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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4467884 No.4467884 [Reply] [Original]

Why do so many people on /ck/ complain about being unable to handle McDonald's or other fast food? I eat somewhat healthy but treat myself to a fast food meal once a week on Fridays (hey that is today!) and other than the embarrassing comments I usually see by posters on /ck/ who don't understand what fast food is, they also seem to have some serious digestive issues when it comes to food out of their comfort zone. I have felt never felt ill or "extremely shitty" after eating a meal at McDonald's and I'm wondering how there is this phenomenon of posters here who can't deal with any food that is made outside their house.

I see a strong opinion here too that people make it a huge point to exclaim how lousy fast food is and they can always cook better. So, is the average poster on /ck/ mentally deficient or a little... "slow"? Like, if the food was as trash as everyone says, they wouldn't be doing good business. And the main selling point of their food isn't always taste, but convenience and time. I'm sure a lot of you NEET dwelling poorfags have an awful lot of time to make AMAZING MEALS that taste better than fast food, but guess what? So can everyone else. And some of us have jobs and enjoy the leisure of getting out in the sun once in a while and enjoying a guilty pleasure.

Sorry for the little rant but the majority of posts on these boards make me think of tubby little picky eaters who think they are world renowned chefs with little understanding of the outside world. Also inb4 fat jokes, I'm skinny and healthy. Probably more so than you. :)

>> No.4467891

>if the food was as trash as everyone says, they wouldn't be doing good business
they're not in business because the food is so good, they're in business because they're convenient.

i eat mcdonalds from time to time. it's just kinda... food. i eat it when i dont want to cook and it happens to be close by (since it's so cheap)

>> No.4467892

He didnt say the food was good. He said it wasn't trash like people on here say.

>> No.4467895

So much stupid OP.

>but treat myself to a fast food meal once a week on Fridays
>I have felt never felt ill or "extremely shitty" after eating a meal at McDonald's

You're body is used to that shit. Don't eat it for a month, and then go eat it. You'll notice the feeling.

>who can't deal with any food that is made outside their house

I eat out constantly - most restaurants don't leave you with the shit feeling fast food does.

>Like, if the food was as trash as everyone says, they wouldn't be doing good business

Why the fuck not? The food is cheap and stimulates taste buds, and most people have shitty taste. The fact it's nuitrtionally shitty is an externality fast food companies put on society as a whole, which helps their bottom line.

> I'm sure a lot of you NEET dwelling poorfags have an awful lot of time to make AMAZING MEALS that taste better than fast food

I work usually 60 hours a week for 110K USD, and I find time to cook or at least go somewhere not serving shit.

>> No.4467898


tl;dr; fatty rant

>> No.4467902

health-wise, it's pretty trashy. and if you eat it less, it will taste worse than if you eat it often.

>> No.4467903

/ck/ is chock full lilly livered faggots

>> No.4467912


>You're body is used to that shit. Don't eat it for a month, and then go eat it. You'll notice the feeling.

Hardly, once a week and my body is used to shitty food? Haha okay. That accounts for less than 5% of my weekly meals.

>Why the fuck not? The food is cheap and stimulates taste buds, and most people have shitty taste. The fact it's nuitrtionally shitty is an externality fast food companies put on society as a whole, which helps their bottom line.

Yeah, if most people enjoy something that you don't, they have shitty taste. Taste is subjective. Just because something is lower quality doesn't mean the people who enjoy it have shitty taste. Great logic. I'm not saying the food is good, but my god that was such a stupid (and bad) point by you. ^.^

>I work usually 60 hours a week for 110K USD, and I find time to cook or at least go somewhere not serving shit.

Cool, I have enough time to cook the vast majority of my meals too. Maybe that point went over your head or something. You are one of those "special" /ck/ posters, aren't you?

