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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 89 KB, 512x342, milk-aisle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4426123 No.4426123 [Reply] [Original]

So for those who haven't upgraded to milk 2.0 yet and enjoyed the bliss that is almond milk on cereal, or chocolate soy milk for a guilty pleasure, why are you sticking with cow nipple juice?

Is the taste of hormones and antibiotics irresistible? The lower nutritional content? What keeps you from upgrading to milk 2.0?

>> No.4426131

I like the taste of regular milk better than almond/soy milk, and so do shit tons of other people. Deal with it.

>> No.4426152

What makes you remove your mouth long enough from that anti-GMO faggot's dick to spew such utter horseshit on a regular basis?

Why do you like the taste of horseshit and dick so much that you can't keep your fucking mouth shut?

Maybe if you washed the semen and shit out of your mouth with cow's milk you'd find that it's an upgrade, you unevolved fucking swine. When the apocalypse happens and food grows scarce, I can't wait for the hipsters to spontaneously drop dead.

Fuck you.

>> No.4426157
File: 32 KB, 500x413, giada-boobs-1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw nowhere to get my milk 2.0

>> No.4426158

>replacing the beverage that sustained humanity for millennia with liquefied nuts and/or bean juice

I shiggy diggit

>> No.4426164

Almond milk is for babby almonds

>> No.4426256

Non-dairy makes me constipated.

>> No.4426264

I'm allergic to nuts, and soy milk tastes terrible. Chocolate coconut milk is the bomb though, especially in coffee.

>> No.4426311

>lower nutritional content

haha, o wow

>> No.4426316

Get the fuck back to /b/ you fucking cum gurgling thunder fuck

>> No.4426319

Please remove your head from your ass

>> No.4426328


OP, almonds are for making baby almond plants. Why are you eating them?

>> No.4426332


lol, implying that drinking the ground-up residue from plant reproductive organs is somehow more natural than drinking milk

>> No.4426373

>why are you sticking with cow nipple juice?
Because soy milk tastes like stale rat-farts. Like most things attempting to replicate something without BEING that thing, it does a piss poor job.

>> No.4426399

I think these threads are shit, and I drink soy milk. Eat and drink what you like, it doesn't effect me in anyway.

>shit posting on a slow board

>> No.4426404

Coconut milk is the best milk. I didn't care for the taste of almond but I fucking love coconut milk.

>> No.4426423


> Soy milk

Enjoy being sterile or having deformed, stillborn children because your shitty product is made with GMO soy beans. I'll be over here using real milk.

>> No.4426425
File: 142 KB, 1030x474, 420blazeitfaggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not living solely off the cannabis plant
>hemp milk from hemp hearts
>why haven't you upgraded to milk ver. 4.2.0 yet?

it's like you want to support all the evil in the world, man

>> No.4426426
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>not being a baby animal

>> No.4426454
File: 79 KB, 450x450, BlueDiamondAlmondCoconutMilkVanilla.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While I agree these threads are SHIT,
I don't eat dairy. Because of allergy, not because of cows. Almond milk and coconut milk are my go-to. Pic related, it's what I'm using now. The perfect blend. Anyway, I still wish I could eat cheese, though. Non-dairy cheese is pure SHIT.

>> No.4426463

I think the hormones are making you rage, calm down, have another cup of crap that's going to give you cancer
Yeah, it's fascinating isn't it?
Dairy makes you angry, can't you see?
>still preferring taste over nutrition
Enjoy your baby born with a wonky immune system with bovine hormones flowing directly into it's tiny body.
You'll probably traumatize the poor baby with cow's milk too. Shame.

>> No.4426467

try Wilmersburger, it's god tier.

>> No.4426474


Plenty of reasons to stop drinking milk, but treatment of dairy cows is the #1 fo rme.

>> No.4426477

Soy formula is the last thing you would want to feed a baby, breast milk > cow's milk formula > goat's milk formula > soy milk formula. Leave babies out of this debate.

>> No.4426478


Dairy being considered a health food is just a marketing campaign by the dairy industry.

