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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 18 KB, 714x534, soulmates.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4424731 No.4424731 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: we draw ourselves and our ideal meal. Let's see your best MS Paint skills, /ck/.

>> No.4424768
File: 25 KB, 714x534, you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4424812


Er mate fur teh meal... sunds reez'nabl to be.

>> No.4425340

I'd bump with one for OP showing cocks, but it's a SFW board. Sigh. So much sophomoric humor spoiled by a blue background color.

>> No.4425357


This board could be so epic.

>> No.4425359

Hardcore. I want to party with you, you animal.

>> No.4425365
File: 340 KB, 497x513, 1366743481261.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go back to r3ddit pussy

>> No.4425368

I'd post pics of my cock, but I'm pretty sure I'd get it hard if I did that.

I could ask moot to let me use it as bait ...

>> No.4425380


how do 12 year old boys find their way to a cooking board?

>> No.4425396

Very carefully.

Hey, consider it a free bump. This thread was dead until I posted that comment.

>> No.4425457
File: 116 KB, 714x534, feed me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, fuck drawing.

>> No.4425485
File: 86 KB, 726x534, imhongry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fruit and cheese
sparkling water with lime
grass fed beef roast with root vegetables
steamed spinach
coconut meringue pie with coconut crust

>> No.4425494


>> No.4425505


>>>/lgbt/ is a sfw board. It's like Homosex Q&A. It was lame the day it was born.

I prefer . .. another board.

>> No.4425508

>not >>>/hm/ or >>>/y/
Are you even trying?

>> No.4425531
File: 46 KB, 714x534, lelolulz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not asking for much.

>> No.4425545

...Cyndi Lauper??

>> No.4425556

post feet

>> No.4425593

>ITT my suspicions about /ck/ are confirmed
Populated by homely, permavirgin femanons

>> No.4425594

post spread ass

>> No.4425595

post tits

>> No.4425598

post thighs

>> No.4425606
File: 635 B, 80x55, feed me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's all true. I know you're one of us.


>> No.4425616
File: 53 KB, 379x300, tits everywhere.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

;) I know you want them.

>> No.4425622

i forgot just how unfunny females can be. thanks for reminding me

>> No.4425626

Naked ladies are just a few clicks away, Anon! Go to a pink board to beg for pics. This is our turf, motherfucker.

>> No.4425629

>i forgot just how unfunny females can be
>never listened to a woman discuss politics

>> No.4425633


>> No.4425634

>woman discuss politics

How do they get their cellphone away from their face long enough to discuss politics?

>> No.4425642

I fucking hate women because they won't touch my penis

>> No.4425646

1. why in hell would we want discuss politics?
2. why can't men draw their ideal meal?

>> No.4425657

>1. why in hell would we want discuss politics?

Because if you don't discuss it you cannot be well informed, and being well informed and voting is important to a functioning modern society. In other words, it's more important than your gossip and texting.

>2. why can't men draw their ideal meal?

I'm sure there's some men who can, but what's the point? Why would I draw an ideal meal when I could cook it instead?

polite sage for off-topic

>> No.4425669

>2. why can't men draw their ideal meal?
Because men can cook, honey.

>> No.4425673

What does that have to do with the purpose of this thread?

>men can't into reading comprehension

>> No.4425678

Don't ask questions you don't want the answer to.

>> No.4425684

OP here. You faggots shut the fuck up and draw your ideal meals. I swear to god I will kill every single one of you if you don't.

Much thanks to the ladies and the cyborg who posted something relevant to the thread.

>> No.4425685
File: 276 KB, 1000x750, chcmarstom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am can both cook AND draw.

>> No.4425687

Draw ideal meal and post please.

>> No.4425693


>I am can

ideal representative for women

>> No.4425720
File: 10 KB, 327x388, wheniwasayoungboy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

awful lotta shitposting today

>> No.4425727
File: 36 KB, 714x534, 1366952637512.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4425740
File: 74 KB, 714x534, drawing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4425760
File: 58 KB, 714x534, me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like fish :>

>> No.4425762

no pants friday?
want me to eat your fish?