>> No.4467920


>not eating at a hamburger stand oriented towards children
>lilly livered


>> No.4467928

>tubby little picky eaters who think they are world renowned chefs
Best summary of /ck/ to date

>> No.4467933


>Just because something is lower quality doesn't mean the people who enjoy it have shitty taste

Actually that's pretty much the definition of poor taste, not being able to appreciate good quality.

>And some of us have jobs and enjoy the leisure of getting out in the sun once in a while

Your implication is clear, that only the dysfunctional have the time not to eat crap. And it's not true.

>Hardly, once a week and my body is used to shitty food?

Yeah - you do it once a week. You are accustomed to it, idiot.

>> No.4467939
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If this doesn't scare you enough to avoid fast food then I don't know what will.

>> No.4467940


>Actually that's pretty much the definition of poor taste, not being able to appreciate good quality.

It is embarrassing enough that you got trolled by OP but then you proceed to make a fucking idiot out of yourself. How does a mentally challenged retard like you make 110k a year? So because people prefer different cuts of meat, the ones who don't pay for the most expensive or highest quality piece have poor taste? Go fucking kill yourself retard lol.

>> No.4467942

I have to agree OP. I lived with my aunt, who is vehemently anti-fast food, for 6 months. That entire time, I ate an almost exclusively vegetarian diet, full of fresh veggies from the garden/greenhouse, tons of low-carb low-fat low-sugar meals, lots of soy, etc. I didn't have a single soda or sweet or anything "bad" the entire 6 months. The first fucking thing I did when I left was go to In N Out and get a double double, fries, and a Dr. Pepper and it was fucking amazing and I felt great afterwards. My poor wittle tummy wasn't upset by the "garbage" food, not by a long shot.

>> No.4467944

quality =/= price

>> No.4467956

That's because you ingested a bunch of stimulants. Of course your body and mind felt happy. That's why people keep returning to that crap, it's literally addictive.

>> No.4467967

So what is it then? OP said the anti-fast fooders complain about feeling shit like when they eat fast food. I said that I felt great when eating fast food after a 6 month absence from it, and you tell me "of course you would feel great, it's full of stimulants". So does fast food make you feel great or shitty? Can't be both.

>> No.4467970

I ate a quarter pounder with cheese and a hot apple pie for dinner last night. shit was so cash.

>> No.4467971


By not overreacting to my assumptions like you do, apparently.

People can buy whatever they want. What I said is being unable to appreciate the better things is what is meant by poor taste. You can buy bargain meat all you want, but being unable to tell the difference between that and prime steakhouse meat is having poor taste in meat.

So go eat a dick Bobby.

>> No.4467978


InNOut is pretty far from McDonald's on the shit spectrum. And I'm glad your one anecdote totally proves all scientific knowledge of nuitrition wrong, and fast food actually isn't shitty for you.

>> No.4467983

Never said it isn't shitty for you, fuckstain. Jesus fuck what is it with you vegan faggots, all those vitamin deficiencies affect your reading comprehension? I said I didn't FEEL like shit like all the anti-fast fooders complain about when they try fast food.

>> No.4467994


Not vegan, faggot.

You must be right though, every single person complaining they feel like shit after eating large meals of empty calories and fat must be lying as part of an anti-fast food conspiracy!!!! They can't feel that way, because you don't feel that way after one incident!

>> No.4468003

His point is that hardly anyone feels that way except week stomach douches like you.

>> No.4468011
File: 6 KB, 184x184, fuckyouimeating.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ah gotcha. So what we've learned is that unless you're eating at place with a playground and you don't get any response from your body to gorging on extremely unhealthy food you've got a weak stomach.

Pic related, it's the ad campaign for awesome hard core tough dudes like you.

>> No.4468012

Holy shit you're fucking retarded. Just keep putting words in my mouth, it really makes your argument look better. Most likely is that people complaining about feeling like shit are limp-wristed faggots with weak stomachs. The entire purpose of my anecdote was to counter the people that say "oh you just don't feel like shit because you're used to it"

>> No.4468022

No. We've learned you are a giant pussy.

