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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4440371 No.4440371 [Reply] [Original]

What grinds your gears regarding food?

Mine: soo many people in America dont like onions and cilantro

>> No.4440376

onions pickles mustard

>> No.4440381

Onions are too sharp when they're raw and cilantro tastes like soap.

>> No.4440393


shit genetics kike spotted

>> No.4440395

not getting my condiments with my meal.

>> No.4440398


Im so sorry you got stuck with a shitty palette

>> No.4440405

It's just picky people trying to be cool and exclusive. Worst kinds of doltards.
see>>4440381 as an example
here we have an idiot who must have eaten enough soap to both remember its taste (albeit inaccurately so) and dull his or her taste buds to the point of not being able to differentiate any distinctive flavors, causing them to do such things as applying the term "sharp" to onions.

>> No.4440407


Fuck your tinny dishsoap tasting insect weed.

>> No.4440411

How a single Lunchables could never fill my appetite as a child. I'd just eat regular lunch and sneak the Lunchable.

>> No.4440412

The existence of bell peppers.

If I am ever dictator of the world, bell peppers will be banned.

>> No.4440416

even stuffed bell peppers?

>> No.4440417

I know what soap tastes like because I used to have it rubbed in my mouth by asshole kids when I was in elementary school, and yes it does taste like generic hand soap without the chemical burn.

>> No.4440418

I'd vote for you.
They infect everything with their horrible taste, so yes even stuffed bell peppers. They're like the herpes of the food world, one touch and the rest of the food gets immediately and irrevocably contaminated.

>> No.4440439


I don't necessarily dislike cilantro, but the few times I've had it, it seemed way too overpowering and kinda ruined the meal. Maybe there was just too much.

I love onions though.

>> No.4440442

Not a big fan of cilantro or parsley. Onions are okay.

But the gear grinding :
-truffle oil bullshit
-stupid fucking cakepops. Fuck cake pops.
-trendy cupcakes
- when people put salt all over their food without tasting it first.

>> No.4440451

And if I am ever dictator of the world I'll cut off or out your reproductive organs so you can't breed.

>> No.4440453

>bell peppers are bad
>cilantro tastes like soup
>onions are too sharp
My god /ck/ sucks tonight

>> No.4440452

Onions and cilantro are great.

The only thing I'm ambivalent on is water chestnuts.

>> No.4440461

To be fair, the cilantro thing is all down to genetics. It just plain tastes like soap to some people.

>> No.4440464

What grinds my gears?

coming onto /ck/ to share recipes and cooking tipps and knowledge and you end up getting trolled and being called a ritard.

>> No.4440470


> It's just picky people trying to be cool and exclusive

No it's not. I want to enjoy onions. I continue trying but for whatever reason they make my gag reflex spike. The taste and texture isn't even that offensive to me, but something about onions, raw or cooked, make me gag.

>> No.4440491
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When people say it's healthy or better because it's homemade.

I'm not saying you can't make better food at home, because you definitely can with the right research, experience, and tools. But the people that advertise it the most are terrible cooks who are overly enthusiastic about trying something new.

Pic related. Better than the real thing! I think it's time to start a blog and start sharing my families meals.

>No. Your children secretly hate you. Dad takes everyone to McDonald's and they throw away the trash at the park to destroy the evidence. No one reads your posts and your followers are spambots and other bloggers who want you to follow them back. Cooking fried rice in a skillet is like making barbecue with liquid smoke. Quit pretending you're an authentic Chinese cook because your sister slept with a guy in college (he was really Korean). It was your first try and you're just surprised you didn't blow up the kitchen. Drink a vodka tonic and go to bed.

>> No.4440513

>Making New York steaks for a family reunion
>Everybody wants theirs well done
Well, shit, and that's not all:
>It's okay, they can have their ruined steaks for all I care, I'll make mine medium rare and so juicy it will make up for the rest
>Mine's done but there's still a couple waiting to be [well] done
>Go look for my steak, it's gone
>"Where the fuck did it go?"
>Find it back in the heat, with big gashes all over, cut in half, and already medium-well
>"Oh sorry, I saw it was still raw so I put it back there"
>Literally more steaks than there's people to eat, cooked well done like they wanted
That completely destroyed me. Why would anybody want to eat dry cardboard?

>> No.4440525

>when people mix condiments and act like they're enjoying the results
>too much cilantro (why does each taco get a whole handful)?
>chewing with mouth open or eating loudly
>most of the hosts of cooking shows, like nadia g

>> No.4440529

Mainly [insert exclusive diet here]

Not eating something out of some self-imposed principle, and actively contributing to their pickiness regarding food.

On its own, it's mildly irritating, but it's basically never on its own, and usually requires hosts to make special allowances for their choice, at best, and at worst, they get all Jehovah's Witness about it, and talk about it incessantly, and try to get other people to convert, and generally piss me off.

>> No.4440530
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People who give me shit for ordering chicken fingers when they take me to places like Chili's or Applebees. A) I don't have a lot of money so I can't buy a fucking steak, and B) these places aren't exactly 4 star restaurants, so let me eat something I know will be hard to fuck up. Jesus christ.

>> No.4440531

> Why would anybody want to eat dry cardboard?
I totally agree.
my father would put a steak in the pan, go watch tv, wait till the next ad break ( roughly 7 mins) then come back, flip the steak (already the poor steak is grey all the way thru) and give it another 7 mins. it was fucked. i learned to eat steak R - MR on my own accord

>> No.4440533


Fried rice with peas and carrots really grinds my gears. Peas and carrots belong in chicken pot pie and quintessential murrkan food, not delicious chinese. Sprouts, onion, and egg are all I need in my fried rice, and maybe some meat. Goddamn.

>> No.4440536

And you still order chicken fingers, why? You can get those anywhere, at least buy something that you wouldn't eat on a normal day.

>> No.4440539


fucking rage

not cooking? not going to eat it? don't fucking touch it.

>> No.4440544


I wouldn't give you shit for that.

I'd give you shit for ordering chicken fingers at a seafood joint, or a rib house or something though.

>> No.4440548

Because I like them, why the fuck should my friends get their panties in a twist over what I'm eating.
Agreed, and I don't do that at least.

>> No.4440558

>Not eating raw bell peppers with guacamole
What are you even doing with your life?

>> No.4440569

>>when people mix condiments and act like they're enjoying the results

Why would anyone pretend that they're enjoying something? If you see someone enjoying it, they probably are.

>> No.4440573

>actually cooking a steak to well done
Cook it the way you like it and if anyone complains tell em they can put it on the grill themselves. Fuck catering to stupidity.

