not sustainable and unhealthy.

>> No.4478640

Oooo, I'm going to have to get my lover to increase his garlic and meat intake, it turns me on to smell a man's sweat and B/O, and if more of it will make it smell more strong, then I'm gonna start feeding him more meat.

>> No.4478644

>implying anyone thinks like that
Most of us just find it amusing that people would deny themselves pleasure because of a minute chance they'll increase their already (if they're actually trying to be healthy) infintismally small risk for cancer.

>> No.4478648

>ever not eating meat
vegans are a freak minority that are looked down upon by normal people.

like transvestites

>> No.4478649


>> No.4478654

hey now! thats not fair to the transvestites. I'd much rather have a son who was a transvestite than a vegan.

>> No.4478655
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Vegans: 0
Meat Lovers: 9001

>> No.4478657

Nothing beats the taste of veal, and yes I know how veal is made... does not bother me.

>> No.4478658

>infintismally small risk for cancer.
uhhh maybe you should read a bit more.

>> No.4478662


me so hungry now!

>> No.4478663

You should read actual studies and not batshit crazy leftist blogs a bit more.

>> No.4478666

Would vegans and animal people be happy if at least in larger mammals such as cows and pigs we got our meat from aborting baby cow and pig fetuses and eating them?

Like impregnate more cows and pigs and just have assembly line animal abortions.

>> No.4478678

I could go for a plate of sausages and bacon and a 6 pack of beer right about now.

>> No.4478679
File: 42 KB, 528x423, alanshorekiddingface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You tried too hard, son.

>> No.4478684

So you think the risk of cancer is "infinitesimal" in the general population? lol okay

Also, not sure why you are making this a polarized political issue. I'm not America, so cry about left/right to yourself.

>> No.4478686

>165 posts omitted

Something tells me he tried and succeeded.

>> No.4478689

God imagine being vegan

>No more pulled pork barbecue fresh off the grill smothered in bbq sauce
>No more hamburgers
>No more steak
>No more thanksgiving turkey
>No more bacon
>No more holiday ham
>No eggs or anything with eggs in it
>Nothing with milk in it... no cheese or ice cream
>no veal
>no crab legs
>no lobster tails
>no shrimp
>no fried chicken
>no cod or haddock or any fish
>no vension
>no lamb chops
>no calamari

>Life of tofu, nuts, fruits, and vegetables


>> No.4478695

I feel like going out and buying some leather and suede clothes and then going out for a hearty steak dinner dressed in my new threads.

>> No.4478696

I like many of the foods you mentioned, but eschewing them for moral/health reasons wouldn't be as unimaginable as people seem to think.

Then again, I have more going on in my life than what I eat.

>> No.4478697


1 out of 3 people in the US die of cancer.
It is the number 2 leading cause of death.


Heart disease: 597,689
Cancer: 574,743
Chronic lower respiratory diseases: 138,080
Stroke (cerebrovascular diseases): 129,476
Accidents (unintentional injuries): 120,859
Alzheimer's disease: 83,494
Diabetes: 69,071
Nephritis, nephrotic syndrome, and nephrosis: 50,476
Influenza and Pneumonia: 50,097
Intentional self-harm (suicide): 38,364

>read a fucking book

You'll notice heart disease and cancer blow away all the other causes. Both are 5 times more likely than the 3rd leading cause.

Oh.. and.. oddly enough.. both of them are directly linked with eating meat.

>> No.4478702

>Natural behaviour: Warm, gregarious, loving, with a heart of gold and a survival instinct.


Wild humans are predators with violent group dynamics who often display extremely territorial behaviour to those who do not belong to their group and who can only survive in the wild by a large volume of knowledge that is passed on and improved through generations.

>> No.4478703


>> No.4478705

S-still a tiny risk.

>> No.4478706

You mean Taco Bell in your stained sweat pants?

>> No.4478707

>Wild humans are predators with violent group dynamics who often display extremely territorial behaviour to those who do not belong to their group and who can only survive in the wild by a large volume of knowledge that is passed on and improved through generations.
Based on what...