Nutrition-wise, milk is a giant fail, and consuming more than a few servings a day is advised against by most reputable health organizations.

In fact, Harvard's school of public health had to come out with their own version of the USDA's dietary recommendations simply because the dairy industry basically paid off the government to tell citizens to drink more milk, regardless of many studies showing high dairy consumption leads to poor health.

>> No.4426486

liquids that aren't from mammary glands shouldn't be called milk under law.

>> No.4426488


Formulas based on cow's milk heavily alter the milk, since (obviously) cow's milk is designed to be nutritionally suitable for baby cows, not baby humans, and the levels of the macro-nutrients (proteins mainly) are detrimental to human health.

Properly designed soy formulas fulfill all the nutritional needs of infants.

>> No.4426491
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>Is the taste of hormones and antibiotics irresistible?


Organic British Green top master race

stay 'merican

>> No.4426495


Drinking from another species' mammary glands is weird as hell if you ask me. When I was a kid and I learned milk comes from a cow's tit, I was like, "hell no I'm not putting that in my mouth."

We aren't meant to drink milk as adults. The body naturally stops producing the enzyme that breaks down lactose. It's only through generations of unnatural milk consumption that some people continue producing lactase.

Milk is for babies.

>> No.4426504

>beverage that sustained humanity for millennia

The majority of the world's population is still lactose intolerant. High dairy consumption is a fairly recent phenomenon.

>> No.4426522

The Mayo Clinic, AAP, and the APA disagree with you. I am going to go with their expertise.

>> No.4426533

So it's okay to bash soy but not milk?
Maybe in your world, this is the internet.
You should breastfeed all babies, but lazy mothers think that it's just as well to bottle feed to save from doing actual painful work.
Cows milk really irritates almost all babby tummys, causing colic, ear infections, tooth decay, immune responses....
I know so many sick ass kids who are always fighting some sort of infection but still drinking cups of milk every day, it's disgusting and the mothers won't even entertain the idea in the slightest that the shitty diet is the cause, because they are too in love with milk and cheese to care about health.
breast milk > soy/plant based formula
fuck everything else, it's not worth the harm caused.

>> No.4426536

>not drinking goat milk and eating goat based yogurts and cheese
Enjoy your unsustainable, hormone-pumped casein juice.

>> No.4426537

>[Citations needed]

Infant formulas are just heavily fortified foods. It makes no sense to think that a soy-based formula would be nutritionally different from a dairy one. We can add every micro and macro nutrient in existence to any food product we want.

Mayo Clinic says nothing against soy formulas.

If your child has a soy allergy, don't feed it a soy based formula. Same with dairy allergies. Otherwise it doesn't matter.

>> No.4426538

Humans are disgusting, the only creature to drink other spieces milk

>> No.4426539

>replacing the beverage that sustained humanity for millennia with liquefied nuts and/or bean juice
I'm sorry but are you really this stupid? The beverage that sustained humanity for millenia is WINE. Or beer or mead depending on where you lived.

>> No.4426540

All of the institutions you named are obligated contractually to tell you that.
Do your homework, and enjoy your milk.

>> No.4426541



Human breast milk is designed specifically for human babies. It is evolution at work. Why the hell would you feed them anything else.

>> No.4426543

>the only creature to drink other spieces milk

Basically. People often try to use cats an example of other species, but A) that's only if we stick it in front of them and B) if cats drink any decent amount of milk they will get sick as hell and vomit everywhere since they, like every other animal, don't produce the lactase enzyme as adults.

>> No.4426546
File: 42 KB, 480x360, hedgehog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these poor animals get fed cow milk by humans also, they eat it, and get very ill.

>> No.4426551

I grew up a milk drinker.
Almonds don't agree with me.
I went to india, drank coconut milk, discovered coconut is best when you are eating it fresh. All coconut in the west tastes like shite in comparison.
These days, I love my muesli covered in orange juice, not milk.

>> No.4426562


Thailand is heaven for coconut milk.

Makes dairy look like fecal water by comparison.