>> No.4468023

>Most likely is that people complaining about feeling like shit are limp-wristed faggots with weak stomachs

Exactly! That's the only cause! It's not like McDonald's isn't good for you, it must be because they're faggots! And your subjective anecdote TOTALLY NEGATES their subjective anecdotes!

>> No.4468028



>> No.4468033
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>> No.4468036

u mad. tummy hurt? have to go poopy?

>> No.4468041

I'm not a snob or anything but McDonalds is like the worst fast food you can get. At least upgrade to Burger King or something.

>> No.4468044

I'd rather eat chicken nuggers from a gas station than eat BK

>> No.4468054


Well yeah me too, but they're better than McDonalds.

>> No.4468056
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>> No.4468063

You are a living sack of internal machines; each organ constantly begs for enough food-based nutrition in order to fulfill its functional duties with enough efficiency to survive. Fast food is the obvious solution.

>> No.4468078

ITT: People who feel differently about things discuss their opinions

>> No.4468083



>> No.4468085
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First time here?

>> No.4468121

Oh my god...

Could you just shut the fuck up? Seriously.

I eat fast food myself like once maybe every 2 months. I do eat quality meats and food and yes, I do have taste buds that have had various real spices and such foods. However, even I like to have a cheap burger from a fast food joint every once in awhile. And the real kicker? I don't feel like shit after eating it. Why? Because my stomach is accustomed to all sorts of foods.

The reason half..well most of you are on here complaining like douches is because you either A) can't eat fast food because of some stomach or other problem and need to bitch, B) you don't have the money or time to afford for it or C) you just want to be a little asshole.

The true reason some of you feel so 'shitty' after eating fast food is because you stuff yourselves at home with goddamn junk, your high sugared sodas and shitty homemade, oil filled food that by the time you GET food from a fast food place, you feel like shit already and then you eat and feel even more crappy.

Stop complaining like a bunch of dimwitted, pathetic assholes. YOU yourself eat 'quality' food and come back later. Stop immediately saying the a person has poor taste buds as your witty retort and actually come up with a true reason because frankly, even great taste buds of a best renowned worldwide chef like a goddamn cheap burger and enjoys it.

>> No.4468129



>> No.4468140

Great Answer.

I was simply stating, that yes, with reasonable responses to all the other assholes that fast food can still be liked and doesn't always make a person feel shitty.

Now get out of here and and make a real response. Not copy and paste text.

>> No.4468162

this thread is why ck sucks

>> No.4468171

no u

>> No.4468173

Actually, it can be both.
Fast food is full of sugars, refined carbs, and certain fats that have a stimulant effect on your body and brain. There are actual studies on this (such as sugar being addictive) which are easily found online.
In some people these same stimulants cause an adverse reaction, sometimes right away, sometimes after their "high" is dissipated, which cause them to feel terrible.
Some people have adverse intestinal reactions to those ingredients and other reactions to other additives in fast food.
It's not just one reason, it's MANY reasons why fast food, or any premade food can be bad for you.
You seem to want a simple little dumbed down answer, and there's no such thing.

>> No.4468180


Nice strawman - nobody said it makes everyone always feel shitty.

>> No.4468181



>> No.4468367

>Why do so many people on /ck/ complain about being unable to handle McDonald's or other fast food?

You're on a board full of delusional, dramatic women and gays, are you really surprised?

>> No.4468394

They're mostly just snobs. I'm not saying McDonalds is great but it's far from "disgusting" at least taste wise. Although supposedly it really is worse in America, I haven't tried it.

>> No.4468397

If you actually believe In&OutBurger is healthier than McDonalds you're delusional. It's all the same shit. Just tastes a little better.

>> No.4468399

They think they are special and can cook better food at home (which 99% of the retards on /ck/ can't).