>> No.4478709

>Wild humans
Uh as opposed to what? Do you think we are domesticated humans?

>> No.4478716

>tiny risk

um.. no? either you, your mom, or your dad, will statistically die of cancer.

>> No.4478724

Pic related. Most primitive people aren't nice happy almost-vegetarians. Hunting is an important part of all those cultures. The Inuit perhaps being an extreme example.
Did you even read

>> No.4478730
File: 139 KB, 473x500, danifight-headhunters-warriors[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic...

>> No.4478731

>The Inuit perhaps being an extreme example.
Maybe because there is nothing else but meat to sustain them?

>> No.4478738

So you think these "fierce wild humans" that have "wars" which result in dozens of casualties are somehow more aggressive than we are?

Do you have any idea about recent and modern warfare in the western world?

I don't even know what your argument is.

>> No.4478742


Actually we are. Much like any other species shows when domesticated, the thickness of human skulls began to decrease with the advent of agriculture.

>> No.4478749


All primates, and almost all animals, will fight when necessary to survive.

That does not make them evil people 100% of the time.

The high crime rates we see these days, are a product of modern living. Crime was lower in primative cultures, because being ostracized from the group/tribe meant starvation in most cases. Humans thrive in groups - because humans are kind to other humans and we have grown accustom to relying on a societal matrix for food, shelter, leadership... if humans were inherently evil, we would not trust each other and live in tribes.

>> No.4478758

You should read the definition of domestication and see how it can possibly be applied to humans.

>> No.4478760

Meat eating and suffering are just apart of life. It is apart of the cycle, part of natural selection, one species will hunt and kill another. It is what it is. Are PETA people going to try and genetically restructure the lion to eat tofu and not the gazelle?

Sorry but life is not all sunshine and sparkles, we don't live in a carebears cartoon.

If you have a problem with it, take it up with God or Darwin depending on your beliefs.

>> No.4478777

Omg, this is going to sound horrible but without clicking on the pic and looking at the thumb nail I legit thought those were actual monkeys carrying spears... lol

>> No.4478781

Theres no better way to kill the atmosphere at a dinner party than inviting a vegan.

>> No.4478787

You seriously thought monkeys were dressed up and carrying weapons?

>> No.4478793

You mean a vocal card carrying member of PETA vegan?

>> No.4478795

>Sorry but life is not all sunshine and sparkles, we don't live in a carebears cartoon.
Says the person who has no affiliation with the land and buys his food from a grocery store.

I know where you are coming from, but claiming to understand reality and the inherent suffering of life while buying processed meat is a joke.

>> No.4478796


God and Darwin either created us, or explained how we became, able to think about eating meat. We have done the scientific research to find that we don't need it to survive. We can seperate ourselves from the "lesser animals" and do what we want. God or Darwin granted us, or explained how we became, capable of free will.

We don't have to eat meat like the lion, and there is no science in saying "llions eat meat, it is the way of the world, humans should eat meat." humans are not lions.

we are similar to the great apes.. and they are about 99% vegan, only eating meat when absolutely no other food source exists, or when group infighting causes the death of an animal, they sometimes resort to cannibalizing the corpse. This cannibalizing is actually most often associated with chimps, and is an odd behaviour among monkeys in general.

>> No.4478800

Animals have done stranger things, plus knowing us humans and our propensity to dress animals up, it's not that BIG of a stretch.

>> No.4478805

you are just the worst kind of perosn

>> No.4478810

Disease and suffering are just apart of life. It is apart of the cycle, part of natural selection, one species will infect and kill another. It is what it is. Are medical professionals and research people going to try and physically heal the sick and unwell?

Sorry but life is not all sunshine and sparkles, we don't live in a carebears cartoon.

If you have a problem with it, take it up with God or Darwin depending on your beliefs.

>> No.4478813

I bet if they figured out how to make fire like us humans, that 99% vegan diet would quickly shift over towards eating meat after cooked over a hot open flame.

>> No.4478819

citations needed
>implying your free will is more important than others free will (as in, telling us what and how we should eat)

Also, fucking sage, get rid of this cancer, /ck/.