>> No.4440591

when i suspect my food has been tainted but im not really sure so i eat the meal but dont enjoy it as much.

>> No.4440592

>someone tries something for the first time
>before they even taste it, out comes the S&P/ketchup/dressing/other condiment

>> No.4440607

I did this as a child, but I really liked salt, pepper, and ranch. Do grown-ups really do this?

>> No.4440612

No, because manchildren are not grownups.

>> No.4440616

>onions and cilantro
At least they're eating other vegetables.

>> No.4440625

>buying steak at Applebee's
Shit tier steak and a waste of money.
Imo those place are only good for greased shit like burgers and fried finger foods.

>> No.4440627

I had stayed at my families house for a weekend and decided to buy groceries and cook something up for them. I decided to prepare a roasted turkey roulade, pretty much a turkey breast stuffed with wild rice, shrooms, and herbs that's served with a drizzled white wine sauce. It came out really good, cook up just fine, my entire family is used to hamburger and sketti, they mixed the wine sauce with ketchup and soaked in it so it would be less dry. It wasn't dry at all and the sauce would of fixed that...

>> No.4440631

used to work at an italian place
regular would come in & order meals but ask for no onions or galic
in a fucking italian restaurant!
fucking shit drove me insane

>> No.4440639

Red bells taste sweet though, and even more so roasted

>> No.4440650
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>be before I moved out
>fighting my then obesity
>whole family eats like shit and would be fatter if they weren't chain smokers
>buying better food and checking the nutrition labels
>family bitches the entire time of how there's "nothing good to eat" and make the whole process difficult
>in such denial of how shitty we were eating before

Sorry guys, but eating red meat almost everyday and drinking a few servings of beverages that contain a minimum of 100 calories aren't healthy habits.
They actually thought I was going "anorexic" when I started to drink water and eat steamed broccoli and fish filets consistently. And don't even get me started about their reaction when I said I was going vegetarian for awhile.
>But anon you NEED meat
No I don't, fuckers. Damn.

>> No.4440655

Yes, I'd like a double bacon cheeseburger. I want it with fat free cheese and fat free mayo.

>> No.4440663

do you dislike great texture in Asian dishes?!?!

>> No.4440665
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>wanting burned steak
>people fucking with your steak
>people invading your grill setup

Why can't America into proper grilling and grilling ettiquette?

>> No.4440708
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>someone moves my shit off the hot part of the grill so they can cook theirs faster.

>> No.4440712

Uneducated fools thinking rare steak is bad.
The internal facepalm levels are scoutercrushingly high.

>> No.4440714

when i go to cook at someones house and they only have pairing knives. how do they cook without a chefs knive?

>> No.4440719

>red meat

You vegetarian faggot, go be gay somewhere else.

>> No.4440737

I came from such a home, made cooking a bitch, they had to sharpen them nonstop and it made cutting raw meat almost not worth it.

>> No.4440738

overcooking steak
people who pour the sauce on pasta
onion/garlic fear
people who can't handle spice
fat french fries
carrots in bolognese

>> No.4440739

people that put ketchup on everything they eat

its like they are making fun of me because I don't like ketchup

>> No.4440740

Wtf? I love caramelized onions and cilantro in my veggie burgers.

>> No.4440746

my problem is ive grown up with a father who went to culinary arts school and cooks all the time. i love to cook for people. everyones kitchen is shit. im always just like i guess we can make do

>> No.4440815
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>-trendy cupcakes

ok i have shared this story before, but im going to retype to contribute.

>trendy cupcake shop
>GF wants them for her birthday
>go innastore
>hyper pretentiousness overdrive
>staffed by dreadlocked gauged ear hipster scum
>all the cupcakes are in "outrageous" non cupcake flavors
>order 4 cupcakes in different flavors
>"sorry maan"
>the obscure hipster cartoon character behind the counter explains:
>"we can only sell cupcakes in multiples of 3...
>.....so....you can like buy 3, or 6"
>so i cant buy 4?
>or 2?
>just 3
>I decide its not worth trying to decipher this buttfuck retarded business model
>a trendy cupcake shop with full seating and cocktails that does not sell individual cupcakes
>only multiples of 3
>so whatever, im done with this
>order my THREE cupcakes
>hipster dipshit put them in a fancy box
>pay, receive cupcakes
>open the box
>maximum over rustle

they weren't even good

>> No.4440823
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>-stupid fucking cakepops. Fuck cake pops.
>-trendy cupcakes


>> No.4440824

Because preference? How do you aspies on /ck/ not understand this? It seems to amaze you every single time?

>> No.4440826

lol'd. Well said.

>> No.4440830

>at least buy something that you wouldn't eat on a normal day.

Chicken fingers everyday? The fuck? Murrikuh?

>> No.4440833

Maybe if you shut your loud mouth long enough, you wouldn't have drove children to torture you.

>> No.4440840

>when people mix condiments and act like they're enjoying the results

If you've never enjoyed the delightful, tangy and earthy mix of sour cream, dijon mustard and fresh thyme leaves, you have a horrible and shallow life ahead of you.

>> No.4440847

are we talking about cooked onions or raw? Cooked in whatever way is tasty, raw is disgusting. Completely ruins any burger.

Overuse of condiments usually bugs me. Might as well just eats the condiments.

>> No.4440858

>people who actually believe garlic doesn't go in everything

i will never stop

>> No.4440869

That is the most retarded thing Ive ever heard. I hope they go out of business

>> No.4440881

>Eat with friends
>Make some high quality meat like tenderloin
>Make some great oven baked potatos with thyme and garlic
>'That looks delicious anon, but could you grab the ketchup bottle?'

>> No.4440883

I'm guessing it's 3 because it forces you to way more cupcakes than 2 at a time (but a lot less than 4), while still being able to easily purchase a dozen????????????

>> No.4440898

What. How are are onions cool and exclusive? They're in every type of cuisine I can think of.
I've grown up eating them my entire life.
There's even French onion soup.
Onions aren't cool and exclusive. They're an ordinary food and cilantro is just an herb.
Cilantro is in fact more common than say mint which is used in some Vietnamese cuisines, which also use onion.

Are you lot retarded or what

>> No.4440899
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>anon! *munch* *munch* you'll never *munch *smack* guess what *siiiiip* *gulp* happened to me *smack* today!

>> No.4440900

>not mixing mayo, ketchup and curry powder
I do it all the time with fries and onion rings.

>> No.4440907

>Hi welcome to Mcdonalds
>Hi, may I have one big mac--
>No, I'm sorry, you'll have to get three
>Excuse me?
>No, we only sell Big macs in threes now.

