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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4465360 No.4465360 [Reply] [Original]

As far as I'm concerned, this is the best beer you can buy in volume for under $15. Recently on sale at Walgreen's $10 for 18 12 oz. cans.

Its nearly summertime. Its hot as fuck (where I am), and its great to have some ice cold beer around to cool off.

So, what does /ck/ drink when /ck/ drinks cheap?

>> No.4465365

I don't touch beer, especially canned, so I'm not to well versed on beer.
But I love getting those 4L jugs of Carlo Rossi wine for $15. And as I recommended in that vodka thread, Kirland vodka, $13 for a handle.

>> No.4465367

if im going for a cheap drunk i get steel reserve.

>> No.4465368

Yuengling and Old Grand-Dad Bourbon. Two Boilermakers and I'm set, so it lasts me awhile.

>> No.4465379

Sounds good.

I'm in a fairly large college town in the American South, so cans of lager like Busch, Natural Light "Natty", and Icehouse are distributed and consumed for the better part of most days.

>> No.4465396

Do you go into threads about fruit and start talking about meat?

>> No.4465403

I wasn't sure if this was beer-specific.
The subject is "best bargain ALCOHOL" and the question is:
>So, what does /ck/ drink when /ck/ drinks cheap?

>> No.4465407

My bad then, thought it said best bargain beer.

Carry on.

>> No.4465413


Those jugs of Carlo are great for camping. Assuming you get wasted by the fire like all humans should.

>> No.4465425


I don't know, but OP clearly said "what does /c/ drink when /ck/ drinks cheap?", so maybe you need to work on your reading comprehension a bit?

>> No.4465433

>Completely misses me apologizing about it
>Calling me out on reading comprehension


>> No.4465462

This is somebody else anon, he probably didn't see the response when typing.

>> No.4465461

I agree OP
Not "cheapest alcohol source" but best cheap beer around here too. Where did you go Black Label?

>> No.4465468

box wine

>> No.4465469


Sorry, I wrote that post before I saw your apology; the thread hadn't refreshed yet.

>> No.4465491

It's okay, but I get to be on top for make-up sex.

>> No.4465526

Best cheap Beer? Simpler Times. Get at trader Joe's for 4$ a Sixer. Comes in Lager (%6.0) and Pilsner(%5.5).

I find The Pilsner tastes a bit better, but the lager is great too. I'm talking genuinely good beer for both these things, not "Good for the Price".

>> No.4465532

I used to think TJ was stupid hippie shit until I discovered their liquor store.
>$2 bottle of wine
>own brand of wheat beer

>> No.4465543

Wow I just realized that even a $2 (750mL) bottle of wine isn't more efficient than a 40 of Steel Reserve (1.18L for $2)

>> No.4465547

Yeah I'm a cocktail geek so I try to get a bit creative if I just want to get ripped. It helps to have mixers/fruit to make it more refreshing, but I'm not above saying 'fuck it' and pouring a glass of straight liquor.

Any Collins drink in this weather is great. ~$1 for seltzer, ~$3 for a bag of lemons (just freeze whatever isn't juiced for later, and granulated sugar is just a pantry staple (making a small batch of simple syrup is preferred, since it mixes easier). You can nix the seltzer if you want a Sour instead, good but lacks that refreshing feeling carbonated water gives.

Paying a bit more upfront makes it cheaper in the long run.

>> No.4465569

(same dude)

Going just a bit further, a Collins or Sour usually calls for 50ml/1.5oz of alcohol (not exact conversions of course). So a fifth is going to give you about 26 servings. So unless you're a severe alcoholic or drinking in a group, a fifth will last you a good while.

>> No.4465589

I often have "Biere 33" which i bring home with me whenever i pop down to france. It's a delicious lager, and only 2% abv, so you can sit in the sun all afternoon sinking them and still be capable of performing tasks. Nothing nicer than finishing a crate as the sun sets, chatting with your buddies.

>> No.4465605
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I don't really drink anything below yuengling, unless someone gives me it. I'm all down for party beer, but for personal in home I try to keep some minor amount of quality in my fridge.

It's the little things.

>> No.4465612

a 1.75l bottle of Burnett's raspberry vodka, for $8.99

>> No.4465623

don't know if want

>> No.4465631 [DELETED] 
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grocery outlet had 30packs for $7.99

had me and my neighbor fucked up for months till they sold out

>> No.4465638


nobody cares about your low-brow snobbery, tripfag

>> No.4465652

that's fucking cheap

>> No.4465656

I found this shitty corner store that sells 6 packs of Bud Ice 16 oz'ers for $3.50 after tax

>> No.4465668

40 oz of cobra during the summer.

