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4468736 No.4468736[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

My girlfriend wants to try making "low-sodium, vegan pho".

How do I soften the blow, /ck/?

>> No.4468738

Get another, non-retarded girlfriend.

>> No.4468740

Tell her it will turn out awful and to make miso soup instead.

>> No.4468744


I Googled this, and it actually sounds delicious. Lots of flavor. Maybe I will make it sometime.


>> No.4468745

Make her a nice bowl of hot water.

>> No.4468751

>soy sauce
>durr, it's Asian noodles so of course it needs soy sauce!

It's already shit.

>> No.4468760

Vegan pho...could be edible, right? You need to replace the meat stock with a stock without meat, and just remove the meat...
Not something I'd want at all, but it could still work as soup.

>> No.4468762


This is what I told her.

>> No.4468766

Can you make miso soup without bonito?

>> No.4468768


What is left?

>> No.4468770


I think that most Americans/Europeans don't know that there is fish broth in miso :)

>> No.4468775
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Without meat it cannot be called pho.

>> No.4468781

How do you make soup that's supposed to be made by boiling bones for hours "vegan"?

These people are nuts.

>> No.4468784

even a pho with only noodles and mung bean sprouts would be awesome

>> No.4468790

Personally, I don't really care about the ethics of eating animals, so much as sustainability of industrial fishing/farming and the environmental impact.
You can make good vegan soups, but I don't think aiming for pho is wise.

>> No.4468807

vegan pho? barf

>> No.4468819

>environmental impact of farming

C02 impact is negligible. Worrying about carbon emissions from farming is like worrying about the size of your toe nail in relation to your weight. Fishing - I don't know too much about but I do know that it's mostly the East Asian countries that are excessively fishing.

And about industrial farming, yeah, it's never going away. To get chicken breasts at $2/lb, Sirloin at $3 and NY strip at $6, you NEED to take shortcuts. Not everyone is privileged enough to be able to spend $18/lb or whatever it is for an organic NY strip, People like their meat and they like it cheap.

I think vegans/animal rights people are fighting a pointless battle with no real solutions in sight.

>> No.4468823


Kill yourself

>> No.4468821

South East Asian vegan food is fucking some of the best vegan food.

South East Asians hate vegans because everything needs fermented fish paste, fish sauce, and a meat broth.

>> No.4468839

Look at this edgy point dexter. It's always the nerds that got picked on in school that decide to put on this tough guy persona online. You're all transparent.

>> No.4468874

>edgy point dexter
Supposively, I guess your ignorance could be a blessing in the skies, but irregardless of all intensive purposes, you shouldn't take for granite your ability to learn proper grammar. Or you could just slam your head in a chester drawers or gargle bob wire.

>> No.4468877

I had pho before from trader joe's and it honestly tasted like ramen with cilantro and some pieces of steak

if you made it vegan then it would just be ramen with cilantro

>> No.4468888


One of the best bowls of ramen I ever had was vegan ramen at this place in Sacramento. Bonito isn't necessary at all as a stock for Asian soups if the chef knows what he's doing.

>> No.4468906

I've decked assholes in my school days for much less. I know for a fact you wouldn't be a wise guy in real life because you would get your shit kicked in. I've seen it happen. So yeah continue projecting this edgy tough guy image online where you don't have to fear retaliation.

>> No.4468918

>>4468823 here. I laughed out loud, quality post. I laughed even harder when I read >>4468874

Stay awesome, /ck/.

>> No.4468922

>vegan pho

aka vegetable soup with noodles

>> No.4468926

"Vegetable soup" is pretty damned pointless term considering nearly all soups have vegetables in them, and they usually taste vastly different.
It's like saying pho is "meat soup with noodles".

>> No.4468933

Almost all soups have vegetables, but there still needs to be a distinction made between soup with meat and soup without it. "Vegetable soup" sounds less pretentious than "vegan soup" or "meat-free soup". Deal with it.

>> No.4468935

Using "vegetable soup" that way makes it sound like there's something wrong with soup without meat in it.

>> No.4468938

>from Trader Joe's

I don't know why you even typed that. You wasted your fucking time and everybody elses. There was literally no point for you to make your opinion.

>> No.4468941


Most soups use a meat stock.

>> No.4468946

I didn't take it that way (I'm not the one that originally mentioned vegetable soup, btw). I think you're just being overly defensive because of all the pro/anti-vegan shit that's been on this board lately. I get it, but I really didn't mean to insult the soup, and I don't think 'vegetable soup' guy did, either. It's just, soup with vegetables, and no meat.

Out of curiosity, what would you call it?

