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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 422 KB, 960x623, lisa_the_vegetarian.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4448721 No.4448721 [Reply] [Original]

The thread about the public school in NY going vegetarian got me thinking. I already try to be environmentally and ethically conscious with the shit I buy, so why not change up my diet to reflect those values too?

So I'm going to give vegetarianism a shot. What are some good cookbooks, sites, documentaries, anything to lead me on my quest for veggie burgers.

>> No.4448743

Food Inc
Forks and knives
Fat Head

>> No.4448768
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So here's some info about going vegetarian / vegan.

First is the movie Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead, the one with the guy who lost tons of weight and cured
his own painful and debilitating condition by consuming only fruit and
vegetable juice, check it out: http://www.hulu.com/watch/289122

If you decide to try a vegan / vegetarian diet, be sure to replace
milk with soy milk or another fortified milk substitute, and get enough protein from nuts, beans, and tofu. However I should mention that you don't need as much protein as you probably think you do. The soy milk also contains your calcium and
vitamin B12, which are the other crucial things that a vegan diet
needs. I take a multivitamin every day too just to get the full
battery of nutrients & vitamins.

Here are some more ideas and info for new vegetarians / vegans to make
transitioning easier:

Hope this helps. There're lots of vegan recipes out there for any kind of meal you might want to make. It's really not that hard to make the switch, give
it a try and go forward in small steps, eating vegetarian one day a week, then two, then three, etc until you're ready for full time... I'm confident you can do it OP. Like Obi-wan Kenobi once said "You've taken your first step into a larger world."

>> No.4448775


says more cows will reverse global warming

>> No.4448805



Says that Allan Savory has no idea what he is talking about.

The beef industry is the #2 cause of Global Warming. Not the solution.

>> No.4448813


No studies have shown Savory's methods to actually work. Take a look at this, for example. "We can end global warming, just get more cows!" pretty much just sounds like he was paid off by the Cattleman Association.


>> No.4448828

All these vegetarian threads have got me thinking, about how it's the same group of posters told to shitpost here from their cult headquarters.

>> No.4448842

>Straightens tinfoil hat.

There are hundreds of millions of vegetarians in the world, and thousands going vegetarian every day. No shit there's posts about it on a food forum.

>> No.4448853

Let me guess, you are overweight?

Not vegetarian, in fact I am an avid hunter, but I always imagine the "hurrrr for every animal you don't eat I'll eat 3" retards being obese. It is so fitting - fat people thinking they can critique the eating habits of anyone else.

>> No.4448854

1. pull peen out of your butt
2. ????
3. profit!

>> No.4448869


I've been on /ck/ for a while, the majority of vegetarian threads were simple how do I make vegetables taste better or cook more with them. 5 or so months back, for some odd reason, this board pretty much exploded with veganism propaganda. You'd have to be an idiot to miss it, there's already three vegan bitching threads going on right now.

>> No.4448894


Thanks, very helpful.

>> No.4448915


Exactly. It's ridiculous how someone can simply make a thread on here asking about a vegetarian recipe, and in swoop trolls to call them fags.

We have dozens of meat threads every day on here and I don't see vegetarians posting in them trolling people, so they deserve the same respect.

>> No.4448916

Going veggie or vegan is going to cause shit posting on both sides but here are two thoughts:

1) have you tried a vegan food? Often the people making it are not very good cooks, look into dishes of countries that have large veg/vegan populations like India

2) Which is more sensible to me, portion control, move your diet to eating much smaller portions of meat at every meal and get protein from other sources, beans, nuts, and increase your veg intake. I think this is a good step to see if you can live on this type of diet.

>> No.4448932


Pack of lies, there are ten times more vegan threads than meat eating threads. People asking how to make a chicken sandwich, is not the same as a thread purely for vegan propaganda videos and speeches. There was probably one or two meat appreciation threads, in response to the hoards of vegan threads, and even those were shitposted by butthurt vegans with "tell me you can eat meat after you look at this video" comments.

>> No.4448961

>deserve the same respect
most of the vegetarian/vegan threads that are appearing are an infectious lot of "it butter for da whirled" "y u no good as I" bullshit with people posting talking points to win votes, including this one.
>environmentally and ethically conscious
>change diet to reflect those values
get rid of the constant retching forth of idyllic jetsam and it MIGHT not look so much like a flaming brown paper bag on the doorstep

>> No.4448965

cows are carbon neutral

>> No.4448984

>there are ten times more vegan threads than meat eating threa

Look at the catalog. I count 10x more threads about meat than I do about veganism.

>> No.4449020

>stopped eating mcdonalds
>started eating fruit
>got healthier


>> No.4449030

>1) have you tried a vegan food?

Yeah, I've eaten at plenty of vegetarian and vegan restaurants, so I know that the food is just as good as any steak or sushi. Only problem is the only things I know how to cook are burgers and lamb chops pretty much. And for baking I dunno how to bake without butter and milk.

So just need time to learn.

>> No.4449039

There are plenty of fine subs for milk and butter if you choose to go that way it will just never taste the "same". I have several friends that are vegan for mainly a moral choice but since I don't see it that way I think just a sensible meat portion is the way to go.

I still don't say go all in if you want to try it but start doing a 50/50 and keep moving until you are happy with what you are eating.

Spices and diversity of them is going to be your friend.

>> No.4449044

Also, are you going veg or vegan to many they are two different "animals" if you will.

>> No.4449058


I don't think I'm ready yet to try going full vegan, but maybe somewhere down the road I will give it a try. I think I'll incorporate some simple things, like using almond milk for my cereal, and Earth Balance instead of butter on my toast.

