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4451384 No.4451384 [Reply] [Original]

Why is it so hard for people on here to admit that deep dish AND thin crust taste good?

>> No.4451387

Because it's more fun to fling shit at strangers over the internet.


>> No.4451391

probably because deep dish is for cum sucking faggots

>> No.4451395

Never had deep-dish.
Thing crust is boring and a rip-off.
Normal crust is good.

>> No.4451397

The thing is that people in chicago don't actually eat deep dish pizza, it's just a tourist item.

>> No.4451407

Even Chicagoans know it's shit, they just don't like to admit it.

>> No.4451428

I'm originally from NYC, and my gf is from Chicago. I have heard this exact same thing from her. I, personally, don't understand the comparison. Chicago-style is an entirely different beast in regards to almost all other pizza forms, save (maybe) Sicilian.

>> No.4451432

Seriously man, they're both tasty, and are practically different food items. Would you ever refuse to eat bread because you like tortillas?

>> No.4451437

Lol bullshit.

>> No.4451532

i like all kinds, not hard~

>> No.4451540

Looks like lasagna on pizza crust.

>> No.4451549

All pizza is just disgusting bland tomato bread.

>> No.4451567

they just like to troll with it

they use it so people don't catch on to the italian beef and commercialize it everywhere else like what happened with the cheese steak

oh yeah...we totally love deep dish pizza, its great gais! and that is said with a beef sandwich behind their backs

>> No.4452058

Both pizza and meat pie are good. Happy OP?

>> No.4452105

I've never had a chicago style pizza but it looks 100x better than my NY style pizzas. But then again the only pizza taste I know anymore is Dollar Pizza.

I dont know real taste anymore. It is a fleeting dream

>> No.4452165
File: 33 KB, 500x573, 72827_276377112498374_1343899746_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

last summer i went to italy and the pizza was totally different, not so heavy loaded with all sort of stuff, thinner and cooked in wood oven

>> No.4452185

Swede reporting.
Some say we have bad pizzas, but that looks fucking disgusting.

>> No.4452192
File: 862 KB, 816x782, 1361391594440.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah that's the real pizza, but murrikans love to make everything big

>> No.4452222

the problem with small pizza is it still costs as much as a large one.

>> No.4453222


it really depends, i have had both good and bad versions of both.

>> No.4453235

>tfw eurofag and never had deep dish
I'm going to canada in august though, can I get it there?

>> No.4453241

Europe isn't a country.

>> No.4453282

You probably can in any large city.
You might have to do a little bit of looking though.

>> No.4453289

not sure what you're trying to tell me with this

alright then I'll make that my mission

>> No.4453299

People's life circumstances condition them to prefer one or the other.

Like you, I will eat things that taste good without preference.

>> No.4453334

Not hard for me.
That deep dish looks great, though I've never had one before. I think I love almost all pizza. But yeah, damn that looks good.

Yeah, I've had wonderful pizza in Italy. Also had a bad one, but only once out of like 10 different places. I live in Texas and there is a place owned by Italians (from Italy, not New York - if you get me) near where I live. They make very good pizza and I'm glad I have something like that close to home.

Someday I'd like to try a deep dish like in OP's pic.

>> No.4453352
File: 32 KB, 550x412, slice-from-new-york-pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're both great.

But New York can't into pizza.

>> No.4453359

That looks good to me. So does OP's.

>> No.4453405

Why did you post a picture of an opened quesadilla in a pizza thread?

>> No.4453425
File: 331 KB, 954x531, 154895034.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't care, it still tastes good.

I also like thin crust.

>> No.4454449

zacharys in the sf bay area...
great pizza? or the greatest pizza?

>> No.4454459

when it comes to pizza
chicago>new york
sorry but its true

>> No.4454487

They both taste good. Deep dish is just too heavy though, a slice makes me want to go into a coma and wake up with constipation, diabeetus and dehydration. I prefer a slice of thin crust with quality dough, sauce, cheese and toppings.

>> No.4454511


Fat as fatass detected

>> No.4454520

I just don't like the ingredient ratio if a deep dish. Personal preference and such.

>> No.4454539

Why is it so hard for people to accept different opinions on a fucking crust? Thick crust like Chicago style is just not my thing, kudos to people for wanting to shovel it in though

>> No.4454546

my favorite!


aw yaaaaaaaaeuah

>> No.4454547

>get deep dish pizza
>assume it'll be better because more pizza = more good
>it just means more tasteless dough

never again

thin and crispy master race

>> No.4454557

Somebody made you a shitty deep dish

>> No.4454582

Because thin crust doesn't taste good

>> No.4454601
File: 50 KB, 520x534, Cool_story_bro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You wouldn't happen to live in Chicago would you?

>> No.4454612

Love the deep dish, but sometimes I like the thinner stuff. It all depends on what I'm in the mood for.

>> No.4454626

Zachary's... spinach and mushroom... definitely god-tier food.
That's what they eat in heaven.

>> No.4454632

Thin or deep Zachary's is king
I think it's the sauce, so much flavor!