>> No.4426567

Soy formula is a last resort, this is a statement that is a result of varied reputable studies. This isn't bashing soy milk, there is evidence to back it up. I don't have any idea where people got the idea that it was just as good to formula feed as it is to breastfeed. It is hard work, but damn it that little person relies on you. Very few children can't actually tolerate breast milk, and those children that are adopted obviously can't be breastfed very easily (all though it can actually be done). Those children need a good milk based formula, the amount of children that don't tolerate cow's milk is not as many as you perceive. Not all cow's milk formula is created the same, so if you are in a lower income bracket and have to rely on shitty formula then you will just have to either breast feed if you can, or try your hardest to feed the child a healthy diet once the formula isn't being used. Soy formula should be a last resort. It has plenty of nutritious stuff in it, to be sure, but it doesn't get absorbed as well as the nutrients in cow's milk or breast milk. Milk is over drank past infancy, the kids loading up on it should be eating a healthy diet with a small amount of milk every day. Not in the amounts they drink now. Ear infections happen with soy formula kids too, it is just a fact of life. The sucking motion backs up formula into the ear canal through the Eustachian tube (it attaches the ear canal to the throat) and the formula/regular milk grows bacteria causing ear infections. Breast Milk has some sort of natural defense for this and so kids drinking breast milk don't have so many ear infections. Kids that drink formula (milk or soy based) don't have the antibody/chemical that prevents this so they get ear infections. tooth decay is just as prevalent in milk as it is soy fed kids, there is just as much added sugars in both.

>> No.4426569

>consuming more than a few servings a day is advised against by most reputable health organizations.

Why would anyone eat more than one serving of ANY food in one day? Are you people really that fat or do you just eat the same thing over and over and over again and get no variety in your diet?

>> No.4426572

Fairly recent? Damn you're an idiot.

>> No.4426574


>Meat is for the animal it's a part of
>Are you made of cow

>> No.4426575
File: 55 KB, 440x550, flat,550x550,075,f[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm fucking tired of seeing you faggots talk about your almond/soy/lactose-free white water. If you don't or "can't" drink milk then you hate titties and that makes you a massive faggot. Fuck all of you!

>> No.4426583

Report done in Sweden says that a lot of the females here get too much calcium which isn't good for you at all. Bad for your heart.

It was said in some newspaper.. I think this applies to most people living in Scandinavia though, not only females but males as well. We drink A LOT of milk here, seriously. The fact that we drink like, the most coffee in the entire world (not really but close enough), often with milk, doesn't make it better. Neither does cheese, milk for your cereals, yoghurt for your snack meal nor the glass of milk for your dinner.

Scandinavia is crazy about milk. I don't think any other countries consume as much dairy milk as we do. Or they do, I should say. I don't.

>> No.4426587

My milk consumption is either from vegan sources or from girlfriends tits when having sexual intercourse.

>> No.4426590

Tell me when soy or almond milk tastes like milk.

I'll make the switch in a second.

>> No.4426603
File: 62 KB, 689x1049, happybabby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the amount of children that don't tolerate cow's milk is not as many as you perceive
Do you know how many children aren't old enough to tell their parents that the milk makes them feel shitty? We are missing out on the viewpoints of a big part of the population.
Formula companies in cahoots with the gubment to distribute this crap with WIC (who award vouchers to mothers for food including about 2 pounds of cheese and as many as 9 gallons of milk every month) and food stamps don't give two farts about your poor babby's tum tum.
When you have teeth and can chew other food, you do not need milk to survive and should wean, like any other species.
Kittens, puppies, horsies.
Everybody else gets it.

>> No.4426606

I cannot speak for soy milk, but almod tastes better.

>> No.4426609

When my girlfriend still ate dairy, our child had a lot of stomach problems. When she quit dairy products, our childs problems also stopped.

Magic? No. Just dairy-free.

>> No.4426611

I don't like my milk tasting nutty, so no thanks.

>> No.4426615

I only drink milk from cows not treated with growth hormones or antibiotics from a local dairy. Stay mad.