The Vegan Outreach guide listed a lot of good looking substitutes, I'll make a trip to the store tomorrow and get a few to try out.

>> No.4449089

Learn to cook with tofu
watch every single tofu cooking video on youtube and you will be a god

>> No.4449102

>environmentally and ethically conscious
Just don't make that the driving force to overpay for stuff you don't need, look into veg culture because people have to eat it not because they choose to.

There you will find dishes you can eat and live on.

>> No.4449118

Here's how, OP.
1. Shove your fucking head up your ass, you insufferable self-righteous fuck

>> No.4449173
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There's this Korean dish, sundubu, where the tofu is god tier. Most divine protein I've ever had, better even than kobe beef.

A lil Googling came up with this vegetarian version, I'll try to learn it.

>> No.4449174

The ethical arguments for vegetarianism are complete shit. I can only assume that your environmental and ethical consciousness on other matters is equally facile.

>> No.4449177

this. Know that markets are targeting overpriced shit right at you, the new vegetarian

>> No.4449183


What type of stuff? Exotic shit in Whole Foods, I understand, but the basics, almond milk, veggie dogs, all of that stuff looks about the same price as the meat version from what I see so far.

>> No.4449188

You like propaganda?

>> No.4449191

>The thread about the public school in NY going vegetarian got me thinking, I made that thread yesterday and you faggots took the bait so why not make a few more today?

>> No.4449234


How is Food Inc. propaganda exactly?

>> No.4449862

What about cookbooks? Who are considered the celebrity chefs of vegetarian cuisine?

>> No.4449873

>celebrity chefs
Fuck off, dipshit.

>> No.4449879

>stamping his name on something he didn't draw
God dammit I fucking hate Matt Groening.

>> No.4449884

>I already try to be environmentally and ethically conscious with the shit I buy, so why not change up my diet to reflect those values too?
I hate vegetarians who take on this messiah complex.

>> No.4449894

heheheh, being bad at being a mexican
3 internets for you!

they should have bought beans and rice the fat fucks

>> No.4449896

There are hundreds of millions of stupid people in the world, and thousands going "full retard mode" every day. No shit they are shitposting about their stupid ideas on a food forum.

>> No.4449899

Theres a difference between vegetarians and vegans. Vegetarians tend to eat only vegetables and dairy and generally don't make a big deal out of it. There are quite a few vegetarian recipies that are delicious. Vegans are holier than thou pricks.

>> No.4449911

>Vegans are holier than thou pricks.

All the vegans I've known were very kind and never judging. They all grew up eating meat for most of their lives too, so they know they don't have the right to judge.

Whenever you try to sum up an entire group of people in a single sentence, you're going to be just resulting to incorrect stereotype.

>> No.4449916

Fuck off and die, vegan scum.

>> No.4449918

My little sister went through a hardcore vegan phase. She once threw out five pounds worth of bacon and insisted that we put the dog on a vegan diet. And she still owes me fifty bucks for ruining a filet migon I was gonna make for my dad's birthday.

>> No.4449922

The only vegetarians I've known who weren't sanctimonious pricks were a former roommate and people who grew up vegetarian as members of Vedic/Karmic religious or as old school (not fundamentalist) LDS (Mormons) as old school LDS are to eat meat sparingly, if at all. The rest were mostly awful and a few were slightly annoying.
I've never known any vegan to be anything other than a complete bastard.

>> No.4449929

>insisted that we put the dog on a vegan diet
Vegans are awesome. As long as you don't have to deal with them, that is. Watching others try to deal with them is massively entertaining, though.

>> No.4449937

We had to take the dog to the vet.

>> No.4449946
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Godspeed OP. Im vegetarian for 17 years

>> No.4449957

How is killing plants any different from killing animals?
> but..but animals feel pain
Every living cell can feel the pain in one form or another.

Pic related :
Baby plant fetuses one minute before dying in a pan of boiling water.

>> No.4449968
File: 2.10 MB, 4000x3000, Lentil-sprouts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4449974

>Baby plant fetuses

>> No.4449977

quote unqoute

Also this :
not convincing but quite interesting

The Extrasensory perception of plants


>> No.4449983

Eat fish and especially shellfish, they are evil and deserve to be eaten. Chickens are also pretty evil, but not as much as the beastly inhabitants of the seas.

>> No.4450005


"No Face, but Plants Like Life Too"
Published: March 14, 2011


And so on..
You are killing a living being whether it's plant, a bacteria or animal.
If you wan't to be "clean". Eat only the flesh of things that had died naturally.
Do such a *nism already exist?

>> No.4450008
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Overfishing is the most severe problem we face right now, in my opinion. Hundreds of species going extinct, and everything set to collapse by 2050.


>> No.4450012

Can't you like grow your own fish?
I once met some guys from Kambodia and they told me that in their village people dig a hole in a ground and raise fish in them (in the middle of the country).

>> No.4450015
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Not this guy again.

>> No.4450016


>> No.4450023

>Do such a *nism already exist?
Kinda sorta, but (natural) saprophytes don't really discriminate based on how something died.

>> No.4450039

I posted this thread looking for resources on vegetarianism, not for trolls to try and equate slaughtering mammals to picking basil leaves.

If you disagree with vegetarianism, that's fine, just hide this thread. No need to go on a monkey-feces-flinging marathon.

>> No.4450043
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Google search for "Human saprophytes strange diet" gives nothing relevant. Guess it's still a song of the future.

On the other hand I have found a couple other strange stories during the search process.




