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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4399578 No.4399578 [Reply] [Original]

how many of you live in a poorly maintained apartment or condo building? how have you handled ants and cockroaches in your kitchen?

im at a fucking loss guys. ive cleaned the fuck out of everything i can, including under the oven and fridge. ive laid $50 worth of traps and "sterlizers". and you know what happened? these fucking cockroaches nested in my knife block. my fucking knife block! i saw a big one go it and when i pulled the knife out there were 10! babies smashed on the blade. i lift the block and they scatter like in movies about the third world.

tl;dr - how to deal with cockroaches?

>> No.4399583

I use borax, but it is possible that one of your neighbors is gross and the roaches are spilling over from their place into yours. You can't stop it. You are going to have to move and clean/check everything before you pack it so you don't bring the critters with you.

>> No.4399586

Landlord's problem.

>> No.4399596

>tl;dr - how to deal with cockroaches?

1) Clean up. Cockroaches are attracted to food and water, so keep your place clean. Don't forget the water part of the equation--if you have a dripping faucet or a leaky drain pipe then get it fixed ASAP. Moisture attracts them just as much as crumbs, food spills, and leftovers sitting out.

2) Kill them. Personally I find that baits and traps don't work very well. I would go find an insecticide with permethrin. It is easily found at any "home store", and is a naturally occurring chemical from Chrysanthemum flowers which is very safe for people and pets. Get some and spray in all the corners, cabinets, etc, including outdoors. If your apartment/condo/etc is very cluttered the consider using one or more "bug bomb" aka "fumigator". to get the whole place.

...back when I was at Uni I lived in some shady apartments and this never failed to get rid of them if I had to move in after some slob.

>> No.4399631

if they're in your apartment they're in other apartments too. you can clean and set as many traps as you want but they will never go away. the entire building needs to be bombed and that's the landlords issue

>> No.4399636
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i do think its the neighbors. ill try borax and permethrin. so far ive only tried roach killer, not any kind of guard. i guess permethrin is the difference? and ive thought of bug bombs but i have reptile pets that are ultra sensitive to that stuff and i dont know anyone who would take in a 9ft python for 2 or 3 weeks lol.

>> No.4399640

You will never, ever get rid of the roaches if you have disgusting neighbors. I'm going to guess you're American, and unfortunately in the grand scheme of things, there is nothing you can do to control other people's lifestyle choices. In fact, there are people that will gladly defend them. But I guess that's a thread for /pol/.

I guess if the landlord is well-read on tenant rights, they might be able to find a way to evict them. I wouldn't bet on it.

Let's say they were successful in "taking out the trash", it's going to take a holistic approach to kill the colonies that are there. Consider every unit, even the clean ones, contaminated. The entire building will have to be evacuated and gassed. People won't be able to enter their homes for hours; even days. It's going to take the cooperation of everyone.

Even more unfortunate is that they can get into anything. I don't have roaches, but I've lived in places that did, and they will get inside of plastic containers with impossibly tight seals. If you're thinking about storing dry goods that way, then think again. Thinking about laying some borax around the house to create a perimeter they won't cross? They'll come in through the ceiling fans.

I understand not everyone can just get up and move. It's a tough hand to be dealt, and there's not a lot you can do. Change your eating habits and try to only buy as much food as you need.

Personally -- and this might seem rash -- I would throw away all the food in the house. I'd clean the surfaces with sanitation spray. Then I'd start shopping once a day and only buy enough food for that meal. Keep your sinks and bath tub dry. You /have/ to eliminate the food and water supplies. They'll still send out scouts and build nests in your home, and there's basically nothing you can do about it.

>> No.4399642

Didn't mean to quote that post.

>> No.4399645

We had roaches when we first moved in to our shitty apartment. Previous roommates left chicken wings hidden in the kitchen. Fuckers.

Clean, set traps, spray pesticide if you can. Call the landlord and try to get them to call an exterminator. We did all of these and now they don't bother us, much.
Also, a good trap is a 2-liter, cut the top off, grease up the sides with Vaseline, and put meat, bread, whatever in the bottom. Roaches will climb in but they can't climb out. In the morning burn that shit up.

