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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4437496 No.4437496 [Reply] [Original]

I just got back from McDonald's and feel like a piece of shit.

There is a McD's right by my apartment that I go to often. I went there earlier today and got a Quarter Pounder & Cheese, a bacon chicken snackwrap, and a McChicken jr. After work I was craving it all over again and ended up stopping by the drive-thru again.

I was pretty worried the same girl at the first window would still be on shift so I put on a winter hat and put the collar of my jacket up. When I drove up with my exact same order as earlier she was there to take my money.

She said, "you're here AGAIN?" as I was handing her the money while trying to avoid eye contact and I just lost it. I have social anxiety and I ended up retracting my arm so fast I spilled the change all over her side and started stuttering something about "my wife" and then I started to hyperventilate and felt an anxiety attack coming on.

I just floored it and I am so glad there was no one in front of me because I peeled out of there. I can still see her face.

I'll have to start going to a new McDonald's even though the closest one is like 10 minutes away. Maybe I'll switch to Wendy's I don't know.

Anyway, aside for just sharing one of the worst and most embarassing moments of 2013 so far I was wondering how you would have reacted and responded to the cashier's remark.


>> No.4437503

fuck you bitch I'm bulkin

>> No.4437510

I would wonder how someone as fat as you could invent a time machine cuz this was posted like 8 months ago.

>> No.4437524

"yep, can I have my change please?" I do aspie shit too but I'm not fat so maybe it's different for me.

>> No.4437531

>2 quarter pounders
>2 bacon chicken wraps
>2 mchciken

3000 calories
147g fat
151 g protein
271g carbs

if thats all you ate for a day its not even that bad, just expensive

>> No.4437542
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>> No.4437546

lol no it's not its only like a couple bucks

>> No.4437549

you can make all of that from scratch for a nickle at home

>> No.4437563


Fast food seems cheap but making it yourself is 10x cheaper

>> No.4437568

>time to cook
>time spent working instead
Are all you people on /ck/ worthless NEET fuckwits or what?

>> No.4437573


>> No.4437593

Its not that hard to cook quickly

Takes 30 minutes to prep something for cooking in a crockpot and a few hours letting it sit to cook. make 10lb of pork, make a rice cooker of rice

fill tupperware and you have lunch and dinner for a work week

>> No.4437599

Worthless trash. Please die.
>a few hours letting
Sorry, I earn far more money in a few hours working than I would save cooking it at home vs. buying it at McDs. How worthless are you people?

>> No.4437600

you don't get me, you don't need to do anything, you can leave the house and work for those hours

you just can't consume immediately

>> No.4437602

Personally, I just hate disgusting food

to me thats worth the extra time

>> No.4437610


Do you think you spend ever second of crock pot cooking staring intently at the crock pot? You put shit in and wander off to do other things.

Also a lot of people cook when they get home from work. It's not like they're taking off extra time from work to go home and make dinner, they're choosing to use a portion of their already-existing free time.

You're pretty obviously a troll in a copypasta thread, though. 6/10 made me waste some of my time THAT I COULD HAVE BEEN WORKING OH NO.

>> No.4437627

Huh? The only instance acceptable here is perhaps a farmer.
This is legit. Totally agree here.
See my first post. Sorry, I actually matter so I don't have time to make elaborate meal plans. It's great to know that you too are a worthless layman.

>> No.4437635

You are trying to argue that eating out as a primary source of nutrition is both economically viable and a good choice, that bulshit>>4437627
>Huh? The only instance acceptable here is perhaps a farmer.

What are you talking about, you can let the crock pot cook over night while you sleep, you spend 30 minutes for a week of meals, thats less time than ordering and picking up ANY takeout

>> No.4437653

I've seen this post before. Copypasta or do a lot of people do this?

>> No.4437659

>you can let the crock pot cook over night while you sleep
How much do you sleep? Sorry...I have a real job where I work more than 8 hours a day.

>> No.4437663

Uh, depends around 7 hours? crock pot cooks for 5-6 hours depending on what you make,

set a damn alarm and wake up to turn it off a few hours early, then go back to sleep

>> No.4437675
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>> No.4437677

>working more than 8 hours a day
>"a real job"
Wow, you're really insecure

>> No.4437682

Oh wow, you work more than 8 hours day. I'm proud dude. Good job! I forgot that working more than 8 hours a day immediately makes something a real job! You can bus tables for 12 hours a day and that's considered a real job?! Woo!