>> No.4425768
File: 169 KB, 900x675, spiderdog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like your bag.

>> No.4425773

huehuehue :3

>> No.4425778

There's an awful lot of girls in this board. I've read it before, but I guess this actually proves it. Not like it really matters.

>> No.4425797

I come on /ck/ about once a week and I always get into a heated argument with some random idiot who knows nothing about food or cookery.

This thread explains it all.

>> No.4425814
File: 224 KB, 710x563, lhfkafhlkjafdk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4425817
File: 22 KB, 714x549, idealmeal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd put blackberry cobbler with vanilla bean ice cream down as my favorite dessert, but I'd forgotten how badly I suck at Paint.

>> No.4425823
File: 121 KB, 714x534, 1366952637512 copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4425825


>> No.4425826

>good at drawing
>man, fuck drawing

no, fuck you. some of us wish we could draw at all.

>> No.4425827

you have a cup growing out of your hand?

>> No.4425830

>implying a drawing of a female is proof of a female

although i believe this board does have more females than the average board, do you even 4chan?

>> No.4425832

I always get a venti unsweet passion tea lemonade from Starbucks before heading into work and then get another one around 4pm. So yeah, pretty much.

>> No.4425835
File: 35 KB, 714x534, IDEAL MEAL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4425839

Is... Is that a vagina salad?

>> No.4425841

So you enjoy a vagina filled with fruits, lettuce, and grape juice? You have the finest of taste, anon.

>> No.4425844

vagina cornucopia

>> No.4425849
File: 32 KB, 300x300, 61Nx4CX-13L.01._SR300,300_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here ya go,

>> No.4425852
File: 198 KB, 701x521, ck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love me some burritos

>> No.4425857

I can't tell if we really have this many females vs. males or if now everyone is trolling and drawing themselves as women.

>> No.4425858


why are you dribbling like a retard

>> No.4425863

Do you normally drool that like that all the time?

>> No.4425864
File: 82 KB, 937x519, yuh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aww yeahh

>> No.4425869

where are your arms

>> No.4425871

Aint got no arms either

>> No.4425873

You win. That looks like an awesome spread.

>> No.4425874


she is clearly trying to imitate the caterpillar cake

>> No.4425879


I would like to make an amendment to this post


that is all

>> No.4425883

I was trying to show myself drooling for the ideal food but now I see I do just look like a retard, especially since I'm facing away from the food. I promise, though my tastes are pleb tier, I don't have the downs.

My bad man.

>> No.4425888

>tobasco on a burrito

gringo pls

>> No.4425901

I'm wondering now; what's and authentic sauce/seasoning for a burrito?

>> No.4425907
File: 30 KB, 722x589, treat a lady right.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4425913

i lol'd

>> No.4425915

honestly, i'm not sure. im white as can be haha.

cholula maybe?

when i was in lockup, they had a hot sauce sold by commissary that all the mexicans fucking loved. too spicy for us white folk though. 1 drop of that shit could spice an entire plate worth of food.

>> No.4425932


Burritos are more of a texmex thing, but usually it's chile verde salsa or chile rojo. Pico de gallo and such. Sources: Because I'm Mexican.

>> No.4425935
File: 20 KB, 180x180, ....jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who knows what Mexicans really eat.

>> No.4425942

I've been to mexico. They eat sewage.
Sewage is also their national export.

>> No.4425946
File: 39 KB, 500x330, 1297207367-the_more_you_know2 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4425950
File: 43 KB, 714x534, IdealMeal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4425953

I like all the smoking, drinking whores here

>> No.4425956

I can't speak for every smoking, drinking whore but I like you too.

>> No.4425962

10/10 would take out for nip food

>> No.4425988
File: 292 KB, 695x516, 1366952637512.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sup guys

>> No.4425999

Wow, Anon. That's a lot of food but I'd eat some of it.

