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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 214 KB, 1600x1200, Vegan+cashew+cheese3[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4408933 No.4408933 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone have any experience with cashew cheese?

How does it taste? How easily can you alter the flavor of it?

>> No.4408947

no, but I think I might like it. I am going to look into it.

>> No.4408984
File: 299 KB, 1600x1071, BasilCashewCheese[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Cool. I ordered nutritional yeast and Agar Agar and I'm planning on making it in a few days. I'd like to use it on a pizza most of all

The nutritional yeast is supposed to give it a cheesy flavor and the agar agar can thicken it to whatever consistency you like. No idea what to actually expect from the taste though. Google images shows a lot of different kinds so I guess there's different methods of making it to achieve different tastes

>> No.4409010

Cheese lover here, what the fuck is cashew cheese?

>> No.4409066
File: 42 KB, 640x426, cheese-and-crackers[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Cheese made with cashews instead of milk

>> No.4409092

Does anyone know some good brands?

>> No.4409096

seems pretty neat, honestly I don't give a fuck about vegan shit, its usually organic and thus pretty much worthy of scorne, but I'm all for the ideas of carving out new materials to make food with, the richer the food material culture, the richer variety. None of the cheeses here look any worse than any other cheese, and who knows, maybe they will crack something cheap and delicious.

>> No.4409108

There's a place in Toronto called Upaya Naturals you can order it from if you don't want to make it yourself: http://www.upayanaturals.com/
In my experience it's very good. My only advice I guess is to taste the nutritional yeast before you use too much of it because you might hate the flavor.

>> No.4409111

Oh and I wouldn't suggest using it on pizza

>> No.4409132

how long does it ferment?

>> No.4409138

pretty sure that's not cheese

vegans continue to parade about their mental illness


>> No.4409143

24 hours for most the recipes I've looked at.
Not even vegan and kinda interested. Open your mind, bruh.

>> No.4409144


>its usually organic and thus pretty much worthy of scorne

I don't understand

>> No.4409147


OP here, the reason I'm interested in it is because I heard people say the best pizza they ever had was topped with cashew cheese and they didn't even know until they were told



Jesus christ, since when does the idea of people eating cashews piss people off?

>> No.4409150

Why the fuck would you make cheese out of nuts? What is wrong with you?

>> No.4409149


This is what vegans actually believe.

>> No.4409151


No, that's what a loud minority of non-vegans on this board believe. What is wrong with making food out of cashews? Why does it deeply upset you?

>> No.4409155


Because it's a part of the art of cooking

>> No.4409158

Nothing, but popping off like that is no better than the oppositions shitposting. Ignore it. 4chan is one of the few places in the world where ignoring it fixes the problem.

>> No.4409161
File: 187 KB, 1600x1149, P1030825[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That's not popping off, that's just showing the guy what his opinion sounds like to a normal person. There's no reason to go into a thread about food and get mad at the person for making it, especially something cool and interesting like cashew cheese

>> No.4409163

organic is bullshit, and anyone who thinks 'green' motivated political activists and corporations wont fuck you just as hard as any other is dreaming. sage for off topic.

>> No.4409165

I'm a normal person and I think you sounding like a dope. You got mad, too. Ignore it. Polite sage for off topic.

>> No.4409166


>you got mad
>ignore me while I sage a thread and run away angrily

>> No.4409171

lel, keep telling yourself that. Vegans are so good at arguing.

>> No.4409175

Just because you can do something it doesn't mean that you should.

>> No.4409178

Does this cheese melt?

>> No.4409186


And why shouldn't you?

>> No.4409209


I don't think it melts, just gets softer. You can make it different consistencies though

>> No.4409210

you're the idiot calling something cheese that clearly isn't

it's a fucking nut butter

>> No.4409213

If you have to ask there's no point in me telling you.

>> No.4409223

i get not wanting to eat animal products, muh freedoms etc etc

but stop calling your food names that are at best misleading, and more often than not completely wrong

this isn't a cheese, it's a nut spread. call it that!

There are shitloads of 'vegan alternative' products that are embarassing, even for a non vegan to look at. If you really wanted to give these things up why are you so hellbent on recreating them out of soy loaf?

90% of the hatred vegans get is because they try cute little lies like this instead of being honest.

also incoming vegan chocolate cake recipe, now with 2x african slave tears

>> No.4409229

I'm not vegan or OP but I have cashew spread in my cupboard right now.