>> No.4478820

I'm actually this guy: >>4478632

I hunt and, while the vast majority of my kills have been fast, I have caused animals to suffer before they died. It is not something to take lightly and people, as long as they aren't psychopaths, feel very bad about it and think about a bad kill for a long time afterward. It isn't just, "well, that's the way the world works lol".

You can act like you are a tough guy because you eat store bought meat and never think of the implications, but that is just another form of delusion and ignorance. At least vegans make some sort of sacrifice and show abstract thought and care when it comes to food.

You just accept what your parents taught you, do not judge your own actions and thoughts, go with the status quo and what is convenient, and think that this makes you more in touch with reality.

>> No.4478824

>Also, fucking sage, get rid of this cancer, /ck/.
Summerfag detected.

>> No.4478828

How do vegans feel about small farmers? I have five chickens and two milk goats. They all live a pretty happy life. Have you ever heard the happy cluck of a chicken as you held and pet it?

I eat my chicken's eggs. If I didn't eat them, my chickens would, true story. They go crazy over their own eggs. One is a little older and her eggs are pretty soft now, and all the other chickens go after her eggs like they're going out of style.

When my goats are giving milk, they go crazy when they don't get milked. Seriously, you don't want to piss off a dairy-laden goat.

If it's entirely ethical veganism, what do you do when you come over and I offer you some egg twist bread with fresh butter?

>> No.4478829

>Because my body isn't a graveyard
The life force of thousands of animals are Alive within me. Most of these animals are far beyond their life expectancy and in a way I am able to combine my life with theirs and extend their time here. It's a shame they didn't get a choice, but they were weaker. The plants they ate were weaker too.

How to vegetarians feel about us eating carnivores? Clearly it helps the cause.
Like the spider keeping my house insect free.

>> No.4478830


I'm not telling you what to do. I'm saying human's have free will and you can decide what to do.

I am saying that thinking that lions eat meat means we should eat meat is stupid... that's just shit tier logic.

>> No.4478835

Haha, imagine inviting a Vegan over for Thanksgiving dinner with a bunch of meat eating friends and serve a Turducken (A chicken stuffed into the ass end of a duck, which is then stuffed into the ass end of a Turkey and cooked). It's delicious, but I'm sure it will go over like a fart in church with the Vegan... I'm sure that is the ultimate abomination in their eyes... all it needs is stuffing made with veal in it shoved up the ass end of the chicken.

>> No.4478839

Nope. The vegan threads are the cancer that is killing /ck/. Anyone who's a regular knows this. GTFO vegan scum.

>> No.4478841

and imagine wearing a suede suit and having a stuffed grouse on the wall lololol that would be crazy lololol

>> No.4478850

>the cancer
>vegan scum
>not accepting vegan threads as a normal component of /ck/ after so many years


>> No.4478861

Those animals should be grateful I ate them. Because now their life force serves a higher purpose. Like posting on /ck/

>> No.4478863

Keep it up, you fucking pus-filled tumor.

>> No.4478865

Sage is the cancer that ruined my gravy yesterday. The spaghetti was ruined.

>> No.4478866


There are some funny fuckers on /ck/ right now. I'm loving this, especially the hipster duo clashing in the other thread.

Good stuff.

>> No.4478869
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>spaghetti + gravy

>> No.4478870

Vegan threads are NOT a normal part of /ck/. This board is for food and cooking, not your lifestyle choices. Go to /soc/ or /r9k/ or /adv/ or some other board where people whine about their life choices.

>> No.4478873
File: 11 KB, 225x225, rp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP's future is that of a unmarried, childless existence living in a dirty apartment surrounded by cats, both living and dead, and expiring in her 50's due to a combination of depression and malnutrition.

>> No.4478880

Don't forget a bear skin rug, and if there's a fire place a nice big deer head mounted on top.

Oh and have a cage of minks in your garage and tell them you're raising them and selling them for fur while giving a tour of the house, just for the add effect.

>> No.4478883

>Vegan threads are NOT a normal part of /ck/.
Uhhhh I've been on /ck/ for like 3-4 years and they most definitely are.