>> No.4426000


Disgusting. Do you even enjoy food? Oh wait you can't because of your sense of taste is diminished.

>> No.4426002

Keep telling yourself that black is "slimming", fatty.

>> No.4426010

I smoke and could cook circles around you, loser.

>> No.4426012

>could cook circles around you

Not before you ran out of breath. You're probably skinnyfat as well.

>> No.4426015

Nah, I just like black clothing.
The same way I grew up wearing blue clothes in elementary school after my mother smothered me with pink clothes through my infanthood. My taste just changed a bit.

>> No.4426016


what is your bra size

>> No.4426019


>> No.4426020
File: 66 KB, 714x534, ck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4426021


why are you such a fatass

>> No.4426022

I'm not, little troll.

>> No.4426023


plenty of people who are better at cooking food and distinguishing flavors than you are smoke cigarettes.

>> No.4426025
File: 43 KB, 442x481, americlap performing ritualistic ceremony.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Keep projecting you fucking chimney.

>> No.4426031


>> No.4426033

I sense somebody who got picked on in school.
>que nerd alert

>> No.4426035

and just to clarify, i quit smoking a few years ago.

>> No.4426030

>a large portion of professionals in the food service industry don't smoke and drink heavily

ah, to be this naive again.

>> No.4426038

despite the fact that 62 people could hardly be considered a sample size, consider the following:

a smoker who runs every day could still run a marathon faster than a nonsmoker who rarely runs.

>> No.4426045

Dude. I'm a 32 and not even close to stickmode. How fat are you?

>> No.4426047
File: 31 KB, 714x534, meanmuhfood.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I'm neither a miss nor a mysinogist, I am allowed to browse /ck/?

>> No.4426048

the only way to resolve this is for you both to post pics.

preferrably of your tits.

>> No.4426049

May I have a millionar dollars Mr. Gates?

>> No.4426050

There really aren't any viable alternatives, at this point.

>> No.4426057

But the smoker would be 10x more likely to have an aneurism if they did that.

>> No.4426058

Check's in the mail. You can prove you're "Anonymous", yes?

>> No.4426064

Must be in your genetics, my parents were shopping catalog models.

>> No.4426065

not the point i was trying to make. i'm not trying to argue that smoking is a good thing, but someone who deals with food day in and day out will still have a better sense for it than your average joe regardless of their habits.

>> No.4426068

As in, Lane Bryant catalogs? Have fun shopping at Torrid!

>> No.4426070

I want to eat brownie meatballs.

>> No.4426073

In the sense you're claiming, I agree, but only slightly. It does affect your sense of taste to a degree, where as if an 82 year old chain smoker chef and an 82 year old non smoker chef cooked a dish then the smoker would kick up the spice intensity to insanity levels to compensate.

>> No.4426077

To be fair, I think we could all pull off the "YOU" side.

>> No.4426084

I'm so sorry that you're a mad womanlet.
Do you try to compensate for not being 5'10"?

>> No.4426085

oh for sure. given equal experience, i'll take a non smoking chef all day long.

hah, yeah i noticed that. the food looks good, but the "YOU" side is just scribbles.

>> No.4426092

Drawing is not easy.

To all the ladies who smoke in this thread, why do you do it?

>> No.4426097

Being 5"4 and a size 4 has a lot of perks. :)

>> No.4426100

>why do you do it

ex-smoker here, why do people ask this question? non smokers never seem to understand the appeal of smoking. no matter how many times they ask.

>> No.4426107

I've only asked the question once to a friend whose answer was, "Because I can't stop." I'm curious.

>not being 5'2 and size 14
Get on my level.

>> No.4426112

i wasnt trying to berate you for asking, i'm honestly curious as well.

as with most people, i'm sure women start early. looks cool, so they try it. eventually that nicotine draws you in. your head doesnt spin anymore and you get used to lighting up during down time. then you've got the deadly combo of habit and addiction. because although it's babby tier withdrawal, quitting smoking can be tough.