What have we become?

>> No.4450044

How would you modify that for somebody who can't eat soy? (Unfermented soy makes medication for hypothyroidism less effective, in my case)

>> No.4450050

> Not posting this thread to feed the trolls.
Here..i'll google/yandex that for you :





>> No.4450069


Modify what part?

>> No.4450073

I'm dumb, I meant the soymilk but I missed the "another fortified milk substitute" part.

>> No.4450074

Theres a billion streams in America and Europe stocked with hatchery trout SOLEY for the purpose of catching and eating.

You can go to any fucking lake or river and catch catfish/crappie/yellow perch or anything else and keep it if you want.

Do you even realize how many privately owned ponds there are in America?
It's like Vegans are retarded or something.

>> No.4450075

Once I get my own place, I'll probably cut out all meat except for what I hunt/fish myself.

Factory farming is cruel, and harmful to the population at large. Not to mention being fucking gross.

>> No.4450082

That's what happens when you have poor nutrition for year after year.

>> No.4450090

Will this eventually pay for itself, or is it just a hobby you do solely because it's fun?

>> No.4450092

I suggest trying Mud turtle.

It's amazing.

>> No.4450100

>thinks factory farming is cruel
>"hunt/fish myself."
What the fuck am I reading?

>> No.4450108

Dunno mang.
I raise and eat Mealworms because it's a cheap and efficient way of obtaining natural "meat" (proteins) .

>> No.4450109


Ah, yeah, there is almond milk, rice milk, coconut milk, hemp milk, oat meal, and others. Tons of alternatives.

>> No.4450115


Lemme make sure I'm understanding you. Your solution to overfishing is private owned ponds? The only reason these pounds are currently sustainable is because not that many people source their fish from them. If you suddenly had the world's population of billions sourcing their fish from ponds, the system would collapse overnight.

>> No.4450129

>Lemme make sure I'm understanding you
You really are functionally retarded. Then again, vegan is as vegan does.

>> No.4450131

lel. He said nothing about it being a solution to overfishing.

Nor would it require the entire worlds population to stop overfishing.

He also mentioned 2 other alternatives that weren't private owned ponds.

>> No.4450144

Please, do explain what is wrong with the idea of me having a pond in my backyard filled with fish, which gets eaten by me and my family.

>> No.4450457


That's fine and dandy for you, but those of us living in cities don't have backyards, let alone ponds, and likely don't care enough about eating fish to spend time and $ driving out to a river/stream/pond.

>> No.4450469


Nice try, I'm not even vegan.

In response to overfishing you guys bring up simply having fish in your backyard. If you did not mean it as any solution to the issue of overfishing, but merely as a personal solution for yourself, why even bring it up? This isn't a thread about how you personally get your food.

>> No.4450493


Actually that does help - the reason for most overfishing is the tragedy of the commons in fishing areas, which makes fish artificially cheap. Have the producer bear the cost of raising the fish, and you'll have less overfishing.

>> No.4450541

I don't wanna fight about the environment ;_;

OP, check out the Moosewood cookbooks. They're popular because the recipes taste like food and not like sadness.

>> No.4450647

A personal solution for myself is the only valid solution. I don't give a floop about "Mother Earth is crying bullpie". Also this thread is about a guy who instead of using google decided to ask 4chan for advice (not on /adv/ btw) but ended up with a worthless thread because of people like me who were just bored because there was a national holiday yesterday in my country (guess which one is it) and there is still nothing interesting to do till monday.

Btw. Serious question for Vegans/Vegetarians : have you ever considered eating bugs that do not possess a full blown nervous system (ie no brain)?

>> No.4450743

>Moosewood cookbook

Will check it out, thanks.

I don't know why, but I never realized that people torrent cookbooks. Just typing in "vegan" gave me a bunch of what appear to be all the famous ones, so I should have enough recipes to last me a lifetime now.

>> No.4450785


It's me the troll from earlier.
I woke up in a better mood to talk about shit so here is the link that you might appreciate.
Glad you have learned how to look for torrents.


>> No.4450799

I can assure you there are very few places that don't have short driving distance to a pond/lake.

>> No.4450806


Wikipedia has an article on it, covers essential nutrients.

>> No.4450852

fat vegeterian who doesn't give a fuck about shit here.

no one gives a fuck, myself included

also that
>hot dog hot smog
pic, yeah, also h2o is the most significant greenhouse gas yet people don't bitch about water now do they?

>> No.4450857

oops, misspelled vegetarian there

also I should mention if you go vegetarian just to eat imitation meat products you should just kill yourself. Defeats the whole point. It's like raping a chick but not cuming inside her because "that's wrong", it's still wrong if you rape her (and yes I mean actual rape, not that feminist shit they call rape when it's really just hurting feelings) even if you don't cum in her.

>> No.4450864

no, still is a living animal
there are retards though that claim they're vegetarian yet they eat fish or only one select type of meat (like pepperoni), clearly they are not actually vegetarians

>> No.4450865

Gives a fuck about what?
You seem to be mad but for what reason?

>> No.4450878

>have you tried a vegan food
i eat vegan all the time

but to me it's just food
i cannot stand the tumblr social justice haze surrounding entire genres of food

>> No.4450896

So where is the low end?
Or is it based on purely conventional division to animals and the rest?
What about fungi then?

>> No.4450902

Shred some white radish and toss it with honey. Also flat ginger ale is a god-send when ill.

>> No.4450905

Vegetarians eating fish. Is is not it pretty much what the catholic dogma trying to sell today? Don't eat meat at friday's..but fishes are ok because Jesus once said ... etc.