>> No.4399647
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fuck... youre totally right, but hes not going to do shit. specially since my lease is up in only a few months... its annoying to have to wash every utensil and piece of cookware right before i use it even though its "clean". but at the same time, its not really just a "just deal with it for a few more months" kind of situation.

>> No.4399652
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I need help with ants. Not the big squishy ones, the tiny little black bastards that get fucking everywhere and are impossible to kill. I've tried Raid, ant killer outside the house, ant motels, vinegar, olive oil, and cinnamon, and NOTHING WORKS. I clean up regularly too, and don't leave huge messes in the kitchen.

>> No.4399660

Filthy yuropoors.. Inb4 n-no m8 I'm a murrican

>> No.4399676
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OP here. at least the ants i could take care of with an initial set of traps and vinegar around where theyre coming in. hah, at least theyre thoughtful and directly show you where to target.
where are they ending up? the regular "motels" didnt work for me but the strips did.

it has to be water. im now sooooo mindful of crumbs that it cant be that. and this place has had major leaks before. if whatever nonsense detritus in the walls gets wet, that would be enough for generations of the fucking things. ooooooooo i hate em i hate em i hate em.

>> No.4399694

they also eat insulation around electrical wires too. That is why they love to hang out inside electronic devices.

>> No.4399696

They ignore the motels completely now, I can't even tell where they're getting in. I see them everywhere, in my bedroom, in the bathroom, in the kitchen, etc. I take the time to keep everything clean and I keep food strictly in the kitchen, so I don't understand why they keep getting into other places.

>> No.4399697

Your snake will be fine for the two hours to bomb. But you need to raise an alarm with the landlord about just how hard you've been trapping. You could live next to a hoarder. And, it's law they take care of the pests. You can break a lease if they don't.

The thing you haven't tried yet is a few tubes of caulk. Caulk it all. All cracks. Baseboards, etc. They are likely way back in your stove or fridge. Turn on the self-cleaning option and maybe drive some out into poison or cook their nests. Tons of bait traps. Gotta kill the mamas with mutating egg killer.

>> No.4399699

>it has to be water.
They eat the glue in wallpaper, grocery bags, boxes, anything. Don't overthink.

>> No.4399714
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Down here in the south, we get roaches big enough to chew on your woodwork, and it's loud enough that I've lost many nights of sleep because they just won't stop.

>> No.4399738

buy yourself a few cans of spray foam sealer and a few tubes of caulk(not the silicone kind). go thru your entire apartment starting with the kitchen and seal every hole in walls and around cabinets. once everything is sealed and no new ones can get in then start killing the ones inside with traps and poison. http://wiki.answers.com/Q/How_do_you_keep_roaches_out_of_your_house
this works i've done it. i'm a landlord.

>> No.4399742

another thing op. they need water more than food. make sure you don't have any standing water or pipes that have condensation. wrap the pipes if you have to. your basically going to try to keep them behind the walls and in other apartments. in a buidling they move from apt to apt so there is no way for you to kill them all. you need to seal everything up so they can't get in. also get some Diatomaceous Earth and spread it all over the bottom of your cabinets and in the bottom of your fridge and oven. the stuff scratches their exoskeleton and all the moisture leaks out of them but it is perfectly safe for humans and pets to eat. (as long as the pet is not a insect with a exoskeleton).

>> No.4399746
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>as long as the pet is not a insect with a exoskeleton

>> No.4399747
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My last apartment was a fucking roach hotel. I know this feel very well.
Sadly, there isn't a goddamn thing you can do about it, other than try to keep your whole place cleaned up so they have 'less' of a reason to hang out in your apartment.
The thing about it is that no matter how clean and fucking immaculate you keep your place, it doesn't mean a thing if your neighbors downstairs or next to you are fucking slobs.

Just make sure you let the landlord know. Any building owner worth a damn has some sort of contract with a pest control company to spray at least once a month.

Grab some raid, keep your shit clean, and ... well.. deal with it the best you can.
Literally the only thing you can do is ..move someplace better. :/
thats what I had to do
good luck, OP. I feel for you.