>> No.4426115

>not having refined tastes

>> No.4426117
File: 64 KB, 714x534, idealmeal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I might add salami to this but this is pretty much my ideal meal.

>> No.4426121

That's how I eat, too.

>> No.4426125

>not carrying your love for your childhood comfort food into adulthood

>> No.4426128
File: 91 KB, 714x534, ecchhhh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now to gorge myself on some chips ahoy.

>> No.4426132

Oh interesting. Did you like how it tasted? I tried a cigarette when I was 11, but it was way too acrid and bitter in my mouth.

Sweet art, did you hand draw a menu for the /ck/ challenge?

>> No.4426134

>short women think they're cute

>> No.4426136


>did you hand draw a menu for the /ck/ challenge?


>> No.4426137
File: 31 KB, 500x375, 1354039765311.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you me?

>> No.4426140

>wanting an amazonion woman
>wanting a woman taller than you
>wanting a woman who has more test than you

Keep projecting fatasfatass.

>> No.4426143

You look like a very handsome man, Anon.

>> No.4426147

The way you do your colours and outlines and handwriting reminded me of an anon who drew out the ingredients for their submission.

>> No.4426148

>to the only dude who draws his own dick out, hairy and bigger than his forearm

>> No.4426149
File: 94 KB, 778x534, ideal meal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The poor deer was shot out mercy for being so hideously deformed.

>> No.4426155


Are you jelly of a real man's size? I bet you're a cuckold.

>> No.4426156

Is that...
Is that a thinkpad?
(Swooning ensues)
Also nice guns.

>> No.4426161
File: 903 KB, 300x169, 1366994860208.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuckin love MSG

>> No.4426167
File: 9 KB, 387x429, 1365299577830.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4426165

how long have you been CDing for?

>> No.4426168
File: 53 KB, 500x485, sadsadsa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>draw his own dick out, hairy and bigger than his forearm

When I called him handsome, I meant it.

>> No.4426170

it's a chinkpad but yeah, good eye anon.
I find them soothing when I am picking up around the house

>> No.4426173

I wish I could be as cool as you.

>> No.4426175

i didnt like it at all when i first tried it (i was 13) but when i tried again, i did. my main choice of cig was newports for most of the years i smoked (inb4 nigger). i enjoyed the fresh minty flavor of menthols (it was like breath mints, except it didnt make my breath smell good).

i dont think it tastes good to anyone the first time, they usually keep at it for different reasons. a big thing for me was that i was a major pothead at 14-15, and always liked a cig after smoking weed.

for the record, i'm a male perspective. not female.

>> No.4426187

D-do any of you ladies want to go out with me? I am in California

>> No.4426191

>said every manlet ever

>> No.4426192
File: 253 KB, 701x513, UntitledMEME.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good pita, yogurt cheese, spiced fava beans with lemon, and arak

>> No.4426193

I'm 6'2", idiot.

>> No.4426198

hey you are probably a fat ugly bitch, short girls are adorable and any man would prefer a shorty to a fatty/not shorty...sorry babe.

>> No.4426203

6 foot even man here

i dont mind ladies who are about my height (dem legs), but it does feel a bit odd being with a girl who is taller than i am.

>> No.4426204

Lay off her, she can't help it. Her parents were plus-sized models. It's genetic.

>> No.4426214
File: 101 KB, 541x800, Derailed (2005).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread.

>> No.4426216

Genetics' Ice Cream strikes again!

>> No.4426220

Why did you like having a cigarette post pot?

>> No.4426225

very good question, but hard to answer. i think it has to do with that i really like the act of smoking. even today, i prefer joints/blunts over pieces for smoking my green. its just such a relaxing experience kicking back, having a smoke.

it also helped that my friends smoked, so it was basically part of the "ritual"

>> No.4426232

Don't forget Genetics' triple fried bacon grease (chocolate butter sauce served on the side)!

>> No.4426243


A.K.A. addiction.

>> No.4426251

That's interesting. Smoking seems like a really common habit in the field I'm trying to get to, so I'm thinking about picking it up myself so I can fit in better.