>> No.4450907

And heres a video about how all our smelly farty animals can save the climate, your move faggot.


>> No.4450981
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People still believe that humans have a significant impact on the planet's climate change.

>> No.4451039
File: 232 KB, 1000x750, Kurt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's ok to eat fish, 'cos fish don't have any feelings.

>> No.4451058

Brainless chickens also does not have feels.


Would a vegetarian eat a chicken born with no brain?

>> No.4451096

>You like propaganda?
You probably don't realize how much the dairy, meat, corn, etc. industries lobby and spend on public "education".

Not even vegetarian and haven't seen the movies mentioned, but you should really look from both angles.

>> No.4451099


We need another war ...

>> No.4451102

If you don't agree with something, it is propaganda.

>> No.4451108

You are pretty much correct on that one captain obvious.

>> No.4451149

Why the hell does this have a wiki page?
What the hell is this?
Why call it anything at all?

>> No.4451176

you should study biology, and learn the science before you make judgements and form opinions

>> No.4451485
File: 101 KB, 700x486, vegetarian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


"Science" says that vegetarians live longer and have a significantly decreased chance of getting most diseases.


>> No.4451488


science is only ok if it agrees with my preconceived opinions. if there is an apparent conflict, I prefer to take a cautious "wait and see" approach.

>> No.4451491

>apparent conflict,

For over a decade now I see nothing but studies saying vegetarianism is healthier. Never seen a large study that has conflicted with it.

>> No.4451496


but one could come along any day now. I wish you irrational vegetarians would stop being so irrational. if I don't eat crackling pork belly and succulent pan seared steaks every day, I might run out of vitamin B12 or something. also, something something science.

>> No.4451501

>but one could come along any day now.

This is true. This is the reason I refuse to drink water. They say it is healthy for us. They say all life needs water to survive. But look at studies done 50 years ago. Almost all are proven wrong now. Any day now someone will realize water is what causes death, and people who don't drink water live forever.

>> No.4451504


It's selection bias on populations. Fat ass porkers who overeat on cake are less likely to be vegetarians because it restricts diet. So even if meat was healthier, you'd see a skew towards the vegetarian population being healthier.

>> No.4451538


The studies use general population, though, not just the subset that eats at Heartattack Cafe in Vegas every day.

And can't say it's just America because Americans are obese. Studies in UK have same results.

>> No.4451546


Right - but how many porkers are also vegetarian? Much less than those that are not, so they get put into the non-vegetarian category and bring down the average.

I've known plenty of vegans and vegetarians who eat like shit, and plenty who don't. But chronic overeaters are almost never vegetarian.

>> No.4451586
File: 35 KB, 592x436, lisa-simpson-meat-592x436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never really realized how vegetarian Lisa is.

Creators of The Simpsons also donate millions to Sea Shepherd , so I guess it makes sense.

>> No.4451599

Why why why do they keep comparing these studies to the standard american diet, even when they go so far as to separate it out and demonize it

Even the China study did that shit. Quit trying to sell the next big documentary to netflix and start actually doing some data processing for chrissake

>> No.4451606


As opposed to comparing them to what?

>> No.4451618
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>> No.4451635

This thread is full of so many fucktards that it hurts. And you all wonder why people hate you. Fuck off.

>> No.4451642


Someone needs a veggie burger.

>> No.4451655

someone needs to realize what a waste of air they are
and veggieburgers are the epitome of retarded vegetarian food

>> No.4451664

>veggieburgers are the epitome of retarded vegetarian food

Clearly you've never tried a black bean burger. One of the best burgers I've had in my life.

>> No.4451672

and I rest my case

>> No.4451683
File: 126 KB, 608x380, 09re-recipepicks-blkbean-burger608.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I rest my case that you've never tried one.

>> No.4451699


Pretty much everything on that page. Inb4 Jamie Oliver hate, the guy has some really really good and quick recipes.

>> No.4451712


Some of those look great, but others have meat.

>> No.4451747

I'm not a vegan, but my roomates father has been diagnosed with cancer for a while now. He has switched his diet from being a meat-lover to a vegan, and has actually been improving somewhat.

This guy has a couple of really, really nice grill set-ups and cant even use them.


>> No.4451755

How do you purely compare diets when you're dealing with vegetarians generally being more health-minded in general (if somewhat pompous about it)? It's like looking at two models of cars over the course of 10 years and deciding one is obviously longer lasting when a large portion of one side didn't go in for checkups and shit.

>> No.4451772

I'm not a regular visitor to /ck/, but I have noticed that every time I do visit, there is a constanst shitstorm between vegans/veg/meat eaters.

Why can't everyoe just respect other peoples opinons and leave it at that. You probably aren't going to change their opinions, and when you go all crazy it is just further enforcing their belief sets.

Just tollerate their opinion. You don't have to agree with it, but you don't have to shit-post.

I don't know, that is just my view on the situation. I'm sure people will troll me for this view.

>> No.4451778

It's the internet, people are going to have heated bullshit discussions about stuff.

>> No.4451783

because every single veganshit/vegetarianshit thread is started with shitty attitude, preachy bullshit, or pure idiocy

>> No.4451788

I honestly don't know much about the topic of vegetarianism, but are eggs seen as acceptable in the vegetarian diet? It looks like there is an egg in the one dish, so i'm just curious.

If so, why?

>> No.4451801

Not that guy, but if someone was all canibal on me, I think I would rather take my chance living in the wild than being farmed.