>> No.4440916


What are the proportions for this amazing sounding concoction?

I'm guessing it's about 2 T of mayo and 2 T of kethcup to 1 tsp of curry powder?

>> No.4440920


>> No.4440921

Add some raw diced unions to that sauce. Trust me, it's the best.

>> No.4440922
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dumb plebs with no sense of ood adventure. automatically assume that they dont like something because its unfamiliar.

hurr durr black olives are gross. omg i cant believe you like cow tongue hurr durr onions have a strong flavor

please make me a grilled cheese and some chicken nuggets

>> No.4440925

What kind?

>> No.4440932
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when people are too fucking dumb to try something new

>> No.4440933

Red or white, doesn't really matter. Both work. I personally prefer red onions, they're a bit sharper. Eat with either fries or hamburgers.

>> No.4440934

fuck ketchup
>Diana's Chipotle marinade
>diced garlic
>little garlic and onion powder
> cayenne pepper
>sour cream
>lemon juice
Now eat with sweet potato fries.

>> No.4440938


ill have a ham and cheese sandwich, on wheat, no tomato, no onion, with light miracle whip

>> No.4440950


>> No.4440963

>Thick greek yoghurt
>Grated cucumber
>Pinch of salt
>Mix gently, don't blend or you'll screw up the texture
>Place in fridge for at least half an hour before consuming
God tier tzatziki, goes well with anything. Bread, potatoes even meat

>> No.4440969

Preachy vegans. People being vegan is fine by me, just don't act like you're superior for cutting things out of your diet.

Also, people like you OP. Just because someone doesn't like a certain type of food doesn't make them lesser.

>> No.4440974
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>> No.4440975

I love onions and cilantro, however; I work in shipping and receiving and am forced to interact with people for whom deodorant is apparently a luxury... I feel it goes without saying that a good whiff of fat guy B.O. will curb any craving for onions one may have for at least a few days.

On a related note I have had people fired for being too offensively smelly to work with. Am I a bad person?

>> No.4440978

I hate when people won't try a dish (or even a whole cuisine), not even once. For fuck's sake, just give it a go, you don't know you don't like until you try it. I don't mind if it contains an ingredient that the person doesn't like (unless it's something ridiculously commonplace like onions or tomatoes)

Also people who boast about not eating vegetables like it's some kind of fucking achievement and something to be proud of.

>> No.4440988

>people who pour the sauce on pasta

>> No.4440989

I would have just walked out. I know your gf wanted them, but holy shit, that's the ultimate level of retardedness.

>> No.4440991

Ugh. Non-veggies are usually fat as fat-asses who wouldn't know a balanced meal if it bit them in the FUPA. No, tomato sauce doesn't count as a veggie, you fat piece of shit!

>> No.4440995

You're supposed to finish the pasta in the sauce so the sauce coats the pasta completely, not just pour it on top.

>> No.4441001

Oh, so that's what you meant. I thought you meant that the preferred method was to add the pasta to the sauce or something.

>> No.4441008

Either that, or they're incredibly malnourished looking. And they're constantly complaining they're tired.

>> No.4441013

There's absolutely nothing wrong with red meat, you uneducated fuck. It has everything to do with how processed it is. If it's store-bought steak vs. fresh from a butcher, it's going to be worse for you. Simple as that. Not bad, but worse.

It's the sodium in the that's used as a preservative that makes it unhealthy for your heart.

>> No.4441016


>> No.4441039

When you work at a restaurant that hires a hippie front of the house manager, who then hires a bunch of hippie servers who do not bathe often enough and plaster themselves in patchouli in an attempt to obliterate any olfactory nerves within 20 yards. Patchouli stench with B.O. aftersmell for your appetizer, dude?

>> No.4441044

The fact that you have to always tell them you don't want cheese.
Even if you order a hamburger and not a cheeseburger.
And it still sometimes comes out with cheese...

>> No.4441048

I like telling the hoity toits that I do want cheese. I like cheese on everything, I'm a USA fatty and I love cheese on everything. Including chick's cunts. The cheesier the better.

Piss off if you don't like cheese!

>> No.4441049

OMG... you didn't use... "The R WORD!!!!"

>> No.4441050

Sounds more like a hipster than a hippie, though both are disgusting.

>> No.4441087

Onion is fine diced as a spice or if cooked in a way that makes it soft, but it never bites nicely, meaning you have to bite hard (and often repeatedly) on the food to actually get a reasonablly sized piece in your mouth.

>> No.4441160

I actually have a friend like this. Me and my friends always poke fun of his cheese fetish.
>this guy puts kraft singles on ramen

>> No.4441208

Because most people I've encountered at least that order well done steaks do so not as a matter of taste preference, but because they think anything with some pink in it will give you food poisoning.

I grew up with a family who would cook steaks til they were well done and leathery. The steak would be tough to chew, burnt in areas, etc. I ended up being put off eating steak entirely for years until I decided to say 'fuck it' and order a medium rare steak (had to start in small steps) which was delicious, but even now I still find it hard to order steaks because I was just that put off thanks to my family's cooking.

tl;dr: idiots order well done because of food poisoning, they don't know any better in terms of taste.

>> No.4441217

Why don't chefs just use a different herb if Cilantro has the chance of completely fucking up a dish for some people?

Why don't restaurants label which dishes contain cilantro, so customers don't order something they hate just cause the chef likes to sprinkle that shit on everything?

>> No.4441226

When people get bread crumbs in the tub of margarine, or honey or other condiment when trying to spread it onto bread.

>> No.4441228

Is that from cooksuck?

>> No.4441229

I'd love this to happen. Just ingredient lists for things in general at restaurants/cafes. I know it's incredibly idealistic, but it'd be nice. Almost every dessert at cafes in my city has nuts in it, and most people don't even think to declare that they do/even know if they do when I ask.

>> No.4441242

when people use the same butter knife more multiple spreads, but don't clean it off between different containers (ie getting jelly in the fucking peanut butter jar)

>> No.4441252

I hate the taste of onions.

If there are onions in something, and it doesn't give it an onion taste, good, I'll eat it.

If it tastes like fucking raw onion, then nope.

>> No.4441269

Cheese-like substitutes and cheated meat (<90% meat content) is sold in Europe as legit products.
That really grind my gears.

>> No.4441302
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>Make a cup of chamomile tea
>I like a teaspoon of honey in it
>Open honey jar
>There's butter and/or crumbs in it

>> No.4441311


the chewing part. i grew up sitting next to my mother who for the life of her can't keep her damn mouth shut while eating. also, she tends to bite off more than she could chew which usually resulted in her doing awkward and disgusting gulp-movements (like a bird) trying to cope with it.