>> No.4399750
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>MFW I saw my first palmetto bug

>> No.4399751

fuckin' lol'd

Same shit happened to me. Same face, too.

>> No.4399752

I'm so sorry OP. I had never seen a roach in my entire life until I moved to an expensive fucking CONDO in the city. They came in through the dishwasher and water pipes. Start sending in letter to the management and keep copies. Where I live I would be able to go to the tenant board and get compensation. I'd hire a guy to come and do the cracks etc with the gel and then scrub and vacuum the shit out of all the eggs and dead bodies.

>> No.4399757

Speaking of all this, I'm going to be looking for a new apartment soon. What do I need to look for to avoid one with cockroaches? Given that the apartments they show you are normally empty, I think it might be hard to tell.

>> No.4399758

Just another reason why it's terrible to live here. It's hot, muggy, and the cockroaches grow as big as your hand.

>> No.4399761

It was my first time down in Florida, living in Lacanto. (Sorta out in the sticks, just slightly better than living in the swamp)
We rented this double-wide trailer out in the woods. The whole 'neighborhood' was redneck as fuck. We were actually getting cable from our neighbor with the cable just... threaded through the trees between our trailers.
I mean litererally just...50 feet of cable laying on a couple fucking branches.

Anyway. We left our doors and windows open a lot.
I was laying on the couch when something big flew in from outside.
"Mom.. what the hell kinda bird is that?"
She laughed.
It landed.
Giant. Fucking. Cockroach.
I proceeded to scream like a bitch and rolled off the couch, dumping my tea and pork rinds everywhere.

FUCK Florida.

>> No.4399762

that's it, I am never moving to the US

>> No.4399763

>Given that the apartments they show you are normally empty, I think it might be hard to tell.

>> No.4399764

Count yourself lucky, bro. I had fat baby one (still the size of a half dollar) fly into my bra and attach itself there.

>> No.4399765
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>"Mom.. what the hell kinda bird is that?"

>> No.4399767

Even with all those reasons, I still wouldn't want to live anyplace else.

Live in the city and you're just going to trade cockroaches with the homeless and on top of that higher crime and cost of living, air pollution, etc.

No thanks. I'll just cool off with some sweet tea and snow cones.

>> No.4399768

I'm not completely sure on this one, as the evidence is anecdotal. But it makes sense in theory.

I began making 19:1 water:bleach solutions and filling spray bottles with it, to spray inside my shower area to prevent mold & mildew from forming. Shit worked so well that I began to use it in my bathroom sink as well. I began to notice -- or rather, stop noticing -- house centipedes stopped appearing in my bathroom. I used to see them a lot, especially concentrated around the sink area. my theory is that spraying bleachy water all over the sink (making sure it's enough to drip down the drain pipe) makes the water unpalatable, possibly poisonous. so spray bleach-water onto wet areas.

you could also introduce house centipedes to the home. pro: no cockroaches ever again. con: house centipedes are vile-looking creatures, supposedly with the abiilty to bite humans, although i've never gotten bit.

>> No.4399775

clarification: The house centipedes didn't appear often, like i'd see them very rarely, like a few times per year. Generally at night-time I would sometimes notice one inside the bathroom like once per month. Haven't seen any in the last several months of bleaching.

>> No.4399776

Look in the cabinets, and under them.
If you see roach traps, its a pretty good sign you'll see a couple.

Also, smell.
If it has that ....'ghetto bugspray' smell (you'll know it when you smell it) you'll have them.

Also the general condition of the apartments.
And the landlord/office people who own the place. Generally the ones who seem 'businesslike' and professional are more likley to take care of thier property, leading to less creepy crawlies.
If you meet your landlord and he's standing there shirtless drinking a Natty ice... you're gonna have problems.

Just look for empty eggsacs. Dead roaches. The smell.

....though even that is just a really general thing. Its really a roll of the dice.
Theres some nasty fucks out there.