>> No.4478884

oh that made me lol

>> No.4478890

I was talking to this vegan chick once, and she resorted to calling me a "corpse muncher" when she couldn't convince me to give up meat, and later got all depressed ending with something like "I'm sick of this world!" It was the most emo nonsense I've ever heard.

>> No.4478892
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>Not ignoring OPs obvious, over the top trolling.
>female vegan
>wants to turn her boyfriend
>includes lots of misspelled words
>uses the word "foodie"
>calls veganism logical and moral

Seriously guys. Seriously. Stop feeding the troll.

>> No.4478894


I was talking to this vegan chick once, and she resorted to calling me a "corpse muncher". So I killed her and went down on her to show her the difference.

And you know what? Vegans DO taste better!

>> No.4478896

Are the majority of Vegans here femanons? It just seems to me that females make up the vast majority of vegans, at least the vocal ones. I meat many many more female vegans than males. Do we have any male vegans amongst us?

>> No.4478899

LIES. This shit only started in seriously a few month ago. Before that, we'd get the occasional, random thread.
vegan pls go

>> No.4478900

Pre-op males, yes.

>> No.4478902

It could also be a gay/bi male vegan? I didn't see any personal pronouns used other than in remarking about her/his bf.

>> No.4478920

This thread is bad and you should feel bad.

>> No.4478943

I heard an argument on tv, I forget from where once, that meat eating and the sexual objectivity of women were interconnected, and that only could the objectification of women end with meat eating. I really did not see nor understand the connection... and what about women meat eaters or gay male meat eaters how would that contribute to the objectification of women.... It seems like these people will really grab at straw, no matter how silly or outlandish to try and convince any and everyone.

>> No.4478949

I don't understand the point of giving up eggs and dairy, and for those vegans who insist that it is linked to torturing the creatures, theres always free range...

>> No.4478972

Serious question here, posed to the Vegans and Vegetarians,

Do you people oppose the purchasing of products that contain meat such as Friskies which intended use is for feeding your cat, or if your old and poor for the elderly?

By buying it you are supporting the meat industry which you so vehemently despise and oppose, but how else are we going go to feed our cats and dogs?

>> No.4478988

You know, I'm not upset at the OP's post because they're just an obese nerd with a micro penis that's starved for attention. What I'm absolutely disgusted about is the fact this thread has 231 replies. I'm incredibly disappointed by you all for responding to this thread, hell I'm disappointed in myself for replying to point this shit out to you all. You all should be ashamed.

>> No.4478999

>On 4Chan
>Pointing finger
>Dishing out shame


>> No.4479007

Sounds like projection to me.

>> No.4479008

Posting on /ck/, a board where a moajority of the posters hate or dislike vegans is forcing your beliefs down our throat.

Also, the image you posted gives animals the same moral standing as humans, when they're very clearly inferior to humans.

>> No.4479022
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>230 replies

/ck/ really is shaping up to be the new /g/. Vegan and Keurig shit is the new Apple.

>> No.4479088
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"Free-range" in most cases is merely a marketing term.

>> No.4479093
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i'm vegan mostly due to the health benefits and environmental degradation caused by the meat industry. my mom became vegetarian after i informed her how dramatically the likelihood of cancer, heart disease, and obesity increased due to eating meat.
statistically, most people become vegan/vegetarian when they are confronted with the violence and abuse inflicted on animals.

>> No.4479098
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>a moajority of the posters hate or dislike vegans

>> No.4479106

>>4479088 Not if you actually know where your food comes from. I buy pastured eggs from chickens that eat bugs and scratch around on the ground. My farmer's name is Linda, she lives in a town named Walker. She doesn't have a marketing team, just good eggs.

>> No.4479109
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Im vegetarian for 17 years.

No fish no eggs no meat no fish of any sort.

No regrets, only wins.

>> No.4479118
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yeah, a life of good health due to eating a sustainable, sane diet is pretty terrible!

>> No.4479123

I'm vegan and for Thanksgiving I bought my family a free roaming turkey.