>> No.4426261

don't do it. You're going to regret it when you get hooked.

>> No.4426263

what this person said-


i picked it up because friends did and enjoyed it immensely, but since quitting my health has improved tenfold. also people dont look at me any differently (well i dont get those weirdos out in public places who sit down next to me and start coughing loudly anymore... kinda miss those guys).

plus, a lot of current smokers will tell you the same thing non smokers will- dont pick it up because you'll regret it.

yeah, basically. but using "addiction" as an explanation doesn't explain addiction very well now does it?

>> No.4426272

insert racist joke here.

>> No.4426277

>ITT: Beta's get mad that a woman challenges their height

>> No.4426282

O-o-ok. Did you notice any difference in the taste of foods when you quit?

>> No.4426283

i just said it feels weird. and it does, considering most women are shorter than i am. weird doesn't have to be a bad thing, you know.


>implying i care that some random on the internet thinks i'm a beta

being that self conscious certainly would make me quite the beta.

>> No.4426286
File: 471 KB, 507x500, Peace_dollar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

great thread.

the best drawings are all from females.

the worst replies to said drawings are from dysfunctional males.

but that's pretty much how life is; it's not a 4chan thing.

i'm a guy who has always had plenty of female friends, and as many male friends as i can tolerate.

face it guys. you are good at building shit, and destroying shit, but for most other purposes, you suck.

>> No.4426289

i smoked from when i was 14-19. got up to about a carton a week (that's 10 packs for you nonsmokers). didnt really notice a difference, but i think you have to smoke longer than 5 years to really see a difference.

not sure if it means anything, but nobody ever complained that i overseasoned anything during that time.

>> No.4426293

Interesting. Thanks for answering my questions!

>> No.4426296

>tfw trying to give reasonable responses and getting no recognition

it is most certainly a 4chan thing. nobody i know in real life is as whacked out as the people on this website, male OR female.

and if we want to talk about the entire website, there are plenty of shitposting females. just look at all the camwhores for a start.

>> No.4426298

you're certainly welcome. good luck in whatever field it is you're trying to pursue.

>> No.4426301

No, but I noticed a difference in my breathing.

>> No.4426314

Holy shit, stand still my throw my vagina at you, you white knight faggot.

>> No.4426325
File: 1.20 MB, 1118x2058, lastdayonearth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying I can eat all that in a day

>Still going to try

> inb4 pleb tastes

>> No.4426326

Yeah, good thread, I just hate when nobody comments on the ones I make...

>> No.4426337

>redhead - yes
>guns - YES
>bacon, venison, whiskey - YES, YES
We could have been so good together :(

>> No.4426340

>egg nog
Besides being filled with rum I don't get just drinking straight up egg not.

>> No.4426342

creamy comforting goodness. like a hug from gramma.

>> No.4426359

Jones is master soda.

>> No.4426416
File: 17 KB, 274x348, 399798_573098829391256_1824244046_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to see more drawings of /ck/ folks, the food they like too. I want someone to draw all of the people that are ITT at a dinner table with all the food they like. I want to hear more stories about pretty girls with guns and guys with dicks bigger than their arms. I want to know why Borneo is so kick ass, and where this guy >>4425823 gets his take out from and how does he manage with such large, puffy hands. This is my favorite thread,but not one person has posted ramen,well done steak with ketchup, or a mcrib.

>> No.4426417

I think it's disgusting. I can't even smell the stuff without gagging.

>> No.4426422

ITT: Women whore for attention

>> No.4426429


were they supposed to draw men so that you didn't feel threatened?

my god, 4chan is full of the most pathetic males you can dig up.

>> No.4426432

I started smoking when I was 14 too. Finally quit about a year and a half ago (at 24) and I think it's the best thing I've done so far in life. At my worst I was smoking 2 packs a day and my lungs were totally shot. Not to mention the stuff that I'd cough up every morning was disgusting.

