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4455902 No.4455902 [Reply] [Original]

Is anyone else doing meatless Monday's?

>> No.4455907

>>meatless Monday's?

No, wh'y woul'd I d'o that't?

>> No.4455920

yes. I am going to have leeks, carrots, brussels sprouts, and mushrooms over brown rice for dinner tonight. haven't decided on the sauce yet.

>> No.4455924

Yes. Just veal for me.

>> No.4455929


idk, it sounded like a good way to unfat without a bunch of effort.

>> No.4455952
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>> No.4455955

>meat makes you fat
Stop it.

>> No.4455960

>mfw i just had mangetout fried with garlic in bacon render and some Neapolitan sausages fried in olive oil and a bit of bread as lunch

>> No.4455967


It doesn't, but often times doing vegetarian will cause calories to decrease due to boredom and limited choices. Same thing happens with people doing Atkins.

>> No.4455974

Yes! My boyfriend wanted Fastfood Fridays, so I said it was okay if we also did Meatless Mondays.

>> No.4455978


ounce for ounce meat has way more fat and is more calorific than *name any vegetable*

>> No.4455991
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>> No.4456011
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Exactly. And due to the zero fiber etc meat makes you feel less full, so you keep eating. Not to mention all the oil and shit meat is served in.

>> No.4456016

>eating meat every day of the week
jesus christ.

>> No.4456012

Eating 4000 kcal of veg instead of 4000 kcal of anything else +meat. Will not magically make you lose weight

>> No.4456026


No. While fat does have more calories per ounce, protein and protein satiate just like fiber does. Carbs do not - since in the wild carbs come with fiber this makes sense for our body mechanism.

>> No.4456023

It's also higher in protein than most things you can eat. Just because something has fat in it doesn't mean it's bad.
You're meant to, y'know, exercise too.

>> No.4456029


It's much harder for people in the west to get 4000 kcal from vegetable sources, unless it's all fried potatoes

>> No.4456045


lol, 4000 kcal of veg is like an impossible quantity to consume.

>> No.4456061


High-fiber grains make you feel way more full than meat.

250 calories of oatmeal vs 250 calories of beef, no comparison.

>> No.4456071

>vegetarian limited choices

I thought this would be the cause before I went vegetarian, but I eat way more foods now than I did as an omnivore. You look at the menus in most places, and the meat dishes are pretty much always the same ole' crap. Very little variety.

>> No.4456076

>unless it's all fried potatoes

Which it is, in most cases.

French fries and cupcakes are objectively less healthy and more fattening than meat. Both are also vegetarian (possibly vegan).

Being vegetarian is pointless; if you set rules for yourself you will find loopholes and defeat any purpose for going veg in the first place. Just don't be stupid and eat balanced meals, christ.

>> No.4456080

>I know what makes you feel fuller
Fuck off. You sound like one of those /fit/ assholes. Am I close?

>> No.4456097


Yeah, but the extra fiber from going meatless once a week enables me to take huge bowl breaking craps when I get all stopped up from the meat based diet.

>> No.4456103


Lots of vegetarians, especially picky eaters, don't do this. They live on fewer staples, and so they're more bored with food.

Depends on the vegetarian

Subjective for the most part. Regardless, the point stands - fat and protein both satiate as well.

>> No.4456105


I've had quite a few friends who have lost 40+ lbs, reversed diabetes, asthma, and other health problems just by going vegetarian. No, they weren't just starving themselves, they still ate healthy, balanced meals regularly. But just cutting out meat and replaced it with whole grains and vegetables makes a huge difference for a lot of people.

>> No.4456119

while I approve of meatless meals once a week, I can attest that eating a nutritious diet that included meat and vegetables but less carbohydrates has turned my insulin resistance around. I eat wild caught or pastured meats, whole foods, no white sugar or flour. The animal fats have also helped improve my mood. I have energy again!

>> No.4456123

I can do anecdotal evidence too. Considering I've had friends who put on weight from being dumbasses that replaced meat with godawful amounts of bread , pasta , and veg covered in dressing . Oh and stupid amounts of cheese too

>> No.4456135
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Meatless Mondays is awesome.

Meatless Everyday is even more awesome.

>> No.4456144


Wait..didn't he die a long time ago; kinda kills the validity of his statement.

