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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4420320 No.4420320[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So the other day I noticed Starbucks isn't as ... effervescent as it once used to be, and it occurred to me that they expanded quite a bit during the depression, when people needed the stimuli and a clean atmosphere. Today, this is pretty much no longer the case.

I think they should test market cozier atmospheres, with couches to present a more relaxed Starbucks, aimed on sustainability rather than volume. I also think they should present more upscale desserts during the evening, and implement a snack rotation, such as pastries for breakfast, sandwiches and sides for lunch, desserts at night, and offer different snacks for different locations. I also think that targeted atmospheres would really favor franchise browsing, and customer loyalty.

I also think that they should review their marketing scheme to be more actual, rather than cultural or historical, while also being proud of their roots, to present permanence.

I don't think the music should change, though, because times are changing, not Starbucks.

I actually jotted this down, just wanted to share it on facechan^$##$%.

>> No.4420330

If squeak were rich, he'd be eccentric. As it is he's just a mental case.

>> No.4420411

I think it's a cultural things. Americans like their drip coffee, and kettles were mostly used for tea, drank by the English. They're probably not too concerned with kettles, just in spite, and despite the greater efficiency and convenience of the electric kettle.

Coffee makers only heat water to, like, 190 ºF, and by the time it hits the pot it's colder. Unless you want to wait quite a bit longer for your ramen, I don't recommend it.

>> No.4420420


- Sceak; >>4315934; Mar 15 2013, 09:09:11; 4chan.

- Sceak; unknown.

>> No.4420435

I know your friends don't like me, but I don't like fat lesbians either, so I don't really care. I fell in love with you, and I don't want to have to tell 4chan, Montreal, the IOC, and everyone else who's my friend that you led me on just so you could fuck.

I really don't want to have to, but if you don't want to get back to me, I'm going to have to write this off as "the guy just wanted to get off so he told me he wanted to be my boyfriend I don't know how many times over the course of several weeks."

It's not a threat, and I hope they just let you off, but if I did meet you by coincidence, please be advised that some people are in their hoods, and some people do want relationships, and some people do believe what you say.

I did fall in love with you, I am still in love with you, but it's killing me, and if you don't fix it, I'm going to have to do it myself.

I didn't want to fall in love that night, I wasn't looking for someone that night, I'm sorry I met Daniel, I'm sorry I was Keith's boss, but I'm still happy I met you, because I think you can be my boyfriend and be my boyfriend for a long time.

I know you don't think I know you so well, I know I take longer to get to know than what you hoped for, but you can't see what I see, but maybe you can.

I don't want to meet other guys, I don't want to have anyone else in my bed, but if you don't claim it, I'm going to have to ... otherwise I'll die.

I want you, and no one else, but if you don't feel the same, or think you might feel the same, I'm going to have to cry and move on.

I don't want to have to cry, and I don't want to move on; but if you don't want me, I'm going to have to, if I want to.

If you choose your friends over me, that's cool.

Just ... please don't hurt me anymore. Please don't lead me on.

Go with your fat lesbians in the world that I choose not to be a part of, which is like 99.9999% of the planet, and leave me alone.


Otherwise I'm yours, and no one else's. I swear.

>> No.4420447



>> No.4420491

The problem is that theu became the establishment. They were for hipsters to hang out and look cool in. They can't do that now. That's what independent places are for.

>> No.4420519
File: 906 KB, 1893x1080, Untitled (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Starbucks makes awful coffee for awful people.

>> No.4420520

Sceak is single-handedly keeping this board alive with his thoughtful and stimulating comments.

i will email moot and ask him to appoint Sceak as mod for this board.

>> No.4420528

I prefer McDonalds coffee

>> No.4420529
File: 487 KB, 349x199, 1349130628144.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for giving me a laugh this morning.

>> No.4420548

You are closest to the ubermensch I've ever seen Sceak.

>> No.4420557

>Sceak as mod for this board

I vote for this to happen.

>> No.4420599


>> No.4420610

thirded. With purpose, he would be objective and he would be able to serve swift justice. The poop spammer would have met his match.