I don't like much that they're killed as babies, but I just couldn't sit at the same table with a Butterball turkey...

>> No.4479125
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>we're supposed to eat meat
i've said it before and i'll say it again: biological teleology is the surest sign of a dull mind.

>> No.4479128

I'm female but most of the vegans I know are male. Maybe it's just 4-chan.

>> No.4479133

Sage kills the cancer

>> No.4479150

Vegan here. There are more humane, sustainable options for pet food.

You CAN feed your cat vegan pet food. I'm not sure I'd recommend it without vet approval though. So if you don't want to risk harming your cat, there are brands like Weruva, Orijen, Acana, and Laughing Dog that offer more humane (not to say it's free of cruelty - just better than the other crap) pet food. I'm not against feeding your pets that. Basically my philosophy is do the least harm possible. It's not about being 100% pure for me.

Dogs are easier to feed vegan diets. (One of the oldest dogs that ever lived was fed a vegetarian diet.) They can even thrive. www.v-dog.com < What I plan on feeding my dogs soon. Currently I'm feeding them Nature's Domain from Costco. It's wild-caught salmon with berries and vegetables. Actually a really good quality dog food especially for the price.

>> No.4479159

I'm glad to see a veg-fag finally recognizing all the animals brutally slaughtered under PETA.

Most animals for eating are slaughtered fairly young as the meat is tenderer than when they're several years old. A five year old chicken is usually only suitable for stock.

>> No.4479171

>brutally slaughtered
Please show your sources for this.

>> No.4479176

la la la la killing the cancer

>> No.4479211

>my body isnt a graveyard
funny because vegans always look 10 times worse than everyone else. they always look like decrepit starving fucks

>> No.4479220


All the vegans I know are hot, and most are super buff...


>> No.4479237

>All the vegans I know are hot

There are non-hot and overweight people a part of any diet. Look at Sea Shepherd's Paul Watson. Dude's been overweight his entire life.

But as a whole, yes, statistically the average vegan or vegetarian is in better physical shape than an average omnivore American.

As for hotness, well, half of Hollywood is vegan so I guess it's valid.

>> No.4479247


It's a fact of the industry due to slaughterhouse failure rates that millions of animals get slaughtered when still conscious due to animals moving during the bolt gun procedure, workers making mistakes due to the fast factory pace, etc.

You can find tons of information on this in slaughterhouse industry articles, and articles in veterinary medicine. Temple Grandin (Google her if you don't know her) has been trying to reform the process so as to get the failure rates at least as low as 10%

Here's an article about it in a veterinary medical journal.


>> No.4479250


What is your endgame even with this? If you hate the nature of these animals why not get a fucking goat and be happy with it? Why would you try to change everything about them to fit your ideals?

And then what about all the animals out there killing animals? One day when you get every human and domestic animal on soy are you going to start tying up lions trying to feed them berries and not letting antelopes get too close to them?

I'm all for making the personal decision not to eat something or whatever. But when you start inflicting it upon innocent animals it strikes me as worse cruelty than slaughterhouses. If you can't deal with your pet eating meat, don't have a meat eating pet. If you can't handle your child potentially deciding to eat meat, don't have one.

>> No.4479252
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>Please show your sources for this.

Oh, forgot to mention the well-known Washington Post front page article from years back titled, "They Die Piece by Piece"


>> No.4479262


>> No.4479275

>inflicting it upon innocent animals

Let's be fair, domesticated cats, especially in cities where they're usually indoors all day, are not out their hunting to survive. They eat processed canned and dry food. Whether or not they get all the nutrients they need is the only bottom line.

I know vegans who have tried vegan cat food, and the cats don't like it. I've also known vegans who tried cat food and their cats loved it and never wanted to eat the cheap canned fish again. Likely depends on the cat, but certainly not "inflicting" if the cat loves it.

I feed my dog Natural Balance's vegan formula because I believe it's a much healthier option than the sketchy meat they put in dog food, and it has all the same nutrients. When I put it in my dog's food bowl, I first mixed it in with his original food. He loved the vegan one so much that he picked out only those pellets to eat, and wouldn't touch the beef food.

