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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 36 KB, 399x398, frodo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4472024 No.4472024 [Reply] [Original]

Can anyone explain why carrots always taste bitter when i cook them?

I've tried microwave, oven and boiling.

Every single time the carrots come out tasting bitter.

I'm using organic carrots and washing them before i cut them up.

>> No.4472030

I hate cooked carrots, no matter who cooks them or how they always taste bitter.
I love them raw though, I just amused that they always go bitter.

>> No.4472033

are they orange? you might be using a daikon

>> No.4472037

You're cutting them. Are you skinning them too?

>> No.4472042

Yea they are orange.

Nope, i thought the skin was safe to eat?

>> No.4472045

I'm normally with you, but my mother makes these AMAZING baked carrots with brown sugar and shit, she always serves them with her meatloaf and it's based as hell.

>> No.4472046

The only way to eat carrots is to roast them.

Oil, salt and pepper, then 15-20 mins at 375 degree F in the oven.

>> No.4472048

>The only way to eat carrots is to roast them.
and raw, of course

>> No.4472052

They're not really carrots at that point, man. They're orange mush candy. Sounds awesome, but I don't think it's fair to consider 'em what they were anymore.

>> No.4472054
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Well how about blow me?

>> No.4472060


Perfectly safe. But more tasty and better texture without skin.

>> No.4472101

>375 degrees

>> No.4472129

Hmm, so is the reason why carrots taste bitter is because of the skin?

>> No.4472145

Yes it's called roasting in the oven too not just baking. Roasting nuts on oven or pan. I always see the term in Culinary School

>> No.4472163

you're supposed to peel that shit off before cooking them. also it helps if you add a little salt, pepper, and thyme + butter/evoo when you roast em.

>> No.4472169

Add a tsp of honey to the pot when you boil them, can't remember if it's with the water or after you drain them but my mother does this and they're never bitter

>> No.4472359


>> No.4472646


>> No.4472731

You're a Kiwi so you mean better, right?

>> No.4472895


>> No.4472904

Has anyone actually sent you an email about the cooking club thing or was that a joke?

Cause I'd totally do it but I don't want to if it's just gonna be like 4 really pissy hipsters who are gonna tell me my beer is shit

>> No.4472908

Did I misread it, was it just for people in a certain area

Sorry for the confusion then

>> No.4472909

>tfw shitty carrot thread will get hundreds of posts now ;_;

>> No.4472910

>people still shit their pants over moot

>> No.4472911
File: 167 KB, 1260x480, ramen_pho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey moot, wheres /cel/?

And Ramen or Pho?

>> No.4472912

Can we spitroast you at the meetup?

>> No.4472915

Then you should set up a club for us global food fans as well.

P.S. please do all the work to set up the club yourself because I'm too lazy/cowardly to take matters into my own hands and do it myself.

>> No.4472917

Your palate sucks. Carrots are sweet, never bitter.

>> No.4472918

Where do you live, I'll cook for you if you want

>> No.4472930

But no, anon, I wanted to cook for you.

My mother really liked the apple pie I baked her on Friday, maybe others would like some too.

>> No.4472934

We can cook for each other srsly where you at anon
I totally want a friend I can just cook with and feed cakes and cookies and cinnamon buns and fresh baked bread
Do you like fresh bread too
I make really good bread man and homemade butter

>> No.4472950

Do you like pumpkin pie, moot?

>> No.4472953

We don't have to be married for me to bake you bread silly
There's like nothing better in the world. Taking a hot loaf of bread out of the oven... that smell... the crackling noise you get when it's perfectly cooked, the texture of the warm crust on your tongue and the creamy butter

>> No.4472958
File: 1.41 MB, 2560x1920, IMG_pulm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Israel (I'm so sorry)

The secret ingredient is pulm.

>> No.4472962

So can I come to the cooking party now lol

>> No.4472961

bread is gay

noodles are for real men

>> No.4472964

Aww I'm in the US but if if I'm ever int he middle east I'll hit you up
All carbs are good carbs!

>> No.4472977

I thought i smelt jew blood.

>> No.4472981

Can you make bread in a toaster oven or only in a real oven?

>that feel when living in the dorms

>> No.4472983

Stfu tripfag

>> No.4472984

Well you could make a quite small loaf or even some nice rolls...

>> No.4472989

1:03PM, 4chan Standard Time, Sunday, May 12th, 2013: Noted.

I'm going to hold you to your word, Anonymous.

>> No.4473042


“Argh!! What's he doing! Stupid fat hobbit. You ruins it!”

>> No.4473048

Not these ones. Or maybe it's the way i cook them. I dunno.

>> No.4474091


>> No.4474147

If carrots are stored near some other produce that is giving off ethylene, they can develop a compound called isocoumarin. Isocoumarin is bitter.

