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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4450214 No.4450214 [Reply] [Original]

what are you faggots eating for lunch?

i've got a cheese burger, filleted brat and shredded bbq chicken all smothered in bbq sauce

i bet you wish you were here to lick the grease off of my stubby fingers

>> No.4450218

My brother OD'ed on burgers and pot :(

>> No.4450235

I just reheated some leftover saag gosht I made last week and made some fresh roti to go with it. I'll take a picture and post in a sec. Sage until then.

>> No.4450246

thank you burger land

>> No.4450248

god bless america

>> No.4450250
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>> No.4450251

pulled pork enchiladas and a meh-tier bottle of shiraz

>> No.4450254

Had some Campbell's Chunky Vegetable Beef soup just now with some chips. I have a cold so I thought soup would help it out. I had Tomato and Chicken Noodle soup the past few meals. Might have Tomato again for dinner.

>> No.4450255
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what is that green shit?

>> No.4450266

Saag gosht. It's delicious.

>> No.4450270

Doubt it. Looks worse than baby shit.

>> No.4450282

Here: have some. It's quite good.

>> No.4450290

I had green beans with serrano ham and jacket potatoes. I've got chicken stir fried with onions and peppers and mushrooms for dinner but I'm not really hungry.

I'm a fattie, BTW. I just eat big portions and do little exercise.

>> No.4450304
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Waiting for my skewers

>> No.4450334
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>not waiting for a knife and fork
>giving in to the yellow peril

>> No.4450352

Enjoy your worms. Hipster douche.

>> No.4450359

lunch - doritos
dinner- lemon pepper roasted chicken
cous cous salad
sauteed shiitake mushrooms
braised collard greens with caramelized onions

>> No.4450405
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Why are you so mad?

>> No.4450411
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>> No.4450419

that's a pretty fucking large amount of ginger and wasabi for two sushi's

>> No.4450439



>> No.4450444

funny because it's impossible to die from marijuana, so he mustve been fat as fuck

>> No.4450447

Do u 420 blaze brah?

>> No.4450462

I just had a Cobb salad from Quiznos because i didn't feel like cooking. Tonight I'm making turkey burgers, coconut cream corn, oven-fried zucchini sticks, and a baby spinach salad with raspberry vinaigrette dressing.

>> No.4450500
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Todays dinner

>> No.4450502

An avocado with a little cajun seasoning.

>> No.4450505

no such thing as two much ginger

>> No.4450508


i'm so sorry

>> No.4450510

You are german
aren't you

>> No.4450512

looks yummy what is it

>> No.4450515
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I saw a documentary about american burgers once, the butterburger made me sick. Then I made them myself, yesterday and today. Tastes amazing. Like the best food ever, and you can't add too much butter.

>> No.4450518


Trailer for the documentary. Amerifatt Butter burger ftw!


>> No.4450524
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Pork tendreloin with green pepper sauce (that came in a bag).

>> No.4450533
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in celebration of my brothers to the south we are having tacos! which includes pork carnitas, chicken fajitas, ginger lime chicken....topping s include all the regs plus mango pineapple salsa and cilantro lime sauce...chili lime corn on the side....with tons of drinks to boot

>> No.4450542

I made cabbage, onion, and golden potato soup with a broth cube, then cooked some bacon and added a few tablespoons of grease and added the cooked bacon.

It was the cheap ends and pieces bacon though and I should have chopped that shit up after making it crispy instead of just dropping it in, because now I've got stringy fat bits in there. I'll just have to go in there manually and make them smaller.

Tastes pretty good, I've never made this soup before but I remember someone posting about it on here a few weeks ago.

>> No.4450550

I had pancakes. I forgot how overrated they are.

>> No.4450581
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Fresh roti... oh dear god yes

>> No.4450591
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I made some brownies with cream cheese icing that had a bit of coco in it.

I really don't even want to talk about these right now. After only being able to eat one...

This is pain.

>> No.4450618

> eat them all

>> No.4450627

Thank you.
Many types of roti are very easy to make, so it surprises me that they're not more common. The type I make is a variant of missi roti which is itself a variant of standard roti. Missi roti is made with lentil and wheat flours, water, salt and butter, ghee or oil and is made into a pliable dough.
The version I make lacks the butter/ghee/oil and is made into a batter rather than a dough. They are otherwise prepared identically.

>> No.4451826


any amount of ginger is too much ginger


>> No.4451844

I like roti but I can never be bothered to make it

>> No.4451865

I had oats.

They were oats. :|

>> No.4451885

>can't be bothered to make Roti
Eh? Roti/Chapati is quick and stupid easy:
5 minutes to mix 2 parts flour, 1 part warm water, a pinch of salt, and splash of oil and to knead the dough smooth
15+ minutes for you to go doing something else while the dough rests,
5-10 minutes to cook a batch on a hot skillet

>> No.4452182
File: 1.44 MB, 2560x1920, 2013-05-05 10.20.35.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maple salmon.

>> No.4452183
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>> No.4452186

> impossible to die from marijuana
the debate rages as there are those who believe Bruce Lee died by ingesting a potent strain of hashish

>> No.4452196

Remember, salmon can also be cooked to rare or medium rare!

>> No.4452198

Those flowery tablecloths.
>only in europe

>> No.4452203
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I had a few slices raw before I cooked it. I don't like the texture of salmon at the middling stages though. Fully raw or fully cooked onry pls.

>> No.4453749

Overkill much?

>> No.4453756

Raw salmon and some soysauce is da bomb

>> No.4453765
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Tortillas and baby shit

That's a good lunch if I've ever seen one.

>> No.4454635 [DELETED] 
File: 60 KB, 800x597, 001-6_zpsaf445f91.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had this for lunch,today.
Crappy view of the burger, but it was a chili cheese burger with chili that tastes very similar to Tommy's chili.

>> No.4454643

>the debate rages
not really

>> No.4454649

You plate seems to have an abundance of grease.

Also that combination of various meats and condiment sauce sounds terrible.

Yeah, keep telling yourself that, druggy.

>> No.4454654

Looks like shit, retard.

>> No.4455502

i'd eat it

>> No.4455564

He's still not going to tip, no matter how much he has.

>> No.4455618

>coke with sushi
fucking disgusting