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File: 1.10 MB, 2221x1666, broccoli.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4407718 No.4407718 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else LOVE broccoli? Can we get a broccoli appreciation thread?

>> No.4407725

i certainly hope so.

i eat probably 3x as much broccoli as other vegetables combined. that shit is fucking delicious.

>> No.4407726

Fuck no.

>> No.4407734
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Yes please

>> No.4407733
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say that to my face irl and see what happens

>> No.4407740

Hnnng I love to eat broccoli raw dipped in some spicy soy sauce.

>> No.4407742

Nobody in my house is allowed to cook broccoli anywhere in the premises. This is a standing order with quick and severe consequences should there be any violations

>> No.4407743
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Steam that shit and get me some Velveeta

>> No.4407753

Baked Broccoli is just amazing, but I love it every way I've had it, except with cheese

>> No.4407756


I pretty much only like it when stir fried or raw. I prefer the crunchy texture. Steaming it is just gross, even though it tastes good it turns to mush before it even reaches your mouth.

>> No.4407759

Why not just eat blanched broccoli then?

>> No.4407787
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I love all brassicas, but broccoli is the best of the best. I can eat that shit on everything. It's my favourite pizza topping as well. Beef and broccoli is my favourite whinese food. Tempura broccoli is the food of the gods. Broccoli and cheddar soup is to fucking die for. I could go on forever.

>> No.4407840

u wot m8

>> No.4407850
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We grew some sweet ass broccoli in the garden this past winter. Pic related, I think they're in there somewhere, though growing small shoots after the main stalk is cut.

>> No.4407857

Chinese style broccoli is my favorite

>> No.4407861

>whinese food

I really hate tripfags.

>> No.4407866

Broccoli, steamed so it's soft with lemon juice or lemon pepper on it.

>> No.4407880


>Broccoli on pizza

This man knows what is up

Roasted broccoli is the best way to eat it. I will no longer over cooked broccoli, it is disgusting. I blanch it for a minute, and refresh. Then saute in olive oil, garlic and salt and pepper. Good shit.

>> No.4407886

It tastes good because of the olive oil, garlic, salt and pepper. I don't know why people insist that vegetables still taste good but have to put a bunch of shit on them to mask the real flavor.

>> No.4407887

I fucking love broccoli. The only veggie better than it is spinach and all it's variations.

>> No.4407901


You really are dumb

This is how I enjoy it. Suck a dick.

>> No.4407910


Protip: Olives, garlic, and pepper are vegetables

>> No.4407914

You'd enjoy dick as much as I do if you sauted it in olive oil, garlic and salt and pepper. Good shit.

>> No.4407917

Eat those on tofu then. Don't ruin broccoli.

>> No.4407927
File: 545 KB, 1217x3623, brocolli macaroni.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's a nice recipe.
protip: use more cheese in the sauce than a "couple of handfuls". Plus more milk to compensate.

>> No.4407934

Belching after eating raw broccoli.....ugh, how horrifying.

>> No.4407935

>tempura broccoli

Okay, as much as I hate tempura on fucking everything, that actually looks pretty amazing.

>> No.4407939

who woulda guessed deep frying something would look and taste good

>> No.4407945

>implying 90% of deep fried food isn't shit

>> No.4407957


We got a broccoli aficionado up in here

>> No.4407964

damn right. stop enjoying it the wrong way and start appreciating it the right way

>> No.4407973

I love broccoli, I just never know what to do with it beyond plain broccoli or in a stir fry

>> No.4408015


I stuff broccoli up my ass.

It is the only way to enjoy it. Start enjoying it my way

>> No.4409464
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>> No.4409494

do you roast yours? it needs to be oiled or wet or it burns, but if you do it slowly with garlic and olive oil and a little lemon juice its divine

>> No.4409498

Hell yes, I eat a ton of broccoli. Makes the house smell like farts when you cook it but it's worth it. I like to roast it with olive oil, lemon juice, salt and a little pepper and top with a sprinkle of parmesan.

>> No.4409562

If you go for lower temperatures for longer you don't have to add oil

>> No.4411433

I eat broccoli every day.

Kill yourself.

>> No.4411574

>It tastes good because of the olive oil, garlic, salt and pepper

That is your shitty opinion. I eat lightly steamed broccoli plain almost every day. Fuck you, dumb shit. Go choke on another fucking big mac, fatass dumbfuck.

>> No.4411607

I roasted a bunch of broccoli at 500F with duck fat.

I nearly had an orgasm.

>> No.4411614


>You can't like things if you have to season them to enjoy them. It's not allowed.
>You're masking the flavor.

You mean complimenting, you asshat? The art of cookery is centered upon taking the flavor of a base ingredient and refining it with the presence of other ingredients and a specific manner of cooking.

It's roasting with oil, salt and pepper. It's not taking a floret off of a crudite platter and having to douse it in ranch just so you can choke it down.

>> No.4411618

Steam it better

Mushy vegetables are overcooked and have less nutrients

>> No.4411621

I love broccoli but I eat fresh vegetables rarely these days ;-;

i am dying

>> No.4412106

I like to stir-fry it with just salt and pepper. I know a lot of people like to eat their broccoli with cheese but that's a flavor combination that doesn't appeal to me.

>> No.4412215

I like it but I only know one way of making it so it gets boring after a while

>> No.4412220

I can't eat it raw but I do love me some broccoli. Plain, with cheese, deep fried, casserole, etc.

>> No.4412222
File: 39 KB, 465x382, 4677.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I only know one way of making it

>> No.4412272

Fuck off with that shit.

>> No.4412553

Gordon ramsays broccoli soup: boiled broccoli+water+salt. This is the best way to enjoy broccoli.

>> No.4412849

Fuckin' love broccoli.

You really should've posted this last month on broccoli appreciation day, the 22nd of March.

>> No.4412887

I fucking love broccoli. I had some on top of my baked potato last night and some extra on the side. Goddamn, broccoli is my favorite vegetable. However, I haven't tried broccoli rabe.

>> No.4412894

holy samefag, batman!

>> No.4412902

Says the anon samefagging about samefagging in every thread he gets a chance to.

>> No.4412921

actually, not that guy

just havin a giggle

>> No.4413410

I love broccoli. Probably my second favorite vegetable, after potatoes.

Some of my favorite broccoli is in on Asian buffets, usually with beef or chicken. I'm always cherry picking that broccoli