>> No.4441323

>when people mix condiments and act like they're enjoying the results
You don't think this is possible?

I guess your idea of condiments is limited to Heinz Ketchup and French's Mustard...

>> No.4441325

I'd rather die.

>> No.4441327

>ordering chicken fingers
>at Chili's or Applebees

Are you 6? Does it grind your gears when your parents make you sit still during the entire meal?

>> No.4441329

>being so meek throughout your entire life you never got in a fight or scuffle as a kid

Sounds bad bro.

>> No.4441345
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Both of those things are fucking delicious!

>I'm Mexican

>> No.4441346

People liking anything I don't like.


>> No.4441357

People avoiding white people food.

I like a roasted leg of lamb with pumpkin and potatoes. I get sick of just seeing chinese and indian food more than i see anglo food in Sydney. Apart from fish n chips and steak its almost all gone.

>> No.4441381

my dad does this
i am chinese
he taught me how to do the same thing with a wok

come at me

>> No.4441402

>not being chill enough to be cool with everyone so you didn't need to fight anybody

Sounds like you're a faggot.

>> No.4441406

Cooking shows that cater to retards, ie. all of them

>> No.4441434

When people salt or cover their food in hot sayce without tasting it first.
Same thing with booze
>buys nicer bottle of rum they haven't tried yet
>mixes it with coke before even fucking smelling the shit
I hate my friends sometimes

>> No.4441438
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>when people massacre their butter and have toast crumbs in it
>when people call dinner 'tea'
>when people refuse to even try a food, instead immediately claiming that they hate it
>when people don't follow a recipe and then whine when it turns out shit
>when people put bread in the fridge
>when people keep lemon juice after it's been opened in a cupboard
>when people go on gluten free diets to lose weight
>when people tell me I'll grow out of my severe allergy to walnuts/to try eating them to expose myself more to them
>when people order a really expensive meal then eat only half of it or less; bonus points if someone else is paying
>when people claim I'm going to die by the age of 30 due to heart failure because I'm on a low carb diet (insulin issues, recommended by doctors) yet won't bat an eyelid if I eat KFC, pizza, donuts, etc.

>> No.4441440

The food one I can agree with, but as for alcohol, I'll admit I'm still pretty piss weak when it comes to drinking straight liquors so I'll often just automatically mix it. Especially if the alcohol isn't cold.

>> No.4441444

People with "food allergies" Fucking attention whoring pain in the asses.

>> No.4441448

>white people food
What's that?

I just hate using butter in anything now a days. It's fine in small slices, but it's pretty gross to me seeing it overtaking whatever you're putting it on.

Same for salad dressing. That's why I always order salad dressing at restaurants to the side so they can't go crazy and make the salad a soup.

Still, we all have our own tastes so who am I to judge?

>> No.4441452

>Eat peanuts, keel over and almost die
>Some fag on the internets calls me a whiny bitch because of my allergy

>> No.4441454

Natural selection, weakling.

>> No.4441474

If it's a familiar brand, that's fine. I'm a pretty big bitch with hard liquor too, but I always like to know what the liquor I buy tastes like by itself. There have been a couple that I enjoyed straight.
It's how I learned that I fucking love rye

>> No.4441487

Not food per se

But I have to share a bathroom with this one guy, who I have only ever seen eat white bread, cheap shitty burgers/cheesesteaks and american cheese. Consequently, several times a day he spends at least ten minutes on the can, hissing but rarely ever actually doing anything

Right now I actually really have to take a piss, but find the door locked because this moron can't eat a vegetable once in a while...

>> No.4441496

People who do nothing but follow recipes by rote and consider that cooking. I rarely even read recipes, and when I do, it's even more rare that I actually follow it.

>> No.4441510

>this recipe is terrible
>I switched the pork for chicken because I'm jewish and I didn't have any wine so I used water. and I skipped the marination because I was in a hurry. also I left out the onions because they give me bad breath. worst recipe I've ever had. zero stars

"Creative" people are the worst.

>> No.4441544

>People who try to replicate restaurant food at home because they have no concept of home cooking
>90% of the shit in the supermarket is not really food, but snacks designed to take the place of meals
>Special orders at restaurants
>Overuse of salt and sugar
>Feeding kids crap because parents afraid or too lazy to give them real food.

>> No.4441554

>not a mindless aspie drone who has to rely on other's written instructions to cook food
>"lol, must be a Jew"

Stay classy.

>> No.4441560

you're not a bad person. You're a hero

>> No.4441564

People who don't like onions, garlic or cilantro (like OP mentioned.)

People who chew with their mouths open or smack

People who order something in a certain kind of restaurant that's not at all in keeping with what they serve (i.e. ordering a hamburger in a mexican food place, stuff like that) and people who order really fucking plain food all the time, no matter what (like always ordering chicken fried rice in any chinese restaurant ever)

And my number one peeve of all time:
People who do that should be flogged.

>> No.4441574

Why are you getting so butthurt? Do I sense a dumbass who doesn't follow recipes, or a kike?

>> No.4441579

You're not a bad person, but I would never complain about someone's smell at work if it's not a customer service job.

>> No.4441590

People who don't like garlic are like Gingers...they have no souls.

>> No.4441594


Does your mommy hold your hand when you cross the street too aspie?

>> No.4441600

I agree with you. I've never enjoyed the taste of bell peppers and I grew up in cajunland where everything is bell peppers.

That being said, I absolutely love any other kind of pepper.

>> No.4441602

those scrambled eggs you get at a buffet or a hotel
boiled in a bag
leaves a weird film in your mouth
not sure if they're actually eggs

>> No.4441604

People who get mad at other people for not liking some things.

Onions make me vomit, I will not eat them and I do not feel guilty about that. I mean, if they're cooked down in small enough peices it's not a problem, but when there's big peices of raw onion in food it just makes me ill.

But fuck guys, different people like different things, get over it.

>> No.4441607

I don't mind cilantro but it just doesn't taste like anything to me. No point in adding it if it doesn't really add anything besides the taste of green.

>> No.4441608

People who blast eggs into oblivion on high heat.

>> No.4441616

Cilantro has a strong taste. There might be something wrong with your taste

>> No.4441622

Same here. It tastes like nothing.

>> No.4441621
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>MMmmmmm this food is so good mmmmm

>> No.4441624

Yeah well genetically a lot of people can't taste cilantro so probably. I'm surprised at how many people on /ck/ still don't know this.

