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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4402047 No.4402047[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone have vegetarian recipes for people with acne? Or general tips for diet...

>> No.4402048

>vegetarians with acne
These food subcultures are out of fucking control

>> No.4402057

Check your privilege.

Does anyone have triple reverse-genderqueer neutrois-presenting gluten intolerant people with hip displacia?

>> No.4402058

Try meat, you greaseball

>> No.4402059

Here's a tip: get some exercise, change your sheets frequently, bathe at least once a day (with soap), drink more water, and stop eating packaged garbage food.

Also stop being white.

>> No.4402069

I need some paleo recipes for people afraid of heights.

>> No.4402071

>stop being white
Im black, 24 years old and I still get acne.
not OP

>> No.4402078

I've never seen an asian male without terrible skin, holmes.

>> No.4402113

/ck/ help please. I'm a diabetic, chrons disease having, gluten and lactose intolerant and my girlfriend is vegan and I only have 50 dollars to feed me for 1 month.
Oh I also don't have a stovetop or an oven. Sorry no hotplates my landlord doesn't allow it!

>> No.4402114

wash your fucking face

>> No.4402136

racism aside this guy is right- water, clean sheets, fresh food, and fresh air

op if your skin is really horrible you should stop using bottled skincare products

i scrub my face twice a week with nutmeg and milk and its amazing for oil and blackheads

most drugstore 'spot scrubs' just completely nuke your face and make your skin panic and produce extra oils

buy a moisturiser, though, because even if your face is mad greasy its never a bad idea
i like ones with witch hazel (good for shrinking pores)

also steaming your face is good for acne (and your sinuses, and your hearing, and your circulation etc) and you can do that daily with no ill effects

i worked a summer at Lush im not a queer i just know a lot about skincare im sorry

>> No.4402141

Get some sun if your fragile vegetarian skin can tolerate it.

>> No.4402147

Not food, but I would hugely recommend only washing your face with lukewarm water, and only doing that once a day. Give your face a quick massage with the water in the shower, and that's that. Use an oil-free moisturiser if you have to, and nothing more.

Food related - I've heard that vitamin a and iron are good for acne, but I don't know how true this is. I always try to eat a sweet potato and some broccoli at least every couple of days though. And avoid dairy. Not at all costs, but don't purge on diary foods.

My acne is really bad when it flares up (like 7/10 on a bad day), but by doing the above (especially the washing rule), it's usually like a 1.5/10 every day. Acne can be controlled for some people.

Oh, and never reuse the same side of a pillowcase without washing it.

>> No.4402155

Wash your fucking bedding material you disgusting manchild. Your acne will get a lot better.

>> No.4402164

I'm looking for desert recipes for people with auto-erotic asphyxiation fetishes

>> No.4402171

>i scrub my face twice a week with nutmeg and milk and its amazing for oil and blackheads

This. I use a mixture of lemon juice/honey/nutmeg instead of milk, but they both work really well. It takes about 2 weeks of continuous use to show any signs of improvement, so keep up with it.

>> No.4402204

wrap a clean towel arouns your pillow before you go to sleep.

Stop eating shit.

Drink plenty of water.

>> No.4402852

stop jerking off so much.

>> No.4402864
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>haven't cleaned bed in a year
>eat greasy food all day err day
>only drink soda
>face clean as a baby's bottom

>> No.4403038

There is no proven correlation between food and acne, it's all anecdotal. Eat whatever.

>> No.4403190
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soy milk

>> No.4403215

>Or general tips for die
eat meat