>> No.4426618

Well try rice or oat milk then. And almond doesn't really taste "nutty", it has a sweet flavour. Hazelnut milk however tastes very nutty. There's also supposed to be quinoa milk but I have no idea what that's like. Maybe you could give it a try anyway, if you'd bother.

>> No.4426622

no, we aren't angry, just sad that so many people are so ignorant about health.

>> No.4426628

If it's not much more expensive than regular milk I'll be on the lookout for them.

>> No.4426629

nah, just that the phytoestrogens in soy would turn me into the kind of bitch that snobs up an image board

>cow nipple juice
>i say

>> No.4426634

I don't know the prices, but since dairy free milk doesn't have as many consumers as dairy milk, they're often a bit more expensive.
Always worth a try anyway, I'd say.

Good luck.

>> No.4426640
File: 12 KB, 314x295, milk.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i support this thread OP

>> No.4426649
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>> No.4426654


Cow milk is heavily subsidized by tax payer money, only reason it's so cheap.

But soy and almond milk are about the same price where I live.

>> No.4426659

The kids may not be old enough to speak, but you can tell by their behavior and their poops. Milk allergies are pretty apparent. They spit up ALOT, they cry and scream as if they are in pain (they are) frequently, they have a skin reaction, and diarrhea (among other symptoms). Breastfeeding mom's often mistake an allergy to their own milk when their babies are actually reacting to the dairy Momma is drinking and passing on to them.

Milk allergies are real, but a portion of children said to have them are misdiagnosed as being allergic since the symptoms are common for other ailments such as environmental allergies.

The hospitals do push formula on to moms, even so called "pro-breast feeding" hospitals send parents home with a free flat of formula. Strangely, it isn't the milk based formula being pushed on people it is more often the soy formula despite the doctor's advice to the contrary. It is very confusing to a new parent.

I don't have a problem with dairy past infancy, I just have a problem with the abundance of dairy. WIC is terrible (we actually qualified for it and decided against using it because the food vouchers did not promote healthy foods other than ten dollars a month of fresh vegetables. ("healthy" cereals loaded w HFCS as an example). They really do not incentivise breast feeding either. As far as food stamps go, well that is an issue of educating people. I don't know what to say about that, we got food stamps for a short time but we aren't idiots and I know how feed my family. (more veg than meat, less focus on carbs, a little fruit, plenty of water)

>> No.4426660



>> No.4426662
File: 22 KB, 660x398, .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It comes from teats, OP, not nipples, and there's no reason to not love the wonder that is cow's milk. The few things you have brought up about it as negatives in your opinion have nothing to do with it being cow's milk, rather a matter of industry practice. And your attitude screams blazing ball of molten space debris faggotry.

>> No.4426664

>soy milk
enjoy your shitty artificial flavors
>take swig of delicious pure almond milk
wow, that tastes amazing, almonds in a creamy liquid form
>take sip of soy milk
wow, tha-
what the fuck is that flavor?

>> No.4426669


It's really just a matter of what you're used to.

As a kid, I made fun of people who drank soy milk. I thought it was a lame knock off of the real deal.

Now I'd rather be caught dead than drinking dairy.

>> No.4426671

Correct me if I'm wrong, but almond is milk is literally almond and water right?

The last time I had almond milk it tasted nutty. How else would you describe it?

>> No.4426676


Almond milk doesn't tasty nutty at all to me. Might just have been the brand you had. Or maybe it was in combo with another flavor, who knows.

>> No.4426675
File: 90 KB, 1280x720, lambda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't get why I can't drink milk.
It's not my fault you didn't evolve to drink it.
Doesn't mean I have to stop.

>> No.4426679

sweet, nice, smooth

>> No.4426685

>soy milk
No thanks. I get enough xenoestrogens already.

You mean a very tiny minority centralized in east asia.
These are the same people who can't process alcohol properly, and can digest kelp and seaweed.