>> No.4441631

Nah, raw onion isn't any good. Crunching into one overwhelms everything else for the rest of the meal, not my fault that your taste buds are dull and your tongue is coated in plaque, fat ass. Cooked onions are delicious though.

>> No.4441633

I love onions, but cilantro ruins everything it's ever added to.

>> No.4441652


You are just jealous because you have never achieved foodgasm.

>> No.4441659

>did this as a child
You used the wrong verb tense

>> No.4441664

I learned something today. I love cilantro. It makes the dishes that it can go with taste really fresh? I guess. That's the only way I can describe it.

>> No.4441670

Which when mixed together with some Tabasco is delicious on fries.

>> No.4441685

Raw onions are delicious. You don't have sharp taste buds. You just hate raw onions.

>> No.4441718

Raw onions are delicious. I ate some last night and kept burping up dat flava. The gf told me to fuck off.

>> No.4441724

I should've changed that first sentence. Time to take a nap.

>> No.4441841

piss in the sink

>> No.4441913

I'm getting a pretty good image in my mind of what you onion lovers are like already and it's not pretty.

>> No.4441918

When people overcook the shit out of bread so all it tastes is burnt. The bread doesn't even taste like anything anymore after most people cook it. It should be slightly soft and doughy inside. Not a brown rock. Stop baking your bread for too long people.

>> No.4441925

>that feel when it's your mom

>> No.4441928

I'm American and I don't like RAW onions

fried? sauteed? caramelized? All good, but raw union is just gross

No problem with cilantro

What grinds my gears is when people go out to eat and ask servers/workers at shitty chains things like, does it have gluten? is the meat free-range? I'm allergic to flour/oil/beef but can I eat the country fried steak?

If you have to ask the answer is most likely no.

>> No.4441929

I would be so pissed that I would probably also slather ketchup and steak sauce all over the shoe leather they wanted because they were probably going to do that anyways.

>> No.4441938

Totally agree same here, no one actually likes well done steak. They're just afraid of eating it the way it should be eaten and as a result don't know any better and go through their lives eating ruined meat.

>> No.4441941

did you only read the first 2 lines?

personally, i'd be pretty offended if someone started fucking with my food while i'm cooking theirs. and who the fuck cuts into a piece of meat to check it before throwing it back on? jesus christ.

>> No.4442191

If I'm trying out something new specifically from a recipe, I'll follow a recipe. Otherwise, with everyday cooking, I don't even measure shit, I just eye it.

>> No.4442203

Well, what grinds *my* gears is when someone roasts a nice piece of meat to perfection, has a roasting tin full of lovely caramelized juice off the meat, and then throws all that away and makes gravy with instant gravy granules. Fuck! All the goodness in the meat's just vanished down the sink and it's been substituted for with ersatz... chemical... brown stuff more akin to what's used to make floor tiles! Grrrr!

That and creamed spinach, which is an abomination.

>> No.4442243

I'm all for this too, no hidden extra ingredients.

>> No.4442274

Holy fuck, I love cilantro and onions. Cilantro, onions, and garlic are pretty much my favorite three things.

>Hey, let's all go to that new little Vietnamese restaurant down the street, my treat.
>"Ew, that's gross. Let's go to McDonald's instead."

I need new goddamn friends...

>> No.4442285

Decaf coffee, it shouldn't exist. There is no point, if you can't have coffee just don't drink coffee because you don't drink coffee for the taste even though you can make it taste good.

>> No.4442318

If the new Vietnamese restaurant is on you then I can be your friend :3

>> No.4442324

Learn to read retard

>> No.4442328

>Learn to read retard
I understood your post so apparently I can read retard, as well as English and French.

>> No.4442397


D'aw. The real shame in it is the place is 6 months old now and already struggling because I live in an extremely white neighborhood with people who can't into unfamiliar food.

>> No.4442404

Yes, you need new friends.
If any of my friends chose McDonald's over Vietnamese food, I'd want to bitch slap them. Luckily, everyone I know are pretty adventurous eaters, except for one, and when I have to have dinner with him, I usually just invite him over for grill-out or bbq, since those are his favorite foods. I don't like going to restaurants with him, period.

>> No.4442409

I like the taste of coffee, but I am too sensitive to caffeine, it makes me ill.

Fuck off and let me have my decaf

>> No.4442417

Bro try those mexicans salads. Chirmol. Or the peruvian dish, Ceviche!

>> No.4442433


Noted and thanks! Totally going to have to get me some of that.

>> No.4442438

>you don't drink coffee for the taste
Please stop posting

>> No.4442443

I don't have friends, but I only hang out with my 9/10 fit azn gf and she never eats fast food.

>She lectures me about my health and how it destroys my sexual performance if I eat at Mcdonald.

>> No.4442460

Amerifat reporting. I love cilantro with a near sexual passion.

And everybody likes onions, dont be silly.

>> No.4442470


That sounds annoying as fuck, tbh. No one really likes being lectured on grabbing a cheeseburger once in a while.

>near sexual passion

Yes, this Anon just described my love of cilantro in a way I failed to.

>> No.4442537

>calling toast bread

>> No.4442550

Sorry, I should have specified that I'm only referring to the big 3: Ketchup, mustard, and mayo.

Your combo actually sounds great

>> No.4442554

I should have specified that I was only talking about mixing any of the big 3 condiments: Ketchup, mustard and mayo. Add curry and you might actually have something!

>> No.4442555


>> No.4442558

Yes I was only talking about the big 3 condiments: Ketchup, mustard, and mayo.

>> No.4442559

>What grinds your gears regarding food?

People who call it cilantro, when its called coriander

>> No.4442562
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>Onions make me vomit

Wow, you really sound like a pussy. Pic related.

>> No.4442909

What if I love onions, but hate cilantro?

>> No.4442919

They're the same thing? Oh fucking wow, I never knew that.

>> No.4442926

Oh come on. Sure, it's all the corriander plant and cilantro's just its name in Spanish, but it makes for an easy way to differentiate between the leaves and seeds since they have a slightly different taste—like mace and nutmeg coming from the same plant.

>> No.4442939

No they're definitely hippies. Neo-hippies, but hippies nevertheless.

>> No.4442995

Retards throwing a bunch of random shit onto a plate and thinking they're cultured or have "mature" taste. I"m looking at you, pretentious haters of simple, uncorrupted foods.

>> No.4443014
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anytime people are unwilling to try a new dish or flavor.
people who dislike 'spicy' food.
people who dismiss a broad and diverse category of food as if it's a homogenous type ["i don't like pizza" / "i don't like sandwiches"]

>> No.4443017

People who think cheesestakes exist outside of Philadelphia and retards all over the country who can't seem to figure out how to make a simple mixture of meat, cheese, and bread taste good.