>> No.4468402

>being surprised that basement dwelling neckbeards that survive on mommy's Kraft macaroni & cheese and ramen don't eat fast food

They're unemployed and haven't bathed in a week, I seriously doubt they're going to stop by a McDonald's any time soon.

>> No.4468405

I feel somewhat queasy if I eat fast food that was super greasy.

I'll eat mickey d's if I'm driving a fair distance and just need to get some calories.

>muh mcchickens

>> No.4468412


Delusional much? There's a reason there's so many ramen threads.

>> No.4468418

I eat fast food a couple times a week, but mcdonalds specifically fucks me up for some reason. And popeyes

>> No.4468435

Not many actual rich snobs, but there are plenty of food snobs who look down on fast food here.

>> No.4468443


This. Anywhere besides McDonald's I'm fine. I have a big mac, and 2 hours later I'm a lazy fuck.

>> No.4468445

So they say on the internet. You know, they're just queers and neckbeards who probably had an egg McMuffin for breakfast. That's the only type who would care about what someone else eats.

>> No.4468447

>I'm a lazy fuck

So the usual?

>> No.4468448


And plenty of retards who think the McRib is the greatest creation of civiliazation, and anyone who disagrees is a food snob hipster. Welcome to /ck/

>> No.4468449


Nah, usually I'm on top of your mom, but after the #1 she's got to do most of the work.

>> No.4468453

>I'm on top of your mom

It's like I've been transported to the 90's.

>> No.4468459


Or maybe, just maybe, it's possible to cook a burger at home which is not only tastier than a McDonald's burger, but cheaper too.

>> No.4468461

Of course it is, but it's not like most folks are at home at all hours of the day. Sometimes you need to stop somewhere and get some food.

>> No.4468463

>I'm unemployed
>I never leave my basement
>what is a lunch break

>> No.4468475

Add an egg to your ramen today?

>> No.4468478


>I'm poor, lazy, and have a shitty job with a 30 minute lunch hour

>what is any other option besides McDonald's?

>> No.4468482


No way - the vegan threads totally converted me

>> No.4468504

>30 minute lunch hour
>30 minute
>lunch hour

I think it's safe to say you're not an employed college student.

>> No.4468521
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>> No.4468527

So I guess you're as funny as you are intelligent.

>> No.4468536


Make lunch at home then bring it to work. You can make large batches once a week or so and portion it up in advance. OR leftovers. OR, bring materials for sandwiches (or similar) to work. Assemble sandwich on your lunch break.

Also, there's plenty of things you can cook in 30 min or less if you have access to a cooking appliance, like a microwave. I'm not sure where you work but I have yet to find an employer that doesn't have a microwave or toaster oven on the premises.

>> No.4468547


Sorry to interrupt you - shouldn't you be digging into fast food while reflecting on the special loneliness that only an Ubermensch like yourself can understand?

>> No.4468553

>batch cooking

I don't like eating the same things for days at a time and I'm not always in the mood to cook, or I'm tired because I've been attending classes and studying on top of working all week. Fast food exists for convenience, it's helpful to people who are constantly on the go.

>> No.4468556

No, killing time at work, and I'm not going to even bother Googling your German gibberish.

>> No.4468560


Better hurry up, lunch break is almost over!

>> No.4468581

Don't be mad because the joke went over your head.

>> No.4468586

>not having access to a computer at work

Let's keep this going, you're amusing me and the minutes are just flying by.

>> No.4468588

Samefag more.

>> No.4468595


You're the one without time to cook. Tell us, oh lardass lord of the university, what exactly is your job?

>> No.4468608


>go to college
>can't be bothered to look up terms
>it's gibberesh

>browse /ck/
>can't be bothered to cook
>anyone not liking McDonald's is a basement dweller

Yeah, I'm seeing a pattern here

>> No.4468611

You're the one with plenty of free time. Tell us, oh lard ass Aunt Jemima in the kitchen, what exactly do you do?

