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4400811 No.4400811 [Reply] [Original]

What's up malt mates.

I'm kinda new to the scotch world and only have a few experiences with single malts. I've tried glenmorangie and talisker so far and love them both.

Any idea what kind of scotch I could purchase next? I thought of maybe trying a speyside of some kind, or maybe go for an islay. What are your thoughts?


>> No.4400818

I think you should just try as many different ones as possible.

It's not like books where you're trying to filter through /a lot/ of crap.

>> No.4400828


I plan on doing that, in the future. However, i can't afford 10 bottles at once and must choose.

>> No.4400838
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this was my Easter basket.

>> No.4400855


Scotch beginner here also. Just recently bought my first bottle. Bought a Glendronach 15yo Revival which is a speyside. Not regretting it, its really enjoyable.

Lots of people love Islay, but for me personally im not such a big fan of peaty/smokey flavours so went for a Speyside. I guess if you have some inclination about your palate and you have a little read then that should give you a little indication of what you might expect from each region.

How much do you have to spend?

>> No.4400878
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I have absolutely no experience with scotch, and I don't have too much money at my disposal, so I'd like to get some beginner's tips on buying my first bottle. I would prefer something that's rich in flavor but not too heavy in body. Low smokiness is also preferred.

>> No.4400886

Glenfiddich 12 was where I started and it was great. Fruity citrus light, a little smokiness, hint of vanilla perhaps.

-no ice
-add 1-2 drops of water, swish it around and let it sit for 3 minutes

>> No.4400894
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>adding ice to scotch

for once I really mean it when I say ISHYGDDT

>> No.4400895

Balvenie Doublewood. Great for its price. From the Speyside

>> No.4400900

There's a guy on Youtube, his channel is ralfystuff. Just an everyday guy, but he has hundreds of very good, in depth whisky reviews. Great for beginners.

I buy mine drinks from masterofmalt.com. The website has really good descriptions of all the drinks and plenty of buyer reviews as well.

>> No.4400909

I live in Canada, so of course everything is overpriced

I don't mind paying 60-80$ for a good bottle that will last me a few months at least. Of course, if quality comes at a lower price, I don't mind.

>> No.4400913


Jesus, what a great bottle to start with. You're going to find it tough to go up from there.

Personally, my favorite Speyside whisky is the Glenlivet 16 Nadurra. It shares nothing in common with its mediocre cousing, the 12 YO. The Nadurra is spicy, fruity, and probably one of the best values in malt whisky.

>> No.4400911

That sounds exactly like the sort of thing I would enjoy.
Awesome, thanks you guys!

>> No.4400919


This. Don't add ice to good scotch, especially a single malt. And it's not just the water (a little bit of water is often good), it's the cold. It makes things easier to drink, but it fucks with the flavour if you really want to appreciate it.

>> No.4400948

Doesn't matter what you purchase it all tastes the same. You're kidding yourself if you think you can taste a difference.

>> No.4400950

I bought it with a voucher I had for the website. Wouldnt normally spend that much on a bottle, but it really is great. Didnt have much idea what to buy, but it had plenty of good reviews.

I picked up a few 30ml samples with a bit of leftover money on the voucher. Just had a JW Double Black. Really doesnt come close the the Revival. I do have a Yamazaki Bourbon Barrel to try though which has been recommended to me on /ck/ before though.

I normally go for gin, and prefer to drink my spirits in cocktails, but enjoying branching out into single malts.

>> No.4400969

Stick to wine coolers kiddo

>> No.4400985

Seriously do a blind tasting you won't be able to tell one malt whiskey from another, no one can.

>> No.4400988


Partly true, there is ample proof that if you are told your malt whisky is expensive, you will believe it's good, and if you're told it's cheap, you'll think it's crappy.

>> No.4400990


I can. It's not even that hard. Some types are harder, but that's why you develop your palate. It's like wine. You need to know the individual tastes and aromas before you can identify them in something else. Like anything, you need to train in that shit. Just like watching films gives you a better understanding of cinema. It's a simple premise. Education.

>> No.4400992

That's not 'partly' true, that's a fact. The presumed quality of high ABV beverages supersedes their actual taste.

>> No.4400991

see me after class

>> No.4400997

Are you suggesting that in the history of blind whisky tasting, no one has ever correctly identified a single malt?