I didn't notice much of a difference in food when I quit smoking but my teeth. Holy shit my teeth are so white now. No longer coughing up pieces of congealed ash, mucus and blood in the morning. Unfortunately I think I've permanently fucked up my lungs because when it's even a little bit cold I have a harder time inhaling.

Yeah, TL;DR version is don't start smoking. Just don't do it.

>> No.4426445

>Not to mention the stuff that I'd cough up every morning was disgusting.

i dont know how i forgot to mention this.

when i was 16-18, i delivered furniture and id have to get up at about 5:30. at about ~6, i'd finally have all the REAL nasty shit and finally be able to move more effectively. i used to get iced coffee from dunkin every morning and let me tell you, that nasty phlegmy shit + coffee w/ cream makes it even worse.

i didnt quit until after i stopped working there, but i guarantee i'd be able to work much faster if i hadnt been a smoker.

>> No.4426449

I could drink Strawberry Lime all day.

>> No.4426462

>implying clapistan is a democracy

56% of your senate voted for the latest gun laws, yet it didn't pass, that's not how a democracy works.

>> No.4426469

All that matters in a democracy is that everyone has an equal say. all of our representatives have an equal say. murrika is a democratic republic.

go read a book.

>> No.4426518

It's a representative democracy, as well, which means you give one person the right to choose for thousands or even millions of people. If the populace has a grievance, it must go through a representative then that representative must accept the grievance and argue it to other representatives who then vote on the grievance etc etc etc it's a long process.

I understand that in a country as populous as the US, a more direct system would be exceedingly chaotic, but then, I am in favour not quite of "small government" but of small nations. Switzerland, for example, has what I'd think to be the best and most direct democracy in the world. Legislation is decided by suffrage even to the point where citizens can, by suffrage, veto laws set forth by the administration. People can be ousted from power by simple popular vote. Detractors argue that this system is just a well-dressed mob rule. And they're right. The beauty of it, however, is that in a smaller nation, it is easier to get public support for many causes by word of mouth or advertising.

>> No.4426523
File: 24 KB, 714x534, 1366952637512.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4426529
File: 51 KB, 600x600, Uncle Sam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Water From New Hampshire
Yes, it is truly superior.

>> No.4426532

I think it goes without saying we would all prefer some ramen, a well done steak with ketchup, and a McRib (for dessert). This is really a "what is your second favorite meal" thread.

>> No.4426547

10/10 anti christian brethren

>> No.4426557

>voting is not important as long as everyone gets their say

By that defenition China would be a democracy the second they stopped curbstomping their system critics.

>> No.4426580

the definition of democracy is not "majority rules"

>> No.4427116
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>> No.4427129

>tfw you've been calling 4chan-browsing moms aspies and fags for years

>> No.4427146
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>> No.4427148

NO, go back to your cave, we arent all niggers

>> No.4427318


>> No.4427385

>tfw 4chan-browsing moms have probably been call you an aspie and a fag for years

>> No.4427408

Knowing that restores my faith in humanity.

>> No.4427432
File: 29 KB, 247x322, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the best thread on /ck/ in a while though it has reminded me that sometimes the people calling me a faget are women.

>> No.4427500

How horrifying. You have put me off smoking for life.

>> No.4427538
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>> No.4427549

Why are there so many goddamned females on this board?

is it /cgl/? they make my penis tremble

>> No.4427552

I'd probably fuck your mother.. is she cute?

>> No.4427553

fucking sick iceburn and OWNT

>> No.4427556
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>> No.4427557

A male here.

They are.

>> No.4427559

It's a bad habit that, as cliche as it sounds, isn't cool. There is no reason for someone in this day and age who knows about the harmful effects of smoking to start up, and most young smokers just do it to look cool, or they're just ignorant.

If you do actually want to take up tobacco usage, which I still don't recommend, pipe smoking is far less unhealthy for you.

>> No.4427560

You don't need to be tall to be a cool alpha male, though.

Height shouldn't matter that much to you. It's predetermined unless you were malnourised like I was growing up like I was.

