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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 53 KB, 500x375, Eggs Benedict.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4409579 No.4409579 [Reply] [Original]

Hey look!

It's Eggs Benedict, the official breakfast (and possibly dinner) of /ck/.

>> No.4410152

>the official breakfast (and possibly dinner) of /ck/.
That's instant ramen.

>> No.4410157

ham slice is wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy too big; otherwise...strait down the pie hole.

>> No.4410159

Just dry ramen with the seasoning on top for me. I am too lazy to even wait for the water.

>> No.4410328

to much bread not enough pig and yellow sauce for me.

>> No.4410371

That is a lot of ham. Not sure what you did to the hollandaise either.

>> No.4410522

it's a wedge, ok? thats traditional.

So is hollandaise without the cornflour americans rely on to thicken it. Hollandaise should be like a loose English gravy.

>> No.4410526

traditional on planet fucktarded maybe. balance your flavours you flabby negro

>> No.4410532

Actually, your hollandaise is broken. Note the separation of the oil from the other ingredients.


>> No.4410557

>implying anyone apart from america would use "oil" in hollandaise

>> No.4410559

>congenitally racist

pick 2

>> No.4410562


No you just have a shitty emulsion.

And that's far too much ham.

>> No.4410582

looks shit bruh. Your ham is too thick, and you egg and hollanadise look poorly prepared.

>> No.4410710
File: 169 KB, 600x387, america.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Americans not understanding that this is a luxury dish where the expensive pork and butter ingredients should dominate, rather than the cheap egg and bread versions that you are served at Kwik-E-Mart "restaurants" with double size chairs.

>> No.4410718

>implying OP's shit tier hollandaise and ham are luxurious

>> No.4410736

But melted clarified butter IS an oil.

>> No.4410738

This looks terribad.

>> No.4410739


>> No.4410740

>implying that was my point.

stay mad america.

>> No.4410743

I make my eggs benny with smoked salmon brah.

>> No.4410746

>implying you need an inch of ham to get flavour

>> No.4411686

that's called eggs royale you cheeky urchin.

>> No.4411690


>> No.4412020

hollandaise is supposed to be thin as opposed to the artificially thickened canned shit you see at most pleb restaurants ya pleb

>> No.4412060

That is an almost sarcastic amount of ham.

It looks like, you know that drawing game you play as a kid where someone draws a head and folds the page, then the next person does the torso, etc? And at the end you have a disjointed monster? Yeah, like that, only in eggs benedict form.

I'd still eat it. But ironically.

>> No.4412067

whats the orange specs on top? saffron or smth?

>> No.4412077

paprika I'm sure

>> No.4413561

I'd rather just have the ham sandwich with some Miracle Whip.

>> No.4415382

looks like drops of tabasco to me.

Guess you could substitute sriracha at a pinch.

>> No.4415391

>eggs benedict
>official breakfast of /ck/

maybe for the fags

>> No.4415945

Does anyone really eat this for breakfast?

That's gotta be 75% of your daily calories before you've left the house.

>> No.4415955

I make Eggs Benedict about once a month. It's too involved for daily breakfast, and too rich to eat too often. But, it is one of my favorite breakfasts.

>> No.4415978

I don't have a problem with the ham but the sauce is split. I'm sure it still tastes OK, but it's separated.

>> No.4416060

Duuude, tomato hollandaise, with a potato and crab meat hash. fucking amazing! Damn, I wish I had a picture of that shit.

>> No.4416066

> Slab of ham =/= eggs benedict. That is Eggs Royale.

> Cornflour in hollandaise ? Is that a joke ? Aha, americunts bastardising european food.
1/10 just for making me hate americunts bit more.

>> No.4416072

Dude, I have never put cornflour in my hollandaise. Not all of us are idiots.

>> No.4416079

why the fuck would you put cornflour in hollandaise? God fucking damnit that's retarded.
Hell, even if you can't handle whisking something because you're some kind of shit monkey, just pour the melted butter slowly into a blender as you blend the yolks. add the fucking lemon juice. simple shit.