This is all about domesticated pets. I know of no vegan or animal rights group that even suggests, let alone advocates, for shit like getting lions to eat tofu

>> No.4479293


I still really wouldn't call it "brutal". It is still more like execution. No one is making it more gorey for fun or relishing animal pain. Even if the animal is just stunned and not unconscious when it is hung up and it's throat cut it isn't exactly like they're clubbing it to death. I'd consider myself lucky if I was killed that way if I had to be killed simply because it is at least execution without the intent to promote suffering. It's a hell of a lot kinder than the ways nature kills animals that's for damn sure.

It's quick and to the purpose. Have you seen it done? It is surprisingly free of any brutality or even pain for the animal. Just surprise and then they're gone. I've seen it done as euthanasia for a cow that couldn't make it off the property without any bolt gun at all but done slaughter style so as not to waste the meat during my rounds vet teching on farms.

Temple Grandin is an amazing woman though. I use a lot of her techniques.

>> No.4479317


But cats eat meat. Why get a cat if you can't deal with that eventuality? There are naturally vegetarian animals you could keep as pets instead.

Especially with cats seeing as so much can go wrong if you're not paying attention, they can go blind. I concede that if the animal is healthy and fine you can keep doing what you're doing but I'd say the same for the people who have their animals jump through rings of fire. I still think it is fucking stupid and insulting to the animal itself.

Are you saying that if you knew the meat wasn't sketchy and was harvested as ethically as possible, it would be okay for your animal to eat it? Because a cat by nature would capture, torture, kill, and eat a mouse no matter what you're feeding it. Does that make the cat bad?

These are animals that naturally eat meat and harvest it in ways that are actually pretty fucked up ethically, I've seen my cat turn mice into paraplegics and attempt to play with their half crawling bodies for hours until I execute the mice for mercy.

Wouldn't it be better to have a guinea pig or something?

>> No.4479329


I'm so tired of this stupid argument.

I went vegan because of animals being tortured in factory farms. It had nothing to do with animals being killed. And as I said earlier, dogs can thrive on vegan diets. If you're going to bitch at me for wanting to feed my dogs vegan pet food, why aren't you bitching at every person who feeds their pets kibble, since that's also unnatural and not the best for them. Why aren't you bitching at people who feed their pets Iams or Science Diet?

V-dog also has no soy, no corn, and no wheat.

And I've tested vegetarian food on my dogs and they go nuts over it. There is literally no sacrifice here that I'm forcing onto my dogs.

And you obviously know nothing about factory farming or slaughterhouses (or pet nutrition) if you honestly think that feeding my pets V-dog would be worse...

Sorry if I sound bitchy but this is so fucking stupid and I'm tired of this argument being brought up by naive meat eaters.

>> No.4479342

Sorry, I meant to ask him to show his sources for PETA "brutally slaughtering" animals. I can see how that was confusing.

Good information you posted though. Bookmarked it.

>> No.4479343


Yeah, on a whole no one is purposefully out there trying to make farm animals suffer, except in the case of some sociopathic workers. The industry is driven by profit. It just happens that the most profitable thing is to give animals pretty terrible living conditions.

Regardless, because of the fast work pace, worker fatigue from long hours, and other issues, in the world's largest slaughterhouses we still see countless incidents of animals going through the scalding tanks when still alive, animals getting slaughtered while not even stunned, etc.

Do these things happen the majority of the time? No, but when you're slaughtering 10 billion animals a year in the US even a failure rate in a single digits equates to millions of animals undergoing pretty horrific things.

That Washington Post is a good glimpse at some of the humane issues. I consider it very brutal, personally. As brutal as beating someone to death? Dunno but I sure as hell wouldn't want to die "piece by piece" in the slaughterhouse or go through a scalding tank when still conscious.

Slaughterhouses, and companies like Tyson, treat their own workers horrendously, so it's no surprise the animals aren't facing much better.


Report from Human Rights Watch about it.