>> No.4443021

I kind of do that, but only for seafood; and only then because of the texture. I don't like my meat to 'flake'. I'd be down to try scallops or other things though.

>> No.4443091
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>> No.4443095

To be fair, people inside of Philadelphia haven't quite worked it out either.

>> No.4443100

I hate when people from a particular region think a certain food is 'only' good when it comes from there, instead of admitting that their shit is overpriced and overrated and people only eat it because of the local 'history' and tourist factor.

>> No.4443101

The fuck they haven't. There exists no greater combination of meat and cheese than cheesesteak made in Philadelphia.

>> No.4443107

>white bread
>greasy, overcooked beef
>cheese wiz
Yeah, that's some culinary gold.

>> No.4443112

>white bread
>greasy, overcooked beef
>cheese wiz

Sounds like the kind of shit they try to pass off as a cheesesteak outside of Philadelphia.

>> No.4443114
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>> No.4443120
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>my brother is like this
I'll admit, I do this sometimes too, but only rarely when I don't feel like having anything too complicated or stressed out.

>> No.4443122


cilantro haters are uncultured and have inferior pleb tastebuds. Enjoy your salty-ass ramen and mcdonalds you uncultured wastes of space.

>> No.4443127


this. Most people will fess up when they try something new and hate it.

Just today I experimented mixing rooster sauce and creamy dijon in tuna. Tasted like cocktail sauce and shrimp. fucking nasty in sandwich form.

>> No.4443133
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this is way better than the shit in philly
penn station does it right

>> No.4443177

Best girlfriend

>> No.4443179

Fucking assholes who put cilantro on EVERYTHING.
Get a steak at a nice place, has soapweed on it, send it back. Mother-less fucks just scraped it off and sent it back out to me, could still taste that disgusting tinny film on the first bite. Asked for the manager, told him, left without paying.
And just to piss you off I left the waitress a nice tip.

>> No.4443180

OK, so I know some people taste cilantro as soap, but where are you getting tin?

>> No.4443225


I like it how all of those other reasons, some of which are reasonable and some of which imply retardation, are ignored. But implying someone is Jewish is instantly seen as a disparaging comment.

Stay closeted anti-semite, "creative" cook.

>> No.4443258

cilantro tastes like rancid soap

>> No.4443260

You know what grinds my gears? When companies put out an EPIC FUCKING TASTING PRODUCT HOLY SHIT OMG... and then it gets bought out / discontinued / company goes bankrupt / recipe changes and IT'S LOST FOREVER.



Moral of the story: when you discover something good, your first order of business should be to discover a way to make it yourself using basic ingredients.

>> No.4443279

>There's absolutely nothing wrong with red meat, you uneducated fuck.
There is if you're eating non-lean red meat, upwards of six times a week, and at unreasonably big portions. Dickcheese.
Has nothing to do with it. Lol.

>> No.4443429

to the person(s) who dislike mixing condiments - mayo and mustard go WELL on a turkey or ham sammich.

gears are ground by:
people who know nothing about nutrition yet still give advice
my sister who, upon hearing my chilli recipe informs me that hers doesn't use onions or peppers.
this girl I just broke up with....you are a crazy person Tamara, grow the fuck up

I love cheese

>> No.4443443
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People who seem to be on a constant smear campaign against fast food or junk food general.
I don't need to hear how 'awful' these foods are for you.
I'm not a neckbeard that eats them on a daily or even weekly basis. I eat healthy and exercise five days a week the rest of the time. So when I go to a BK or Wendy's I don't want to hear peoples' shit of how I'm going to fall over from a heart attack, or that I'm supporting the capitalist GMO scum because I want my goddamn burger and fries once or twice a month. Fuck.

>> No.4443611

Stop regurgitating Cracked

>> No.4443614



>> No.4443621

Man, I fucking love cilantro. I put a whole shit load of cilantro in this recipe, sometimes I'll throw in a bit of green onion as well:


1 Tablespoon butter
1 Tablespoon cooking oil
½ cup diced red onion
1 ½ cups frozen corn
4 ½ cups uncooked fusilli
1 cups mayo
1 bunch cilantro roughly stemmed
2 Tablespoons chipotle puree
Salt to taste

Combine corn, onions, butter and oil and roast in a 400 degree oven until onions are translucent and tender. Remove from oven and cool in refrigerator.
Cook fusilli as directed and cool under running water.
Combine cilantro, chipotle and may on food processor and puree.
Mix fusilli, corn/onion mix and puree ingredients. Add salt to taste.

>> No.4443626


>> No.4443636

Hank is my favorite Hill.

>> No.4443684
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My addiction needs feeding

>> No.4444070

That first step sounds pretty delish.
Will have to try it. Dunno what to serve it with.

>> No.4444584

Cupcake-flavored vodka. My mind can't even begin to grasp the pretension.
>Be in Japan.
>Friend takes me to a burger joint.
>Ask for no mayo on my sandwich.
>Friend explains they usually only do custom orders for people with allergies.
>MWF told this.
Apparently this is par for the course in the vast majority of Japanese restarants. Gears ground.

>> No.4444647

The American habit of smothering everything in cheese, I'm not a huge cheese fan, I don't mind a little for taste, but this is mad

>> No.4444655

>Balsamic Vinegar
One substance to ruin every salad.

>> No.4444659

Brits do it too

>> No.4444682

That's entirely bullshit. I've been to Japan 7 times and not once was I told this. Their mayo is different than what I'm used to so I would ask them to leave it off plenty of times and the only response I received was, "sure."

>> No.4444689
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>cupcake vodka

>> No.4444692


Bullshit. I was in Japland, and every place will custom make your food with a smile. One time, my friend asked for no pickles in a Whopper. His Whopper came with pickles, and a few minutes later, the cashier and manager came to our table, apologized, and made him a new Whopper on the spot.

>> No.4444695

>Goes to another country
>Eats at Burger King
Fetch the modorized kart :DDD

>> No.4444730

People who aren't willing to try different foods from another culture.


>> No.4444732
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BK has all kinds of bizarre exclusive shit in Japan, along with all you can eat burgers.

>> No.4444734

>on the spot
how did they move the kitchen to the dining room?

>> No.4444740
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>> No.4444765

>trendy cupcakes

This. So much this.

>> No.4444770

>- when people put salt all over their food without tasting it first.
once you make a dish enough times you know if you'll need salt or not

>> No.4444771

Your spice comment is invalid. Some people's mouths literally cannot handle much. I'm personally below average in tolerance but I have friends who vomit if they take what most people would consider moderate.