Not being a troll, just a little drunk so it probably doesn't make sense.

>> No.4451803

vegetarian=no meat
vegan=no animal products
eggs, milk, cheese are all up for grabs being vegetarian.

>> No.4451807


This is the sensical, mature, adult way to handle diversity.

But people often forget this isn't /b, so not surprising people shit post everytime someone mentions the word "vegetarian"

>> No.4451808

Not the guy you are replying to, but isn't them only eating a few meat products better than them eating every meat product they possibly can?

>> No.4451814

>If so, why?

I can't speak for everyone, but I think plenty of people only feel ethically strong about eating the dead body of an animal directly.

Millions of baby male chickens are ground up alive by the egg industry since they have no value, so yes there is a death toll for eggs too, but I don't think many vegetarians think of it that way.

>> No.4451815

I could be wrong, but I think what he is refering to is that the fact that vegetarians are seeking to emulate meat. If they see it as so wrong, why do they want to create a product that is essentially the same?

>> No.4451819

the anti-vegetarian side always shows up to shitpost
first negative post is

>> No.4451825


Why not try to emulate meat? It's the suffering/slaughter of animals people are opposed to, not the actual taste and texture.

Most all of us grow up eating meat. It's a big part of our food culture. So it makes sense people want vegetarian versions. Plus it makes it easier for people transitioning if all they have to do is replace their hotdogs/sausages/burgers with meatless ones at the grocery store.

>> No.4451840

I'm not disagreeing with you, I can see the logic behind both view points.

But it is kinda like if you had a prohibitionist that exclusively drank non-alcoholic beer. It kinda just seems strange, you know?

I can't blame them though, most of the vegan food I've tried, I haven't been a fan of. Though, it honestly might have just been the person cooking it.

>> No.4451850

Same guy here, and this is a straight retarded post, I know.

What if we gave the animals a shit ton of pain-killers and whatnot? If they got really, really fucking high, and never really suffered. Would most vegans/veggies be fine with that?

I'm not even saying that you kill the animal to eat. Like if I raise a cow, and get that mother fucker high as a kite his whole natural life, and one day he dies of old age. Would they be fine with eating him, knowing he probably had a better life than most humans?

I know it is a fuck-tarded question, but I'm drunk and curious.

>> No.4451861


It's the suffering that is an issue for most people. At farm sanctuaries, chickens often just pop out their eggs and don't care about them, so the staff will cook with them even though they're all vegans and animal welfare advocated. Why? Because they know the chickens didn't suffer, the eggs are just lying on the ground.

But plenty of people wouldn't eat animals even if the animal died of natural causes, I'm guessing, just due to taboo. We have the same thing with cannibalism: practically no one would eat a person even if they died of natural causes.

>> No.4451873

Gotcha. Thanks for not trolling me :D

>> No.4451882

>the anti-vegetarian side

Anti-vegetarianism makes no sense to me.

Not wanting to be vegetarian oneself, sure, I get that. But hating other people for going vegetarian? Most idiotic thing imaginable.

>> No.4451888

leave it up to the idiots to think that any criticism of their idiocy is because of something other than what is criticised

>> No.4451890


I haven't seen a single constructive argument against vegetarianism on /ck. It's always just "fag" "idiot" etc.

I guess not surprising since it's likely only trolls anyway.

>> No.4451905

This is exactly my point. Personally, I have yet to criticize vegetarianism. I do criticize the attitude that most of the vegan/vegetarian threads posted here have, because most of them are shit. If someone is being a faggot or an idiot, you then your reason for someone else calling them a faggot or an idiot. Granted, I do see a lot of shitposting about vegans and vegetarians even if it's a rare instance of them not deserving it, but then, given the constant barrage of crap that is spewed forth in the name of veganism, that's somewhat understandable.

>> No.4451907

>I haven't seen a single constructive argument against vegetarianism on /ck. It's always just "fag" "idiot" etc.
That's because you have a blinding persecution complex.

Just today alone someone was comparing the nutrition of quality meat with several grains needed to get the same protein and amino acid. But you probably glanced over it because you were too concerned about your appearance rather than truth.

>> No.4451932


Arguing about protein doesn't fall under constructive criticism to me, since it's not an issue in reality. The idea of "more protein the merrier" doesn't have any validity in nutritional science. Americans over-consume protein big time on average. Just eating normal shit, even without meat, you will get your DV of protein without even thinking about it.

For higher protein consumption of 1.5g per lb of body weight, such as for strength athletes/bodybuilders you can just use protein isolates like everyone else.

The protein issue is most idiotic for vegetarianism, since vegetarians can still eat whey isolate which is the most highly bioavailable protein source in existence.

>> No.4452012

>eat random veg diet
>acquire all necessary amino acids

Sir, would you be interested in purchasing the Golden Gate Bridge?

>> No.4452033


Read this first if you are considering going vegatarian or vegan.

>> No.4452064

>raw-foodist website
>no reliable sources

Take your bullshit somewhere else.

>> No.4452754

Proof that OP is always a faggot. I hope you choke on a fucking carrot.

>> No.4453263


If you just have a normal balanced diet, you will get every amino acid. Pulling a Chicken Little and worrying about the sky falling is more sensical than worrying about not getting enough amino acids imo.

>> No.4453272
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He's going to marry a carrot.

>> No.4453285
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>> No.4453799
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This chick's food is awesome.


>> No.4454019

Can we please just have a strong divide between vegetarians and vegans.
There's enough call for Vegetarian recipes that it's pretty much going to be a permanent topic of discussion,
but that doesn't mean that we have to go into these vegan side issues.