It ain't no cheese loaf looking thing like OP has either.

>> No.4409237

Dry bowl
3 cups AP flour
6 tbl african slave cocoa
2 tsp baking soda

Wet bowl
2 cup sugar
2 cup water
1/2 tsp salt

add to wet bowl after sugar dissolved
1/2 cup oil
6tsp vinegar/lemon juice or 3/4 tsp citric acid mixed with 6tsp water
1 tsp of up to 2 flavorings, i prefer cherry and vanilla

pour into greased pan (8x16 or 2 8x8) bake at 350 for 30 minutes
it's pretty tasty

i doubt yours has the shitloads of stabilizers and shit like agar

>> No.4409245


They call it cashew cheese because it tastes and looks just like dairy cheese

>> No.4409251
File: 1.10 MB, 960x540, Chinese man visits V.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if you eat anything that isn't from an animal, you're a vegan

The sad state of this board.

>> No.4409284

Except it doesn't.

>> No.4409286

>tastes and looks just like dairy cheese
>this is what vegans believe
>ain't nuthin like the real thing

>> No.4409287

Or look like it.

>> No.4409291

>eating living organisms

>> No.4409300

>vegan in the pic name
>hurr stop vegansecute me you don't know shit ablobloblooo

>> No.4409312

>calling extra firm peanut butter cheese

proof that vegan diet is bad for your brain

>> No.4409316

Since it's not cheese and not really a butter, wouldn't it be closer to beer sans alcohol due to the yeast fermenting?

>> No.4409688

nutritional yeast is dead

it doesn't ferment

shit /ck/ get it together

>> No.4409765

yeah nutritional yeast is kinda "cheesy". That stuff looks really good, next time I have the money I will try to make some. I don't know if it would be good on pizza, I like regular cheese too much for that, but I bet it makes a great snack.

>> No.4409785

Speaking of which. I need to make a thank-you gift (Preferably food-based) for a vegan friend of mine. I was looking at cashew cheesecakes, anyone know if it's worth the trouble?

>> No.4409800

The fuck is wrong with people in this thread?
I eat meat and animal products regularly and I think this is interesting. If I got the chance I would happily try it, because the fact that I eat meat doesn't mean I'm going to refuse to eat anything that doesn't have animal products in it.

>> No.4409813


Past 3 months some /b/tards settled here when they realized there's an endless stream of opportunities to turn every thread into a "vegan vs meat eater" thread.

There was always some of this but lately it has gotten completely out of hand.

>> No.4409825

In my opinion, its not just the vegan vs meat eater threads that are problematic, overall /ck/ seems more aggressive and divided in the past few months.

Vegan vs meat eaters
Artistic vs down to earth
Fast food vs Home cooked.

And then we have all these posters that are edgy or just plain intolerant.

On the plus side there aren't as many ramen threads lately for some reason.

>> No.4409829


It only takes 1 prolific poster to completely change the tone of a slow board. Look what happens when we get a newtrip like Orange or Tetra Koiwai shitposting constantly. The whole place goes to hell and you only notice because the posts are marked.

>> No.4409841


>OP here, the reason I'm interested in it is because I heard people say the best pizza they ever had was topped with cashew cheese and they didn't even know until they were told

Ever consider that the issue may be more that your acquaintances are unfamiliar with good pizza rather than whether "cashew cheese" has any redeeming qualities?

>> No.4409866

because of

The only hate I see towards vegans comes from "herp derp cows 2 cute to drank milk lets make pretend milk"

not to mention almost all of this stuff shits on the 'organic ideal' of simple raw foods, simply because you need lots of chemicals and weird shit to make vegan facsimilies of non vegan food

>> No.4410575


It wasn't people I know personally, it was an anecdote in some thread a while back that I read which sounded like the people were pizza aficionados. Now I don't know why you hate cashews so much, but I think it's possible that cashew cheese is pretty good on a pizza. Take it easy, friend

>> No.4410580


>The only hate I see towards vegans comes from "herp derp cows 2 cute to drank milk lets make pretend milk"

Or more commonly, "saturated cow fat, cholesterol, and cow hormones aren't too good for me, maybe I can substitute with something more healthy"

>you need lots of chemicals and weird shit to make vegan facsimilies of non vegan food

Cashews, lemon juice, and yeast to make vegan cheese. Agar agar is an algae that can thicken things and is no weirder than gelatin

>> No.4410614

Consider this: Fuck you, it's good.