>> No.4416080

Hollandaise looks like vomited. Egg is too flat. What is that red shit on top of it. Also i would bet that egg is overcooked and not runny. Fuck I would so make you deep clean my kitchen for this before firing you.

>> No.4416086


> hollandaise in the fucking blender ? You serious guys ? Lemon juice ? Oh dear oh dear.

>> No.4416096


Your newfag is painfully obvious.

>> No.4416100

lemon juice is a traditional seasoning for hollandaise, retard

>> No.4416105


Nope, that is for retards trying to look authentic. Traditionally you'll use reduced white wine vinegar, reduced with sliced shallots, whole peppercorns, bay leaf and strained.

>> No.4416109

really? I've never heard of that. defs something to try next time.

>> No.4416115

Working in restaurants all across London over 6 years now. Seen poor fuckers in big hotels making 10+ liters of hollandaise every fucking morning. Never used blender, ever. Only for lazy ass amerifats who do it in the blender and then use cornflour just so it won't split. Any self respecting chef will tell you to fuck off if you ask him to do it in blender. If you don't have stamina to whisk the damn thing go push fucking pencils.

>> No.4416127

>professional restaurant
>cooking at home
I'm all about dem shortcuts man.

>> No.4418694

omelets > eggs benedict

>> No.4418699

Amen. It's the blender method for this Amerifat.

>> No.4418741

If I'm rushed, I'll use my blender, if it's a leisurely breakfast/brunch, I'll make it by hand.
Home kitchens don't run the same as restaurant kitchens, why the hell would they?
Also, my sauce has never broken, even when using the blender. What are people doing to their sauce that makes it break so easily? Hollandaise is easy as hell to make. You should never have to add cornflour or any other thickener (besides the egg yolks, of course.)

>> No.4418749

how do you heat it in a blender?

>> No.4418756

I use a Ninja, so the motor is on top. I can set the blender pitcher in a bowl of warm water.

>> No.4418762

that sounds like an aptly named blender

>> No.4418781


Enjoy your tennis elbow even though you've consistently been too pour to ever join a country club.

>> No.4420560

>claiming leisurely cooking causes sports injuries

Only in America

>> No.4420576

>>claiming leisurely cooking causes sports injuries

The actual claim was that people were making 10+ liters of sauce every morning in a professional kitchen setting.

That is hardly leisurely.

>Amerifat corrects non Amerifat on reading comprehension
>Sorry can't hear you over the sound of our GDP being 6 times yours.

>> No.4421162

shouldn't there be the other half of the muffin on top so you can pick it up?

>> No.4421165

you sound mad

>> No.4421351

this isn't a BK breakfast sandwich

>> No.4423285
File: 13 KB, 250x250, a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw a vegan eggs hollandaise is a dribble of lemon juice on a white plate

>> No.4423526

so much vegan hate. so little facts.

>> No.4423584

From the looks I'd give it a 3/10 but I have never had this dish so would eat.

>> No.4423612
File: 39 KB, 550x381, 1363311858391.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, it's not. What the fuck have you been passing up as hollandaise.

>> No.4423726
File: 32 KB, 400x407, 1345039734144.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>suggesting sriracha should be used on eggs benedict

>> No.4423735
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>> No.4423788

>suggesting sriracha shouldnt be used on basically everything. even srirache itself.

its a great sauce man.

>> No.4423805
File: 236 KB, 1000x667, 1347479237088.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd rather not tarnish a great dish with hot sauce - it doesn't need to be added to everything unless the food is bland and flavourless, which OP's incidentally is. Even then I'd go with HP or marmalade or something. I have sriracha and I enjoy it on certain things, but I certainly don't add it to everything, I don't cook bland food.

>> No.4423814


What terrible advice.

>> No.4424675

you sound like you've never tried egg and orange as a combination. don't knock it til you've done it sport.