>> No.4444772

you must be from Flyover country.
All the cool kids have moved on to macarons.

>> No.4444774

>>Making New York steaks for a family reunion>Everybody wants theirs well doneWell, shit, and that's not all:>It's okay, they can have their ruined steaks for all I care, I'll make mine medium rare and so juicy it will make up for the rest>Mine's done but there's still a couple waiting to be [well] done
okay whatever

>Go look for my steak, it's gone
>Find it back in the heat, with big gashes all over, cut in half, and already medium-well


I would leave immediately

>> No.4444775


AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA it's like you hate flavor.

>> No.4444786


JAJAJAJAJAJAJA it's like you think those have flavor

>> No.4444795



>> No.4444802

>cheese fetish


>> No.4444813


Whatevs man, enjoy not eating things with more taste than cardboard, I'm not here to judge you.

>> No.4444818

But black olives are gross...

>> No.4444830

Vegetarians or people with special food needs that expect you to do everything for them

>baking pancakes with a bunch of friends and some other people
>have two pans at my disposal, a large one and a small one
>i'm also baking bacon pancakes
>vegetarian girl asks me if I want to keep the pans where I cook pancakes with meat in it seperate from the ones where I bake pancakes in without meat
>are you shitting me

But wait, it gets better!
>people having a good time and i don't want to act like a dick so I say sure
>already baked bacon pancakes in the large pan, so I guess that one is the meat pan from here on
>bitch complains when she only gets small pancakes

Another one:
>inviting people for a dinner I will make
>thinking up dishes, doing groceries
>someone brings this vegetarian girl along, lets me know but after I went to the store
>oh well, I just cook something else up for her
>replace the meat of one dish with fried eggplant or something like that especially for her last minute
>bitch dares to complain that everyone else has something that had more time put into it then hers and that she felt 'the odd one out'

>> No.4444839

Sometimes people are gonna be cunts no matter how friendly or nice you are, and you are gonna have to get in a fight. He'll, that's like 90% of bar fights.

>> No.4444847

People assuming British food is shit. We have some of the best produce in the world.

>> No.4444853

>you are gonna have to get in a fight

No, you can walk away dumbass.

>> No.4444854

Twice in my life I've had guys try to fight me in bars. I just ignored them and walked away. It's not that hard.

>> No.4444858

I have a friend that dislikes spicy foods, but mostly because he has IBD and it will wreck his body.

Alternatively, you could say people who are eating spicy food are ruining their palate.

>> No.4444861

Anything can be bad for you if you do that, can't it?

>> No.4444864

No. Your produce is rubbish. Your dairy, however, is quite good. Your cuisine isn't bad, either.

I've really not a clue why you've got this rather poor culinary image abroad. If not overcooked, a full English Sunday roast is a masterpiece. Scottish cockaleekie is a glory to the taste buds. There is no more delicious hands-on/portable food than a proper Cornish pasty. Who wouldn't want to eat Welsh rarebit? This are dishes that even Escoffier thought should be preserved for future generations and so he did.
The reputation the cuisine of the British Isles (Ireland and the UK) has is unwarranted.
And no: I'm not a Britbong. I'm from Italy.

>> No.4444866

It is said that people who are sensitive to spice have better palates because their palates are more sensitive and fine tuned. Guess it's good that Gordon Ramsay is a massive pussy when it comes to spice.

>> No.4444867

Gah, I wonder if they think we eat stuff like that pizza burger.

>> No.4444870

>vegetarian girl asks me if I want to keep the pans where I cook pancakes with meat in it seperate from the ones where I bake pancakes in without meat
That seems like a reasonable request to me. Complaining about small pancakes is not, however.

>> No.4444872


>Your produce is rubbish

Seriously? We have some of the best shellfish, lamb, beef there is. People who say otherwise haven't tried it. There's more to Britain than a Sunday roast, fish & chips and the generic 'national dishes' like Welsh Rarebit.

>> No.4444875

produce, as in plants, i'll bet that poster meant. considering there's nowhere to fucking grow anything.

also, your beef has horse in it.

>> No.4444876

I guess your right, maybe I just have a temper. I haven't been in a fight for a year, but a dude was insulting me for a while and proceeded to pull out his penis and try to hit me with it. I could have probably walked away. But I was seriously pissed and snapped. He had something like 17 beers that day.

>> No.4444882

>Seriously? We have some of the best shellfish, lamb, beef there is.
But that's not produce. Produce encompasses fruits and vegetables only, or am I wrong? This is (assuming you're the Brit to whom I responded) your language, so correct me if I'm wrong. I'd thought that meat, dairy and cereals are not categorised as produce. I'll agree your meat is quite good, but the quality of your dairy surpasses it, especially since Jersey is part of your nation. Jersey milk is best milk.

>> No.4444893

> when people order a really expensive meal then eat only half of it or less; bonus points if someone else is paying

I take it home with me, I have trouble eating a lot at once, recovering from an eating disorder.

Holy shit, stop being so easily offended.

>> No.4444909

Not the anon you're responding to, but it bothers me when people waste food, expensive or otherwise. I don't mind if they take it home for later, it's just when they just leave it that bothers me.

>> No.4444919

I've had people get pissed off with me for taking food home. I'll feel really hungry, and I'll eat 2 or 3 bites and all of a sudden my stomach screams "I am so full, if you eat more I'm going to be sick"

So I just sit and talk with my friends, and get the rest to go.

"Oh..you're not going to finish that..why did you even order anything"

"I'm taking it home"

"But why?"

...to eat it later retard.

>> No.4444957

This. I don't like cilantro, I don't like the taste (it doesn't taste like soap to me), I hate the smell, I just don't like it. Trying to force other people to like something they have tried or yelling at them because they don't like is fucking idiotic. You are better than this /ck/.

>> No.4444978

Some dumbass i was having dinner with recently proudly announced to everyone that he had never eaten pie before when offered some.

He legitimately thought it was an achievement, and i've heard other people do this with other things.

>> No.4444988

I hate pie.

>> No.4445000

Not liking them is fine, but saying you don't like them without ever having tried them is stupid.

>> No.4445018


>> No.4445023
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>It is said that people who are sensitive to spice have better palates because their palates are more sensitive and fine tuned

That makes me feel a little better. I like spices in general, but I cannot take hot spices. Jalapeno is about as hot as I can get. I feel bad cause I know I'm missing out on some things that probably taste amazing.

The only real peeve I have is the whole well done steak thing. There is a little roadhouse near us that makes perfect medium steals. My father-in-law once 'accidentally' served me a rare steak and I nearly died from how delicious it was. I just don't trust my own cooking skills enough to do anything below medium.