>> No.4479344

>meat eaters, naive

Welp, you're useless..
You know, that's the main problem with you fucking vegans, you actually do think you're superior, both in health and intellect. While you sit around parroting what you've been told by other vegans, using sources from other vegans, and basically circling jerking. And yet you have the nerve to call omnivores naive....LOL

>> No.4479346

Wohoo vegan violence. Because meat eater only deserve the legs broken.

With that nazi vegans here inclusive hunting your own meat is like kiss pupies.

>> No.4479347

Pigs and chickens are also scalded alive. Cows are skinned fully conscious, etc.

According to investigators and slaughterhouse workers this happens much more often than you'd think.

>> No.4479355

If you hate factory farms, then don't buy from them. Find a lot butcher who gets local product and buy that. Stop being a fucking idiot.

>> No.4479359

>But cats eat meat. Why get a cat if you can't deal with that eventuality? There are naturally vegetarian animals you could keep as pets instead.

I don't really like cats, so I'm just going off what I know about others. Lots of people have cats/are cat lovers before they even turn vegan, so there is that.

But yes, if you're passionate about veganism I don't think you should keep a carnivore as a pet. I know a chick that has a snake, and feeds him frozen mice, and yet somehow never thinks about the fact that mice for pet food are treated like shit in factory conditions as well.

When I asked her about it, she said veganism was her life choice, but she wouldn't make her animals vegan because she isn't them.

Hypocrites are abound in every people group.

>> No.4479361

V-dog seems to be very bad for dogs though.
It seems that while your dogs may enjoy it they are missing out on vital nutrients and not only that but the vitamins in vdog are harder to absorb into their bodies.
Turns out Bio Chemistry still plays a massive role in animal growth as well the animals healthfulness, which you seem to be ignoring in favor of your personal anecdotes or feelings.

>> No.4479365

I just get really tired of hearing the same arguments over and over by meat eaters who think they know everything when they really haven't looked into the subject at all...

>> No.4479367

If that ever does happen, it's because of a major fuck up.
I've seen chicken slaughtered, hogs too. And while it's not for the squeamish, the actual killing is done very quickly. Chicken are particularly easy to kill quickly. Scalded alive my ass. And if a plant did do that, it should be shut down, no doubt. But I've never seen anything of that sort, ever.

>> No.4479371

Meat is just meat.

As long as it's clean and not human, why not eat it?

>> No.4479372

Well the thing is after I started researching factory farming obsessively I learned a lot of things about meat and dairy in general that just make it pretty retarded to choose to eat it.

And my vegan food tastes awesome. Even if their were no health risks or moral dilemmas with animal products I still wouldn't want to eat it ever again.

>> No.4479373

Same to you, bud.

>> No.4479374


>> No.4479375
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>> No.4479389


There's a misconception that local = humane, but this isn't really the case all the time. Animals on smaller farms can still undergo many of the same procedures people oppose. I've looked into quite a few local sources here in California, and all the chickens were still debeaked without anaesthetic, chickens were sourced from hatcheries that grind up male chicks alive,etc. And regardless of how the animal is raised, slaughtering is still the end step, and from quite a few reports smaller scale slaughterhouses have even higher failure rates than the industrial ones.

I still believe it's way better to eat a chicken that got to see the light of day, or a pig that wasn't kept in a gestation crate its entire life, but just buying from a local butcher isn't a solution for lots of ethical issues people have with meat production.

>> No.4479397


I don't know V-Dog, never used it, but most vegan brands are of course made to contain every essential nutrient for dogs, since otherwise they'd be useless. I took my dog for bloodwork about three months ago, and he's actually way healthier on the Natural Balance vegan formula than when I had him on beef dry food.

>> No.4479399

Hmm. I looked around other sites at reviews before considering this dog food and they all looked great. But I'll read through that.

And also a little background that played a role in my decision process: I've tried many different protein sources and different dog food, excluding all the common allergens, but my dog still has allergies. So far he's done the best on the salmon dog food, but after learning that some dogs are actually allergic to animal protein, I figured I'd give the vegan dog food a try since I had really nothing to lose.