>> No.4399785

My main problem with Flordia was the boredom.
I lived in Largo, (As in 'near Tampa', not the Keys) just a half-hour walk from the beach for about 5 years.
The first couple years were awsome.
...but pretty soon you start discovering all those lovley things the tourism pamphets don't tell you about.
Giant roaches.
Crab grass.
Seagulls vomiting over literally fucking everything.
Oh yea, and the red tide.
Red tide is a thing that shows up every other year or so. Its red algae that uses up all the oxygen in the water, killing all the fish.
Miles and fucking MILES of dead fish all up and down the shore.
For months.

Great place to visit if you're on vacation, but i'd never live there again.

>> No.4399787
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>you could also introduce house centipedes to the home
Isn't there a fable where a con artist tricks a village into paying him for his help, but he just reintroduces a whole new set of problems? He does this ad nauseam until the villagers have an epiphany and discover the solution to their problems. If that sounds familiar, then I'd love to know which one it is.

>Hey guise! I'm going to help you with your cock roach problem once and for all.
>Oh yeah, really? How do you plan to do that?
>We'll user bigger roaches to kill the smaller roaches!!

>> No.4399792

Well, I don't live in Florida, but I can sympathize.

Two words: mosquitoes and tornadoes. 'nuff said.

I still wouldn't move, though.

>> No.4399796

Agreed, Florida is pretty fucking awful. At least in the upper part of the south they have those things in centralized locations instead of all over the state (like here in North Carolina you'll get a lot of fire ants near the coast, but I live in the piedmont region, where it's all red clay and they can't build their nests)

>> No.4399799

Sounds like Georgia or Alabama.

Indiana here.
I've got no complaints other than the meth addicts and the occasional ice storm in winter.

Its odd how the drug addictions vary by state.
In Florida it was crack and weed, and up here its meth and pills.

>> No.4399809

Mix the borax with flour, lard, and a bit of water till it forms a dough. You can stick it up under counters and shit and it'll kill them pretty reliably.

>> No.4399813

Oh, and also a sort of fun /ck/-related thing about crack.
Low-grade, really shitty crack looks like little pieces of cut up bubblegum.
I worked with a girl who sold it at night on the side.
She'd keep the little pieces in an empty cigar tube she always carried with her.

>> No.4399812

i was able to get rid of fleas in my carpet and roaches in my walls with just borax laundry starch
i sprinkled it thick on every part of the carpet over and under everything and rubbed it in and then made little bait balls out of peanutbutter and borax for the roaches.
vaccumed the flea infestation up and had no more fleas after 3-4 days when the last ones died.
roaches cleared up in about two weeks. someone told me it's because they bring the peanutbutter back to the nest and the boric acid in the borax kills them

>> No.4399822

Living in the South is like living in the Shire. That's probably not a coincidence on Tolkien's part.

It's seriously laid back and chill. Eat food, drink beer, sit on the back porch and smoke.

>> No.4399823

the cons of this particular course were noted. also worth notiing however that centipedes don't care about human food (never see them in pantry or inside cabinets or running out from under kitchen appliances or shit like that), you see them only rarely, they keep to themselves, seem to control their own population somehow (cannibalism?) so no family of 10 or shit like that, you only ever see one (albeit, one EXTREMELY DISGUSTING LOOKING, HAIRY CENTIPEDE) at a time. and they take out spiders too, btw. no one's saying you shouldn't consider the pros & cons.

>> No.4399866

sounds similar to the lady who swallowed a fly

>> No.4399871

>the lady who swallowed a fly
Excellent guess, but that's not the one I had in mind.

>> No.4399888

>cable through the trees
>pork rinds
You disgust me.

>> No.4399889

Thankfully there are no bugs in my apartment. Only mold and broken shit.

My boyfriend had cockroaches pretty bad, there was really nothing we could do about it. We just had to the kitchen really clean and not leave anything out for them and kill them whenever we saw them. I got over my fear pretty quickly and became a roach killing master.

>> No.4400402
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>how to deal with cockroaches?

>> No.4400459

terrifying forest and stinking swamp

>> No.4400474

Yeah, fucking roaches. We moved into a new place last Feb, been doing good keeping clean and whatnot, and like to keep the sliding door to our porch open at night when it's cool outside. One night while watching a movie we notice the cat freaking out about something on the porch, turn on the light and see four or five adult roaches.

