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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 192 KB, 625x625, enhanced-buzz-30143-1364399234-17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4408247 No.4408247 [Reply] [Original]

Hey guys, how many of you have eating disorders? That includes binge eating, over eating, extremely picky eating habits, weird food habits, anorexia, bulimia etc.

Also I'm gonna post some random food pics.

>> No.4408251
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>> No.4408253
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>> No.4408254

Not me, I have self control and don't need to be a special snowflake on the internet about it.

>> No.4408260
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Good for you- now go forth and have a happy, fulfilling life!

>> No.4408265

Everyone has an eating disorder by that definition.

>> No.4408272

Since when is being picky a disorder?

>> No.4408278

> binge eating, over eating, extremely picky eating habits, weird food habits
I think lots of people do these. I sure do.

>> No.4408289


Hi OP, I suffer from body dismorphia and binge eating. I tend to fast all day then binge in the evenings when my stomachs been aching for a while. I am 5'11" and 170lbs and feel fat as a whale. I want to lose weight and have been, quite slowly however.

I wake up in the morning and think about how fat i am, so i don't eat, by the evening (7pm or so) I am so depressed at the sight of me i tend to binge eat. Eating is a huge comfort to me, I fucking love food and it always tends to make me feel better. I am aware of how mentally unhealthy it is to think of food this way.

I just have very little willpower when it comes to food and diet.

>> No.4408291

and by binge eating i mean like 12packs of crisps (chips for you yanks), eating one packet after another until they are all gone, even if they start to taste shit halfway through.

Its not limited to salty/sugery foods though, i fucking love chicken, grapes are fucking amazing too.

>> No.4408298

I overeat. All. The. Time.
Thank "god" that I have an anwesome metabolism and am /fit/, but I feel like I am on an all-time-bulk. I eat until I have stomachache and can't eat anymore. Most of the time I don't feel hunger, only appetite and I'm never satisfied.

>> No.4408300

I know this feel. You're from the UK? I do similar, but with fasting/ laxatives in between. I binge daily, sometimes twice a day. 5'1, 108lbs. Completely obsessed with food.

>> No.4408303

once i started drinking, my palate starting growing exponentially

still wont touch a lot of shit

>> No.4408306
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>> No.4408308

What will/ won't you eat?

>> No.4408312

I'm probably anorexic. A while back, I was pretty overweight. Then I started controlling my portions and I rapidly lost weight. Then it halted. I wanted to lose more weight, so I started restricting my calorie intake to 800 a day. Lost more weight, then it stopped. Then I started restricting more calories for more weight loss. Right now I'm at 50-100 calories for breakfast, same for lunch, and 100-200 calories for dinner (this keeps me from binging in the morning).
Thing is, I don't think of myself as fat. I don't think I'm very skinny, though. I think of myself as average, but I want to lose more weight to become skinnier. So, yeah.... not sure where I stand on the anorexia scale. I'm also pretty obsessive over counting calories. I also plan out my meals and the calories that are in them.

>> No.4408314

>I tend to fast all day then binge in the evenings when my stomachs been aching for a while
why do you fast during the day?

>> No.4408315

>I'm probably anorexic
Attention whore detected.

>> No.4408317

i'm not a fullblown anorexic but i'm underweight and have some disordered eating habits
but i fucking love food and i think about it more than anything else

>> No.4408320

>Most of the time I don't feel hunger, only appetite and I'm never satisfied.
try not smoking so much fucking pot

>> No.4408323

Yeah from the uk, south coast. Don't really know what to do about it. Been trying to binge on healthier stuff though to stop having loads of salt/sodium/saturated fats.

>> No.4408326

No, just unsure. I don't like calling myself anorexic, but I might be. I'm apprehensive because I don't think of myself as fat.

>> No.4408328

Because in the mornings i feel like shit about my body, so i try not to eat for as long as possible before i cave in.

