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4420940 No.4420940 [Reply] [Original]

Was watching a National Geographic bit on how the world's fisheries are all collapsing and the ocean is going to hell because of fishing. Holy shit.

I can't eat red meat either since that crap is the second largest cause of Global Warming. Why can we go to the moon, yet not come up with a way of not fucking up the environment producing food?

>> No.4420943

Because there aren't supposed to be seven billion humans on the planet.

>> No.4420949

Maybe you prefer to suck a dick - it's a naturally renewable resource.

>> No.4420957


We can support the population easily. It's WHAT the population is eating that is the problem. Meat is the most unsustainable food. If people switched to plant-based diets, we could support a far larger population than even now.

>> No.4420962

Lets see some facts supporting those percentiles.

>> No.4420966


That the global fisheries are all collapsing, and that bycatch and removal of apex predators from the ocean ecosystem is a huge issue are pretty well known facts.

Just Google any of them and you will find hundreds of articles.

>> No.4420981

ecologist at Silwood Park here (look it up)
official statistics on fisheries numbers are collected by national agencies wishing to influence statistics to their own advantage, and often very poorly, quantitative fisheries management is more of an art than a science
yes, the red list is a lot of bollocks, the cold war also extended to fisheries targest between the US and Russia

fisheries stocks are generally more robust than is made out in the media, typically it takes two or three shocks to coincide with one another before a proper collapse happens
historically (most) fisheries stocks have recovered a lot faster than anticipated, because fish lay thousands of eggs each, if there is room the progeny tends to survive
if you look at fish population levels they tend to be cohort dominated

however sustained overfishing, as is happening to the bluefin tuna you often hear about, is a problem but this is rare
yes the fisheries scientists eat cod in the cantenn when served

>> No.4420982

> it's a naturally renewable resource.

Not if you fish the fuck out of it, while simultaneously polluting the shit out of it.

>> No.4420988

or we could keep eating meat, and use the animals to reverse desertification, thus increasing our planets ability to feed people by a massive portion, thats a lot of unusuable land that will be freed up again.

>> No.4420989

Sure is community college ecology in here

>> No.4420991

> We can support the population easily.
> Entire planet must live like filthy 3rd world peasants.

See, problem solved!

>> No.4420997

silwood park is one of the most prestigious ecological departments in the world, did you see "Imperial College" and think community college?

>> No.4421001


One word: Truffles.

More expensive and luxuriant than any steak.

>> No.4421027

but anon, the sun primarily causes global warming and there has never been a causal link drawn between anything humans do and the global climate.
If you don't even know what causes global warming how can I believe anything else you say?

>> No.4421029

>implying humans can grow truffles

>> No.4421041


Many businesses already grow truffles. They are a crop now.

>> No.4421052

if that's the case then expect the price to come down. They are expensive because they are rare, not because of how they taste

>> No.4421062

that and rich people will pay for it.

and they have lots of money!

>> No.4421064


Please go be stupid on a different planet. This one is full up.

>> No.4421079

> buying fish from freshwater farms

feels good?

>> No.4421100

why do you believe a theory that was unsubstantiated by science? is it because people get mad and try to shame you for not going along with it?
That shit has been debunked on every front, humans do not even contribute to climate change on a global scale.

>> No.4421107

That infographic you posted... Doesn't have much information at all. It's missing a lot of vital information to be able to make complete sense of what it's saying. For instance, when it says $50 billion is lost every year from mismanaged fisheries, where is that money actually lost from and who makes up for it?

>> No.4421113

Nuh uh. Al Gore told me.

>> No.4421277


>> No.4421284

If anything, you should be eating more fish as certain species might not be around for consumption soon. For example the delicious Chilean Sea Bass, people are already guessing that it might become illegal to catch them in a couple to few years. I eat it once a month because of this

>> No.4421290


did you know that the "Chilean sea bass" is a made-up name to make that fish sound more appetizing? It's proper name is the Patagonian Toothfish, and it's one ugly mofo. Delicious though. Kinda funny how they come up with those "marketing names" to make the fish sound more appetizing. In the UK they call catfish "rock eel". Orange Roughy is actually a "Slimehead", etc.

>> No.4421300


Fish farms cause lots of pollution.

>> No.4421308

Humans cause lots of pollution = must be exterminated

>> No.4421316

Seafood = mercury poisoning

>> No.4421439


r u avin a giggle m8?

>> No.4421444

So if fisheries are collapsing soon, isn't that a good reason to eat as much fish as I can before it's gone? It's like the McRib.

>inb4 mercury

oh grow some balls..

>> No.4421466
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>mfw OP seriously thinks he's going to save the ocean if he stops eating fish

>> No.4421476
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>mfw retards actually think it matters if they recycle

AHAHAHAHA keep thinking you're making a difference!

>> No.4421548


At least he's trying to make a difference with his lifestyle.

>> No.4421556

save pigs through not eating them

>> No.4421560

lets do this one

>> No.4421561


Do or do not, there is no try.

-Diogenes of Sinope

>> No.4421612

>mfw this retard thinks that pollution will decrease if he doesn't eat meat

Protip: 'Magic polluting smoke' isn't released from the piece of meat when you buy it.

>> No.4421619

if anyone is thinking about mercury: the amounts of selenium in fish counteracts it

and the fact that we're running out of fish is just an excuse for me to eat as much fish as I can before it runs out

>> No.4421624


But if fish won't kill you, how can I feel smug about not eating it?!?