>> No.4426697

>tiny minority
Not agreeing with him and saying you can't drink milk, but it's pretty much every asian is lactose intolerant on some level and pretty much it's only whites who aren't (cause most people who didn't puke from drinking milk were more likely to survive)

>> No.4426714
File: 29 KB, 525x349, soybeans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep your fucking GMO's for yourselves farkin monsanto fags - die already!

>> No.4426729


>> No.4426770


all the hippies i know drink almond milk, they cite phytoestrogens as a concern

>> No.4426782

i like fake milks, but none of them taste as good with a giant piece of chocolate cake or cookies as cow's milk.

There's just no substituting some things.

>> No.4426816
File: 54 KB, 802x407, master race map.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you can't tolerate lactose, you're pretty much a non-human.

>> No.4426824

I thoroughly enjoy almond milk. I never drank milk as a kid and never developed a real taste for it, and almond milk is a really awesome. And great in tea.

>> No.4426827

>Non human

>> No.4426845
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>> No.4426913

Contrary to popular /pol/ belief, white does not refer exclusively to Northern and Western Europeans

>> No.4426929


Well I was only joking, but since you mention it White is not at all clearly defined and definitions have shifted over time. Given the mix of Moorish blood in the Iberians, Turkish blood in Greeks, and Tunisian blood in southern Italians, they were not considered White for quite some time, and many still don't think they're White.

Not that I have anything against non-whites, but that's how it is.

>> No.4426966

actually i worked at the census burea in the us and some people i would have defined as Hispanic defined themselves as white.

>> No.4426980


Well that's what I mean when I said 'not at all clearly defined.' I am a hispanic but thankfully I am also white (Argentina.)

>> No.4426988


Rice milk tastes boss with cookies

>> No.4426991

i like milk, fuck you

>> No.4427020

>still preferring taste over nutrition
All day erry day. I'm going to enjoy my food, not suffer through it. And since I take milk in moderation, I'm not particularly worried about it.

>> No.4427024

>Lactose intolerance 60-80%
What...what? I thought they drank a lot of milk over there.

>> No.4427111

I'm pretty sure the dairy they consume is more along the lines of butter, yogurt, and cheese rather than straight-up milk, all of which have less lactose than regular milk. But I might be wrong. I've never been to india...

>> No.4427123

You like it because you've been programmed to think it's tasty, healthy and not retarded to drink it.

>> No.4427128

they probably have soy based cheeses now. madness

>> No.4427133


The healthy and not retarded parts are true, but nobody's 'programmed' to think it's tasty. It actually does taste good because of the high fat content. It's basic biology yo.

>> No.4427137

and the sugar.

I think people drink milk too cold nowadays, warmer milk is deliciously sweat

>> No.4427153

Why do you retards respond to an obvious troll thread? Fucks sake, you people are amateur.

>> No.4427166

The millions upon millions of milk advertisements actually are there to make you think it's tasty. Yes.

>> No.4427183

>drinking soy
i have no words

>> No.4427186

soy milk increases estrogen levels.

>> No.4427187

nuts are for squirrels

are you a squirrel?

>> No.4427189


But I wasn't exposed to any milk advertisements and I still like the taste of milk.

>> No.4427198
File: 43 KB, 600x453, Baby-Rhino-rhinos-20108345-600-453[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm a baby rhino. :3

>> No.4427203

would you rather have soy estrogen or cow estrogen?
I think you'll fill out a bra quicker with all of the free flowing hormones in your milk.
Please remember that milk in all species contains hormones meant to encourage growth of the recipient.
I don't want to be the size of a linebacker because something "tastes good".
Do you even listen to yourselves?
I hope you see the light one day, the older you get, the harder it is to wean yourself from milk and I have a feeling that none of the people touting milk's great health benefits would be able to last 2 weeks dairy free without cracking.
It's an addiction and part of the reason why so many are so damn fat.

>> No.4427204
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I wonder what Rhino tastes like...

>> No.4427209
File: 47 KB, 634x467, fucking beta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't want to be the size of a linebacker

dem sour grapes

>> No.4427214

well, cow milk doesnt actually cause estrogen levels to rise. I drink almost a gallon of milk a day some weeks and I am perfectly healthy

>> No.4427215

Hedgehogs also love to eat nicotine. I don't care if someone feeds them milk.
>we aren't angry

>> No.4427222

Yes you were.