>> No.4445029

Jalapeños are actually decently hot if your getting them raw with all the seeds. But if your talking about pickled seedless shit most people think of, I'm sorry for you bro.

>> No.4445040
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People wasting food. I'm an exchange student at an American college and I'm in awe of how much the average student throws away on a daily basis. Not trying to generalize, by the way, obviously there are also normal minded people out there - I just haven't met too many so far.

>at dining hall: people load their plates with 4 different kinds of entrees + huge ass pizza slice on top, then eat half the pizza and throw the rest away
>at the restaurant: people order the everything sampler, eat the meatballs and then decide to get Wendys after
>at home watching movies: people buy snack packs and decide halfway through that the rest is "too crumbly" and deem it unacceptable for further eating
>at the very few times, somebody has leftovers and wants to keep them, they put them in a box in the fridge, forget about em and throw them away after a week

On a sidenote, just in general, I think it's crazy of how often my fellow students go out to eat. They're all complaining about not having enough money (this also is a poor region of the US), but they can't be arsed to cook anything but hot pockets or kraft cheese shells for themselves.

>> No.4445048

Nah, not the pickled stuff. But that's about my limit.

>> No.4445053

This, your whole post. I'm >>4444909, I hate it when people waste food. I think it's because I've been to India and seen people on the streets, starving. It's a real wake-up call to how much we take for granted and I can't believe people would throw away half their meal when there are people out there who would kill for our lifestyles. (I know I sound preachy, and I apologise for that)

And yeah, I hate how my friends bitch about being poor all the time. Most of them are in the same financial position I am in, but I don't eat out as much, and I take my own lunch to work and uni. I do this because I hate the idea of living paycheck-to-paycheck like they do, and it's so avoidable too.

>> No.4445054

I can't enjoy raw onions anymore after my mom blended a fruit and veggies smoothie with 2 raw onions and made me drink the entire thing when I was younger.

>> No.4445060


I live near Philly. It's funny because the best cheesesteaks you get from a guy on the corner in one of those food carts.
There are two/three restaurants always fighting over who started/who's the best at cheesesteaks, and the street vendor near the science museum does them in a GODLY manner, with real cheese and fried onions and it's amazing.

>> No.4445062

Feel free to return to your country of origin you sanctimonious coolie. Nobody wants you here.

>> No.4445065

I was just reading about this on wikipedia. the low opinion of British cuisine because of rationing in/after WWII.

>> No.4445075

Not until after I've screwed as many American chicks as possible and pissed everybody off by telling and showing them that American society has the mind of a child that thinks that "more is always better".

>> No.4445111

Best cheesesteaks in Philadelphia are from most any corner place that sells cheesesteaks and/or most any diner/lunch counter and/or most any cart/truck.
Pat's, Geno's, Jim's, Rick's, Steve's, Chink's, Phil's and Tony Luke's (amongst others) are each just as awful as the next. I've no understanding at all as to why anyone would laud any one of them over any other as they're all equally poor. My assumption would be that they would do so only for neighbourhood pride or specific affiliations, such as east South Philly Tony Luke's and the west part preferring Phil's, lower Northeasterners preferring Chink's and those of the greater Northeast being in Jim's corner. Those from further out beyond that like Steve's and tourists go to Geno's. People from South Jersey who think themselves Philadelphians prefer Pat's and no one likes Rick's, people just buy them because there's no one else selling cheesesteaks inside the stadium.

Your food cart guy is not special.

>> No.4445116
File: 471 KB, 474x379, 1358021694890.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And we wonder why we have certain *ahem* "troubles" here.

>> No.4445472

>And everybody likes onions, dont be silly.
I know someone who doesn't because he's allergic to them. Please take a moment to be sad for the poor guy.

Moment over.

>> No.4445498

>Your produce is rubbish.
Nah, but we don't export the proper good stuff. (The US is the same; some real excellent produce but all the really worthwhile stuff stays decidedly local.)
>Your dairy, however, is quite good.
We do some very good cheese. (And some horrible ones too.) Our yoghurt is meh though.

>> No.4445526

In what way do you hate it? Is it a specific type of pie that you dislike? Sweet filling? Savoury? Which type of pastry? (Would you consider "pies" like fish pie or shepherd's pie, neither of which has any piecrust at all?)

>> No.4445552

I held that opinion only after having visited. I've a cousin who read law in the UK and currently works as a solicitor or a barrister or some manner of lawyer of some sort.
Silly wigs, by the way.
I don't recall having yoghurt during my stay. Likely did and thought nothing of it, bad or good.

>> No.4446183

Too many people hate vinegar or fresh ingredients.

>> No.4446191


>> No.4446195

Vinegar can be a bit garish if it overtakes the over flavors of an item. One of my pet peeves is gelatin, the texture is just horrible to me,.

>> No.4447271

>Your food cart guy is not special.
But you just said he is
>Best cheesesteaks in Philadelphia are from most any corner place that sells cheesesteaks and/or most any diner/lunch counter and/or most any cart/truck.

He's from a foodcart.
Also Geno's has good milkshakes, that's about it.

>> No.4447288

Fuck it I'll order chicken fingers whenever I want right along with you, anon. The last time I ate at Applebees (which is rarely because it's not that good....) I ordered them. And they were tasty

>> No.4447326
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Places like Applebees, Chili's, or any other suburban strip-mall family feed-bag tailor all their food to appeal to people with the palate of a six-year-old. I've tried ordering souvlaki or a salmon from that kind of place before and always gotten a pile of bland disappointment. Since then I've learned that when I end up at that sort of place because it's where others want to go, I should stick to foods that in their natural state are meant to appeal to someone with the palate of a six-year-old—that way at least you'll be getting the American portion of greasy indifference the baby jesus intended.

>> No.4447334

sometimes it taste bad
fuck that

>> No.4447335

You sound like you have at least seven pairs of truck nuts.

>> No.4447333

You guys sound like betas who never had any fun growing up.

Oh no, you might get punched!!!!

>> No.4447359

Yuropoors tend to be pretty pretentious about food. Even though, and I'm not trying to be cute, their food is seriously some of the worst.

>> No.4447365

>Yuropoors tend to be pretty pretentious about food
It's pretty hard for Americans to be pretentious about eating as many different fried foods as possible for every meal of the day.

I heard designer diabetic syringes were becoming a fad in America.

>> No.4447373

I haven't eaten fried food in years. It's seriously pathetic how you guys cling to these stereotypes. I'm half mexican. Does that I mean I consist on corn tortillas and salsa? Honestly you people are ignorant.