>> No.4468626

I don't work in a kitchen, friend. I'm not interested in learning German and I don't even eat McDonald's. The food trucks I often get my lunch from could be considered fast food though,

>> No.4468708

You're using obvious strawmen and other sophisms to put people who don't praise the fast food industry in a bad light.
Stay classy.
Some will probably think you're some corporate shill but it's quite obvious you're just some guy who loves his fastfood and attacks other because he refuses to believe he is capable of making poor choices.

>> No.4468731

How often do you use the word strawman on 4chan? Are you going to tell him he's projecting next?

>> No.4468752

Jesus Christ /ck/

Summer hit this board hard this year, didn't it?

>> No.4468786


using the term strawmen and sophism is only cool when you are a junior in college and taking philosophy or courses on formulation or ethics.

grow the fuck up. no one gives a shit - and i've told you this before... you still aren't using any of those terms correctly.

>> No.4468852

Didn't you know that eating a Happy Meal will kill you no matter how healthy you are?! It's like poison!!! /dramatic faggot

>> No.4468854

>Why do so many people on /ck/ complain about being unable to handle McDonald's or other fast food?

Because it sucks. Not even reading past that part of your post, nor any of the thread.


>> No.4468923


Software developer

I'm not your friend, guy

>> No.4469087


Enjoy your slave-labor crap food. You're actively contributing to the demise of your own society.

>> No.4469631

I like fast food, i can cook but i cant buy my own ingredients and my dad cooks like a retard. The only fastfood that I have a problem with is In-N-Out. Everyone says its so healthy and actual meat and shit, but even though it's decent it makes me wanna puke like crazy when im done

>> No.4469633

>being this butthurt

>> No.4469635

I'm not your guy, pal

>> No.4469683


>> No.4469799

>i can cook but i cant buy my own ingredients and my dad cooks like a retard

Go to bed, kid.


Oh no. We were totally looking forward to your input too.

Oh well, at least we can find you making another vegan thread.

>> No.4471145

McDonald's isn't kawaii, so they pretend it makes them ill.

>> No.4471160


Good morning to you, Australia.

>> No.4471179

>living in Australia

Is accusing people of being Australian a new shitty /ck/ thing? I'm not here often, but I know the board is gradually getting worse so it wouldn't surprise me.

>> No.4471182


They have McDonald's in Japan so it has to be kawaii.

>> No.4471185


No, but some guy at a school in Australia posted a ban page directed at kawaii sage guy, so we now know where he shitposts from.

>> No.4471201

I'm pretty sure more than one person likes to make fun of the anime perma-virgins. There's more normal people here than you think.

>> No.4471203

You go to McDonalds when either

A: You want to eat but don't have time/its the most convenient thing at the time.
B: You are lazy and are hungry and just want to eat
C: You are poor (but even then there are probably better cheaper alternatives)
D: Its 2 AM and fuck it I'm going through the drive through with my friends

Now all stop bitching.

>> No.4471211


There is no reason to shovel shit into your mouth.

>> No.4471217


You're transparently trying to make yourself not look pathetic by associating your act with mainstream weeaboo mockery.

Because spending literally every waking hour on /ck/ posting kawaii and sage within moments of a new thread is perfectly normal.

There are only a dozen or so regulars on this board, it's not hard to identify individual posters over time.

>> No.4471221

I eat McDonald's now and then, doesn't make me particularly ill; although I have a lot of allergies, sadly.

If I do eat there, I just make sure I don't have stuff I know will make me ill, same as anywhere else I might go to eat. Food is food; like OP says, the occasional guilty pleasure won't kill you.

>> No.4471224
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>not having at least 1 or 2 local drunk pizza places that you can get food from that are open until 3.30AM
>mfw 3am buffalo chicken pizza fresh out of the oven with oregano, parmesan, and ground red pepper on it last night for $2.50

>> No.4471233

I don't think I even want to know where this paranoia stems from. People like you are pretty much the main reason I rarely come here, this is fucking bizarre.