>> No.4408329

>What will/ won't you eat?
-i wont eat egg cuase the smell is very repulsive
-meat taste good but chunks of fat and odd textures are just soo repulsive i would rather not even risk having to deal with it and order most my food meatless
-live in america so almost every fucking meal i encounter is based around a hunk of meat
-I dont like fruit cuase of the texture
-asian food looks repulsive.
-shrimp and stuff like that taste good but its just sooooooo... whats the word im looking for??? repulsive putting that in my mouth
-im scared of putting odd things in my mouth that are not familiar and recognizable... ie lots of houdurves and fancy meals i encounter.
unfamiliar textures just bother me soooo much

>> No.4408335

>so i try not to eat for as long as possible before i cave in.
but that just makes you hungier and makes it harder not to cave in... why not just have an apple, a bowl of oatmeal, a bagel and a slice of pizza in the morning?

>> No.4408387

I don't know if I have an eating disorder but I definitely have some negative actions involving food. I have been sick, unable to get out of bed kind of sick for a while. I am a little better now, and as a result of being able to get up and out of bed I have lost about thirty pounds. I will prepare healthy meals for a while, and even put up some in the freezer.

Then, I will have recurring bouts of being unable to get out of bed from time to time, when this happens my healthy diet goes out the window. Once I finish any of the healthy food I have reserved, being hungry my husband will buy snacky cakes and fast food to make ends meet until I can get back on track and start cooking again. Out of my own hunger I will cave and eat the bad stuff he gets. Then I will feel bad and eat like that for an entire weekend, then I will just eat to eat because I feel like a useless piece of shit. Usually in a few days to a week I am able to get my strength back after a bout and I can get up and start eating healthy/cooking again. I do gain weight back in the days I am overindulging in fast food and crap, I hate myself for a while and call my self names/try to punish myself. then I regain strength and slowly lose weight as I return to eating/cooking healthfully.

My husband won't cook healthy food when I am sick because he says it is too expensive (it's not he just doesn't know how to do it, works full time, and I do know how so it is easier if I do it).

>> No.4408400
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>why not just be normal anon, it's easy!

>> No.4408402 [DELETED] 

>telling a fat person to load up on carbs

great advice. what he needs to eat is chicken and fish. stop filling up on carbs and get more protein in your diet to help burn fat.

and start lifting

>> No.4408422


Binging on healthy stuff doesn't feel like a satisfying binge though. I've tried to eat lots of raw vegetables to fill myself up but after a few hundred grams I get sick of eating them and I'm hungry again in an hour. It has to be salty and fatty things followed by sweet things, over and over until I feel feel and disgusted with myself.

>> No.4408431
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she said she was 5'11" 170 pounds. that's not fat at all. She should eat more fat like oil and eggs along with protein, to keep satisfied and healthy.
and i think this person is just pointing out how illogical this behavior is.

>> No.4408433

so you HAVE to binge, huh?

>> No.4408436


And then come the inevitable shits later in the evening.

By healthy things i mean more 'natural' foods that still taste good, like chicken/beef/pork or cheeses/yogurts/not overly sweetened ice cream.

But the fucking carbs are just calling, hula hoops man, jesus they are good. Chocolate eclairs, cheesecake, donuts, flapjack. All so tasy but i just need to stop, it cant be good for me.

>> No.4408439

I'm a he not a she you faggot.

>> No.4408441

i refuse to eat anything unless i make it myself

maybe that is an eating disorder i dunoo

>> No.4408444
File: 476 KB, 1527x2292, Burrito_de_páramo_(Páramo_baby_donkey).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry my bad.

>> No.4408446


yeah, it's called autism

>> No.4408447

>But the fucking carbs are just calling, hula hoops man, jesus they are good. Chocolate eclairs, cheesecake, donuts, flapjack. All so tasy but i just need to stop, it cant be good for me.
dont buy them?

>> No.4408457 [DELETED] 

you know what's really good? grilled salmon or chicken

>> No.4408477


Ugh, I am the exact same way. 5'9 and 159 lbs and I do the same thing, starve until I end up binging in the evening.