>> No.4421644

free market will fix it

>> No.4421651

serious question here, why don't fisheries just include the dolphin and whale in the fish products

fucking thing is already dead might as well put it some use

"If you're dumb enough to swim into a net you deserve to be spread on a toasted whole wheat sandwich"- Albert Einstein

>> No.4421733
File: 108 KB, 1024x681, Albert+einstein+vegetarian+quote+3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Einstein was vegetarian.

>> No.4421985

>not eating fish
>lean, no/low fat with high protein and omega 3s

shiggy diggy doo

>> No.4422141

he was a vegetarian at the very end of his life.. it's probably what killed him.

>> No.4422164

probably not, vegetarians have on average a 7 year longer life expectancy. With lower abundance of chronic heart illness, respiratory disease, and overall lower cancer rates. Chances are he heard something through the grapevine and like most of today's vegetarians tried to chase a fountain of youth.

well when the oceans go so do we. 90% of all oxygen on earth is produced by plant plankton. You can only fuck up a ecosystem so much before the results are snowballing into something horrible. Although we do have the tech de-extinct animals. (read that in nat-geo at the dentist today). The ecosystem changes that brought about their extinction would probably wipe them out again.

>> No.4422198


Eh, the biosphere has experienced worse. Our own mammalian age was made possible by the Cretaceous–Paleogene extinction, and the dinosaurs themselves radiated after the even bigger Permian–Triassic extinction. Humans and some other species may disappear but something new will certainly rise from the ashes.

Environmentalists fail to see the big picture.

>> No.4422208

What about sardines and such? Those are my favorite fish

>> No.4422209

...how is that disagreeing with what I said? Also my chief concern is humanity not the environment or the animals. They only hold value to me in that the systems they are apart of support us.

>> No.4422215


I just feel like too many people are acting like this is the end of the world. It would be a massive re-adjustment and a lot of life would die off but on an evolutionary scale it's not really that bad, because something will always move in to fill the empty niches.

Personally, my only concern is myself and maybe my children, but past your grandchildren your kids will only be 1/2^n your DNA, so they become less and less significant as you go n generations into the future.

>> No.4422219

>some multi cellular life will undoubtedly survive, I don't see a problem

What are you, a Borg or something?

>> No.4422224


What, so if someone cares about just humans they're selfish, but when I try to care about life as a whole I'm a borg? So I can just care for a certain amount of animals currently living in the present? No, that's small-headed thinking. I care about life in general, maybe some few thousand species of fish will go extinct, but at least I am staying positive about the future of life in general..

>> No.4422232

no the world turns under the feet of men or with us below the soil just the same. It just assumes a different shape but the function remains the same. Well genes are genes it's not like you're really that genetically different from anyone else. The stuff that make you different are less than .01% of the code anyways. But to play a role as a progenitor in a species is really by design our one true function. I guess it's that or die. (not that human evolution has advanced at all in over 8,000 years or will ever)

>> No.4422241

Most of the fish I eat is Farm raised River catfish in Louisiana, which is in no danger, shrimp and crawfish all doing all right.

>> No.4422268

Because aliens.
Vegetarian Aliens

>> No.4422269


Aliens probably wouldn't be able to digest vegetables since the probability of them being able to metabolize Earth amino acids, sugars, and nucleic acids is close to nil.

>> No.4422274
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>tfw even if we make peaceful contact with aliens you will never be able to experience what their food tastes like because you don't have the proper sensory information

Why do I even get up in the morning?

>> No.4422287
File: 60 KB, 450x597, fat-kitteh-naps_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I don't eat fish
>mfw I don't eat anything that comes out of the ocean at all
>mfw 'overfishing' and starving people across the world have nothing to do with me whatsoever
Apathy does have its benefits.

Also, 'saving the planet' is the most egotistical thing anyone has ever said.
The Earth doesn't give a single fuck.
We can launch every nuke and weapon we own, and turn the planet into molten radioactive slag.
A few billion years later (..'just a couple days' on a cosmic and planetary scale) the radiation dies off, and life returns normally, like we were never even here.

The hippies would have a better chance getting people to pay attention if they rephrased it.
"Save our grandchildrens' asses"

>> No.4422293

pretty much, even in that jiro dreams of sushi, he says how you can't get good fish nearly as easily as you used to.

>> No.4422594

lol at men causing global warming

>> No.4422596


Vegetarians have longer life expectancies and much lower instances of disease on average.

>> No.4422611


I need a lard transfusion ASAP.

>> No.4422632


>> No.4422633

We need more wars
more wars lead to less humans lead to more fish
I know pretty edgy
Or just eat farmed fish, not much better, but better

>> No.4422689

Orange Roughy was and still referred to by their other name by Marine Biologists and Fisheries managers by their "other name" behind closed doors - Diarrhea fish.

IMPROPERLY managed fish farms running antiquated technology causes lots of pollution. Did you know, there are fish farms in Israel and inland American states that farm marine seafood species using poly-culture systems where there is effectively no pollution and water lost is mostly from evaporation?

Should be fine, small fish with a short life span don't tend to suffer as much as larger longer living fish which takes longer to mature/reproduce, as they stand a larger chance of being captured well before they do.

It' like I'm the only person that's a marine biologist in here...

>> No.4422873

fuck you

>> No.4422886

Enjoy your plastic :3

>> No.4422887

Not to mention accumulation of heavy metals and various other persistent pollutants in fish flesh, especially in predatory fish.

>> No.4423089

>Eradicating every species on Earth won't matter, because they'll just pop back up over time
>Just like the dinosaurs came back after going extinct, and we ride around town on the backs of T-rexes

Oh wait, no, once you're extinct you're fucking extinct. Personally, I don't want to contribute to it.