And even if it didn't affect you, it affected your parents. That's why they bought it for you, and that is now why you think it isn't disgusting.

>> No.4427228


This may come as a surprise to you, but not everyone here is an Amerifat who grew up in a country where the government is controlled by agribusiness.

>> No.4427243

>I drink almost a gallon of milk a day some weeks and I am perfectly healthy

wow. You are in for a surprise.

>> No.4427244

Just because your tits aren't the size of cannonballs yet doesn't mean that you aren't getting the hormones.
They are in there and can't be removed by pasteurization.
Milk causes genital and breast cancers, and yet people still buy yogurt, milk and cheese in droves. (Count how many dairy product advertisements, recipes and featured meals at restaurants you see in a week, it's staggering)

>> No.4427245

This sight is 99.99% American, the way it should be if not more, so fuck you foreigner

>> No.4427248

>(Count how many dairy product advertisements, recipes and featured meals at restaurants you see in a week, it's staggering)

I think your problem is you watch too much TV, because I haven't seen any dairy advertisements this week.

>> No.4427250

I dont have gyno. How do you know milk causes this, where is your evidence? I feel like my testosterone has gone up since I get more protein and fat from the milk

>> No.4427251


Wow, I thought the whole 'American education' thing was just a joke..

>> No.4427256

There are still people who haven't switched to coconut or hemp milk yet?

>> No.4427264

Speaking of alternatives to cow's milk, has anyone tried nut milk other than almond? I'd really like to make cashew or pistachio at home but apparently the homemade stuff only lasts for a couple of days, and I want to make something that will last at least a week.

>> No.4427278
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Bet your going to tell me to stop eating eggs and honey as well because of their less than polite origins.

>> No.4427306

Nuts and berries are for soil. Are you soil?

>> No.4427330

How is babby almonds formed? (>w<)

>> No.4427479

you're on the internet and you're saying you can't get almond milk. haha you're a dumb.

>> No.4427480

HAHAH you're a dumb

>> No.4427485
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>> No.4429621

I concur with this thread.

Almond milk > Life

>> No.4429906

I can only assume that you look like a blimp.

>> No.4429916

I can honestly say I've tried a massive range of these replacement milks and without fail they always taste of water with 'stuff in it', often leaving a slightly stale after-taste. If it didn't have that awful lingering taste I'd have no issue at all swapping over to it, however until that's the case I'll stick with cows milk.

>> No.4429974

my fucking sides

>> No.4430001
File: 27 KB, 640x480, goddamnitilovemilk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Is the taste of hormones and antibiotics irresistible?
i guess so, because either you are full of shit, or these things are indeed delicious.

>> No.4430003
File: 14 KB, 240x320, 1357353015540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>even drinking milk or milk subs

>> No.4430007

>not lifting and drinking milk for your post-workout protein

>> No.4430008
File: 243 KB, 800x800, HarmonyHarmony_skim_4litres_bags-m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread has made me drink two out of the three bags of milk in my fridge. So tasty.

>> No.4430035

We eat a lot of stranger things. Like fermented shit (you know, beer).

>> No.4430037


>> No.4430058



>> No.4430785

The price. I do love almond milk, but it's twice as expensive as bovine breast extractions. Yes, I am that poor.

>> No.4430797

beer isn't fermented shit, one could argue that the process of fermentation is shittifying, but it is the alcohol which is shit, not the beer. This of course means we also pay many dorrar for distilled shit.

>> No.4430798

Almond's one of my three favourite nuts, but I can't drink straight almond milk. I get Blue Diamond's vanilla almond milk. Much better :)

>> No.4430822

Just so you know, almonds are not nuts.

>> No.4430860

almond (countable and uncountable; plural almonds)

(countable) A type of tree nut.