>> No.4465674

I'd lean towards the "no" end of that answer

>> No.4465720

1. goodluck finding 40oz of 211 that cheap these days
2. merlot dont taste like shit
3. pretty sure merlot isnt as shit on your guts as well

>> No.4465729

Yea, I'd still rather take the Merlot, I'm not that desperate.
Also 211 is $2.19 here

>> No.4465736

Nothing beats a cold tallboy of Coors light in a hot day.

I buy that when I'm broke

>> No.4465748
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I used to be all about craft brew, but I've since cut back for my wallet's sake. This is the best canned macro out there --and for 16 a 30 case to boot!

>> No.4465752

dat tall can

I don't think I've seen that before, maybe I need to go reexamine my liquor store, I now want a MHL but not a 6-pack

>> No.4465754

dont forget the 32oz cans!

>> No.4465757

people are so broke at my local skatepark that they pull together change to buy a 40

>> No.4465765

Yeah, usually in gas stations next to the malt liquor and high gravities.

They make those? I thought that was only in bottle form.

And on that note, fuck Miller Coors for opting out of the 40 oz business.

>> No.4465769
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The Champagne of Beers!

That was my go-to when I was poor. And, it's really pretty good.

>> No.4465901
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24oz cans for $1.25

Not my first choice of beer but I'm broke and it does the job.

>> No.4466235
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Suck my animated dick.

>> No.4466272

love me some cream ale. I'm from Rochester btw is genny widely distributed? Also rolling rock, PBR, Yuengling, high life are good cheap beer busch is okay if it's freezing cold

>> No.4466284
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has anyone ever tried this?

>> No.4466287

The 32 ounce cans taste like ass for some reason though.

>> No.4466312

Boxer and related products are usually about $13 for a suitcase (36 cans). And they're not owned by Anheuser Busch. No complaints here.

>> No.4466341
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For relaxing times...

>> No.4466344
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The preferred beverage of functioning alcoholics.

Night Train for suburban white people!

>> No.4466374

I'm in NE PA and it only became widely available within the last few years. The Yueng flows like water here, but cream ale is a nice change of pace.

>> No.4466373

make it suntory time?

>> No.4466430

yes yes yes but i cant remember where although i know i was with a bunch of drunk college kids

>> No.4467878
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This is what Dutch low life looks like.

>> No.4467899
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Plastic bottle vodka and cranberry.

>> No.4467973


I fucking love Boxer!!! My bro and I used to devour that shit. We had our tongue-in-cheek reference to call in "Boxxy."

"Bro, what should we get tonight?"
"Hell yeah!!"

It's too bad there wasn't a light option at our local liquor store, because when we were feeling for light beer we had to get Hamm's Light. Same price(12.99+5.5% tax) but for 30 beers instead of 36.

>> No.4467992
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>chillable red

thats the worst kind

>> No.4467995

miller lite

>> No.4468021
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>drinking unnatural beer

I genuinely feel sorry for you guys.

>> No.4468035

Eventually you'll leave the frat house.

>> No.4468047

Jim Beam, Luksosowa, and Castillo Silver are my go-to spirits, all priced pretty damn cheap. Luks is a little pricier than the others but for a top-shelf vodka like Luksosowa I'll pay 22 bucks for 1.75L any day.

>> No.4468071

worse beer ive ever had
and i drink a lot of cheap beer

>> No.4468096

Sierra Nevada Pale Ale.

24 bottles for $24.99

>> No.4468117

It looks like christmas

>> No.4468236
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muh nigga

>> No.4468266

>no mention of Rolling Rock

Shit's $13 for 24, step up yo game.

>> No.4468271

Wrong. The correct answers were "What is Genessee and What is Yuengling. Busch is undrinkable.

>> No.4468279

36 pack hamms under $15 bucks.

>> No.4468282

Being an Ausfag, I have to say I'm extremely jealous of your prices. I probably wouldn't survive a week if I ever made it over that way.

Have to ask though, what's this "after tax" thing? Aren't taxes already part of the price?

>> No.4468286
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bro. just try. like Mexico.
most these prices are usa prices
I went to Mexico and got any beer for like $~0.30us, liquor is cheaper.

and if you go to the Caribbean
you can get $100 rum for like $20 and $20 rum for like $3

>> No.4468297

>what's this "after tax" thing
on the shelf, something might be labelled as $9.99, but when they ring it up, they add sales tax (varies by state), which brings it over $10. in FL, it's 7%, i believe (might be 7.5?).

>> No.4468298

should have mentioned, this whole post applies to america.

