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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 83 KB, 500x311, fried_catfish_plate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4418332 No.4418332 [Reply] [Original]

>dat amazing feel when you open a catfish plate and you get raw onion, pickles, and a slice of white bread

>> No.4418336


I would hardly call that 'bread.'

What are you, an Amerifat?

>> No.4418344
File: 33 KB, 266x682, steel_reserve.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dat amazing feel when you roll up through your homie's crib and he hands you an ice cold foety.

>> No.4418347


catfish are like the rats of lakes and rives, they taste like mud and really should be consumed under any circumstances .

>> No.4418350

>catfish plate
I wonder what gave that away...

>> No.4418354

>that feel when you get a fresh glass or lemonade after a nice meat sandwich

>> No.4418361

>It's Fotay
>Drinking and entire 40oz if Steel
Hop you ready nigga.

>> No.4418363


Ready for what, that horrible aftertaste?

>> No.4418370


>dat feel when you get down to the last inch of a 40 and it's piss warm and mostly back wash.

>> No.4418375


>not putting it in the freezer first

>> No.4418387


>not buying normal beer so you don't have to take extra steps.

>> No.4418396


>implying opening up like 4 cans of 'normal beer' isn't more extra work in the long run

>> No.4418411


>implying you are so weak that opening a beer is a strenuous activity for you.

>> No.4418417


>implying I am the one who introduced the need to avoid extra steps
>being unable to debate on your own terms
>being retarded
>being gay

>> No.4418423


>implying your mad

>> No.4418452

>implying i don't have bugs on my nuts.

>> No.4418490

fucking alcohol consumers

>> No.4418519


>> No.4418537

to be fucking anihaiated

>> No.4418546


By what, the awful hangover from heavy metal residues in your bottom-shelf malt liquor?

Nigga please I'll take Colt 45 over steel reserve any day of the week.

>> No.4418606


you two are a couple of faggots

>> No.4418609

This a food feels thread
>just had few beers
>huge fucking barbeque party with your friends
>beer and bbq meats until you're nothing but pure bliss

>> No.4418801

holy shit
check out all the r3bbit0rs in this thread

>> No.4418808
File: 17 KB, 250x250, puddy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>putting your 40 in the fridge
>not finishing it before it's warm

>> No.4418818


>implying I don't buy 2 40s and put one in the freezer while I finish the first one

>> No.4418967
File: 55 KB, 415x362, kool-aid_1954 retroadverto.wordpress-001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can we have more ambiguously racist feels?
>dat amazing feel when you open the fridge and theres a fresh pitcher of grape kool-aid with a shit-ton of sugar.

>> No.4418985

>the feeling when you voted for obama because he is half black and you realized you were a black nationalist in the process

>> No.4418997

>that feel when you don't hate black people but would be sad if your daughter married one

>> No.4419025
File: 31 KB, 352x288, 2vwhf83.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's called self respect.

>> No.4419063
File: 32 KB, 195x189, 1317837466499.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that feel when you love catfish but hate the grainy, gritty batter most people fry catfish in

>> No.4419102

>open up a plate.

This is not an expression I've heard before.

>> No.4419103

Thats why you eat farmed catfish you retard.

>> No.4419428

that feel when you roll up the rim

fellow canadians know this feel, others not so much

>> No.4419438

Grill it
Shit's fucking delicious.
The only reason I think I prefer fried catfish is because the only time I eat it is at a family gathering or something

>> No.4419456

When you get it from some hole in the wall joint in a run down part of town where they charge $4 for like six pieces of fish and two sides
Open up the lid to the styrofoam box
Holy shit did I seriously just type out that explanation?

>> No.4419484

Love catfish, but what the hell is with this "white bread"? Who eats that enriched flour garbage? Give me some fresh Italian bread any day.

>> No.4419505

I agree, any circumstance is good for some catfish

>> No.4420774

Most of the catfish eaten in the United States is imported, and unless you specifically ask for “U.S. Farm-Raised Catfish,” or see the official seal, you might be getting Asian-farmed catfish. Catfish from there is often contaminated with carcinogens such as malachite green, illegal antibiotics or salmonella In Alabama, state scientists have found banned antibiotics in catfish from China

>> No.4420778

I scrolled by this thread a solid ten times, thinking the things in the OP image were ostrich talons for whatever reason before reading what it actually was. I didn't give it much thought.

>> No.4420779

It's okay. People eating that particular kind of fish buy their food from walmart and so deserve slow, painful deaths.

>> No.4420784

A box is not a plate.

I was picturing some kind of folded in half paper plate.