>> No.4454077


Veganism is a rapidly growing market.

>> No.4454087

but most of the "Socially Conscious"
/pol issues are involved with Veganism.
And that's not come down on their side or against them. Just to say that there's enough of a significant difference between Vegetarianism and Veganism, that /ck should be able to have Vegetarian threads that don't get derailed into it.

>> No.4454144

I'd be interested but

>dat protein deficiency

I don't really see the point in taking vitamin supplements either. Seems unnatural.

>> No.4454165
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>> No.4454205

oh ho, challenging the paradigm, must be propaganda

>> No.4454211

I dunno, maybe the fact that hunting/fishing doesn't involve animals living in such close proximity to each other in a (literally) shitty environment and being in distress most of the time.

also NOT vegetarian, I just make sure I'm happy with where my meat comes from

>> No.4454213

You've never seen the results of wild game being overpopulated, have you?

>> No.4454228
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OP, I'm neither a vegan nor vegetarian, but I'm supporting your decision.

However, if you have and infant or a toddler, they should still be kept on breast/cow milk because soya milk is inadequate for their needs.

Other than that, go loco. Try some pita with dahl, or green mango salad. Asian cuisine--especially South and Southeast Asian--is loaded with vegetable- and fruit-based food.

>> No.4454254


Everything has protein in it. And why would you need vitamin supplements if your diet suddenly includes tons more fruits, vegetables, grains, and nuts? That's where vitamins come from

>> No.4454259
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>if you have an infant, they should still be kept on cow milk

Yeah, if OP's baby is a baby cow

>> No.4454280

yep, i know Anon. it's a suitable substitute though. even newborn puppies are fed cow milk fortified with an egg yolk if the mother is unable to provide enough milk.

>> No.4454285


And then those puppies die, and we call it a "howlin' Montana"

>> No.4454321

>it's a suitable substitute though

Maybe in the early 1900s before they knew anything about nutrition. Every health organization in the world now will tell you to NEVER feed a baby cow's milk.

Infant formulas based on dairy are completely different than actual dairy. They heavily modify the protein content to be suitable for infants, and fortify them.

Soy-based formulas undergo the same fortification etc, and are suitable for children. (Note, soy FORMULA. Not soy milk.)

>> No.4454521
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It's nothing like factory farms.

A hen in a factory farm lives on a smaller space than your iPad.

>> No.4454530

Are you suggesting we give IPAD's to chickens.
Retarded Vegans care about how much suffering their chicken goes through and not the factory workers who suffered to make their IPAD

>> No.4454558


We don't lock up Chinese people in cages they can't move in, force them to make iPads, then slaughter them. The comparison is strange.

Are the wages there low? Only when put into USD and you try to apply it to cost of things here. Their salaries are average for China, and they can live off of them. One of my penpals lives in Shenzhen and worked at the Apple plant for a time. It's the same as any factory work: long hours, boring as shit, not good pay. But that's the reality of factory jobs.

Would it be nice if factory conditions in developing countries were better? Definitely. Is any suffering of workers tolerable? No. But people saying "vegans don't care about the farmers picking their plants" etc, are nonsensical arguments. Most vegans I know are humanitarians as well.

>> No.4454565

Well then you've met some good ones, or I've met some bad ones, because the ones I've met were vapid and naive, and talked about animals as if they were sapient,

>> No.4454567


Dude, 99% of humans aren't sapient if you ask most people.

>> No.4454568

You don't seem to know how Chinese factories work.

>> No.4454576


Factory conditions suck worldwide. Don't think people in US factories don't suffer from long hours, shitty and unsafe conditions, commit suicide, violence against their families, etc. All the major slaughterhouses in the US, like Tyson, employ a huge percent of illegal immigrants that they treat like shit and then just deport when the time comes.

>> No.4454580
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>environmentally and ethically conscious

>> No.4454596


This has been debunked so many times.


A lb of beef takes 13+ lbs of grain to produce, and has less calories than a lb of grain. In other words you're killing 13x more animals when you take into account the insects/lizards/rats etc. that are in the fields and killed in the harvesting process.

Animals certainly do die in industrial crop production, but it's still far less than a meat diet.

>> No.4454619

You still have the issue of disintegrating natural flora and fauna by dedicating that land for farming grains compared to animals that just use that land when farming them.

>> No.4454641

I prefer grass fed meat. Animals that have been allowed to graze can sometimes be a little tougher, but definitely have more flavor than grainfed.

>> No.4454707


Grazing for livestock causes huge amounts of species extinction, and overall death, through deforestation and habitat loss. 200 species in North America alone are threatened by habitat loss due to the meat industry, and elsewhere the problem is a hundred fold. As has been noted, 80% of the deforested Amazon Rainforest is used for cattle.

Thinking of all the species wiped out there just so we can eat hamburgers is mind bogglingly depressing.

>> No.4454715

>raising animals
>not hunting/ gathering
Get serious, people!

>> No.4454717

And the species that will be removed because of mass grain production just to eat something somehow shittier than a burger is just flat out stupid.
You forget that this is presuming if the majority went vegetarian, not just if it's just the few like it is not

>> No.4454822

These are the sort of things that do concern me though, Arguments about the impact on the planet, and the overuse of anti-biotics.
Not these crazy vegans who want me to care about the living conditions of chickens.

>> No.4454891
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The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated" ~Gandhi

>> No.4454902

That is cute. Trite, but cute.
I'm not ruling out doing something about the suffering of animals.
I am saying that my priorities lie with solving the problem of human suffering.
They are not mutually exclusive. But when they come into conflict one should always rise above the other.