>> No.4400998
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>> No.4401000

My first was Glenlivet 15. Tried Highlandpark 12 after that, then Glenlivet 12. Next came Balvenie Doublewood 12, which I havent looked back from since then. Been trying to find some of their carribbean cask 14.

>> No.4401004


No. Stop being so butthurt at facts.

>> No.4401008

Well if its never been done, ever, in the history of all tasting, then you must be correct.

>> No.4401038

And stop being butthurt over the fact you drink like a little girl.

>> No.4401048


How the fuck do you know what I drink? You just admitted you're a placebofag who has no tastebuds so he has to look at the pricetag.

>> No.4401053

And you just admitted that you're a tasteless cunt who couldn't differentiate a good whisky from a bad one. Your complete lack of taste lets me know that you drink like a little girl.

>> No.4401057


No U

>> No.4401067


>> No.4401076


>> No.4401130

It's one thing to recognize that most people are biased by how much they think a drink cost. It's another to order a whiskey flight at a restaurant and not be able to tell any of them apart.

>> No.4401168

I found a scotch bar while I was overseas and got to try a bunch of damn good ones that way much cheaper than buying a bottle for a taste. check it out bro.

>> No.4401171

Wine is such a fucking joke. While there are many varietals of grapes, the whole terroir shit was out of hand before radios were invented.

Whiskey, sake, and especially beer have just as many variables; more in the case of beer. Wine is not some special snowflake, its producers just manage to invibe more of their own farts while producing it.

>> No.4401179


People on /ck/ are intimidated as fuck by wine for some reason, but they find scotch and obscure beers to be comfy as a trough full of their own shit.

I really don't get it.

>> No.4401177

Where can I find such a thing? I don't have any trip to scotland planned anytime soon, so...

>> No.4401189

well shit man where do you live? do a search near you for scotch tasting, cigar bars, scotch/whiskey bars.

if you live near a city the better. some cigar bars will have an assortment of scotches... also cigars + scotch is a pretty superior combination

>> No.4401202

Wine has an air of "snobbishness" about it, and it's harder to get into. Beer comes in convenient, individual servings, and isn't usually compared to "cassis" or other things nobody's ever heard of.

That said, I like wine, but I drink a lot more beer.

>> No.4401204

1) Identify the flavors/traits you like in a scotch.
2) Ask for scotchs emphasizing those traits.

Personally, I like a peaty smoky scotch. They can be abrasively medicinal up front but that smoky flavor really does it for me

>> No.4401210


Funny, because I see people getting really worked up over ice in scotch, or who can get the most obscure limited growler of mikeller or whatever. Seems like people crave pretentiousness, rather than being put off by it.

>> No.4401213

I'm a newfag who by all means should be lurking instead of posting, but most people I know tend to identify more with scotch/whiskey/beer/etc. because it's more accessible, and they've drunk more of it.

Once they've decided on "their" beverage, it's time to shit on everything else.

>> No.4401232

>wine has an air of "snobbishness" about it

And scotch doesn't? Mind you I say this as a person who enjoys both, but they seem to attract the worst kinds of people.

>> No.4401241
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I'd recommend Highland Park 12. It's reasonably priced for a single malt that is considered a staple to many. The flavors are very well balanced offering you a chance to identify which nuances you appreciate more and go from there. Probably my personal favorite right now.

>> No.4401255

as a former alcoholic I used to use "tasting" and beer festivals as an excuse to get shitty. I liked all forms of alcohol... especially sweet white wine. that shit is like candy that gets you fucked up without stirring anything. If I were to ever drink again, it'd probably be some super sought after beer that I'd never have the opportunity to try again. been sober 4 months though

>> No.4401259
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That's my impression, yes. A lot of oenophile rituals are baffling and seemingly pretentious to the uninitiated—sniffing the wine, swirling the glass, holding it up to light, describing its "legs," spitting, etc. Bizarre or indecipherable wine labels don't help, either, as is the difficulty in sampling wine—most restaurants don't have decent wine lists, the lists themselves can be hard to order from, places fancy enough to have a knowledgeable sommelier are expensive and intimidating, and whole bottles don't keep well after opening.

So, it's hard to get into, and all the ties to the "Old World" probably don't help. It's much easier to order a nice shot and go, "those guys are faggots."