I also read in reviews that dogs coats improve after feeding them V-Dog. I would love if my dog didn't have that itch he has anymore. I'm crossing my fingers this will work.

>> No.4479412
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It happens by accident in factory farms. Google it if you don't believe me.

I've seen chickens slaughtered quickly as well. But just because you've seen them slaughtered quickly doesn't mean that's always the case...

>> No.4479415

What have I talked about that I haven't looked into?

>> No.4479419

>And if a plant did do that, it should be shut down

Scalding alive actually isn't that uncommon. These things happen in some of the largest meat plants, and are a reality of the extremely fast slaughterhouse pace, worker fatigue, etc.

Have you worked in a plant like Tyson? There is quite a few reports and video evidence on these incidents, and lots of first hand accounts by slaughterhouse workers at these plants as well.

No one is okay with scalding alive, of course, but it's not enough of a concern to the industry to slow down the pace or put in more safety checks since that would be a large drop in production and consequently revenue.

It's like transportation of livestock. Many animals undergo broken limbs and other injuries when being transported, but the only solution to this would be to cut down on the density of animals in the trucks, redesign them, etc. Which is a whole lot of money for something most people don't care about.

>> No.4479414


Is every herbivore B12 deficient or just humans? 'Cause there's a lot more herbivores than carnivores out there

>> No.4479424


Defending your home vs killing an animal to eat it. Nobody would care if a wolf came and attacked you and you killed it. But I would find you to be a dick if you just went around killing bugs for no reason

>> No.4479425

Ill just group my response to you two instead of addressing points individually because I am supposed to be studying for bio chemistry right now.

Just because something contains something doesnt mean it will actually do any good or harm. An example would be molecular mercury in vaccines, when I say that people get all scared but in reality the mercury is completely harmless in the environment of your body. What it comes down to is the form of the vitamin or mineral and how it is bound in the molecule or compound it is located in. I dont expect this argument to make sense to you though unless you actually have knowledge of chemistry and bio chemistry, nor do I know how to dumb it down further than what I just did. But my point is this, just because it says something is in there doesnt mean it will actually have the ability to biochemically interact with your body.

>> No.4479436


B12 is produced in soil, from bacteria. When herbivores eat grass, and other things in the soil, they consume the trace amounts of minerals and cobalt they need.

But yes, B12 deficiency does happen in cows and other animals if they aren't getting the nutrients from the soil.

>> No.4479449

Accidents are a part of life. Does that make it okay? No. Factory farming is poor farming, and it should change, of course. However, these accidents are not any worse or better than other industry accidents. Not too long ago, a worker somewhere close to where I live died while cleaning a brewing tank. There was a man who died falling into an industrial mixer in a plant that made baked goods. This morning, a driver a of semi died when his truck carrying food products overturned. Industrial accidents, whether animal or human, are a part of the game. Now, I'm not saying it's okay, or that it shouldn't be corrected, but this thing where vegan try to use scare tactics and bullying to force people to stop eating meat is just plain ridiculous. You're not addressing the real problems. It's not the eating of meat that's the problem, it's the industrial techniques and practices.

>> No.4479461


I've heard that more meat-eaters are deficient in B12 than vegans. What's up with that?

>> No.4479470


My bachelor's was in molecular and cell biology from Berkeley ;)

Animal nutrition is the far more relevant field here, though, man. What specific nutrients do you believe a dog will only adequately absorb through animal-based sources rather than plants? "Absorb less efficiently" doesn't really mean much if it has no realistic effect. More protein is absorbed through beef than plant-sources in humans as well, yet that difference is negligible since one still can meet all their amino acid needs regardless.

It's that way with all nutrients, really. Are iron, calcium, etc. more easily absorbed in certain foods? Sure. But doesn't matter so long as you meet your body's nutritional needs. That's the only bottom line.

I don't know of any large studies comparing dogs on vegan formulas vs. meat formulas, but my own dog is very healthy on Nature's Balance, and loves it.

>> No.4479473


Vegans take B12 supplements. Most other people don't.

>> No.4479475


But how would you be B12 deficient with meat in your diet?