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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 25 KB, 403x403, bacon berries.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4473442 No.4473442 [Reply] [Original]

Bacon: a crutch used by shitty cooks to make their food edible.

Suck at cooking? Throw bacon at it!!!

>> No.4473450

What a stupid thing to whine about. You're a faggot, OP

>> No.4473464

Looks like OP hit a nerve with all the half-assed cooks.

>> No.4473466


>> No.4473469

I hold a Bacon Day event, just to get new foodies out. I do this event because even a glue huffing mongoloid can use bacon to make something that's good.

>> No.4473475

Looks like only fags are worried about Epic Meal Time and sad folks that can't cook.

>> No.4473479

Or... y'know... anyone sick of an over-rated ingredient. I mean truffle oil got its round of bashing. Did ya get pee-pants when people were calling it over-rated?

>> No.4473480
File: 14 KB, 226x425, sambal oelek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bitches dont know about sambal olek

>> No.4473481

Noone is putting truffle oil and bacon under your nose.

>> No.4473482

And nobody is forcing you to read this thread.

>> No.4473483

I have some of that in my fridge right now.

>> No.4473485

Well, now we're getting somewhere.

>> No.4473491
File: 42 KB, 450x300, 08730e2471e3a2a4c88d4c36c93541f5_rectangle_fullsize.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are a sick depraved individual, op.
You clealry have no taste and have thrown your testcles out the window.

>> No.4473492

Sure is /b/tarded in here.

>> No.4473496

I hate how hard it is now to find a decent burger or chicken sandwich that doesn't have bacon as a main ingredient. Not just fast food, but diners and chain restaurants as well. I mean, all the fucking potential ingredients in the world and everyone has to toss bacon on it. It wouldn't bother me so much if I could get a discount for asking it to be left off but they're going to charge me for it either way.

>> No.4473497

>Anyone who disagrees with me is /b/
Please kill yourself.

>> No.4473506

>Implying bacon doesn't make everything better

Jesus christ you all are gay. What is this thread supposed to be, a bunch of pseudo-intellectual armchair chefs? 1/10 for getting me to reply though.

>> No.4473509

its a god tier condiment... i killed off half a jar in one week!

>> No.4473517

Actually I never said that; you're just greentexting in all the rage you wish others would direct at you, for lack of positive social attention in your life.

>> No.4473526

Some of us have just gotten older. It's fine when you're a kid but eventually, like ketchup, you grow up and stop wanting it on every single fucking thing you eat.

>> No.4473531

Industry professional here; line cook. I have to deal with the reality of feeding a pile of people every day. Bacon is a lowest common denominator bribe. If someone is enough of a hambeast to want it in every dish, that's their right. If fat and salt is what they want to develop their palate for, then that's their handicap.

It's pretty convenient. I kinda make my own thing when I want flavor like that.

>> No.4473542

its a really versatile flavor because its less adulterated when compared with srirachia. its a nice pure chili flavor.

>> No.4473544

Tell that to this lady:

Also I'm approaching 30 and still think bacon is the shit, especially when it's used in high-end desserts. If the OP was talking about fast food joints riddling everything in bacon then whatever, that's 'Murica for you. However when you consider how incredible expensive bacon from a butcher is used in well-designed dishes then I go back to my original thought:

You're all gay.

>> No.4473551

Ya, great for home cooks. I keep it around for when I'm feeling lazy.

I tend to be snobish about my chillis; grill my own, roast some garlic with them, toss it in a food processor. It's better than the commercial product, but then it's my job to take time to cook.

>> No.4473556

OP here

What pisses me off about all this bacon usage is the sudden influx of facebook foodies sharing and bragging about pictures of the food they made which was mostly regular food + bacon.

>> No.4473560

Because it couldn't be genetic, and being that old means you know how you got there... couldn't be an accident at all.

And bacon is a salt-fat bribe. I make bacon desserts. They're good, but they're not subtle. Food loaded with bacon should be recognized for what it is; just like using tits to sell beer. Knock your self out on tits all day, I'll be pounding some sashimi thanks.

>> No.4473575

but is she eating something reasonable like 2 strips a day or is she blanketing everything she eats or cooks in crumbles of the stuff?

>> No.4473580
File: 45 KB, 500x559, Canadian-milk-bags.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...And so it came to pass. The great shitstorm of faggotry was forever more, dissolved away into oblivion. The chan was once more bathed in Justice's glorious, white light.

Children, that brave warrior was forever remembered as "faggot".

>gave it the english style for added feels.

Man, I don't care much for bacon as most folks do but it still can be used in some things. Replacing skills with flavor assault is the same issue as most hot sauce. Can't cook? Kill it with fire!

>> No.4473586

So in other words, you have nothing but butthurt to add to this conversation.,

>> No.4473588

>point out single outlier
Well, I'm convinced.

>> No.4473590


I cooked under a chef who thought that bacon was just cheating. It's true. Generally, foods should taste like themselves. Adding ingredients works to accompany the taste of the thing. (see Flavor Bible.) But if you sauté vegetables with little sticks of bacon, they are going to taste like bacon: smoky, roasty, meaty. That's OK, but it can really hold you back. Do you want your asparagus to taste like asparagus or bacon? Flavors like lemon and thyme will bring a fresh, piquant note. Flavors like bacon will bring an unctuous, heavy note.

So the saying that bacon makes everything better is OK, as long as you're cool with everything tasting like bacon.

>> No.4473598

For the record, I agree with >>4473517

And my feelings for bacon are far from butthurt.

Does anyone else care for bacon ice cream besides myself and>>4473544

>> No.4473619

>Do you want your asparagus to taste like asparagus or bacon?


>> No.4473621

>I hate how hard it is now to find a decent burger or chicken sandwich that doesn't have bacon as a main ingredient.
In & Out. faggot

>> No.4473635

I enjoy bacon, I like it on a burger, I like it on a club, I enjoy a BLT from time to time and on special occasions I will even eat it for breakfast.

That's it, I hate when a filet gets wrapped in it and things like that. I want to taste the expensive beef not the 10 cents of pork you put around it.