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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 686 KB, 442x640, moms-sandwichpng.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4399163 No.4399163 [Reply] [Original]

Lets have a depressing foods thread. starting with stale packaged sandwiches, just ate one and it made me contemplate how much I've fucked up my life

>> No.4399165

i've eaten a lot of those
(and i always end up thinking about my failures)

>> No.4399170

it's because we know we can make a far better sandwich ourselves, but we settle for mediocrity because it's late and we're lazy

>> No.4399172

that shit looks depressing as hell

>> No.4399173

mine wasn't quite that bad, was a boxed one from a supermarket. but it was still stale, bland and mediocre, just like my life

>> No.4399174

>mfw that sandwich's best-by date is the 10th day of the 14th month of the year
>mfw there is no such date
>mfw I have no reaction pics on the library computer

>> No.4399178


>> No.4399186

7-11 sandwiches were my meals at least once a day, ususally twice a day for the better part of 3 years

>> No.4399206


>> No.4399226
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>yfw you open it up to put mayo on it and realize there is almost no meat on the sandwich
>its all mashed to the front so it looks like it has alot
>mostly bread

>> No.4399248

I have eaten my share of pre-packaged sandwiches.
Here is my best advise: Don't get those prepacked gas station / convenience store ones, go to a 24 hour supermarket. Then you know where they are made, when they were made, and much higher quality meats and cheese straight from their deli.

>> No.4399253

there were some Japanese pre packaged sandwiches like there, It looked fine in the package But when you opened it up it just had a sliver of meat or vege

>> No.4399260

>and much higher quality meats and cheese
This faggot actually believes this. #obama

>> No.4399268

it's true though

>fort bragg
>shoppettes and shit have these sad sandwiches
>2-4 dollars for one
>usually 3.50-4
>one meat
>one cheese

>drive down to commisary
>deli section
>sandwiches for 4 bucks
>comes on a roll
>fist sized portion of beef, ham, turkey or chicken
>lettuce onion and tomato
>a packet of mayo and mustard

>for 2 dollars more comes with a drink and chips

shit is way better

those sandwiches do not taste of failure
they taste of quality

>> No.4399271

$3 for a sandwich? Damn thats cheap

>> No.4399273

>much higher quality meats and cheese
The ingredients are the shit they can't sell otherwise. The rejects. The deli stuff that's too old to sell, the wilted salad greens, the dried up cheese, the slimy meats, the condiments that are past their best before date so can't be sold.

Then again, I guess it just goes to show you how much longer food can be good for than you'd think.

>> No.4399282

>they taste of quality
>implying you know what any of those words mean

>> No.4399283

>implying I don't

Stop projecting, pleb filth

>> No.4399286


Where the fuck do you live?
McShit's has Mcburgers on for way less than that in McAmerica.

>> No.4399287

>The deli stuff that's too old to sell

do you honestly think every deli gets away with selling product beyond their due date? if so you, are a very naive person. there are rules and regulations to prevent this sort of thing happening. Maybe a privately owned deli could get away with something like that for a short period of time, but any corporately owned deli would fire their staff for trying to pawn off expired food. I've worked in deli's and restaurants alike, and despite what you may think this type of stuff does not fly.

>> No.4399293

>says the guy eating sandwiches from the deli
You have to be a real special kind of idiot to pay someone to make a sandwich for you.

>> No.4399294

or be busy

not all of us are unemployed with time to carefully handmake every ingredient for every meal

>> No.4399303

>browses 4chan
Totally original excuse, bro.

>> No.4399307

>actually believing this
my sides. I worked at subway. Pro-tip: don't go to subway. Failing that, don't get meatball marinara. Shit sits in lukewarm sauce all day for 3 days usually, its only refrigerated at night. You're supposed to throw out meats at the end of the day, but we would keep deli meats for 2-3 days most of the time. Stay away from breads that aren't popular. In general, don't get stuff most people wouldn't get.

>> No.4399308

just like your rebuttal

quit getting mad that people can spend money on convenience instead of eating beans and rice everyday

>> No.4399314
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Chicken in a can 'man' always does it for me. Is this what Americlaps REALLY eat? Seriously?


>> No.4399316
File: 78 KB, 500x375, mcdonalds-cheeseburger[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always feel bad for people who have to/don't know better than to eat this shit. It looks pretty good in advertising but the actual product looks as bland and depressing as it tastes. Same for most fast food.

>> No.4399318

except carl's jr.

carl's junior monster thickburgers are the most delicious thing i have ever eaten, and i've eaten some good stuff

nothing quite beats the heart attack on a bun of mayo, bacon, cheese, juicy beef and savory bun

>it's the only fast food i'll eat

>> No.4399320

you know just because you worked and one shitty subway and you where too stupid to uphold health code does not mean that is how the world operates. i've worked in multiple establishments and all but one (a shitty fast food place) committed such atrocities. there are people out there who are actually serious about their job. not low life losers who would knowingly serve expired food.

>> No.4399322

Murican here (mah shame), a lot of us won't touch it, and personally I'd rather just cook a fucking chicken myself. There's a lot of us though who are desperate and lazy enough to stomach one. Revolting.

>> No.4399326

Wow, Harry Potter really let himself go after defeating Voldemort.