>> No.4408494


Disorders are statistical. There is only individuality.

>> No.4408501
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Says the self-loathing faggot with an eating disorder

>> No.4408515

A lot of fast food places are offering better options or at least posting the calories of their orders. I don't know what your husband usually buys or how he goes about it, but a chicken sandwich isn't bad. Keep enough veggies (fresh, frozen, or even canned if you have to) around so you always have that as a side dish. Then you can eat a slice or two of pizza with a more sensible side. I struggle between 110% and 0%, and if I just put in a 25% effort sometimes (eat a healthy side I keep around), 50% effort (make a better decision at the fast food place, don't overeat, and include some veggies), or something, then I'd be a lot farther ahead than I am now. Because half assing it is better than beating yourself down to 0. Do one little thing and appreciate that one little thing. If you can. Think about how to work this for you. Good luck!

>> No.4408520

Oh god, I know that feel. For me, it really is more of an obsession with food than the binge itself. If I don't binge the right food, it's like a little hair ticking the inside of me head and I'm not satisfied. Salty/fatty to sweet and back again, and yeah... the disgust.

>> No.4408548

former male ano here, but stabilized weight a few years ago and super healthy now

>> No.4408582

What a bunch of newbs. 5'6" 250lb here.

Eating is the only satisfaction I get in life.

>> No.4408589

I do, I tend to have a lot of coffee and tea. I try to stay under 500 calories every day. Most calories come from carrots.

I like to come to /ck/ to look at food and cry.

>> No.4408591

I'm bulimic all the time, anorexic some of the time. I wish I had more self-control.

>> No.4408601

I have stopped eating certain foods thanks to my bulimia, I really hate tasting any form of acid so any foods that make to much I avoid.

>> No.4408606

Same. I also avoid things that are physically hard to throw up, such as beef.

>> No.4408608

sup manlet bro. also 5'6" here. 180 lbs though

>> No.4408613

I try to fix my binge eating by making big batches of soup and eating lots of carrots and apples...

Still.... if I buy sweets, they're gone in a day. 2 packages of fruit filled soft cookies, a box of chocolate covered butter biscuits, 5 bars of chocolate with toffee bits, a cylinder of cinnamon pretzels with frosting, and a package of cocktail weiners in the past 48hours. I knew I shouldn't have bought any of it.... but I thought I could control myself.

Nope. Worse, it makes me tired. I slept 5hours this afternoon.

>> No.4408622

I eat huge meals like big bowls of cereal before bed.

>> No.4408625

I tend to binge eat and then throw up, usually just when I'm drunk though. Always had a high metabolism but lately thats not enough.

>> No.4408673

I just eat a lot. I'm always constantly hungry.

I'm currently 225lbs at 6'1", I use to be 280lbs, so I guess I'm not eating as much. But, I've gained weight, was 215 lbs a month ago.

Going back on a diet now, gunna try and hit 190lbs as my goal.

>> No.4408680

>spelling mistakes galore
I can't tell if you're really full retard or some bitter anon making fun of picky eaters.

>> No.4408685

I binge eat.
I try to only eat one meal a day averaging from 500-1200 calories but on days I go shopping 4 8oz block of pepperjack, whole cans of almonds, and sometimes chocolate gone in the day of or the day after.

I'm slowly fixing myself up though. I bought ten cans of almonds last friday and I still have 2.5 left, cheese is gone though. ketofag though so if i don't get them I binge on the sugar and carb filled snacks the others have. I never feel 'full.' My full is stuffed to explode. I feel terrible because it halts my progress. f/5"3.5'/180 down from 200 so it's getting there. I don't blame my family but they really should have told when I was younger not to have so many seconds or not to tell me to clean my plate.

>> No.4408690

> under 500 calories a day

Doing it wrong in so many ways. Theres no reason to fuck with yourself mentally and physically like that. Eat at least 1200.

