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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4477502 No.4477502 [Reply] [Original]

Howdy /ck/, it's about time for some CHEESE GENERAL NIGGAS!

What is your favorite? What have you tried recently? What do you want to try? Cheesy recipes?

>> No.4477508

OP here, going to leave some Cheese experiments I've done lately.

Extra sharp cheddar + cream-cheese frosting creates a really sweet and pungent spread

Smoked gouda + chocolate cream cheese frosting also works

Try shredding your favorite cheese over some fried okra, which is also boss and should be talked about more on /ck/

>> No.4477548

tried brie and it fucking sucked why do people eat it

>> No.4477566
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Here's an amazing recipe for greek cheese pie

You'll need Feta cheese

>> No.4477588

I didn't care for the texture either but that texture was so interesting. I guess it's an acquired taste.

>> No.4477621

it tasted like plastic shit

>> No.4477624

Yeah but it's so creamy and yet hard at the same time. There's nothing quite like it.

>> No.4477631

Jarlsberg, Gouda, Swiss - anything smooth and creamy. With salami and crackers. Snack to end all snacks.

>> No.4477633

I immediately threw it away. So disappointing man :(

>> No.4478014

i like american cheese on burgers and cheddar cheese on toast.

>> No.4478474
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Blue cheese, all day, 'err day.

>> No.4478588

I've no favourite. Different cheeses for different things, yeah? Much like >>4478014 I do enjoy American cheese on a burger. Not pasteurised processed singles, but actual American cheese which is becoming something of a rarity in the US nowadays.
As far as table cheese is concerned, I have a tendency to lean towards brine cheeses such as akkawi or young cheeses such as salty ricotta. I am also quite a fan of Gouda and giggle whenever Americans say it. "Goo-duh." Lulz. It's more like "How-duh," though that's not quite right, either. G, as pronounced in Dutch, is more akin to English H.

>> No.4478599
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Reblochon is your God.

>> No.4478646
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>> No.4478674
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Mmmm... This cheese, some crackers, and some grapes.

>> No.4478692


If you buy brie in America from a grocery store it's pretty much all plastic shit. If you can find a place that sells legit gourmet cheeses it's worth a try.

That being said, it's still not a taste everyone will like. I prefer camembert myself.

>> No.4478694

Brie comes in many forms, you sure you weren't eating some tinned crap?

>> No.4478766

>Buy brie from Wal-mart
>"Wow guys, oh my God, Brie sucks anus."
Kill yourself

>> No.4478775

asiago or brie all day err day

>> No.4478784
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>> No.4478806
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Gorgonzola, motherfuckers.

>> No.4478825


Dolce if possible. So good.

>> No.4478907

I'll just leave this here...

>> No.4481597
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>> No.4481601
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I love me some cranberry cheddar, and also stilton.

Is it visitors to /ck/ that start these threads or something? Seems that we have a "What's your favourite cheese thread" almost every day.

>> No.4481615

Just made sour cream today, if that counts. So as of this moment, that's my favorite.

I guess normally Camembert is my favorite.

But really the quality of nearly any cheese can make such a huge difference that the usual ranking is moot. A really good mozz blows away a shitty Camembert.

>> No.4481625

Pretty much, but at least cheese is more interesting to talk about with random faggots on the internet as opposed to fucking fast food or ramen noodles.

>> No.4481630

Oh fuck yes. I had that one time on a trip to France and almost came my fucking pants. I'm so disappointed you can't get it in the US. I suppose I'll have to lick my wounds with a good Camembert, but there's little that compares to Reblochon. 10/10
Though I have a very soft spot for blue cheeses. Valdéon is like a religious experience.

>> No.4481676

Which is better, Valdéon or Cabrales?

>> No.4481715


>baww I bought shitty cheese must be that brie is awful

idiot, go buy some fucking baby brie from costco, it's accessible and creamy as shit and not too expensive. Don't have a costco? Fuck yourself!

>> No.4482447
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Call me a pleb if you want, but I absolutely love white cheddar.

The simple, smoky flavor is just mouth-watering.

>> No.4482477

bought smoked gouda from trader joes which i liked but can only eat small portions of it before i get sick of it

i also live by myself and everyone else i know isn't a fan so it went bad before i could finish it

is there something milder that has a similar taste?

buying smaller portions is not an option because traders is the only place around with specialty cheeses

>> No.4483206

I got some Westminster vintage and sharp cheddar. Very tasty by itself or on a burger.

>> No.4483267

Anyone else like the 1000 day gouda from Trader Joes? That shit is awesome.

>> No.4483290

Had a delicious kerrygold aged whiskey cheddar this winter. Based Aldi's.

>> No.4483297

I love brie

i cannot stop myself when i crack open a wheel

>> No.4483414

Speaking of Feta cheese, it's a godly combination with fresh tomatoes and rye bread. Godly.

>> No.4483433

Aged gouda is literally my favorite cheese

>> No.4483442

mine too.

>> No.4483476

Brie's hit and miss. The people who like it tend to really like it, so you get hype surrounding it.

