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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4438553 No.4438553 [Reply] [Original]


I was inspired.

>> No.4438556

Thanks /ck/ blogger.

>> No.4438619
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Always a pleasure.

>> No.4438622

What is that?
>inb4 "beets me"

>> No.4438623

beets me

>> No.4438641

Imma gonna beet you up for that.

>> No.4438650
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You beet me le to it!

>> No.4438651

Beet thread? Beet thread.

>go to store
>see beet & apple juice
>buy it
>it tastes like beets
>and apples
I don't know what you were expecting when I began this story, and I'm sorry if you feel let down by the conclusion.

>> No.4438657

Relax, don't beet yourself up about it.

>> No.4438664

More beet stories.

>be hired to kitchen
>start cutting beets
>"You cut too slowly."
>be fired two days later
Well don't that just beet all?

>> No.4438671

pickled beets are pretty good.

>> No.4438675

Best thread on the front page, beets everything else easily.

>> No.4438697


>> No.4439210
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Has anyone ever been as far as even?

>> No.4439212
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What is this?! I don't even...

>> No.4439256

i nostalgia'd hard

>> No.4439406

Looks like afterbirth.

>> No.4439526
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— "He wouldn't..."

>> No.4439530
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>> No.4439532
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And we'll know more tomorrow!

>> No.4439538

For those who just joined us, I made a beet-strawberry jam, froze it in an ice tray, made a cake batter largely inspired from my Minecraft/ILY cake, and tested three different inset fillings: jam, encased chocolate square, and contiguous chocolate.

>> No.4439545
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The mentioned cake.

>> No.4439559
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This is a yeast-leavened cake, so it's going to proof in the fridge until tomorrow.

I also have to rinse my mouth with salt water because I ate some of the batter as a habit, but yeast is really nasty for your gums.

Incidentally, the frozen jam thing makes a tasty-ass frozen treat.

Accidentally, I ate way more chocolate and sugar than I intended.

>> No.4439562

I like eating beets. They taste good and you can scare people when your piss turns red.

>> No.4439719

Just give it up, Sceak. You're a terrible chef.

>> No.4439966
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>> No.4440010

That's beets? It looks like a pot of boiling water.

This looks like the most appetizing thing out of all your pictures. Then the first pic because it's so dark you can't really tell how disgusting it would be.

>> No.4440071

Should've baked that noodle into the pizza, they might've considered it a casserole.

>> No.4440080

Literally looks like you're boiling a bunch of baby birds.

>> No.4440096


I'm fucking scared it's going to turn out a super mess. The pieces didn't keep in place while pouring the second layer of batter, and much less while spreading it.

>> No.4440223 [DELETED] 

Daniel, check your e-mail.

>> No.4440252

This. I thought OP was boiling unplucked crow.

>> No.4440258

I'm sorry if I've been an ass, /ck/, and 4chan.

I never meant for it to become what it became.

>> No.4441690

Moving forward, bump for later.

>> No.4443578

I don't feel like baking right now, but bump for later.

>> No.4443581

Give it a rest, you hideous creature.

>> No.4444953
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Yeah, so last time it was a lot flatter. Since it's stuffed, I can't really flatten it out with a knife.

I was going to just put, like, four chocolate bars or so on top, let them melt and cool with the cake. Obviously, that won't work, so I guess I'm going to have to whip something up.

What happened is that I put the dish in in a preheated oven, and this was a cold dough, I guess the center was cool, still. The sides baked before the center, and it gave this.

This one was also vegan, so no eggs. It's pretty dense.

>> No.4444987

this is going to get ice crystals all over

>> No.4447322
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Turns out that oiled foil is pretty win, this is the underside. I shaved the top, and decided to go ahead as planned.

>> No.4447325
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The crumb is a bit dense, but definitely a step towards the "brownie" texture I've been looking for.

>> No.4447327
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Over a pound of chocolate went into making this cake.

>> No.4447328

Oven, spoon and shake. This is just cooling at room temperature now.

>> No.4447329
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>> No.4447360

Add water to the chocolate to get a nice shine

>> No.4447367

>Add water to chocolate.

Please die a horrible painful dead, thank you.

>> No.4447401

Evidently, you have never worked with chocolate.

>> No.4447510

Blewmental makes a chocolate mousse with water and chocolate only.

I'm actually testing super-slow melt + temper with cocoa liqueur-based chocolate. I think the chocolate is going to stay somewhere between liquid and viscid.

But that's a lot of chocolate. If I had an iced-cream maker on a Kitchen Aid I'd definitely try the mousse thing, among others.

>> No.4447694

I was force fed beets as a child, now I can't stand them

Fuck you Mrs. Janice

>> No.4448360
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These sure pack a punch.

Anyway, if you try the foil thing, try to put tabs underneath because it was a real bitch to pull out.

>> No.4448364
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Solidified in the fridge, but goes back gooey at room temperature. As predicted.

>> No.4448370
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All the shits inside slid when pouring the second layer of batter. It's like ... someone spilled the rum on the map. It didn't matter, but I could've cut it earlier, or let it come up to temperature a bit more.

>> No.4448374
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Contiguous chocolate is totally feasible. I was expecting it to melt and ... do what chocolate does when exposed to water, in the batter. Worked nicely.

Not entirely sure if the chocolate remains 100% solid when at room temperature. Going to carrot the cake in the freezer and give results when I'm finished with the other posts.

>> No.4448382
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Jam also worked nicely, despite not being in the center of the square. Dammit.

>> No.4448386
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Nice adhesion of the top layer to the cake.

>> No.4448388
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Nice coalescence from both fillings.

>> No.4448391
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In the interest of science, I had another square. Sadly, the jam just isn't coming through all that chocolate. The jam is really awesome on its own, but in the cake you get a hint of the strawberry, and no idea there are beets in there.

That's my biggest disappointment.

>> No.4448398
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Beets began simmering Tue, 7:30 AM.

Cake was cut around 7:30 PM, Fri.

Four and a half days in the making.

>> No.4448418
File: 1.08 MB, 2592x1952, IMAG0291.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On the left is chocolate from the top layer, on the right is chocolate from the center layer.

The top layer is viscid after cooling, while the center layer keeps a nice bite to it, despite not being completely tempered.

In my opinion, one could totally serve this.

>> No.4448423

cake eater