Vegans concern about eating only things that have not resulted from animal suffering has always been on such a small scale, that I can only surmise that it is mainly a way of cleansing their conscious and not really about the well-being of all living things.

A kind of spiritual materialism, primarily about maintaining a good self-image.

I want none of that.

>> No.4454988

Who the f*** cares what Gandhi said?
Is what he said a fact?
Where is his scientific source on which he bases his statement?

>> No.4454997

The point is that isn't vegetarian.

>> No.4455003

I'd eat bugs, if it was processed, and raised in a clean way.

Say if it was ground bug-meal. Then it's just protein and you can cook with it.

But then, I'm not a vegetarian, I'm just on a low-meat diet, So I'm not the demographic that you wanted to ask

>> No.4455067

Been vegan for three years now and it was the best decision I've ever made..

A few of my favorite recipe sites:


My favorite documentary:

General tips and information:

Good luck!

>> No.4455071

Oh, and I forgot to post this!

>> No.4455086
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>cut meat out of diet
>eventually cut dairy out of diet too
>be a vegan by default
>if I mention this on the board, people instantly hate me and think I'm some weird-ass 90 pound homosexual hippie liberal arts major who burns down meat clinics

I'm just a guy who feels better as a whole when I eat plant foods. I like fruits, I like nuts, I like grains, and I even like vegetables. I'm healthier than I've ever been by far. Don't lump me in with those people who you would hate regardless of what their diet was

>> No.4455155

I wouldn't worry about obese people judging you because, "you don't know how to eat properly".

I wish there was a fat icon beside the name of any fat posters in vegan/vegetarian threads. I have a suspicion there are many.

>> No.4455188

> burns down meat clinics

I lol'd

For a while I was aiming for meat three times a week but it's hard enough to only eat meat for one meal a day.

Certainly I could do it if I had more time on my hands but making tasty healthy meals with only vegetables takes a lot of thought and usually more shopping effort.

>> No.4455341

The best way to learn how to eat vegan in my opinion is to do it cold turkey - you'll learn fast.

That's what I did anyway (after watching Farm To Fridge it was an easy decision for me).

I think I mostly ate saltine crackers and Diet Coke for the first few days but then I started to get the hang of reading labels. There are a lot of foods you wouldn't expect to be vegan that are, and after a while it becomes really easy. You won't even have to think of it. It's really no more effort than cooking animal based foods, just have to learn some new methods of cooking. And it was actually fun for me trying out all the different vegan foods I had never tried before.

>> No.4455355

>I started to get the hang of reading labels. There are a lot of foods you wouldn't expect to be vegan that are

One would think the opposite to be true; that there would be more foods that you would assume are totally vegan-friendly, only to find they have milk, eggs, butter, milk protein, etc. in them. How does one be surprised at what is vegan, unless they were already looking at vegan foods?

>> No.4455387

Well for example, Oreos (in the U.S. at least) are vegan. Things like that.

You're right though, there are also a lot of foods that should be vegan, but aren't.

I'm just saying it gets easier once you learn to read labels and after a while you wont even have to really do that because you know what's vegan and what's not.

>> No.4455416
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>> No.4455994


US has a hard on for dairy. There is evil milk in condoms, it's insane.

>> No.4456179

If the animal is already dead. Why oppose to eating it? If the animal was killed, and no one even ate it, that would be a huge waste.
Makes its death all the sadder and more tragic, doesn't it?

>> No.4456257


Supply and demand. Animals are killed because people buy the meat. Less meat bought = less animals killed to produce the meat.

It's a gradual process.

>> No.4456350

But let's say it's meat from a school/work-cafeteria where you haven't paid for any of it and where your consumption of it doesn't alter how much they purchase?

Or say, if you are invited over for dinner and that they have already prepared the meat?
Thanksgiving or whatever.

>> No.4456456


School and work cafeterias buy products based upon how much they estimate they need. If people aren't eating their meat, they will buy less of it.

And if you have vegetarian guests for Thanksgiving, you'll adjust the amount of turkey you have, and amount of vegetarian dishes, accordingly.

If it's only one vegetarian in a party of 100 meat eaters, then yeah maybe you choosing to eat/not eat it won't have much of a logistical difference, but it's all about the bigger picture.

>> No.4457999


>If the animal was killed, and no one even ate it, that would be a huge waste.

Why does it matter if it's people eating it or flies and bacteria? Nothing in the world gets wasted, the earth recycles its resources

>> No.4458027


Ay, vultures need it more than us. We have agriculture damnit.

>> No.4458042

so you care less about the immigrant workers making nothing to pick your vegetables than the animals who literally have no idea what's going on because they've purposefully been bred to be stupid? sweet logic

>> No.4458059

>they've purposefully been bred to be stupid

The fuck are you talking about? We've bred animals to be large as hell, it has not impacted their intelligence whatsoever. Pigs are one of the most intelligent animals on this planet.

>> No.4458062


You are aware that the immigrant workers in slaughterhouses face even shittier conditions than the ones picking vegetables, right? The injuries that occur to the illegals in slaughterhouse are horrible.

So if it's the welfare of immigrants you're worried about, better stop buying factory farm meat man.

>> No.4458069

lol you just keep spouting your wisdom sweetie

>> No.4458095
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Are you fucking kidding?

That reminds me of this dumb bitch's logic: http://vegansaurus.com/post/7493601068

And pigs are smarter than your dogs. They literally go insane in their gestation crates where they can't even turn around essentially their entire lives.