>> No.4408695


eat mostly protein and some fat and minimal carbs and do some exercise

bam weight loss

>> No.4408699

I assumed by exremely picky, he meant people who literally only eat ONE thing. Like that one woman who refused to eat anything but cheese potatoes.

>> No.4408719
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Please eat more and work out. That goes for all of you ITT

>> No.4408722

Or that walking skeleton who won't eat anything but Ramen and was on the news.

>> No.4408729

That woman was crazy.

>> No.4408731

I overeat and drink too much.

I stay fairly physically active and have become just this massive ogre you wouldn't want to run into at night.

I have a condition where I can't eat just protein or I get gout. So if I'm going to lose weight it has to be through traditional calorie restriction. Which also causes gout, but at least will eventually go away. Suuucks.

>> No.4408734

And so is her husband for putting up with it.

>> No.4408758

are you me?
I'm mostly muscle but I do have a bit of a spare tire from eating late at night.

>> No.4408779

I literally eat when I feel like it. I might skip out on big meals for as much as 2 days including breakfasts and only eat fruits, salads, bread, tea, almonds and shit. I don't really understand how can people eat 2-3 big meals a day unless you're lifting, practicing for a marathon or something.

>tfw when finally eating a huge meal like a pig after hours of not feeling satisfied
best feel

>> No.4408788

>one meal a day
This is your problem. Only having one meal leaves you hungry, regardless of if it's enough calories, and makes you want to binge. You need to eat smaller meals 2-5 times a day and snack on healthy foods throughout.

>> No.4408802

My stomach has this thing where it can't process grease and fat ....quite right..
I'll eat something really greasy, like a burger, or some really sloppy taco meat, and less than half an hour later I get these terrible ..half-burp-half-throwup of just this greasy discharge from whatevers in my stomach
Its gross as fuck, but.. I figure its my stomachs' way of saying "Hey, what the fuck is this shit?! GTFO"

>> No.4408807

I usually have some coffee and a couple eggs in the morning, ('morning' for me being 11am-12pm) and then work from 2-11, not eating anything else all day till I get home.
I still get a little hungry at work, but my stomach is used to going on nothing but coffee and a piece of toast for 10+ hours a day, while everyone else I work with is starving by 6.

I just.. keep sipping on coffee all day, and it usually sates me until supper at night.

>> No.4408812

>4 cups of cheese
>8 potatoes
>8000 calories
nah brah that's like 3500-4000
still way too much though

not as bad as that girl who ate nothing buy mcnuggets and fries

>> No.4408859

i only binge eat when i smoke a lot of pot. so i counter act that by making really small portions and just cooking a lot of meals. i enjoy cooking so its alright and i can also only do this when i have a lot of free time. if i dont have a lot of free time, then no time to cook a bunch of meals one after another

>> No.4408863

>I knew I shouldn't have bought any of it.... but I thought I could control myself.
thats why i never buy more than a 10sack of weed. and when i buy snacks, i never buy more than what i plan on eating in one or two sessions. no matter what size it is, it will be gone in one or two sessions

>> No.4408870

what happens if you eat 750 calories of healthy stuff? does that still bother you?

>> No.4408881

anyone ever try to binge eat in the morning instead of at night? do you just end up binge eating again at the end of the day?

>> No.4408884

I like the UK birds who eat hair.

>> No.4408920

I think about food all the time, like constantly. The only time I don't is when I'm seriously preoccupied with another task that has 100% of my attention, cause if it only has 99% the other 1% will be food thoughts.

I don't usually binge but I eat a lot more than I should. My food choices aren't the best either, lots of carbs, lots of meats... I do eat my vegetables but I feel like i should be eating a lot more of them. I'm overweight by at least 30lbs but more like 40-45, I want to lose at least some of that this year but I can't see myself doing it. I don't have the discipline to hold off eating and like I said, I think about it constantly.