TL:DR; Don't store carrots near other produce or just eat them more quickly

>> No.4474163

Are carrots supposed to be bitter? I've never tasted carrots there were. The taste of carrots is pretty great.

>> No.4474190

The skin is what makes them bitter, fuckhead. Peel it and they're deliciously sweet.

>> No.4474202

Best dutch recipe

saute onions

boil potatoes

boil carrots

mash together

serve with meat and meat juice

>> No.4474212

Doesn't boiling and mashing stuff together just create a tiresome mashed mess with no texture at all?

>> No.4474215

no deliciouis

you then form it into a volcano and put the meat juice inside

>> No.4474221
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>> No.4474227
File: 47 KB, 518x389, patatje_oorlog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That is essentially dutch cuisine. The dish described is called "hutspot", and it's a proud boast of the cloggers that they created it from stuff they found leftover after the Spanish noped the fuck out of their swamp.

pic related - more delicious dutch food. Mmmmm, lekker zeg!

>> No.4474228

Depends on how much you blend it

>> No.4474231

NO! do not share the secret names. It will give them power over us.

>> No.4474233

>I've tried microwave, oven and boiling
I wonder how can they ever taste bitter

>> No.4474235

>Moot thread
>Doesn't get full of screaming 16 year olds shitposting questions for Moot that belong on /q/

God I love /ck/.

>> No.4474237

Dutch poutine?
My opinion: French fries suck, and nothing you can put on them changes that.

>> No.4474239

If you love /ck/ post your favorite dutch food.

>> No.4474240

mayonnaise and peanut sauce. Often served with meat puree the consistency of apple sauce, that has been frozen, then battered and deepfried.

>> No.4474241
File: 25 KB, 316x213, boerenkool-rookworst.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


They don't want power over us.

More dutch food - same as the carrot thingy, but this time with cabbage, and hey, a sausage on the top. Nom nom nom.

To OP - if your carrots are too bitter, toss them in a little honey before you serve them. It's pretty good. My mum used to cook them with sugar in the water - that's not so good.

If you're used to tinned carrots, then fresh ones taste a bit more bitter.

>> No.4474246

So, is this thread still about carrots?

>> No.4474248

What was the last thing you used carrots for?

I made curry.

>> No.4474250

Why don't you just use parsnip instead frodo.jpeg.

>> No.4474255

Parsnips are carrots tainted evil by Sauron.
White, just like Saruman.

>> No.4474259

I like slicing them and frying them in butter. They caramelize a bit and taste sweeter. Though, they taste sweet anyway. I don't skin mine either. Try a different carrot variety perhaps.

>> No.4475046

Did a quick test today. Peeled them as best as i can, microwaved for 3 minutes at 600w.

Not as bad as before, but some parts still taste bitter.

>> No.4475050

Oh and after microwaving the carrots, i noticed some of them ended up with green tinged center circles. What does that mean?

>> No.4475077


>> No.4475194


>> No.4475219


>> No.4475351


Carrots contain two flavours - terpenoids and sugars. Terpenoids taste bitter, and develop in the plant sooner than sugars, so bitter carrots have been harvested too early. The green centre is caused by the carrot being grown in soil that's too heavy, so the carrots grow upwards and photosynthesize and so they go green in the middle with chlorophyl, this also makes the carrots bitter.

tl;dr - your carrots are shite, buy them from another place.

Not that you're even here to read this.

I fucking love carrots, me.

>> No.4475372

Oh, that explains it.

Is there any way to tell whether a carrot is going to be bitter or not without cutitng it up/tasting it? Just from what you can see/touch at the super market.

>> No.4475439
File: 75 KB, 300x650, carrot_fuck_no.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Other than buying the smaller ones, and not the great big honking bastards, I don't know.

I buy mine pre-peeled because I'm lazy, spoiled bourgeois filth, so I haven't had the problem for ages.

>> No.4475587

does organic make a difference?

>> No.4475606
File: 82 KB, 640x469, carrots.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Not in my experience.

Carrots used to be purple, until the Dutch monkeyed around wth them because they're obsessed with all things orange.

>> No.4475642


Get that pic out of here

>> No.4475647

Peel them fuck head.

If you still don't like the taste, sprinkle a tiny amount of sugar or salt over them

>> No.4475685

You can still get purple carrots in the bunches of loose carrots at my store.

>> No.4475698

well there's your problem.
you're fuckin' retarded.

>> No.4475722

read the thread, peeling did not help.

>> No.4477856


>> No.4477991


damn i love that image, OP.

>> No.4478015


>> No.4478089

Skin them, and steam them. :)

>> No.4478635
File: 280 KB, 900x698, skittles-mosaic-paul-van-scott.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>more colours = more nutrients
Skittles confirmed for most nutritious thing on the plant.

>> No.4478647

I actually burst into laughter and got odd stares from an underling. Good job, Anon.

>> No.4478650

I worked at a Skittles factory when I was in highschool. They are fucking revolting.