>> No.4483486

I just bought some Saint Andre brie the other day, I thought it was middle tier. I definitely enjoyed the cheese but it isn't among my favorite. I'll be looking to try other types of brie, that was my first one.

>> No.4483518
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Pic related. Other favorites include Ridder (Norwegian), Stilton, and Roquefort.

I'm lactose intolerant, so cheese tends to make me sick, unfortunately. Otherwise, I would really like to try Pouligny-Saint-Pierre, Humboldt Fog, Selles-sur-Cher, Rocamadour, and others.

>> No.4484626
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>St. Andre
I hope you're not serious, it's a triple-creme nigga. That's kind of like saying you've bought some "blue cheese" when it's really God-tier Roquefort.

>> No.4484655

Is brie an acquired taste? I can eat godawful food but I can't eat brie at all. especially the rind

>> No.4484794


>> No.4486661

Does any anon know a recipe for making a stringing cheese sauce like you see on movies in nachos that doesn't turn hard?

>> No.4487877

I think the last cheese I ate was Uniekaas Reserve Gouda. Delicious, salty Umami-crystals scattered throughout. Most excellent.

>> No.4490206
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Too many cheeses...

But If I could choose only one to eat again, either an aged Red Leicester at room temp, or a ripe Stilton butter or dressing on a burger or steak.

>> No.4490215

i like soft cheese in general like brie or muenster.

i do not care for strong tasting cheeses, especially sharp cheddar.

honestly as for cheesy dishes i mostly just put cheese in tuna helper and the like. i'm a little boring.

>> No.4490217
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Port wine cheese is my favorite, now and forever. Had some smoked port wine cheese once, it was some of the best shit I've tasted in my life.
I've been fond of goat cheese lately, though.

>> No.4490237

>go to a wine and tapas place
>those appear to be the newest hipster trend since they are popping up everywhere
>sit down with my friends and order a cheese plate
>my friend wants to order some of the bleu cheese
>this is high quality imported stuff and he is used to the chunky bleu cheese dressing you put on a hamburger variety
>watch him excitedly take a bite and lol at the face he makes just before spitting it out
>the cheese was very dry and pungent, the smell which was reminiscent of the inside of an unwashed gym bag full of sweaty clothes when you bite it hits you in the back of the throat and wafts up into your nose
>the flavor of wet dog and feet take over the palate
>I like it and have a bit with some of the olives and currant jam
>he says it sucks
>I try to explain that cheese isn't always supposed to be enjoyed so much as it is to be appreciated
>he insists its just a bad bleu cheese and doesn't eat anymore

niggas went full pleb

>> No.4490242

>um good
Marketing at its finest

>> No.4490337

had a decent under-the-table raw milk havarti recently that was pretty boss. ate a whole mess of white chili with some shredded on each bowl.
That and i miss crazy Stilton-dreams. but much like cigars, i can't afford luxury items so often.

>> No.4490342

I wish I could enjoy cheese like everyone else does but for some reason it tastes disgusting to me. However, I do love to snack on some freshly opened sharp cheddar every once and a while. But that's it

>> No.4490358

I have a wheel of goat cheese I bought on a trip to Amsterdam lying around in the fridge. It'll be nice and ripe when i open it in maybe half a year.

In the meantime i'll munch on:

Blue: Stilton
Washed: Taleggio
White: Brie de Meaux
Hard: Gruyère

>> No.4492776

Best after letting it ripen for a few extra weeks or months.

>> No.4492784

>not based spanacopita, goodly amounts of cheese within it.

>> No.4492788

No sage derby love?
If i made fresh cheese (boiled cream, egg whites, lemon) put some sage in the mix and then just left in in my basement would that create something edible? Should i just leave it in the cheesecloth or take it out and put it in something else?

>> No.4492790

The best cheese I've ever had was a Mountain Cheese from the Austrian Alps matured for 16 months, that I bought at a local farmer's market. It was ridiculously intense and delicious.

>> No.4493041
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Look what I did.

And holy shit this tastes godlike.

>> No.4493145
File: 5 KB, 382x260, gruyere.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was making buffalo burgers yesterday and was recommended aged Gruyere. It was pretty good, though I wish I had put it on the burgers a minute of two earlier so it was a bit softer.

I need to find another cheese to try next time I make burgers.

>> No.4493152

we have a roquefurt type cheese with nettles in it that's pretty good
also I don't like brie & I don't like kumquats but candied kumquats on a piece of brie is an explosion of flavor in my mouth

>> No.4493156

Jarlsberg is great on burgers.
So is Havarti.

>> No.4493158
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Are you kidding? I fucking love Sage Derby. Haven't had it in awhile, though. I'm not really supposed to eat cheese, because I'm allergic to dairy, but it's my wicked treat. I love cheese so much, I can't completely give it up.

>> No.4493217

why do Americans refer to blue cheese as 'bleu'? Isn't that the French spelling?

>> No.4493225

Is this seriously the first instance of this you've noticed?

There are hundreds of things we didn't rename or translate.