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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4463522 No.4463522 [Reply] [Original]

>Be eating something with meat in it (Chili, Sandwich, etc)
>Get a bone
>Appetite instantly destroyed, feel like vomiting
>Throw out remainder of food

I cant be the only one

>> No.4463524

I'm the same way with large chunks of fat.

>> No.4463523

Lol wut

>> No.4463526

Once I tried eating a can of vegetarian Hormel chili

I got a bone.

>> No.4463534
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but pho is good, shut up

>> No.4463540

Bones gross you out?
I got a fucking femur in my chili once. You know what I did?
I asked for second after splitting the bone open for that fucking delicious marrow

>> No.4463562

The funny thing is, I love pho.
I'm talking about fat in a whole steak, or on chicken.

>> No.4463564


You aren't. Can't stand stuff like that.

>> No.4463571


My brothers. I can't handle that shit. I know it makes me a huge puss, but I just can't. The texture is just too much.

>> No.4463582

There is no marrow in a tiny shard of bone you dolt

>> No.4463586

Oh god OP I fucking hate bones. I'll start gagging if I even see one.

>> No.4463587

I don't want to throw up but whenever I get a bone in my fish let's say, I just spit out my food, and maybe take a different bite. Sometimes I just stop eating whatever meat is on my plate.

>> No.4463597



>> No.4463637

i hate fish bones, pointy as fuck, easy to swallow, and can hide in fillets

>> No.4463653

Fuck, OP. I thought you meant you got a boner.

>> No.4463655

Sure is first world problems in here.

>> No.4463659

>find fly in drink
>take it out
>drink the whole glass

Fuck yeah.

>> No.4463663

If you can't handle bones you obviously don't have the stones to eat meat, might as well become a vegetarian and let the men handle the meat.

>> No.4463669

No shit, mang.
"errmahgerd, bugs!"

>> No.4463668

Bones, not so much.
Veins on the other hand.

>> No.4463667


>ants in my food
>eat the little fuckers

#muh gainz

Fish bones fucked up my throat real bad once.

>> No.4463677

They tastes pretty bitter.

>> No.4463681

You need to know your fish.
I'm not trying to be a cock, but if more people learned about food, and didn't just expect others to do it for them, everyone would be much better off.

>> No.4463682
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>buy boneless, skinless chicken titty
>flip it over
>nasty skirt of fat
>a red dot that I don't even know what is
>have to cut off half the weight of the chicken to get only the parts that aren't disgusting

Every time. Haven't had chicken in atleast a year though

>> No.4463690


I kinda agree. If a little bone in food grosses you out, pretty sure if you went to a slaughterhouse and knew what actually goes into your meat you'd never take another bite.

>> No.4463691

>You need to know your fish.
You're right. I really don't know shit about fish besides the fact that they're fucking delicious.

>> No.4463692
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OP, you would puke to death if you opened a can of this stuff

"Traditional style"

>> No.4463697

Oh lawd, now I want to make salmon patties.....

>> No.4463703

Your mom ate my bone.

>> No.4463719


I don't recommend that canned salmon for it. Shit's dry as hell. No amount of mayo will hydrate it

>> No.4463725
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I... I just bought two of the small flat cans of that stuff the other day.

Should I just throw them out...?

>> No.4463745

No, pick out the bones, make some delicious salmon salad.

>> No.4463763
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have you not watched the meaning of life? you will certainly die after consuming said comestible.

>> No.4463771


Assuming the small flat cans are the same as the normal sized cans, you'll find a salmon corpse stuffed inside with bones and skin all mixed up in it. The pouches are the ones they pretty up, the canned kind is a horror show

>> No.4463777

last time I got it in a huge can it was pretty much mostly meat. there were a few bones and even spine pieces, but they were easy to just pick out. However, the only real use for this stuff is for salmon salad. I also had to spend hours degreasing that shit. It was fairly tasty, but never buying it again.

>> No.4463808
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>mfw I eat that straight from the can
And idg the fear about the bones in there, they're actually edible and melt in your mouth practically.
I love fat, cartilage, bones, and viens.

The only gross thing I can't stand is finding someone's hair in my meal, say if I get fast food or at a relative's house. I know it's just hair but god damn.

>> No.4463805

If it's like a bone chip, I'll just spit it out, but if it's a complete bone then yeah it kinda puts my appetite off.

>> No.4463812

>the person you're respond to here
I make salmon patties all the time out of traditional canned salmon. I've never had a problem with them being dry. But, I also don't even use mayo in them. Ugh. Mayo is for making tartar sauce, not using to bind the patties.