>> No.4424696

i think it looks good op
i wouldnt eat all that ham but i like the plating & the ham itself looks pretty damn good
poached egg seems perfectly cooked
sauce needs to be tightened up but hollandaise is fairly difficult to master imo
only other thing i'd critique is that i feel it needs a vegetable
asparagus us pretty traditional but i like spinach better, could maybe even pull off some kale or broccoli rabe
otherwise job well done op

>> No.4424766

I love eggs benedict but since im in a rush in the morning I just cook 2 eggs over easy (omega 3 Grade AA) Meanwhile the I have whole grain bread in the toaster and when toast is done (After doing this a couple times) I'm able to have toast ready and eggs at same time so i place an egg on a toast and then the other top with Muenster cheese, and If I have time I'll add bacon or ham. oh and i eat them like tacos shits bomb

>> No.4425526

I had something similar the other year in Paris. Bayonne ham for the slice and served with sauteed brussels sprouts. worked amazingly well.

>> No.4425558

Hollaindaise sauce makes me sick. Every single fucking time.

>> No.4426028

I'm the same with big mac sauce. just don't get it

>> No.4426041

I make hollandaise with cold cubed butter and egg yolks. I throw it all in the pan at once and whisk over low heat like a crazy man. Since the butter is cold it gradually melts with the egg forming an emulsion. Then you just ramp the heat up a little whilst still whisking and it will thicken. It also tastes better with just regular butter rather than clarified (in my opinion).

>> No.4427612

this man has the right idea. I also go with a splash of tepid water at the start to stabilze the mix

>> No.4427617

It's just ketchup, mayo and relish.

>> No.4427624

Maybe you both have egg allergies.

>> No.4427634

what is "relish" anyways?

>> No.4427677
File: 7 KB, 170x206, tophatlion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>not knowing what relish is.

>> No.4427699

i make my hollndaise with terragon brah

>> No.4427983
File: 11 KB, 240x240, Tom-And-Jerry-finding-cheese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that makes it Béarnaise big boy.

>> No.4427984

seriously. what is relish?

>> No.4428691

From Germany here. Always asked the same. Is it a British condiment?

>> No.4429419
File: 117 KB, 600x602, 1342041233186.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is Google?

>> No.4430623

>2 eggs
>slice of ham (a reasonable slice...)
>english muffin

That's 75% of what you eat in a day? What's the weather like in Somalia this time of year?

>> No.4430625

Original "cornflour" guy probably meant cornstarch, commonly used to thicken sauces.

>> No.4430633

I happen to like the taste of hot sauces and ground peppers. I add them to compliment food, not cover it up.

>> No.4430637

Finely chopped pickles, in this context. Google the term for its broader /ck/ meaning.

>> No.4430951

What do you Americans call "pickles"? Pickle is a verb rather than a noun in Europe.

>> No.4430966
File: 33 KB, 799x275, 799px-Pickle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, pickled cucumbers. Pic related. Maybe you'd know it as a "gherkin"?

>> No.4430974

Most commonly, sour pickled cucumbers with dill and garlic.

>> No.4433292

ah! gotcha. Thanks dude.

>> No.4435331

That is a messy poached egg - too much skirt. I would serve two neatly finished ones with that much meat

>> No.4435332

Is OP keep on bumping this?

>> No.4436977

sometimes I have egg on toast for breakfast too.

tried putting it in tuppaware and warming in the works microwave once. Didn't turn out well unfortunately. Guess I could have taken my bearnaise sauce in a thermos flask otherwise to enjoy a proper breakfast at my desk.

>> No.4439117
File: 11 KB, 220x193, 220px-Big_Mac.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If there's pickle in the sauce, why do they put a slice of pickle in both layers of a big mac too

>> No.4439123
File: 83 KB, 500x333, florentine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer Eggs Florentine. I'm not a vegetarian or anything, but I fucking love Spinach.

Sadly, there's only one restaurant in my town (that I know of) that serves it.

>> No.4439714

Because for reasons I can't fathom, people really like pickles on burgers. Shit's disgusting.

Same with lettuce, tomatoes, and onions. Fucking rabbit food.

>> No.4439718

You can probably ask for it at any restaurant that serves benedict. If the waitress looks at you like o_O, just tell her substitute spinach for the ham.

>> No.4439727


Should eggs florentine have raw or steamed spinach?

A place near me does eggs florentine but with raw spinach.