>> No.4437683

>Uh, depends around 7 hours?
There's your problem faggot. Confirmed for pretend job.

>> No.4437689

Pick one
See above NEET faggot.
ITT: Human trash

>> No.4437695

stale copypasta

>> No.4437701

If you work so much how the fuck do you have time to sleep longer

>needing more than 8 hours of sleep

confirmed for doing manual labor

>> No.4437703


>> No.4437704

When I'm afraid of that happening, I walk into the restaurant pretending I'm talking to someone on the phone, and finish with "I'm at __________, you want something?"
or I just pretend to be really high. That usually takes the heat off me when I get 10 tacos, 20 nuggets, and a double cheeseburger.
God, it feels like I have to satisfy my cravings like I'm Solid Snake or something.
>Metal Grease Obesity 3: Subsistence

>> No.4437710

I hope everyone realizes this is copypasta.

>> No.4437707

You could just not look like a fatass and look like you lift so eating a shitton is justifiable

>mfw 220lb 10% bf
>mfw nobody asks why I'm eating so much

>> No.4437720

Oh believe me, I lift, but you can never take any risks. I'd much rather pretend to be baked than have to explain getting spaghetti all over their freshly mopped floor.

>> No.4437722

You have absolutely no idea how much of a prick you look right now. Surprisingly I am not a NEET faggot. I make six figures and I hold a computer science bachelor's degree. I only have to work 8 hours a day/5 days a week and make equal to, if not more than you. So sit the fuck back down faggot and go work your construction job for 16 hours a day.

inb4 umadbro

>> No.4437730

Wut? Can you into reading?
Got me there! Derision by a NEET sure stings!

>> No.4437745
File: 82 KB, 720x479, 1362198936417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You have absolutely no idea how much of a prick you look right now. Surprisingly I am not a NEET faggot. I make six figures and I hold a computer science bachelor's degree. I only have to work 8 hours a day/5 days a week and make equal to, if not more than you. So sit the fuck back down faggot and go work your construction job for 16 hours a day.
> I make six figures and I hold a computer science bachelor's degree
>bachelor's degree
>six figures

>> No.4437740

>eating fast food multiple times a day

This is what is wrong with America.

>> No.4437751


Not the fat guy, but six figures really isn't that unreasonable for a skilled position at the right company. Ironically some of the lowest paid people at my company are people with useless postbac degrees like MAs in education and english and shit like that.

>> No.4437755

ha, lawyer calling other ppl human trash, I'm havin a giggle here m8

>> No.4437758

What in the 99 names for fucking is a "NEET", and why are you so bent out of shape over sleep?

>> No.4437765

Dude first of , fuck McDonalds and you know it too. Second, if you have social anxiety, how is getting fat of McDonalds helping you? start jogging or something atleast. Good luck man.

>> No.4437770

>six figures really isn't that unreasonable for a skilled position at the right company.
He has a comp sci degree. He is unskilled and quite worthless. He is the equivalent of Google. No smart company hires a BA in comp sci for 6 figures. Engineering indeed, but not comp sci.
We are corrosive and demonesque indeed. The laws by which the internet and your society are shaped however, were constructed by us. So please continue on
>havin a giggle
Your restrictions are of my construction. Enjoy, captain pleb.

>> No.4437782

Another acronym from sociologists... NEET stands for 'Not in Education, Employment or Training'. I'm not sure, yet, whether it has any global significance or derogatory overtones. However, like chav, it seems to be particularly applicable to a social under-class lacking drive, motivation or ambition

>> No.4437792

It's copypasta.

>> No.4437854

It should be derogatory because NEET's are worthless scum to look down on.

>> No.4437871


this pasta always get /ck/ it a fit, I love it

>> No.4437872

I don't think this happened. But whatever.

My embarrassing story is that the lady at the drive-thru asked me if I had been there already that day, since the credit card machine apparently tells them if you've visited twice. I told her that yeah I had been there last night in the morning.

Yeah, not very exciting.

>> No.4437877


Deliciously creamy sauced copypastas.