>> No.4408937

I'll spend time fasting for months, then suddenly feel like eating again. But not normal eating, like eating as much terrible shit as I can find, just to gain all of the weight back.

I just love seeing the change...being able to get super skinny then chubby as fuck whenever I feel like it.

Who fucking knows...I'm mental.

>> No.4408945

I might have one. I've seen a doctor who referred me to a counselor to discuss it. If I do, it's anorexia or EDNOS.

>> No.4408981

you should try just changinh things slightly to help lose weight instead of thinking you have to eat less. just increase your protein intake alot drink lots of water and start lifting weights. you dont even need to do hours of boring running just lifting weights and eatiing protein will help you grow muscle and in turn burn fat. you can still eat any other shit you want just do those things and you will lose some fat get some muscle and feel better.

>> No.4409011

Never been formally diagnosed or anything, but I alternate between puking everything I eat (normal-sized meals, not binges) and starving, so I guess that's some kind of eating disorder. I like to browse /ck/ when I'm hungry.

>> No.4409026

I'm on a healthy diet thingy and whenever I allow myself to have a cheat day I feel bad and puke sometimes if that counts

I'm not proud of it

>> No.4409042

Sorry for replying so late.
I don't smoke often, but when I do I tend to overeat so much that I have stomachache for hours and am only free from it, after I puked. So yeah, thanks for taking me serious.

>> No.4409047

I have a stationary bike I ride on at home. If I already lost a few pounds this year if I do manage to lose 10 more I'll start going to the gym.

>> No.4409055

I'm fat and like to eat food, does that count?

Food is mai waifu.

>> No.4409063

it's easy 7-8000 calories. 4 cups of fucking cheese...you realise how much that is?

>> No.4409074

anorexia and binging.

i hate my love-hate relationship with food.

>> No.4409137

I've struggled with anorexia binge/purge subtype since I was 13 (21 now). I'm currently attempting recovery. I'm being weight restored, which is hell. I thought I was doing well, but I've purged 4 times in the past 2 days and have been over exercising for the past 3 weeks. I'm tired of this. I want to be normal. I want to go to a restaurant with my family. I want to not ruin everything.

I read every single post on this board at night. I'm obsessed with food. My bathroom walls are covered with pictures of food I've cut out from magazines.

>> No.4409148

go for an actual bike ride, so much more refreshing and stress relieving

>> No.4409152

also does anyone feel stupid from years of growing up malnutrtioned?

I had a horrible diet between the ages of 5 and 20

>> No.4409156

My mom never made me eat veggies when I was young, so I'm not used to the texture of most of them, so I can't eat them. I'll literally gag if I try to eat most veggies. Makes me sad because I feel like I'm missing out on a lot of good food...

>> No.4409159

I am a terribly picky eater :'3

>> No.4409160

I have felt myself become more stupid. I used to be incredibly smart, but now after so long of depriving myself of nutrients my memory and cognitive function are horrible. It's so frustrating.

>> No.4409184

i hope you take a multivitamin.

>> No.4409218

>Same. I also avoid things that are physically hard to throw up, such as beef.
lol I was bulimic and I remember this... all the menu planning around what would be the easiest to flip...

>> No.4409260

Stop being a bitch. I am 6'0" and about 125. I would kill to be 170.

>> No.4409267

I binge in the morning sometimes. And yeah, pretty much. I always say to myself "this is ALL I'll eat today" but I tend to end up bingeing again in the evening. That's why it's best for me to just not eat all day, then binge in the evening. At least that way I only binge once a day.

>> No.4409273

i binge eat when i binge drink

>> No.4409351


I'm 6'2 and I'd kill to be 125 lbs

>> No.4409353

I binge when I'm bored

>like most Americans

>> No.4409357

ive been institutionalized in the past for 'dangerous' anorexia and it fucked up my liver basically forever

im ok with food now but i can only ever actually eat if i wait until my stomach aches with hunger or if i get high tbh

>> No.4409358


>smoke all day erry day
>still only eat one meal a day

permanent munchies has given me pretty good dicipline

>> No.4409365

yeah boi preach it

>> No.4409770

Oh god me too. I can't eat mcdonalds or kfc anymore because the grease just won't digest... It's probably for the best but damn I miss having good comfort food sometimes.

