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File: 17 KB, 259x194, jilotes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4466143 No.4466143 [Reply] [Original]

Mexican candies are the greatest candies ever. There's no way you can prove me wrong. The combination of sweet, spicy,and salty is a combination you just can't get state-side.
Pic very related, Jilotes, the greatest lollipop ever. I'm also quite fond of Tajitos (watermelon suckers) and Mangopers. Pulparindo are also pretty tats.

>> No.4466163

No, it's fucking gross. Fucking chili powder fucking everywhere. Fucking fucks.

>> No.4467254

>not liking Mexican treats

Jesus Christ /ck/

>> No.4467261
File: 23 KB, 300x226, botanricecandy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One day mother bought me a bunch of varied Chinese Rice Candies. They are candy-wrapped dice of puffed rice bound by various sweet flavored stuff. Different fruits, vanilla etc. They were all very good, except the shrimp-flavored ones. Somehow, I couldn't get used to shrimp-flavored candies.

>> No.4467259
File: 275 KB, 1162x850, zweesh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The combination of sweet, spicy,and salty is a combination you just can't get state-side.

America does something right for once

>> No.4470065

There are two different flea markets in my town where I can get a garbage bag full of Mexican candy for like five dollars. Mexicans are everywhere, man; they brought their weird tamarind candy with them.

>> No.4470077

Not candy but I like Japanese Nuts. Too be honest I like everything Mexican cuisine wise except the candy. It seems the only candy they eat is those chicken suckers. Weird because deserts and stuff are really sweet.

>> No.4470095

Them shits is simply delicious. Far superior to the candies native to the estados unidos.

>> No.4470424

Gee, wonder why

>> No.4470502
File: 29 KB, 460x276, rabbit276.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>greatest candies ever

Say what motherfucker?

>> No.4470781

We said candy, not Formaldehyde and Melanine, chigger.

>> No.4470824

I am Chinese and I have eaten that candy.. But FUCK that shit. I've eaten this candy ONCE and I CRAVE FOR MORE!



>> No.4472559

I like their snacks in general. America's snack and candy industry has gone down to shit

I'm Cuban-American and know Spanish. If I could go to a Spanish-speaking country, I would, but they're all shit.

>> No.4472561

Also I go to a Mexican grocer sometimes to get snacks and various shit. If you want some of dem snacks I recommend you go there

>> No.4472671

amerifat living in mexico here. I do not agree OP, but I'm not a big candy eater. You forgot acid in your description. Everything is super tart. I am amazed that there is no good chocolate, carlos V sucks. No candy bars are good, even the U.S. brands are changed. They really fucked up the peanut butter cup.

>> No.4472730

Where in Mexico, and why?

After watching Los Zetas beheading videos, I'd stay the fuck away from Mexico.

>> No.4472842

Coastal Sonora and I live here because for the most part it is awsome. I've been here for 12 years.
All that cartel war crap is between themselves.
There are milloins of people in Mexico leading completely normal, happy lives, believe it or not.
fucked up shit happens in the U.S., too

>> No.4472878

Holy fuck why don't you people learn shit in schools? Mexico isn't a war torn country. I actually remember someone calling it a "failed state", and then I looked out my window and saw a normal street with people walking to class and shit.

>> No.4472896
File: 85 KB, 865x481, path5216-7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm not sure what kind of politically correct butthurt you're coming from here, but you're wrong. Just because most people in some areas are able to live normal lives doesn't mean the country isn't fucked up and getting worse every year. The current death toll is approximately the same as in the Syrian civil.

Try reading a newspaper some time. Preferably not a Mexican one because the journalists who haven't been killed yet are smart enough not to write about subjects more serious than cute puppies and telenovela stars.

>> No.4472916

All the guns the US piped it sure haven't helped things

>> No.4472921


Not to mention all the cocaine we consume. But that's another rant.

>> No.4472929

I read the paper everyday and you are wrong. The press is all over crime and corruption, it is every headline, every day.

>> No.4473027

since PRI took back the presidency and called off the drug war it is really cooling off now.