>> No.4440030

3000 calories in a fucking day? that is bad actually, as well as expensive.

>> No.4440035

"I'm hungry."

Its that simple.

>> No.4440034

go fuck yourself entitled shitbag

>> No.4440867

HELL YEA! I'm back god bless America!!!

>> No.4440913

I got carded at a Taco Bell for using my debit card twice in the same day at the same location. And I didn't have an ID. I had to use my insurance card. Then I went out to fourth-meal it around 1AM the next day. I went to a different location, hoping to avoid another embarrassment. They fucking carded me because they're all networked. I had my ID this time, for reasons I can't recall. If you use your credit/debit card more than once in a 24-hour period at some locations or within a network, they'll card you. The manager told me he'd never in 13 years see someone eat Taco Bell three times within 15 hours. I told him at least I don't fucking work at Taco Bell.

>> No.4440917


That's not a real job. That's a bitch job.

>> No.4440928


No, they were constructed by legislatures chosen by commoners and most of us ignore them anyway.

>do drugs all day
>download all day
>break my dick off in high school girls
>the law matters
>i totally give a fuck about the law
>lawyers are important
>i care about the things they say
>i care about a homo who has to put 12 hours a day in at his office and 8 over the weekend just to generate 40 billable hours so full partners don't have to do anything

>> No.4440939

I love me some Taco Bell, but eating there 3 times in a day? What's really going on anon?

>> No.4440942

>He has a comp sci degree. He is unskilled and quite worthless

I have a comp sci degree.. so does my wife.. and 3 or 4 of my close friends. We are all about 4 years out of college now and have gone from 60k when we graduated to all over 100k with just 4 years of experience.

We all have some pretty serious capability though and are probably a bit more professional than you average comp sci kiddies.

Also, this is Georgia where living is damn cheap and wages are depressed. So comp sci in any other area of the country should be doing at least as well.

You're just jelly because you spent all that money on a law degree while my friends and I went out into the world and made over 200k while you were in school racking up more bills. And now that you are junior associate at best, we still out earn you because we have experience.

In 10 years you'll be lucky to be out from your debts and break even with us. I'll already be on my second home and driving a ferrari though, so I won't care if you make a bit more by then.

That's what you get for going after a shit job like lawyering.

>> No.4440979

160 lbs adult who exercises for an hour burns around 3k calories a day

>> No.4440993

>citation desperately needed

>> No.4440997

Where you embarrassed to find spaghetti instead of your change?

>> No.4440998


If you're not completely bullshitting can you tell me what you do? CS student here and am just curious.

>> No.4441026


Not bullshitting and I don't mind.

I specialized in .net programming and the microsoft stack of languages/frameworks and applications and software packages. I went from being a .net coder for a year at level 1, to level 2, to senior software engineer. Then I left that company and became a software architect for a fortune 500.

My wife works for a major consulting agency and has risen to the position of senior tech lead (which they are now just recently calling architect)

The other friends I mentioned all did similar things. One that stands out went and got himself a job as an IT Director at a smaller company, but he makes more money than any of the rest of us at this point.

Focus on the big picture of what your client wants, focus on the bigger trends in the industry and what skill sets are lacking/paying well out there, and teach yourself that stuff either at home, or if you can, on the job while someone is paying you to do so. Always keep a positive attitude and try to display professional communication. These traits, above all others, will make people want you to lead teams of software developers, and this will get you money. Also, we all got our biggest pay raises by switching jobs, and at 4 or 5 years out of school, we have all gone through at least 3 jobs. (10 to 12k raise at each job jump plus 2 to 3% increase every year plus bonuses and increases for promotions - it happens quicker than you realize)

>> No.4441058

I know this feel. I have early classes every morning and the only restaurant open on campus at that time is Carls Jr. Getting some breakfast biscuits every other morning was awesome until I realized that the same 3-4 workers were always there, then I started getting paranoid that they recognized me and were silently judging me for going there so often. I have since switched to bringing bananas with me.

>> No.4441073


Thanks for the insight. I appreciate it.

>> No.4441169

Would you say you'd need to graduate near the top of your class to have a shot at the big fish? First year CS here and the average just seems to be so goddamn low for many to end up as high as you're describing.