>> No.4468957

I've read online reviews and they say the trader joes pho is the closest you can get to authentic

>> No.4468956

I had that beef pho from trader joe's the other day. I didn't like it much at all. It was my first time having pho so I dunno if I just got a particularly shitty variety or if I just don't like pho in general.

>> No.4468960

Authentic pho is the closest you can get to authentic. If you're not willing to go to Viet Nam or make it yourself using traditional methods and ingredients, you're not getting authentic fucking pho, you stupid fucking moron.

>> No.4468967

I have to agree there.
I shop at Trader Joe's for certain things (booze, dairy, cheese, crackers, nuts and dried fruits) but buying their frozen ethnic foods is just a waste of time and money. Ugh.

>> No.4468975
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>> No.4468999

I don't have an entire day to waste recreating pho when I can get a good idea of what it's about for 3 bucks and 5 minutes of time

>but buying their frozen ethnic foods is just a waste of time and money

most of their frozen food is good and the pho wasn't bad at all

I'm just saying a meatless pho wouldn't be bad at all because it's just like ramen noodles with some fresh ingredients added

>> No.4469018

Pho isn't really very good. I've had it at authentic places and its sort of meh.

>> No.4469043
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This shit doesn't even look authentic. Who the hell put red bell peppers in their pho?

>> No.4469053

>bawww someone slipped me peppers in my pho and now I can't eat it and tastes like shit

>> No.4469056

[spolier]white people[/spolier]

>> No.4469057

Yeah, because stupid tripfag can't find the real thing and now he thinks this is pho!

>> No.4469058

That particular tripfag thinks you can make devilled eggs without yolk or mayo, and that shit-tier vodka is the same as mid-tier.

I don't know if it's OPIATE or that rule-breaking cunt, but one of these two has to be the worst tripfags on /ck/.

>> No.4469062

Who cares about authenticity, really. I'd eat pho with red peppers in it if they tasted good.
> deviled eggs without yolk in them
Can you really call it deviled egg then?

>> No.4469064

Some of their frozen stuff is good. Particularly their frozen Mexican foods. Burritos, taquitos, tamales, enchiladas, etc. Sometimes I don't want to cook after working an 8 hour shift on my feet all day, pop in a burrito and problem is solved.

>> No.4469065

it would pretty much taste the same with/without peppers

I know the basic taste of pho and it isn't that great but it isn't bad either

you could actually argue that an american vegetable soup or beef barley is a lot better than pho could ever be

>> No.4469068

You're fucking pretentious morons if you think a recipe has to be followed to the letter. Cooking is not the same as baking. Pho like most traditional and ethnic cooking is peasant food. In peasant dishes you put in whatever you have. Italian minestrone is a perfect example. You put in whatever is on season and or you have on hand. In Mexican soups, same shit. My mom puts bell peppers, different squash, and any other vegetable she has that's going bad into her chicken soup.

So yeah, fuck off with your pretentiousness.

>> No.4469078

I just thought the pho had a weird taste. I expected it to taste like ramen but it had this weird flavor like ginger and anise and cilantro. The meat and noodles were fine, I didn't like the way the broth was spiced.

Does all pho taste like anise and ginger?

>> No.4469083

No, you can't. That's the point. !OPIATE9fy is a moron, and I really wish he'd stop shitting on /ck/.

>> No.4469081

Why can't it be both?

>> No.4469091

>I know the basic taste of pho

From where? Let me guess, Trader Joes, right? :3

>> No.4469114

>Phở (/fʌ/; Vietnamese pronunciation: [fəː˧˩˧]) is a Vietnamese dish consisting of broth, noodles made from rice, a few herbs, and meat.

>and meat


Tell your touchy feely new age hippy girlfriend to sharpen the knives because you're bringing home a cow.
Oh don't forget to ask the farmer for a salt lick because that broth needs some fucking salt.
Oh yeah.

>> No.4469121

Bland failure and a misguided sense of moral superiority.

>> No.4469126

pretty harsh man


>> No.4469131

Talking about edgy...

>> No.4469220

I'm going to try making vegan pho tonight. Will let everyone know how it tastes, but from the recipe it should be delicious.

>> No.4469221
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>> No.4470678

Yup, that sounds AWSOME.

>> No.4470700

>buying premade ethnic foods ever
White people lol

>> No.4470704

>no real solutions in sight
The solution is to not eat meat every fucking day of the week, the way we used to.

>> No.4470705


b-but muh paleo diet

>> No.4470724



>> No.4470735
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>> No.4470766

>Soften the blow
Wear a boxing glove and then dump her if she goes vegan.