That's just my theory, anyway. Again, I love whiskey, and I'm slowly working on getting into wine.

>> No.4401285

>sober 4 months
>former alcoholic
I don't think so son.

>> No.4401289

I live in a small city in Canada, not exactly the best when it comes to that kind of thing. However, I googled, and to my surprise, I managed to find a bar where they offer a variety of scotch whiskies, or so they claim. Anyway, I'll be checking it out!

>> No.4401292


I think you pretty much nailed it. It seems many people get predispositions about certain drinks whether from peers/media/etc, and unless they truly have an interest in expanding their horizons, that impression is hard to get past.

And some of those "snobby" aspects of wine culture are certainly present in beer now, and I imagine that will only increase in the future.

>> No.4401295

Best of luck, anon. That alcoholism shit sucks.

>> No.4401299
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>implying German wine labels are the only Old World wine labels

Don't be ridiculous, French and Spanish wine labels are easy as fuck. Italy can be difficult but not really.

>> No.4401307

as somebody who has started drinking a shitton, wine is the only thing I don't get drunk on.

For some reason I don't even view it as an alcohol, it's also the only thing I'd let kids drink.
Though I agree, that sweet stuff is good, wine is the tastiest alcohol without mixing shit

>> No.4401311


Most good wines are literally just characterized as "red" and "white" blends. And if you don't think scotch isn't pretentious (with the elitism, arguments about ice and stones, not to mention the shitstorm you get over blends vs. single malts) then you're purposefully stuffing your ears.

>> No.4401322

I've been eyeballing this one for a while. However, it doesn't seem to be available in stores where I live. I'll have to order it on the web I guess.

>> No.4401339

Well, let me pick quote from some of the bottles I have handy:

>displays dense black currant and lush chocolate flavors followed by a long, supple finish
I had to Google what a "black currant" was. I have no idea what one tastes like. Apparently something like this bottle I drank.

>carefully crafted to express the nuance and complexity of the terroir
>Cru Beaujolais
I'd have no idea what any of that meant if I didn't have books and the Internet.

>grown in soil mainly composed of chalk and rich in calcium
This sounds like garbage if you aren't already aware that poor soil is _good_ for grape vines.

>Most good wines are literally just characterized a "red" and "white" blends
0/10. Domestic wines tend to be characterized by what kind of grape they're primarily made from ("Cabernet Sauvignon"). French wines tend to be named after region ("Bordeaux") or estate ("Chateaux Margaux").

Regions mean you have to know the what kind of grapes are grown, and maybe a bit of the climate, in order to know what the stuff in your bottle is supposed to taste like. Estates are even worse, since you have to know what region they're from.

Just "red" wine or "white" wine is next to useless. It's like saying "this expensive mystery box contains a meat" or "THIS expensive mystery box contains a vegetable."

>if you don't think scotch isn't pretentious
I'm new to co/ck/ and should really be lurking instead of posting. But, I've never encountered a scotch snob in my wine. I know all sorts of wine connoisseurs, and everyone's seen someone swirling a glass on TV.

>> No.4401342

>wines with reviews printed on the bottle.

Yuck. Try to drink better wine.

>> No.4401346

>My boxed wines don't have labels

>> No.4401355

Good wine doesn't have reviews on the labels. That's for the kind of shit you pick up for 8 dollars in a grocery store. If you're going to bitch about wine you need to educate yourself a little bit more on the topic.

>> No.4401377

I for one, enjoy $8 wine

>> No.4401382

I do too, but hearing someone complain about wine when they're obviously picking something from the bottom of the barrel gets me a little bit rustled.

>> No.4401427

I've seen tasters notes on bottles of all price ranges. The fact remains that the vocabulary used in reviews is quite foreign, and front labels aren't much better.

>> No.4401450
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So I've got a question. I recently ended up with an old bottle of a blended scotch, unopened, from my great grandfather. (Not directly to me, just, he bought it and never drank it, and his daughter never drank it, so she finally gave it to me as I've recently gotten into liquor and cocktails.)

The catch is that it doesn't look safe to drink anymore. There's like translucent white things floating in it. and a small chunk of something black in it.