>> No.4427573
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>> No.4427575

>a giant girl suffering because of her freakish height and the disgusting habit of smoking that results in the fact she only piques the interest of a handful of men which is why she shitposts with pathetic insecure anger #muhprecioustrip

>> No.4427579

>Be normal girl
>Puberty hits
>I start growing rapidly
>Hear smoking and coffee stunts growth
>Drink ten cups of coffee and get through a pack a day
>Keep growing
>Six foot four inches
>Yellow and brown teeth


>> No.4427585

a girl being 6'4" is the kind of torment a 5'4" manlet would have to endure

>> No.4427604


I heard Hawaii on tap is next to godliness but I've never been there.

>> No.4427621
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Some type of meat (stew beef or something)

>> No.4427636
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>> No.4427650

>spaghetti and brownie meatballs

>> No.4427684

Same here but as a dude.

>look girly
>want to max out at 5'3
>be 13
>height is 5'1
>says don't stay up late at night, don't lift heavy weights, don't drink coffee
>do everything at the same time, don't drink milk nor eat veggies
>be 14, height is 5'3 still okay
>be 15 oh god 5'7 somehow tolerable
>be 16 oh shit nigga 5'9
>be 17 shit man 5'11
>be 23 end up at 6'2.

Fucking hell. Why do I get to be tall and broad shoulder but have a female face. Fuck this gay earth.

>Prolly got Kleinfelters but fuck this shit.

>> No.4427687

I'm 5'7" because of my fucked up sleep and caffeine intake as a teenager...

I wish we could swap

>> No.4427688
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>> No.4427689

I wish man. I hate that fucking recurring question every single day.

"You're tall, do you play basketball?"

Fuck that shit. I'd prefer watching lesbian porn than to do any sport.

>> No.4427690

Sup, you wanna meet up with me? >>4427684

I make great gyoza and tonkotsu ramen.

>> No.4427692

Oh anon-san, you're a man after my own heart. Gyoza sounds so great at 4am.

>> No.4427694

I make gyoza almost twice every single week. I've been practicing on making a better dough every single time.

I also like to try making croissants on my spare time. These hot hands (literally) aren't just for cooking, but also for baking.

>> No.4427710

D-d-d-do you possess the S-solar Gauntlets?

>> No.4427765
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>> No.4427768

Uh why aren't you foreverially permanentally delitized also?

>> No.4427771
File: 308 KB, 712x531, 1366952637512.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so many pleb meals

>> No.4427772

where's the tip?

>> No.4427805

Dildo joke

>> No.4427821

Faygo is good.

>> No.4427822
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>> No.4427860


>> No.4427870
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>> No.4427891
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>tfw vegan

>> No.4427897

Maybe if you ate healthier, your hair would stop falling out.

>> No.4428214

I'm saving every single one of these.

Oh my god, guys. Guys we should do a year book at the end of 2013.

>> No.4428266
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Say what you will about turkish immigrants but a toasted kebab is heaven.

>> No.4428491
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>> No.4428511


>> No.4428558
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>> No.4428602

Dru is so much better than both Berr and Beaz

>> No.4429666

oh, how whimsical, and... i like your homeless-beard
>hipster detected

>> No.4429693
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>> No.4429726
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>> No.4429735

How many times a day do you throw up?

>> No.4429736
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>he doesn't know who Varg is.

>> No.4429775

Only every time I consume any actual calorie.
Been living calorie-free for about a week now, not a single fuck is given

>> No.4429795

I want to fuck you so bad right now.

>> No.4429889
File: 25 KB, 714x534, ideal meal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Female 21
>Matzo ball soup, glass of water, lamb with green beans and roasted potatoes

>> No.4429966 [DELETED] 

>lol so random and Jewish!!!

>> No.4429986

Lucky him

>> No.4430000

Spectacle would be more applicable.

>> No.4430045

No one asked for your age or gender.

>> No.4430057

I did.