>> No.4409789

thanks, after reading all this I have decided to start a myfitnesspal account. I am going to talk to him about the fast food and see if I can try to put up even more extra healthy food options for when I get sick so he can just easily take it out and warm it up for us. I got some larabars and they are good for a meal replacement in a pinch.

>> No.4409837

Best anorexia-binge recipe ever:

you will need:
>1 cup of yellow squash (add another cup for 20 extra calories)
>1 cup of broccoli
>1/4 cup of crushed tomatoes
>some star anise
>some coriander
>one or two bouillon cubes of choice
>soy sauce to taste
>salt/pepper to taste
>5 cups of water

throw it all into a pot and let it boil until the veggies are tender

you can put a low calorie noodle of your choice in there, just make sure to boil it separately so that the soup doesn't get all starchy and gross. take a trip to an asian market of some sort, they have a huge selection of noodles... you're sure to find one low in cals.

calories: 100
fat: 0g

the broccoli is 40 calories a cup. add another cup if you're really starving. or just add more broth to fill you up (add more tomatoes if you're going to do that. the tomatoes are 30 calories for 1/4 cup). or another bouillon. cabbage is also another great addition at 20 calories for a cup, cooked.

>> No.4409926

if he has a job tell him to pick you up a safeway sandwhich or some other decent 6 dollar sandwhich or meal, not just shit kfc fries and a soda

>> No.4409931

how is that binge, you would have to have like 15 of those soups for it to be a binge

>> No.4409949

like i said, i mean you cant binge for 12 hours straight unless you dont have a job or something... but yeah why dont you guys try what i do and just cook one small meal after another, that way at least your doing something keeping yourself busy while hungry instead of just sitting there staring at the food

ill make a small pizza, then a small burrito, then a little sandwhich and then another small pizza, then a two tacos... by the time im on my 5th or 6th meal im already bored of cooking and ready to go to bed

low carb bread, load thos fuckers up with veggies, skip the meat...

>> No.4409952

he does have a job, we don't do kfc. He buys exclusively from the dollar menu at mcdonalds, because he believes it is thrifty, we actually have enough money to not have to do that. I just need to really plan ahead more for when I get sick. I want a small chest freezer so I can cook more/save more in bulk.

>> No.4409959

but meat (or nuts/beans if you are veg) has protein and fat in it, thus providing satiety faster and longer. I understand boredom, and keeping your hands busy to distract from eating ALLOFTHEFOOD . If you want to cook, why not just make several dishes to freeze for lunches or something.

>> No.4409979

There's some dishes I love so much that I can't stop eating them as long as there's any of it left is that a disorder?

>> No.4409998

No. I see no reason to make you think that you are normal either.

>> No.4410043
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i have 6 meals a day. 4 of them are milk&oats and bananas(on prime number days)/apples(on not prime number days). 2 of them meat, eggs and whole grain rice(on even days) and fish, olive oil and beans( on odd days).
>implying OCD
holidays peperoni pizza on dinner and Marguerite on lunch.
exception on black day: fried chicken and grape soda, watermelon dessert, everymeal.
when i have to skip any of this for social stuff. i have to punch my balls the number of times of the day, to can keep going.

>> No.4410050


I have those same fucking plates.

>> No.4410065

I'm a fatass who eats a lot.

I guess you could call it a disorder, but I don't think I'm mentally ill or something. I'm just a fatass.

>> No.4410215

>because he believes it is thrifty
tell him to look up the difference between cheap and frugal

>> No.4410217

>If you want to cook, why not just make several dishes to freeze for lunches or something.
cuase then your just going to stick them in the oven one by one and before you know it your week supply of frozen food is gone by bedtime

>> No.4410232
File: 54 KB, 440x340, Rice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I Love Carbs.