>Oxford's Advanced Learner's Dictionary
the flat pale sweet nut of the almond tree used in cooking and to make almond oil

a : the drupaceous fruit of a small tree (Prunus dulcis syn. P. amygdalus) of the rose family with flowers and young fruit resembling those of the peach; especially : its ellipsoidal edible kernel used as a nut

the nutlike kernel of the fruit of either of two trees, Prunus dulcis (sweet almond) or P. dulcis amara (bitter almond) which grow in warm temperate regions.

2 vs. 2 and I don't feel like investigating further. At the very least, it's commonly referred to as a nut, same as calling a tomato a vegetable even though it's a fruit.

>> No.4430870

All those sources and you didn't even go to the most obvious, what the fuck is wrong with you?

Here, I'll cut it down to the most salient point so you have no difficultly following along.
>The fruit of the almond is a drupe, consisting of an outer hull and a hard shell with the seed (which is not a true nut) inside.

Now go back to your corner and finish colouring.

>> No.4430872

>Uses an encyclopaedia as a dictionary.
>Thinks I'm dumb.

>> No.4430882


>implying cows aren't fed GMO soy beans

>> No.4430903

Oh so you mean the body adapting to the large intake of lactose so that you can still consume it while an adult is unnatural? I'll go tell the world adapting and evolution is unnatural, I think you've made some ground breaking research here today

>> No.4430909

Never use cow milk, because soy is less calories

>> No.4430910

Why do retard vegans think that altering the terms used to refer to things ('flesh' instead of 'meat', 'mammary gland secretions' instead of 'milk') is somehow an argument?

>> No.4430931


Same reason why epic corporate shills think it's DEEP to point out that water is a chemical. They just had a mind blowing epiphany and think they're the first to experience this, so they're desperate to inflict their childish wonderings with the rest of humanity.

>> No.4430934

>I'll go tell the world adapting and evolution is unnatural
Religiousfags beat you to it.

>> No.4430940

Same reason right-wing radio pundits spent the first half of his first term referring to the President sarcastically as "Barack /Hussein/ Obama". Shock value that, stupid as it seems, does work on some people.

>> No.4432143

Skim milk has 86 cal per cup while soy milk has the same or more.

>> No.4432186

Deadly allergic to almonds. Soy Milk tastes fucking vile.

>> No.4432204

>this is what untermenchen actually believe

>> No.4432953


Try rice milk, it's like drinking nectar of the gods.

>> No.4435145
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>rice milk

>> No.4435152

it's extremely expensive
and I only ever have milk in my coffee, in which anything buy dairy tastes vile

>> No.4435155

Its all just oil and protein suspended in water. What's the meaningful difference other than the presence of lactose, which I concede may give some people trouble, but if you're not one of them then who cares?

>> No.4435174

Almond milk is for baby almonds, are you a baby almond. Milk in Canada doesn't have hormones.

>> No.4436081

Milk milk is so much cheaper, and I like how it tastes.
No reason to switch.

>> No.4436406

>People complaining about what is or isn't natural while using all of the unnatural creations and conveniences of human civilization.

>> No.4437716

if the fact that animal protein leaches calcium from the bones and produces increased risk for heart disease, cancer, and obesity isn't reason enough for you to make a change in your eating habits then you deserve all that is coming to you.

>> No.4437749

I drink a little bit of regular milk, it is comes from grass fed jersey cows and is non-homogenized and low temp pasteurized. It is a nice treat to have, I don't believe that I should drink as much milk as most Americans do so I drink it in moderation. I do use butter, but moderately.

I am allergic to soy and corn (including corn syrup and even maltodextrin since it is made with corn in the US) SO, I can't have the commercially available milk substitutes. I do use coconut milk that is fresh or canned real coconut milk, not the stuff like So Delicious stuff since it has a lot of potentionally (for me) additives in it. I like it alot, I love coconut cream. It behaves very similarly to milk cream.

>> No.4437763
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false. soy does not contain estrogen.

>> No.4437771

I don't drink soy milk because I like not having man tits.

>> No.4437787

hey. stop being a fucking moron.

>> No.4437790
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soy does not cause man tits. I repeat: soy does not. cause. man. tits.