>> No.4471238


Could you make it any more obvious that he struck a nerve? Check the Craigslist personals and hide your anime posters, you don't have to be alone.

>> No.4471254

Do you not liku the kawaii, anon-kun? :3

>> No.4471257


In your head, are you actually a normal dude who comes here "only sometimes" and has a natural normal relationship with Japanese pop culture?

Next post you will say something about how "you feel dirty and" you "have to go do (something vague and constructive sounding)".

Face it, this is a small community and the cat is out of the bag, Ausbro. You attend the conservatory of something or other in Sydney (I should have saved the post), and you probably hate the Asian students because they're doing better in class than you are.

>> No.4471275

You really shouldn't be this obsessed with people on the internet, you're not coming off too normal yourself. You scary fucks.

>> No.4471277

Do you not liku the kawaii, anon-kun?! >:3

>> No.4471279


Whoa, this is some /x/-tier paranoia.

>> No.4471284

This guy is crazy and obviously a weeaboo. I don't attend the conservatorium of music in sydney. That has got to be someone else.

>> No.4471599

McDonalds is the best resturant i say. The food is good and it fits in with everyones busy on the go lifestyle

>> No.4471624

The biggest problem with McDonalds is that it's the very definition of mainstream. The tiniest towns in the US have them, and even tons of other countries have them.

I'm sorry, but I'm not a loser. I actually care about being a unique individual, and I'm not going to touch a food that is so incredibly common that anyone can go have it whenever they want.

If you eat "regular" food that "regular" people eat, then you're no fucking better than them. I'm better than that. Sorry if you aren't.

>> No.4471636

Well aren't you mommy's precious wittle snowflake...

>> No.4471715

Hey this viral marketing is working brcause in craving some mcdonalds. Maybe i will try their new premium chicken mcwraps i hear they hace cheese and bacon, ranch, or honey mustard flavors all wrapped in a warm tortilla and filled with premium fresh veggies. Mmm then I may get the best value for my dollar by getting a mcdonald's mcDouble from the McDonald's value menus. Mmm mm then wash it down with a McDonalds brand triple-thick shake and a McCafe latte. Mm mmm im lovin it

>> No.4471836

Ive got the arches behind my back

>> No.4471867

> Like, if the food was as trash as everyone says, they wouldn't be doing good business

You forget that their food is filling and cheap. Thus, extremely poor people living paycheck to paycheck depend on it, sadly, to feed (and not nourish) their families.

>> No.4472117

I haven't ate fast food (minus Subway or Quiznos once every few months) in the past 3 years now. My main reason for doing so at first was more or less the health. But I continue to not eat it because for maybe a dollar or two extra I can do to a local place and support local business. That being said I live in a larger city so I have a lot of options when I want to eat out.

>> No.4472120

For the price that you pay I don't find their food "filling". If I eat a combo, yea, I'll feel full but it's not that good full. It bothers my tummy while digesting and I don't like that

>> No.4473673

Public school system at its best.

>> No.4473705

Oh god, someone really typed this

>> No.4473715

That's because you have a shit tier stomach.

>> No.4475186


>fat kids defending their fast food addictions
>claiming work, not enough time, etc.
>attacking anyone who disagrees with inane anecdotal evidence or general shit posting


>people dumb enough to feed the fat trolls.

Listen children,

Having spent all this time attacking people who disagree with eating your cheap shitty food. You could have cooked up something delicious. Conversely, you faggots who fed the trolls could have made something to show just how easy it is not to be lazy.

>> No.4475955

>I'm unemployed
>fast food addiction
>being this dramatic

I'm usually at work or school when I bump this thread. It's not our fault you have nothing going on in your life.

>> No.4477581

I see a lot of this on /v/ as well.
People acting like smug pricks because they only drink water and eat vegetables and wouldn't even dare touch a piece of fruit because it's nothing but sugary garbage to them, laughing at all the "fat fucks" who might have a can of soda a day and telling them that if they just gave it up for a couple of weeks, then they would feel so much better and would never be able to touch it again without getting sick, just like them.

