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4419433 No.4419433 [Reply] [Original]

>Olive Garden beer menu


>> No.4419448

Restaurant's "premium" beers crack me up
In what fucking universe is Budweiser premium?

>> No.4419470

It's a goddamned Olive Garden, you twat. It's for breadsticks, soups, and easily impressed first dates, not beer.

You fucking beersnobs are the worst kind of asshole.

>> No.4419483

>easily impressed first dates
i wish this was trolling

>> No.4419480

Its a white trash fancy chain, what the fuck.

>> No.4419492

Looks fine to me.

It's just an Olive Garden, not a neighbourhood pub.

>> No.4419499

>going to an Olive Garden

Looks like you've outed yourself as a retard, OP.

>> No.4419502

I'm poor and like olives, what do you want from me?

>> No.4419503
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oh pls, the soup is good enough that the recipe getting passed around frequently
>not liking unlimited breadstick

>> No.4419507

They have Newcastle, it's not a complete loss.

Plus what the fuck did you expect, it's the fucking Olive Garden.

>> No.4419519

>that the recipe getting

>> No.4419520

I guess I will be having a Sam Adams. Jesus Christ, even most shitty chains around here at least have some local or regional craft beers

>> No.4419523

You haven't ordered a drink in more than half an hour?

>> No.4419526


>> No.4419531

Shit even "fast casual" places like Chipotle/Qdoba have local beer these days

>> No.4419533

Are you OP?

>> No.4419536

um, no

>> No.4419542

Every Olive garden I've been to that wasn't in a beer desert has had at least one local/regional beer on the menu.

Also, how come people praise shit like chipolte, taco bell, and subway on this board (which are all dog shit) yet have a stick up their ass about Olive Garden. It's not amazing, but the endless soup and breadsticks are bretty good.

>> No.4419543

oh. You made it sound like you were the OP, and based on the thread had decided to get a Sam Adams
I'm pretty far gone, sorry.

>> No.4419545

Just saying in his situation I would have picked Sam adams

>> No.4419546


The kind of people who eat at Olive Garden aren't the kind of people who autisticly obsess over alcohol like you beersnob fuckwits do. That's why they make those shitty hipster bars your kind procreates at, because real people don't care about your trappist micro hop potatofucking organic wheat semibeer. Fuck you, and fuck everyone like you.

>> No.4419548

>Every Olive garden I've been to that wasn't in a beer desert has had at least one local/regional beer on the menu.
How many Olive Gardens in different markets have you been to, and why?

>> No.4419550

>autisticly obsess
Wanting to drink things that taste good isn't autistic, stop being a child

>> No.4419552

>and why
hmm. did you post in the food pet peeves thread yesterday or the day before?

>> No.4419554

Lol why are you so angry?

and why do you hold such a ridiculous view point. Do you live in Mississippi or something? Craft beer isn't even remotely hipster, in most northern and western states its very mainstream and quite easy to find

I am very confused by your attitude

>> No.4419555
File: 34 KB, 506x348, OGbitches.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just took this for the sake of the thread. I take way too many screenshots of this girl's facebook.

>What'd you get?

>> No.4419559

my fucking sides
post more?

>> No.4419578

Business trips. My boss likes to take us there, so probably four markets (midwest, orlando, vegas, and LA).

It's not bad. Nothing amazing, but consistent and decent.

>> No.4419587

Let me see if I can find more food related ones.

>> No.4419588

>easily impressed first dates
Talk about hitting the nail on the head. Lost my virginity because of the chicken n' gnocci at Olive Garden.

>> No.4419594


How about just enjoying some food, you alcoholic junkie fuck?

Jesus christ, why do some people have to have beer everywhere they go? And not just "beer" but their fucking preffered eastern european village brew that only they and 10 other people drink, and every restaurant is supposed to stock it

Olive Garden isn't a bar, you junkie fuck

>> No.4419600
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Sorry there's not much. She's just a moron in general though. Just came across a post where she spelled 'I'll' as 'ile'

>> No.4419601

>why do some people have to have beer everywhere they go
it tastes good

>> No.4419605


Drink some water like an adult

>> No.4419606

>And not just "beer" but their fucking preffered eastern european village brew that only they and 10 other people drink
Why do antibeer people (which it amazes me that such people even exist) make up such ridiculous caricatures that aren't even remotely similar to what actual people say

>> No.4419608

...Are you retarded?