>> No.4430061

Welcome to the mind of a woman.

>> No.4430079
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>> No.4430096
File: 280 KB, 837x514, 101.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanted to add some tapas and a salad too but i guess I only get to put items that go with a disco new years eve party,,

>> No.4430099

A place far from your permavirgin basement.

>> No.4430135
File: 240 KB, 714x534, me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

popeyes chicken
mashed potatoes
buttermilk biscuit
coke for a beverage

mmmm wish i could eat that everyday but dont or i would weigh 400lbs

>> No.4430137

I'd have sex with that lady. Daddy likes em big.

>> No.4430163
File: 86 KB, 960x720, STEAKANDCAR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You're a true man anon

I pity anyone who doesn't have the privelge of some good cooking from their mum.

>> No.4430167

You're part of the obesity problem. That makes you an enemy to health and well being. FUCK you and everything you stand for.

>> No.4430178

You might not be a white anglo-saxon protestant.

>> No.4430181
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But she isn't really obese, anon. She looks healthy and ready to bear a medium size litter of children which is the whole point in women anyway. This whole skinny girl thing is relatively new, traditionally full figured girls were favored. Not looking like an anorexic rail meant that the girl was well nourished and ready to pop out lots of healthy babbies.

>> No.4430188
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>traditionally full figured girls were favoured

Nope. Stop perpetuating this myth.
There's a difference between biologically being attracted to a grill with child bearing hips and being a chubby chaser.

>> No.4430202
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>> No.4430201


id hit that

>> No.4430207


and by hit that, i mean the girl who's obviously puking away the calories into that chest

>> No.4430211
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>> No.4430227

>grill with child bearing hips

oh man my hamburgers

(captcha:cumsard interior)

>> No.4430229


>> No.4430242
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>> No.4430244

she yours? congrats she is beautiful.

>> No.4430247
File: 95 KB, 640x432, Not this one dumbass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4430248


I wish.
Check the filename, bruv

>> No.4430250

that picture always makes me smile

>> No.4430264

wow more?

>> No.4430368
File: 75 KB, 714x534, pompadour cockslut.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4430422

burrito + Tabasco = cake

explain yourself

>> No.4430621

dat filename

>> No.4430677

pic implys GIR
handwriting inplies Guy

>> No.4433810

keep em coming

>> No.4435768
File: 250 KB, 1280x696, wefa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4435996

bump for more drawings

>> No.4436123
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>the realization that there are girls on this baord

>> No.4436134

A lot of cunty ones too.

>> No.4436189
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Drawing is my thing, as you can see.

>> No.4436211
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we prefer "feisty"

>> No.4436216
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I'm actually pleased with how this turned out.

>> No.4436224
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Please tell me you don't actually wear shit like that.

>> No.4436237

Unsure if 70 year old man or tryhard hipster faggot

>> No.4436248 [DELETED] 

tryhard hipster faggot x 4

>> No.4436249
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I have a problem.

>> No.4436254

Yea, you need to cut your hair.

>> No.4436255

leave my favorite anon alone. He fought for my freedom and yours. He even lost his arms on the shores of normandy, you know before it was cool.

>> No.4436257

56 but you were close

>> No.4436280
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>thinking this is hipster

maybe 5-7 years ago

>> No.4436400
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>tfw you fuck p steak every time

>> No.4436505 [DELETED] 
File: 634 KB, 1199x524, Spent way too much time figuring this shit out.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Went total ideal with this stuff.

On the left
Tom Yum Soup(really, any soup with lemongrass)
A Kebab(My favorite place recently closed though..)
Urge, because I only get it on vacation and one of the few sodas I still drink.
"Cannoli cheesecake"
Veal Parmesan
And Mussels

Probably with a small bowl of the soup and then just bites of everything else.

My other ideal meal(made by my mother in law)
Cheese Bourekas,
Chicken Schnitzel, salad
and an orange.

>> No.4438489

God bless, anon.

>> No.4438687

the ladies of /ck/ have more varied tastes than I expected