>> No.4468300

>implying there is anything low-brow about that
i only drink pilsners and india pale ales. you all suck

>> No.4468301

Stop shipping beer by kangaroo caravans and the price will drop.
Google: "Internal combustion engines"

>> No.4468307
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>not drinking malt liquor 40's anytime you drink cheap beer

>> No.4468323
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mah nigga
one of the VERY FEW good things to come out of St. Louis food related or otherwise

>> No.4468343


Shit tastes like soda water.

>> No.4468345

Rolling Rock was bought by Budweiser and is now brewed in New Jersey you fucking idiot.

>> No.4468384

It was from Pennsylvania actually then Inbev/AB bought it and now it taste horrible because they started brewing it in Newark like >>4468345 said

>> No.4468391
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is there a macro that doesn't taste mostly like water??

I was just going off of the fact that it says "St. Louis, MO" on the bottle and assumed it was brewed there. This image i just found on GIS seems to suggest they are brewed in both places, or at least labelled differently for different markets. Oh also calm down dude.

>> No.4468492

1. Rebel Yell bourbon. $8 a for a 750 at Bevmo.
2. Old Glory beer from Big Lots. $2 a six pack or $2.50 for a 16oz four-pack.

Repeat until grotesquely drunk.

>> No.4468574

The glass-lined tanks of old Latrobe never steered me wrong.

>> No.4468612

About $13 for a litre of drinkable scotch.

I was making scotch & sodas last night while gaming with friends and got blackout drunk in the middle of playing Red Orchestra 2. I can only imagine how that went.

>> No.4468615
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Shit, forgot my picture

>> No.4469424
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clan gives the worst hangover.

i live in panama and national beer here is cheap and pretty decent, i get 24 balboas for like 14 bucks. they're better than any other cheap american beer i've tried.

pic related

also i've seen that carlo rossi shit everywhere and there's blush red and different types. i don't know shit about wine, but which one of them is the best? might get a bottle tomorrow.

>> No.4469449

Charles Shaw cabernet. ("two buck chuck")
Svedka vodka
Miller High Life
Trader Joe's house brand Kentucky Bourbon (which is actually quite decent.)

That pretty much covers it, as far as cheap alcohol. I used to be strictly a gin drinker, for the longest time, but I got burned out on it for some reason. It started giving me hangover and the "icks", so I had to switch. Also, I couldn't buy cheap gin. Cheap gin will kill ya.

>> No.4469461
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I come from Aus, this is cheap as for us $6.40 for 1L

you're a homo

>> No.4469466

I'm not poor, so bargains for me are 6 packs of Lagunitas or a good $20-25 bottle of bourbon.

>> No.4469477

>you're a homo

Not the samefag, but one reason I can't stand Aussies when they visit the US. They'll go on about how much they drink like a bunch of frat idiots, then refuse anything stronger than beer.

>> No.4469482

nah, I mainly drink bourbon or scotch straight, but preferring wine over beer is gay af

>> No.4469484


No, actually, getting fucked in the ass by men like you do is gay. The other is a preference of drinks, and his is stronger than yours Ausfailian.

Keep your fat legged blonde whores out of New York btw, there's a glut of them right now.

>> No.4469486
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>> No.4469488


Never stop failing aussies. Never.

>> No.4469493

Schlitz is pretty good for the price. I live in Wisconsin, though, so all beer is relatively cheap.

>> No.4469494
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nah i agree aus is shit tho

>> No.4469501

I got a 36 of hamms last time I went camping, tasted like rusty water.

>> No.4469502
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Going international, are we?
When I was in China, Yan Jing was my local brew of choice.
>Holy shit cheap doesn't begin to describe.
0.15 USD per 650ml (22oz) bottle. Beats the pants out of any other macro brew in the US/Mexico or other Chinese beers.
>It gets better.
One phone call and the beer guy delivers you a fresh case for $5.
>granted you have to actually live in China

In China, drink BAI JIU only if you want to die

>> No.4469505

>clan gives the worst hangover.
If the worst hangover is from Clan then I must have a liver like a Brita filter. I pounded half a litre last night and came away this morning feeling just a bit woozy.

Scotch is good to me. I finished a quart of Johnny Walker Red one saturday a few weeks ago and felt like a million bucks in the morning.

>> No.4469569

when i was younger and poor we would drink busch and a puerto rican friend of mine showed me a trick to make it taste much better we would add a lime wedge to it like they do with corona.

really made it much better why that worked no idea but it made busch which tastes like piss water palatable .

now when i want to drink cheap beer i buy yuengling. 9$ for a 12 pack and its decent beer.