>> No.4419609

beer is the very staple of civilization, associating water with adulthood is just silly. There is never a reason to pick water over beer for a meal, any adult would realize this

>> No.4419610


Because they don't actually know what they're attacking

>> No.4419614
File: 990 KB, 289x217, dealwithit.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a horrible beer selection for a big chain restaurant. Not good either but I've seen worse. I enjoy much craft beer as well but you can't expect every place you go to carry them. Drink those at home or go to better restaurants.

Also, I like beer in general so the big name brews don't bother me. I'd rather have a nice craft brew but I'd also much rather drink say a Budweiser than not have beer at all.

To sum it up, deal with it faggot.

>> No.4419617


Drugs are not the staple of civilization. Go sniff some jenkem while you're at it

>> No.4419622

Beer is factually the reason civilization formed. If it weren't for the deliciousness of beer ancient man would have never begun farming

>> No.4419621

>Not a horrible beer selection for a big chain restaurant.
I disagree, I can't recall ever being at a sit down restaurant chain or not with worse selection. What chain have you been to that is worse?

>> No.4419624
File: 203 KB, 950x1300, 110314-Beer-Clear-2-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beer is good for you

>> No.4419625


Do some reading guy.

>> No.4419633
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I can't name any off the top of my head, I avoid chains like some fell plague. When I do find myself at one though I don't ever expect the beverage selection to be very good, or even the food for that matter.

And it isn't only chains that don't stock decent beer, I've been to a ton of family/locally owned dives that only have your standard Bud, Miller, and Coors. They prob have a Modelo or Sam Adams in there for the fancy folk, but not much. Thats just how it is, like I said deal with it. If you don't like it then stop giving them your money and go to restaurants and bars that you feel are worth your money. You aren't entitled an extensive alcohol selection everywhere you go. If your friends having a birthday or some shit at Olive Garden then for the love of god stop being an insufferable taint and drink a Newcastle if you have to have beer.

I'm a sort of snob as well. Nobody likes an entitled snob. Suck it up, drink a shitty beer and keep your fucking mouth shut. And deal with it.

>> No.4419638

>When I do find myself at one though I don't ever expect the beverage selection to be very good,
I don't expect it to be good, but the one in the OP was surprisingly bad, I certainly would expect better than that

>> No.4419640

Well you expect too much Anon.

>Olive Garden

That is all.

>> No.4419645

>I've been to a ton of family/locally owned dives that only have your standard Bud, Miller, and Coors. They prob have a Modelo or Sam Adams in there for the fancy folk, but not much
I live in the upper midwest, and it seems like here pretty much everyone at least has one or two good local beers

> You aren't entitled an extensive alcohol selection everywhere you go
Its not about the number, the problem here was the complete lack of quality options, I would be completely ok with 2 good beers to choose from at a lower quality place

>> No.4419648

>Olive Garden
>Olive Garden
>Olive Garden

You get the point I hope.

>Quality options


>Olive Garden

That is all.

>> No.4419685

>All these people bashing Powerful Olive Garden

How dare you!

>> No.4419689

I just realized beer is vegan. So the people on this board actually love vegan food

>> No.4419691

According to a vegan on here the other day, most vegan restaurants don't serve alcohol

I guess they think yeast is an animal or something

>> No.4419700

Most folk who are "vegan" are self-delusional health mongers. I doubt many of them drink alcohol or even bother to enjoy things in this short life. Or it may be that damn yeast, they are alive right?

>> No.4419704

Yeah, according to vegans we are abusing yeast emotionally

>> No.4419717


What a bunch of pussies. It's fucking yeast. All it fucking does is turn sugar into booze and gas. It would do that whether we intervened in its life or not. Eat a dick, vegans. Or a dick-shaped tofu equivalent.

>> No.4419719
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>> No.4419732

No different than cows really, all they do is turn sugar into shit and methane

>> No.4419746


You won't hear me argue with you. Cows have the added bonus of producing delicious meat, too. So tasty.

>> No.4419761

>wine country cuisine
> goes good with beer

Pick one

>> No.4419771
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They still have Sam Adams, Guinness and Newcastle Brown.

>> No.4419775

Guinness is the Bud Light of stouts

>> No.4419783

Yeah but it's Olive Garden so who gives a shit, not like it's authentic

>> No.4419789

Only good beers on there are Corona and Blue Moon
shit, I don't even get it

>> No.4419792

Corona might even be worse than Bud, which is quite an accomplishment

>> No.4419793

Olive garden's problem isn't the lack of authenticity, its that they are cheap and do a bad job. Authenticity in and of itself is not a good or bad thing

>> No.4419798

Authenticity is the relevant issue when you're saying that beer doesn't pair well with the food because it's from a culture that mostly drinks wine. If it's not authentic, then it's possible that beer will go well with it. As it happens, it's also really bad, but that doesn't go to the question of beer or wine, except insofar as you want lots of it because the food is shitty.