Also noticed cats just staring at our entry door one night, go investigate and hear scratching sounds from inside wall. Think oh great, fucking mice, but then notice huge antennae sticking out from under trim around door. Noise was huge roach chewing through the drywall to get into the apartment.

>> No.4400509

lold very hard

>> No.4400513

Would like to note that our apartment backs up to a wooded area. We used to keep a bird feeder outside, but on another occasion where the cat was freaking out, turned the porch light on to notice a raccoon. Got rid of the bird feeder after that.

>> No.4400527

Why are you putting time and money into this? Call you fucking landlord.

>> No.4400541

>the US has the same climate and wildlife in every region, right guys?

>> No.4400553

>51 posts
>1 result found

Da fuq?

Op, professionals have the knowledge of bugs and the access to the scary toxic shit that you can neither buy legally, nor would you want to handle without the proper background. If you want to fuck around with borax, fine, but there is no substitute for the swarthy man with the shiny can strapped to his back.

I've lived in 6 different NYC apartments. Trust me, I know roaches.

>> No.4400561

Exterminators are just covers for drug operations.

>> No.4400684







ask your doctor about it first.

>> No.4400748

Mt family moved into a house once that turned out to be infested with roaches. I was like 7 at the time, and it was super short notice, we swapped states to take care of a dying relative. The whole situation was so messy that my parents didn't have time to "check out the house". They came out the first night we were there. It was horrible, there were thousands that had been there for quite some time apparently. We couldn't sleep without them crawling on us, and we didn't have anything in the house yet!

My step dad was the owner of his own pest control service and he used bombs. Lots of them, multiple times. Took picture of EVERYTHING. Waste from the roaches, nests, destroyed plumbing/wiring/wood/drywall, and dead bodies after the bombs,

The land lord refused to do anything, said he didn't know about the problem. My step dad sued him for time, supplies, having to throw out our clothes, replace furniture get cars cleaned. It was like 8 months free rent or something in the end at 2200/mo. I scratched my own skin off and bruised myself in a few places where I looked down and there was a roach on me and they took picture of that.

We were a quiet, 4 person white family who was upper middle class. The landlord was a Korean man who didn't live in the state apparently and the man who "leased" us the house was a retaliative who was in the area. We received some pity because we had never seen something so disgusting before (well besides my step dad).

>> No.4400751

The sight of one will always stay with you. One flew across the room to bite/pinch/whatever me in the neck when I was a kid and I had a major phobia of them until me early 20's.

>> No.4400758

>One flew across the room
>to bite/pinch
>in the neck


Oh god.

>> No.4400786


>> No.4400817

Fuck it, I'm moving to Iceland

>> No.4400891



so using this to refer to my extended family

>> No.4401054

The best way to get rid of the pest is to not have any food.
It sucks, but you may have to eat elsewhere than your home for a month. If your neighbor's the one spawning these creatures, you're fucked, though.

>> No.4401102
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>fucking cockroaches nested in my knife block

pay for a fucking exterminator or move house

>> No.4403701

Imagine seeing one in your bathroom as you're mid-shit.
I was able to finish shitting pretty quickly thanks to it, though.
Drowned the fucker in shampoo

>> No.4403794
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Moved into a place that was infested, once. We were in an end unit condo; neighbors in the single adjacent condo moved in at the same time and apparently also had roaches. I think it is a safe guess that we were battling a common population. On the opposite side of them was a neat old woman who didn't have cockroaches.

Neighbors hired an exterminator; we were super-clean within our condo. In our condo, we saw fewer and fewer cockroaches, and very little after six months. Almost never saw any after about a year.

It's possible that it was 100% our neighbors' hiring professional exterminators, but ... our approach was to be extremely clean. We spread some boric acid here and there. I also figured out a few tricks that seem to make sense on paper. E.g., the cockroaches like to aggregate inside the sink when you go to bed. It took me long fucking enough to figure out to just spread boric acid inside the sink overnight.