>> No.4463820

>be vegan
>no bones
>skellington levels minimal
>finish remainder of meal

>> No.4463825

This happens to me with cartilage. The texture is just so off putting.

>> No.4463828


Also kind of agree, this whole bone-fear is almost ridiculous to me, though I think that might be due to the fact that I am Asian. It seems it's mainly Westerners that would more likely have this sort of problem, perhaps because their method of cooking tends to take all the bones out (or at least make it easy, like a drumstick). Anyone agree?

>> No.4463851

Same here.

>> No.4463854

I used to go to this one place for soy sauce chicken rice, and their general attitude to bones was "let's chop it really hard and the bones go everywhere but who cares."

Bone chips everywhere. Tried asking for it boneless once, in Chinese, and they were completely confused. Tasty, though.

>> No.4463857

^This is one of the reasons I love being vegan.

There are no nasty surprises in our food.

>> No.4463858

>keep thinking every strange bit of it is some type of tumor or cyst with puss in it
>grossed out

>> No.4463861

Everything you eat is a nasty surprise.

>> No.4463863

Just because you're too stupid to know about the nasties in your food, doesn't' count.
Ignorance is bliss, isn't it?

>> No.4463864

There's also no flavor or soul, just massive levels of phytoestrogen.

>> No.4463865

you mean aside from the e-coli that is often in your food.

>> No.4463867
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One time my boyfriend broiled up some steaks and as we were eating he found a huge vein in his. He's a solid stomached man, so he just pulled it out and made it dance on the table and sang "HELLO MY HONEY HELLO MY DARLIN' HELLO MY RAGTIME GAAAAAAAAAAAL" and I was both parts disgusted and amused. I couldn't finish my food and he called me a "food waster" and ate my steak too. When he was done with both steaks he continued to terrorize me with the dancing vein while singing showtunes.


>> No.4463869

Meat eaters get so butthurt over their food. So weird.

I used to be a meat eater myself and I remember vividly all the veins, connective tissue, slime, bones, blood, etc., in meat. It used to gross me out but I felt like I had to eat it for protein. So, so glad I know I don't have to now.

My vegan food tastes so much better than what I used to eat. I mean look at this:

>> No.4463871

Silly vegan. Don't you know the bits and bobs are the tasty bits? Marrow, my good fool, is the sweet nectar of the very gods themselves, for one.

Poor, churlish prat you are, you don't understand a thing.

>> No.4463874
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>> No.4463880


Can we just nip this in the bud right here? This thread isn't about vegan vs meat. Can we go just one thread without throwing shit at each other?

>> No.4463896

Send your boyfriend to me when you're done with him.

>> No.4463901

The very best part of eating is the fatty portions of spare ribs.

>> No.4463909

Bones gross you out? Shieeeet. What a wussy wimp.

Hair is much, much worse. And tough tendons you can find in certain cheaper cuts of meat. Jesus those are annoying food boner killers.

>> No.4463913

It seemed to haunt me when I would get any sort of chicken. I'd be happily eating it then I'd get the fucking fat.

>> No.4463914


Sorry, I plan on hanging onto him for a long time. Maybe even forever.

>> No.4463922

Plants have souls. Don't you feel bad about eating them?

>> No.4463924


Oh god, someone that understands ;_;

>> No.4463931

People have this retarded abstract view of food and its so fucking stupid. I bet you end up vegan after you see a picture of a slaughter house.

Grow the fuck up OP.

>> No.4463934

As if it's a bad thing to go vegan after seeing a picture of a slaughterhouse.

Perfectly normal response to seeing unnecessary violence taking place is to not want to participate in it.

Also, you should like your food, not just eat it because you feel like you have to or because you get mocked by people for not being "manly" enough to want to eat something gross....

>> No.4463937
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I suggest you start cooking for yourself, OP. This is a horrible mental deficiency that must be overcome. Go out and buy whole chickens, fish, hams, and anything else you can find with bones in. Learn to cook them, then go back to trying your boneless, skinless meats. You will wonder how you ever preferred them. It will be a long journey, but it is worth it.

>> No.4463939
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Guys please can we just not even do this right now.

>> No.4463941

I'm not American so I don't really get the reference.

>> No.4463953

>eating turkey chili
>hit neck bones
>chew them up
>continue eating

and another
>eating quail
>suddenly something sandy
>that was unpleasant
>eat it anyway cause hungry
>it was a zinc pellet

Nope not bothered much by it, then again that's dad's cooking for ya

>> No.4463988

I can't eat stand chopped ham, the irregular texture makes me want to vomit