>> No.4419804

Italians don't traditionally drink wine because it pairs well with their food, they drink it because they suck at making good beer

>> No.4419802


Obscurity ≠ Quality.

>> No.4419809

No, obscure things aren't necessarily good, but almost all internationally common beers are at best mediocre. There are plenty of obscure mediocre beers too though.

Regardless of popularity or obscurity, Guinness is to stouts what Bud is to lagers as far as quality goes, having said that I would pick a Guinness over a Bud any day

>> No.4419814

i'd argue it's more of a symbiosis thing

they make crappy beer, so they drink wine, so their food goes well with wine. see what i mean?

>> No.4421512

The universe where Budweiser pays them to carry it.

>> No.4422382
File: 73 KB, 526x380, 2085.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your heart is in the right place, but you are being a faggot. you knew you were going to go to olive garden, you fucking knew it. and what happened when you opened the menu? Uhk! I can't believe they don't carry Indiana Wet Dog Umbrella German Grouper Lager!

but ive only secretly made up these scenarios; as no one is this autistic in real life

>> No.4422398

>Bud Light
>Blue Moon
>Not available every season
Whatever, I still love the food. Haven't been there in like a year though.

>> No.4422400
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I just do the wine sampling and get tipsy off that.

>> No.4422410

They make better wine than beer because it just so happens that in that region they grow better grapes than barley. Hence good wine from Italy and France, Germany and Belgium have the better beer.

>> No.4422421

>Goes to Olive Garder
>Expects craft beer

Look, I may be a giant fucking beer snob, but I don't expect every fucking place to have my local craft shit on tap. I don't go to a goddamn olive garden to drink fucking Mikeller. I can go to a goddamn bar and do that there . I go to an Olive Garden for infinite fucking breadsticks and a judgement-free environment. Quit being an elitist piece of shit and making us look like snobs. Take of the fedora and thinking just because you like to drink only the finest imported Belgian piss makes you better than everyone else. No one cares what you drink. Nobody in an olive garden cares what you drink. They are eating infinite breadsticks and living their goddamn lives.

>> No.4422431

Chipotle serves alcohol? I was at one for the first time last month and didn't notice. Maybe it's a regional thing. I'm in Georgia.

>> No.4422441

Yeah, and it's the one beer my family drinks a lot of. I don't even like beer, but when commuting to school and not wanting to buy alcohol when enough will be bought anyway means that's it. Christ, at least we sometimes get a Blue Moon case or something.

>> No.4422484

This thread:
>Olive Garden
>good soup

Hell no. Their soup are salty as fuck. Enjoy your 200% daily sodium intake in one bowl. Might as well go eat some instant noodles.

>> No.4422581
File: 43 KB, 296x365, wtf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just get the fucking new castle and eat your fucking breadstick, you cum belching rat anus.

>> No.4422605

This just in: Chain restaurant dishes out food abortions. Serves mass-produced lagers, within feet of high-schoolers on dates. Details at eleven.

>> No.4422607

The things I liked the most about Olive Garden were the salads and breadsticks. I often enjoyed them more than the entree as a kid.

>> No.4422727

I'll take one Peroni to complete this authentic Italian experience, thank you.

>> No.4422735

Olive Garden hasn't been good since they pulled Chocolate Mousse Cake from their menu 2 decades ago.

>> No.4423656

So you hate people who want to consume the better tasting product? Man, you're like a marketer's dream consumer.
That aside, it's not that I won't ever touch bud, heiniken, coors, etc I'll take em if there's nothing else around or if I'm offered it. But if I had a choice for something better for only a dollar more?

>> No.4423687

Do people expect chain restaurants in Olive Garden's range to serve fancy beer?
You serve beer that is in a reasonable price range for the food you serve; it's that simple.
Moreover, you serve beer that your clientele wants to buy and you can afford to keep in reasonable stock. Full stop.

>> No.4423720

>beer belly is myth
>your getting fat because the amount of calories in beer
>beer belly is myth
>fat because beer


>> No.4423742

I expect at least 1 italian beer on the menu.

>> No.4423894

>Full stop
you had to type that you pretentious little bitch