>> No.4456145

How? I'd say the main reason most people are fat is not because of meat, but because of refined carbs. Potato chips, fries, cakes, breads, etc.

>> No.4456148

That fat liberal fuck didn't suffer enough while he died. The world is truly unjust.

>> No.4456150



>> No.4456151


I agree actually. But tell someone they can only eat white flour products, and they'll get bored and eat less of them after a while.

>> No.4456159

>because of refined carbs

lol, I don't want to live on a planet with out cake and fries or fried cake.

>> No.4456160

I'd blame dairy.

>> No.4456166


>> No.4456172
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Welterweight boxing champion of the world, a vegan, on the right, and his meat eating opponent on the left.

I think I know which diet I'd go with.

>> No.4456175


I love ice cream, but I know I won't be able to take a dump for at least a day per scoop,.

>> No.4456181
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Almond milk icecream, coconut milk ice cream, rice milk ice cream, soy milk icecream, hemp milk icecream.

All amazing.

>> No.4456183


That's a terrible comparison, Manny's just old and been in too many wars; if he was in his prime he would have mopped the floor with that escaped vegan.

>> No.4456188


Yeah, but I want milk, MILK ice cream not nuts and seeds.

>> No.4456189

neither do like 70% of americans.

Point is that those things are adding a lot more toward fatness than meat

as far as I'm concerned, the only reason to do "meatless mondays" is to help cut expenses or if you just want to try different food every once in a while. I'm no veggiefag, but vegetarian foods like hummus/falafel or portobello mushroom burgers are fucking delicious.

>> No.4456195

That's actually a pretty solid compromise.
Use to do that with my ex; only fast or eating out on Fridays, the rest of the week was home cooking.

>> No.4456232

>A month ago is a long time ago
Come on man, it hasn't been that long.

>> No.4456245


That vegan crushed every other meat-eating boxer, even ones in their prime.

>> No.4456244


Ok, well he still would have lived longer if he ate meat.

>> No.4456246

Hmm. I actually had some meat in my lunch. but wasn't much.
But I am in the process of trying to cut down on my meat consumption
I'm still quite thin, but I'm starting to visually gain weight since my metabolism isn't what it used to be, and I spend 12 hours a day sitting at a desk working. Then another 4 at my desk at home

>> No.4456255

>Diet has nothing to do with athletic performance

Uh, what?

>> No.4456254

Huh, I actually didn't eat meat today. Not that I planned it.

>> No.4456251


I am a complete icecream-aholic. Have been since I was a kid. But coconut and almond milk ice cream taste just as good, if not better, than dairy ice cream.

Give it a try, you won't regret it.

>> No.4456248

Their diet has little to do with who wins

>> No.4456262

>vegetarian foods like hummus/falafel or portobello mushroom burgers are fucking delicious.

Amen. People that think this is black and white and you either eat meat or don't are idiots.

We omnivores eat plenty of vegetarian foods all the time and love them.

>> No.4456259

Stop putting words in my mouth
I'm saying their diets are on the same nutritional level.
Being a well planned vegan and a balance meat eating diet didn't do shit to give anyone an advantage or disadvantage

>> No.4456264


GTFO, with the exception of old and washed up Manny, Vázquez, and Casamayor he's only been in the ring with a bunch of powder puffs and punching bags in glorified sparing matches. Which is how you can tell he's a vegan pussy.

>> No.4456266


I agree that as long as each diet is well planned there isn't going to be a difference in performance.

But most in the athletic community are meat-obsessed and think unless you're gulping down chicken 24/7 you'll be a scrawny shit.

>> No.4456272


Bradley is undefeated in boxing.

Vegan or not, dude is a fucking beast.

>> No.4456275

He died of fucking cancer.
And had his lower jaw removed because it was highly infected. It has nothing to do with not eating meat.

>> No.4456297


>undefeated in boxing

that's not very hard when you fight a bunch of geriatric competition with a sprinkling of no-named patsies; just to build up a padded record to cash in on one big fight with an actual meat eating fighter that will end his career.

>> No.4456303


That's exactly what I'm talking about, he should have had more meat to boost his immune system.

>> No.4456444


Ebert hadn't been vegetarian long enough, that's why he got cancer. Too much carcinogenic meat in his past.