That's why I think they get physically ill and depressed after eating something unhealthy, because they don't feel as superior to others anymore, and that's the only thing they truly crave.

>> No.4477587
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This is incredible. I think I may actually save this for later use.

>> No.4477591

But being a unique individual and not conforming is the very definition of a loser in Western society.

Also known as "no-life".

>> No.4478018


i prefer wendy's but mickey dee is good to.

>> No.4478043

a lot of people have sad lives and console themselves with "at least i don't eat that crap"

i don't care, i love big macs

>> No.4478104

>That's why I think they get physically ill and depressed after eating something unhealthy

Yeah, you're definitely right! It couldn't be because, I don't know, it's unhealthy! Nah, it's gotta be your theory that conveniently marks you as one of the few wise non-hypocritical people in the world!

ITT -> fast food eaters act holier than thou about fast food haters acting holier than thou

>> No.4478150

You're...you're kidding right?

>> No.4478154

why the hell are people obsessed with "good food" rarely fit or happy and people who are more focused on macronutrients often more healthy and happy?

>> No.4478156


Because none of that is true?

Go to a McDonald's - there's not fit people in there. It's fat, sad bastards and a few poor people.

>> No.4478159

of course mcdonalds is pathetic, its super high calories for cheap. any health choices are outweighed cause people get massive sodas. but when where did I mention mcdonalds or mcdonalds regulars in my statement?

>> No.4478161


HERP DERP it's not like a thread about McDonald's or anything. Sorry if you feel I mischartacterized your unsupported blanket assertion.

>> No.4478163

>herp derp

ya of course I implied occasional fast food isn't bad but most people who you'll see at mcdonalds are regulars. and seriously if you know the faintest thing about fitness you'd know that good and bad calories or foods are a myth with maybe the exception of artificial trans fats

>> No.4478308

>It's not our fault you have nothing going on in your life.

>applying you suddenly know about the lives of others and their daily routines.
>being this retarded
>in the year of 2013

>> No.4478321


Wow, and I'm the one projecting? Nobody here has claimed that McDonald's has good or bad calories. It's shit tier high calorie food is exactly the point. The people you seem to think exist, who look down on McDonald's but don't understand nutrition, are not real.

>> No.4478324

>drink a bunch of alcohol
>eat mcdonalds cheeseburger
>stomach feels like shit the next day


>> No.4478391


Being able to appreciate something of low quality =/= you can't appreciate something of a higher quality.
Get your head out of your ass.

>> No.4478433

I can't imagine why I'd want a "treat" to be something that doesn't taste good and makes me feel bad after I eat it. I can see a treat being something rich you wouldn't eat everyday, like ice cream, good pizza or foie gras. But fucking Mickey D's? I get that it's the kind of over the top food best eaten once in a while (if at all). What I miss is where the satisfaction is supposed to come from.

I have nothing against a burger and fries once in a while, but McDonald's doesn't even make a good tasting burger. It doesn't even taste like a burger - it just tastes like McDonald's.

Not a treat to me. More like a sad resignation that I'm hungry on the road somewhere without any other options.

If someone's concept of a treat is eating trash that's fine. That is not my idea of a treat. I prefer my indulgences a bit more on the indulgent side.

>> No.4480121

They like to pretend the ramen they eat every day is somehow superior to fast food and make silly shit up because they're dramatic.

>> No.4480149


>Being able to appreciate something of low quality =/= you can't appreciate something of a higher quality.

Please learn to read.

>being unable to appreciate the better things is what is meant by poor taste

These are not the same thing, so stop trying to insist I said something I didn't. Fucktard.

>> No.4480159

Thanks OP.

I don't know if you were trolling or being serious but its nice to see the snobs on here get their panties twisted in a bunch.