“Those who describe animals as not having any thoughts or feelings come closer to that description than the animals they are trying to describe.” - Edward Alberola

>> No.4458103

>>I like to give girls enemas~ ghandi
>>I'm a fucking retard
domestic animals are ours, I mean that in a very litterall way too, They cannot exist without us, they are dependent on us and would be easily out competed in the environment. we either eat them or let them go extinct.

>> No.4458104


Pigs are more intelligent than human 3 year olds. The shit we put them through for the sake of bacon is pretty tragic.


>> No.4458112

Pigs for one easily adapt to the wild. Stop perpetuating bullshit thought up by batshit overly defensive omnivores.

And as if you care about animals going extinct. You're just using that b.s. to try to defend your shitty habits. stfu

>> No.4458114


Dependent on us for what? Sticking them in cages they can't even move in for the duration of their lives, and then slaughtering them?

There are populations of wild chickens, pigs, and cows, not to mention animals that are taken care of on farm sanctuaries, raised by families, etc. The species will not go extinct simply because we stop mass eating them.

>> No.4458116

>And as if you care about animals going extinc

Well, if someone cared about animals going extinct they wouldn't eat commercial meat. As has been talked about before, the meat industry is responsible for crazy amounts of species extinction due to habitat loss.

80% of deforested Amazon rainforest = pasture for beef production.

>> No.4458122

and they don't do so for free you dumbfuck, they eat the animals.

>> No.4458126

I love eating all parts of the pig, but yeah. Pigs don't need us. In fact, pigs that escape captivity learn to fuck our shit up really quickly. They can knock down fences and take food from gardens and farms.

>> No.4458128

pigs are pigs, not bores, bores will fuck their shit up and out compete them badly, no matter how much shit a pig fucks up, a bore will fuck up more and are already doing so on a much much much larger scale than domesticated pigs could hope to.

>> No.4458130

Its all vegan, but it should still be a great resource to get you started. Have fun OP!


>> No.4458149


Farm sanctuaries eat animals? Lol.

There are people that love farm animals, have the acreage and money, and just take care of them without eating them. Farm animals aren't going extinct if the world goes vegetarian, even if you assume they can't live in the wild, which many, like pigs, can.

>> No.4458201

god damn youre dumb, you really do not understand how competition works. just because they don't die immediately when they step out of the gate does not mean their fate isn't sealed. they are poorly endowed to protect themselves or compete against wildlife, the cows will be slaughtered, the pigs out competed by the fiercer wilder boars, the chickens run down, and the sheep with little protection. These animals have been bread 10,000 years to be fucking docile. they will be extinct, sanctuaries aren't going to do much, theyre like zoos and pandas. a leaky cork on a broken bottle.

>> No.4458209

Pigs integrate with wild boar populations. Remember Hogzilla from a while back? That wasn't a pure wild hog. He was at least part domestic.

>> No.4458949


The world won't go vegetarian over night. The question of, "But what will we do with the animals? We have to slaughter them or we'd just slaughter them because we have no more use for them!" is void.

It's supply and demand. As the demand slowly decreases, so does the amount of animals slaughtered.

Almost as idiotic as the argument that was tossed around for slavery: "If we illegalize slavery millions of slaves will be without jobs and won't be able to support themselves or their families, and they can't exist in society. It's for their best interest they remain slaves."

>> No.4458991

tofu is really inexpensive compared to most meats

that alone makes a lower meat diet kind of appealing

>> No.4459032
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>> No.4459072


Yeah, vegetarian diets are much cheaper. Yet somehow there is a myth they're more expensive. Makes no sense since meat uses far more resources to produce.

The only reason meat is even affordable is because we subsidize the shit out of it with tax payer money.

>> No.4459080


Actually not that much. The reason why shit meat is cheap is we subsidize the fuck out of corn, which is used to cheaply feed cows. Grass-fed beef is a whole other thing, one which is much better nuitritionally as well.

>> No.4459088

And meat eaters whine about vegans being obnoxious...

>> No.4459100

Imitation meat products are often more expensive than the things they are trying to imitate. Also, a head of broccoli costs more than a cooked cheeseburger.

To be honest, I just don't get meat substitutes. There are plenty of great foods that aren't trying to be meat.

>> No.4459193

>Imitation meat products are often more expensive than the things they are trying to imitate

Think it just depends on brand. Tofurky hot dogs are the same price as normal hot dogs in my grocery store.

>> No.4459199

>Also, a head of broccoli costs more than a cooked cheeseburger.

Somebody here hasn't been to a Mexican market, I see.

>> No.4459206


Sure, the broccoli is cheaper there. But so is the beef for the burger!

>> No.4459222


Vegetable and fruits can be a little pricy, but grains and lentils are way cheaper than meat for calories. If you go with a meal of vegetarian Indian food it is easier on the wallet than steaks or burgers.

>> No.4459313

its mostly a rising technology, if it ever does become cheaper than meat, maybe more than self important faggots will eat it. I buy like a poor person, Most of my meat is purchased 1$/lb, and then frozen in large quantity, you can't do that with a lot of vegetables, (got a huge bag of peas and carrots though)

>> No.4459388


I just buy vegetables as I need them for a recipe, no need to horde them in bulk.

>> No.4459416

A head of broccoli is bigger than a cheeseburger too. What a retarded comparison.

>> No.4459421


Size doesn't matter, despite what women say. It's about calories, and a cheeseburger has far more than broccoli. Not that I wouldn't rather eat a sauteed broccoli over a cheeseburger any day.