Its a huge problem for me because i cant lose weight because i love eating rice and bread.

Ill cook up a huge pot of rice and Stir an egg into the hot rice with a little soy sauce.

Then with the left over rice ill make fried rice, or If I want italian ill make some rice croquettes with chicken hearts in it.

So good.

>> No.4410253

have you ever riced cauliflower and used that instead?

>> No.4410271

somedays I don't eat at all.
somedays I don't have lunch but eat a lot during night or around 02:00-04:00 AM.
I never have breakfast because it would imply getting up 30 minutes earlier.

how much fucked up am I and how could this affect me?

>> No.4410275

Never heard of it.

I dont like cauliflower that much.

Tried making mashed cauliflower once and it didnt turn out so well.

>> No.4410331

mix your delicious shit with vegetable,s lots of them.

>> No.4410448

does anyone here do the chew&spit? I recently acquired this psychological affliction (and it didn't affect my life as far as I can tell, not yet at least).I do not care about losing weight ( not that I want to gain any) but it mostly has to do with not eating unhealthy food. I want to eat a cheesecake, so I put it in my mouth, swirl it around and spit it into a cup. Where is my life headed /ck/?

>> No.4410454
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>I want to eat a cheesecake, so I put it in my mouth, swirl it around and spit it into a cup

>> No.4410465

it is like vomiting after eating something, except it is much easier and painless

>> No.4410466

No, I just eat it and throw it up later.

>> No.4410484

That's just disordered eating, not an eating disorder. Chill. Much easier to deal with than a full blown ED.

>> No.4410968

Dude, I know this feeling 100%. Fucking fried rice man, I could eat that shit for every meal of my life. I make some amazing fried rice at home and it's more addictive than msg.

But then you have like a well made french baguette and that shit is fucking amazing as well. Put a slice of salami or some prosciutto on that bitch and once again, I could eat that all day long.

Carbs, fuck carbs...

>> No.4410976

I am not currently engaging in chewing and spitting behaviors, but I used to do that regularly when I was just AN restrictive subtype (before I learned how to purge in IP). I'd do it with dessert type foods or just fear foods too.

I'm >>4409137

>> No.4410977

I do.

>> No.4411071

I have problems eating food in public with others I don't know very well, or when there are a fuckton of people at a restaurant and it's busy.
It probably just goes back to my general anxiety disorder. I'll start eating food, get REALLY fucking flushed and have issues breathing, and completely lose my appetite. Then, I'll take a bunch of food home and eat it there.

>> No.4411092

I couple years ago I was on an intense diet, and I eventually caved mentally and started binging and attempting to purge with laxatives or going on really long runs on a full stomach.

A few months in I just stopped trying to "purge" or undo what I did. Eventually I stabilized again and I was able to eat normally. I haven't gotten back to working out regularly again, but I'm taking baby steps. Haven't gained more than 10 pounds in the process of recovery, and my weight is stable, so I feel little pressure to force myself to do anything.

Overall this whole experience sucked. Sure, I came out thinner, more attractive, more outwardly confident, and not a virgin, but there are mental repercussions to being overly demanding of your body.

Intelligence, good looks, and mental stability. Pick two at the most, for others and yourself. Seriously.

>> No.4411100

I often have breakdowns of eating, where i eat like 3000 kcals in half an hour, followed by intense regret and eating about 300 kcals for the following 3 days.

So yes, i would say i have unusual eating habits, i don't know if that's a disorder though.

>> No.4411319

I alternate between not caring about food at all and thinking things like "well, I haven't eaten anything substantial in a day and a half, I guess I should cook something." Like it's more of a societal obligation to eat than a biological necessity. I've had friends literally drag me to restaurants just to make me eat out of peer pressure.

I know this isn't normal, but I just don't enjoy eating. I enjoy the taste of food, but I feel like a fatass whenever I eat.