What pissed me off though (forgot to mention this in that long roommate thread a couple weeks ago), my roommate would leave passive-aggressive notes whenever he found that I'd accidentally left out a rinsed food plate overnight. Fine, it's a breach of protocol, gotta watch that. Problem: he would put plates into the dishwasher, without even rinsing them. Roaches could get inside of the dishwasher when it was sealed. I showed him this, but he decided that it would be too much work to have to rinse/pre-wash plates before putting them into the dishwasher (or heaven forbid, hand-wash everything). I was such a beta at the time (inb4 >implying not beta still — yeah, I've been working on that, this was 5+ years ago) that I didn't really press the point. Anyway, cockroaches can get inside dishwashers, so watch out.

>> No.4404151

Had to clean a trailer that had a pretty bad infestation once. Some hispanic family had been living there and never cleaned the place. The waste was so bad their kids got sick a lot. We bombed the fuck out of it and vacuumed them up with a heavy duty shop vac. Tore out walls in the kitchen to really get the bastards. It was terrible.

They weren't regular german roaches either, some kind of weird hybrid or something.

>> No.4404152

Your landlord should have someone come spray if that's the case.

>> No.4404158
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I've only ever seen cockroaches in a zoo before.
I had to get an aparement sight unseen moving from WA to PA.
I had nightmares about cockroaches for a week solid. Thank god I did not have them I'm not sure what I would have done if I did have them.

I do have these though but from what I understand they eat the spiders/ants/bugs in general and can't/wont hurt me so I leave them be.

>> No.4404163


i have no idea what that is but there is no fucking goddamn way that is living inside somewhere im living.. jesus christ.

>> No.4404167
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Am I kawaii?

>> No.4404174

Christ, guys. My fiancee and I are gonna be shopping for a condo/house soon and now you've made me paranoid as shit.

Any tips for checking for cockroaches? If I own a condo, will there be a 'landlord' who will have to deal with it? Is it an HOA thing?

I have no idea how to deal with roaches. Never lived in a place with them.

>> No.4404182

Get some of this shit op.
Dupont Advion Cockroach Gel Bait.
Expensive but it works.
Spread it in every fucking crack/hole/edge of anything. I even spread it along my door frame edges and window seals when the nasty asshat that moved in downstairs brought roaches with him when he moved in. It seemed to cut their numbers down a lot, then did foggers/spray on everything, every day, until I stopped seeing them in my apartment.

>> No.4404183

Welp bugs are now crawling all over me
thanks /ck/

>> No.4404204


some HOA dues go to pest control, but not always. i'd have a company come out soon after you move in to check and put up preventive measures. dont put bait or anything up yourself unless you see them or you may end up attractimg them, and making the problem worse.

just be clean and take caution.

i was in an apartment that had a problem and we bugged the landlord 3 times to fogg and spray. they just did the boric acid in the cupboards and didnt do much more. i got some traps and sprayed the perimeter of my room, and although i saw a few in the kitchen and bathroom, i never saw them in my room

>> No.4404210


doyourownpestcontrol has some good product but itll cost you 100 or more.

my old apartments had them. we didnt see them at first but our neighbor told us to watch out and that she was getting her apartment sprayed.

i was young at the time and thought if i didnt see them they werent there. didnt even think that her sprayingn would send them over to us.

at first we saw 1, maybe two. and it freaked me out. first time i'd ever seen them. but then my roommate started being sloppy and they srted multiplying. i fogged the apartment twice, bugged my managers to get a servic eout but the only thing they did was put powder in the cupboards. sprayed inside and out and set up gramophone traps in and aroudn the cupboards and bathroom.

my rommate had a cat who ate them too, so that helped. but the end of our lease which was 9 months later, we still had them but only saw 2 or 3.

i can deal with spiders, but i fucking hate cockroaches. the way they scurry just makes me cry like a bitch.

luckily for me, i havent seen any in my new apartments and have been here for almost 2 years.

if i were you, id bug my apartment complex to spray or fog and and pay out of pocket for my own one time pest control guy to come out. go online and get the industrial strength shit and wait it out.

>> No.4404238


What he says, OP. Also, fucking step on/ smash every one of these fuckers that you see. Kinda gross, but it'll help.