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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4423987 No.4423987[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Get email from Whole Foods for job interview.

Should I do it /ck/.

I've worked at wal-mart for 2 years before quitting and anything is better than that shit hole. Pay is above minimum and the customer base is mostly middle/upper white people and Asians. Plus I need a new car and money for the upcoming semester in the fall. How bad can it be?

>> No.4423988

Hey man a job is a job. Go for it. Sounds better than what I do - working in a liquor store slanging to drunks and niggers.

>> No.4424005

Accept the job, work hard, stay clean, go to church (if that's your thing), get back in school, and get active with your community with voting and volunteer work.

The world needs people like the both of you.

>> No.4424032


Former Whole Foods employee here. It depends on what department you're going into, and your region, for that matter. I think the issues that I had during my employment were centered on the fact that it was a new(er) store, and my dept. just couldn't get their shit together.

>> No.4424035

Yes, the owner of Whole Foods is a libertarian, so he's bound to treat you right.

>> No.4424092

Whole Foods is known for disrespecting workers' rights but it really can't be remotely as bad as Wal Mart
just don't be brown and you'll be ok

>> No.4424131

>get back in school
>in the OP's post
Plus I need a new car and money for the upcoming semester in the fall.

Thanks right-wing dad, I'm sure you'll talk about how those blacks need to go back to Africa next.

>> No.4424148

I worked at Whole Foods for almost a year. Your experience is mainly based on your department and your manager. Just don't expect it to be this glorious experience......its still just a grocery job albeit a nicer store.

If you can try to get on at front end or the specialty dept. if you want to spend your day chatting up cute hipster chicks and rich white people. Avoid working in produce or the bakery if you dont' speak spanish and don't want to come to work at 4:00 a.m. everyday.

>> No.4424170


>> No.4424415

I loved working in the produce/frozen section. Although I worked at BJs (Berkley and Jensen for you non-east coast plebs). There weren't any Mexicans I worked with though just some old white people, teens at the registers, this 90 year old korean war veteran that sat in the tire section all day, and this cool guy in his 30's who also worked produce with me. Usually it was just me working by myself most days and the freezer was my own lair. No one really bothered me with anything and called me only when they needed to do something.

>> No.4424423

i worked at whole foods in meat and seafood for a little at one point.

it was okay. starting pay was 10 dollars. you have to get voted on though. they can be pretentious douches.

>> No.4424426

I was replying to both posts, retard.

>> No.4424428

Was it a smaller store or smallish produce dept.? I worked produce at Whole Foods. Most of the work was done by a team of about 15 hispanics. I'm talking about the mind numbing food prep, juicing, and the grueling full rotation of the entire dept every night and the downstacking of 25 pallets of produce 3 nights a week. They'd come in about 3:00 a.m. every morning and work until noon. Then a group of about 4-5 hipster kids would come in and assist customers and gossip until the store closed.

>> No.4424450


>> No.4424464
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Is this sarcasm, or...? I can't even tell anymore.

>> No.4424478
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>right-wing dad
Other than politely suggesting to go to church, what exactly is right-wing about that anon's post?

When did embracing unemployment, abusing drugs, dropping out of school/not going to college, and not volunteering/voting except in the presidential election become something the left stood for?



>> No.4424485
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I approve of this post.

>> No.4424487

It was kind of small but not that big either. Produce consisted of a square in the corner of the store. I kind of dicked around with the frozen stuff because I would usually finish my thing and be bored. Just restock stuff, rotate newer stuff with older stuff, offload shipments. Usually organize/stock around 10 pallets at a time by myself unless it was banana day. Banana day...

>> No.4424491
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Specialty tm here, former seafood... Guess what, you were the pretentious douche which is why no one wanted to vote you on. You never pulled your own on prep so they stuck you at the counter. You didn't want to help customers so they realized you wanted to get paid to do nothing so no one wanted to vote you on. You sound like the typical entitled punk kid we occasionally get in.


Op go for it, get in and then transfer to a different department when a spot opens in the one you like best. We have great insurance and benefits. Most fellow employees are really nice and great to work with. Its catty assholes like anon up there who such to work with but they luckily never last. Customers can be shit like all jobs but they're fun to laugh at later with other team members.

>> No.4424511

> I don't have a job
> Should I go to a job interview


>> No.4424534

OP here. Thanks for the reasonable replies. It's not something I'm used to on 4chan.

The Majority of my previous work experience was as a cashier rather than stocking so most likely I'll be at the front end.

Hopefully I ace the interview.

gr8 m8

>> No.4424543

they treat their workers like shit, but hippies ignore it because lolsoorganic

>> No.4424553

I think they have a hot foods section where they prep ready made meals
something to look in to if you have any interest in working in the culinary field
fresh made pizza is pretty cool too but I love making dough so maybe its just me

>> No.4424565

Left wing people don't passive aggressively imply that you're a bad person unless you do do what they think is right.

>> No.4424566

How about you eat my shit you faggot.

>> No.4424579
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>> No.4424584

i'm a leftist and let me tell you...
a lot of us do..
i hate it

>> No.4425240