>> No.4473052


I've always wondered why they were called that. Do they actually have them in Japan?

>> No.4473087

It's actually about the same


This is coming from someone who lives in a place where there's shootings every day.

>> No.4473255

>thinks the cartels are getting fully automatic weapons from the U.S

Shut the fuck up about things you know nothing about.

>> No.4473258

then enlighten him, faggot

>> No.4473267

Actually, most weapons the police end up getting are modified versions of civil American weapons, modified to be automatic.

>> No.4473315

Lol. You're wrong about that and you don't even know why. Why would the cartels, who need hundreds of thousands of weapons, sneak across the border without getting caught, buy weapons at full fucking price without getting caught, and sneak back across the fucking border with the weapons without getting caught? Why would they go through all that trouble? Why wouldn't they just buy illegal ak-47s for $25 a piece by the thousands?

>> No.4473627

My favorite thing ever is called here pepihuates, they take diced cucumber, japanese peanuts ( peanuts coated with a crunchy, salty coating ) and put it in a little cup with cold clamato. It is both satisfying and refreshing

>> No.4473631

That reminds me. The best candy I've ever had was that coconut flavored candy I got in a small shop in montréal's chinatown.

>> No.4473638


Where do you think those illegal guns come from? The cartels aren't setting up their own gun factories, especially not when they can easily buy them in the US. Smuggling US -> Mexico is much easier than the reverse, which they already do.


>> No.4473658

When you have thousands of your own people risking their lives to hop on trains from Mexico to America, something is very wrong.

Or when coyotes are its own huge industry, something is clearly fucked up. I'm not saying Mexico is a war torn country, but what I'm saying is that those who are rich and are able to afford things are able to live fulfilling lives. Those who are poor are just fucked without anywhere to go except North.

>> No.4473663

Also, I forget to mention those train hoppers will do it while the train is in motion, people have lost limbs, ran over, pushed off by a branch and killed because of the train.

There's also a good amount of kids who do this. I remember reading about kids as young as 6 doing this by themselves.

>> No.4473693
File: 997 KB, 1036x920, maize.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Obviously a semi-illiterate republicunt who thinks cartels have fully functioning domestic small arms industry. BUT MUH FAST N FURIOUS! MUH DON'T TREAD ON ME!

Mexico has exactly two guns: a G36 clone (not really), and a 1911 clone that was made in limited numbers some time in the mid 20th century. The only country that makes real guns in the Americas besides America is Brazil.

>> No.4473719

You're so edgy bro. Wow.

>> No.4473728

Its so much easier and cheaper to receive fully automatic firearms from the countries south of Mexico.
Its more difficult and expensive to obtain firearms in the US, smuggle them back, and convert them into full auto.

Sure, some of the firearms are from America. Do you remember when cocaine used to come from Columbia? Where there exists demand, be it for firearms or drugs, a black market will emerge. There will always exist suppliers for this, or any, market. When one is removed another will take its place.

Some firearms in Mexico come from the US, if that supply were cut off they would simply get their firearms somewhere else.

>> No.4473737

>The only country that makes real guns in the Americas besides America is Brazil.

Canada has two handfuls of firearms manufacturers, and I can think of one in Argentina off the top of my head - Bersa.
So, apparently, you're wrong.

But the manufacture of arms has nothing to do with their importation and sales (in Mexico) when there are millions of surplus military rifles left over from both sides of the Cold War, distributed to militaries all around Central and South America.

>> No.4473747


Why would you go through the trouble of going all the way to Guatemala to buy some 30 year old M16s that went through a protracted jungle war when you can drive 2 hours and get all the brand new guns you could ever want, with the factory grease still on them?

Also, the country is spelled "Colombia". Save yourself future embarrassment and remember this.

>> No.4473753

>wat is hyperbole

Yes and technically Mexico has a few other small arms of little importance. The point is the US is one of the two most important sources of small arms in the world, and it's ridiculous to assert that the guns are going to come from another part of the Americas when we have such an easy domestic market and the border going south is barely patrolled.