I'm guessing the cork has just broken down over the years or something? I'm talking, like 50 years sitting in a cabinet not being used, never opened. It doesn't look particularly appetizing, so I'm just going to put it on a shelf for decoration, because it looks nice. But I'm just curious if that's normal, or even what the shelf life on something like this is. Because I hate to see a good beverage go to waste.

>> No.4401697


I'm not an expert or anything and most of the shit I buy is not expensive, but I can tell the difference between good mid-level (or cheap) scotch and bad mid-level (or cheap) scotch. That's how I found out what I liked. I never read any books on that shit. I don't know any names or distillers or anything. I just go by what I've tasted in the past and liked.

I know there's a lot of bullshit in wine, and there's a lot of bullshit in most alcoholic drinks really. Beer "experts" act like the glass you pour it in is fucking important and most of the time, it's so minute you couldn't even tell. But telling apart whiskey is not an expert skill. They just taste different. You can tell the difference between camembert cheese and cheddar, right?

>> No.4401700


Beer snobs are really the fucking worst. You know, sometimes I drink some skunky watery shit that I got for cheap and I'm okay with that. Beer snobs act like mainstream beers are as bad as getting stabbed in the face. It's not that bad. Really. I get it, you drink craft beers, but it's not the end of the world. Compared to shitty wine or shitty whiskey, shitty beer is not that much worse than average beer. Like real shitty wine is a huge drop. Real shitty beer is a small drop.

>> No.4401702

There are less people into scotch than wine. So you hear about it less.

>> No.4402175


Snobs are the worst, but this statement is not even remotely true.

>> No.4402201

Never buy a bottle of red wine if it doesn't have a plain white label.
It's the easiest way to filter the good wines from the bad wines

>> No.4402239


This is actually fairly decent advice. Looking through my collection of bottles... There are only a couple that I find to be good that do not follow this rule.

Root 1 is pretty decent if you like buttery wines, but it has a sort of artistic darker labelling, which is actually printed on the bottle i think. The trader joes brands that i find acceptable have a white label, but it is not plain, usually including some sort of picture.

Wines I have had that do not follow the white label and sucked are perhaps too numerous to name.

The only exception is black label, reserve bottles. But if you are buying those, you are pretty much overpaying, and you probably know what you are getting into.

>> No.4402244


I think you've disproved that with your bitchy-ass post

>> No.4402255


I find scotch snobs to be the worst. Then wine, then beer. At least the beer people tend to be down to earth. The wine people are just obnoxious, where as the scotch fags... jesus christ.. the scotch fags... I wouldn't know where to begin with complaining about their ilk.

Least enjoyable dining experience I ever had was in a restaurant in Florida. We walk in , about the same time that this other couple walks in..and we get seated in high sided booths that are next to each other. And I hear the other couple talking loudly about how much they LOVE wine. We order some drinks, and fairly quickly order food as well. Table next to us though... waiter: "would you like something to drink" male diner: "Oh yes.. could you send over the sommelier?"

long story short, that guy talked to the sommelier for an hour and a half, just bullshitting back and forth in lofty arcane terms, that meant NOTHING. He used colors and lighting terminology like rarefaction and brightness, sound terminology such as sibilance, temperature terms such as warmth, electrical terms such as conductivity and attenuation... He did all this to describe different tastes to the sommelier.. who I just felt bad for. I mean, if it's your job to do wine for a living, I'm sure he has some opinions on wines, and his own notes. But to have to put up witha customer like that just so that he will eventually buy some wine from you. Fuck, I'd rather pick up garbage for a living...

Anyway.. we ate.. ordered dessert, ate more. paid the bill and left. When we were walking out the door, that guy still hadn't even ordered drinks. I shit you not.. he must have talked non stop with that poor sommelier for at least an hour straight. I don't think his girlfriend got a word in either, and the whole time he did it loudly as if to show off.

Fucking.. way to ruin everyone elses evening winefag.

>> No.4404752

>craft beers
ugh those buzzwords are now displayed proudly outside every bar in my town, I mean even the kind of places where vomiting on the floor is fine.
I used to love my brews but shit here has gotten out of hand. Cider is the hipster thing now, at 26 bucks a six pack for what I believe is the crudest alcohol there is.

>> No.4404768

Hipsters are worse than cancer. Beer hipsters are worse than cancer of the AIDS