>> No.4399327

>just like your rebuttal

That's the joke.

>> No.4399329

Looks pretty good to me.

>> No.4399333

>one shitty subway and you where too stupid to uphold health code
Different person, worked at three different places that all did the same shit and everyone was told to by the store owners and managers (one of which literally cringed at the smoothie yogurt I had him smell but made me serve it anyway.) It's way more likely than you think, you probably lucked out with the places you've found.

>> No.4399338

This kinda things really really depends on the staff. I've been in Mcdonalds where the food looks almost as good as in their ads (at least a few sandwiches).

>> No.4399345

>Around Valentines day this year
>Go to a local joint that I have been going to since I was a kid
>See a "Lonely Hearts Club Sandwich" on their special board
>Go up and order it
>"Sir are you single?"
>"Ok that is half price then."
>Sit down and my food arrives a little while later
>Sandwhich is in the shape of a broken heart
>Their home made chips are in the shape of tears

It was an amusing but very lonely meal.

>> No.4399349

Dude, you think that's bad? There's this guy at work who buys one EVERY FUCKING DAY!

And I always ask him, "Hey man, how is it?" "It tastes like shit." "Why don't you just make your own sandwich and bring it to work?" "Eh, I don't know."

He pays exponentially more for shittier food, every day, because he's lazy. And he's aware of everything that's happening.

>> No.4399357

The hospital where I'm working now has some good sandwiches. I think it's because all the lunch ladies are granny types, so they put sweet corn and lettuce in the chicken and bacon sandwiches at no extra cost of you ask them.

Protip: always be on first name terms with the person who makes your food

>> No.4399358
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>corn on a sandwich

>> No.4399360

Sounds like something that'd happen to a /robot/.

>> No.4399361

anywhere I go in my place any kind of cold sandwich with cold meats and veggies always ALWAYs cost $5+ its always pisses me off. I don't want to go to Mcdonald for every single time I need a cheap lunch.

>> No.4399367

3 dollars for a fucking sandwich?

>> No.4399368


>> No.4399369

A place close to me used to sell two hotdogs in a package for $1.00, I'd get that, unwrap it, use their microwave, and some of their mustard packets on them. Natural casing hotdogs too.
I moved eventually, and my new place only has those sandwiches in OPs picture. Egg salad, ham and cheese and tuna salad. $1.50 for both halves.

>> No.4399371

The local chain of convenience stores sell sandwiches in the same style of packing as the OP, but they're actually amazing. I have one for lunch almost every day. Pepperoni, ham, salami, provolone, lettuce. Some kind of nutty/seedy wheat bread. Shit's amazing.

>> No.4399372

How can food be depressing unless you're some kind of guy who just got everything taken by his ex wife and has to make ketchup soup with crackers?

>> No.4399388

My grandmother used to make extra dosh on the side. She would make homemade sandwiches and sell them at the local college for $1.50. She even made the bread for them. She stopped when her arthritis started bothering her. I cant tell you how many get well letters she got from students who bought from her every day.

>> No.4399393

I know right? At this price I can find chicken mayo sandwiches with lettuce and tomatoes. Twice the size too.

>> No.4399451

no you're just retarded

>> No.4399456


if you can sell nosh for dosh, shit is epic cash.

i'd cop some of your nana's noms in a new york minute.

>> No.4399457

I can tell you made a words, but not if you made an english.

>> No.4400104

>any corporately owned deli would fire their staff for trying to pawn off expired food
Dude, I work in a supermarket. Our boss ENCOURAGES this sort of thing. It means less wastage and a lower loss on it.

>> No.4400106

At least you can eat stale sandwiches. Gluten intolerant, unfortunately. After I found out my food budget had to increase a million fold because of how fucking expensive gluten free food is.

>> No.4400128

>my food budget had to increase a million fold because of how fucking expensive gluten free food is
Hint: eat foods that are naturally gluten-free instead of buying expensive gluten alternatives

You gluten-fags are dumb as bricks.

>> No.4400140


This, 1000%. Gluten can be hard to avoid in processed food, but why are you eating that overpriced crap anyway? It's easy as hell to avoid if you simply buy raw ingredients and cook for yourself. Meat, vegetables, fruit, poultry, seafood of any kind, legumes, nuts, and dairy products are all naturally gluten-free.

>> No.4400147

I'd always referred to these, at least to myself, as "disposable sandwiches." Somehow that seemed to describe the heart of the issue.

>> No.4400175
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>> No.4400177
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>> No.4400179
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>> No.4400181
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>> No.4400186
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>> No.4400194
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>> No.4400199
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>> No.4400204

these pictures making me hungry

>> No.4400205
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>> No.4400208 [DELETED] 
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pls sthap

>> No.4400241


I don't know what's worse the cheese burger in a can or that fat ugly submissive pig

>> No.4400246


> fat

u giggl'n

>> No.4400247


Her trashiness excites my erection.

>> No.4400260

i am a very straight female and that pic is so hot. pls

>> No.4400262


pics pls

>> No.4400267

every day for lunch I have, for my 15 min break, a banana and, for my 30 min break, 2 small slices of brown bread with only butter

sounds depressing as fuck (and I guess it is) but I really like it

>then I go home to my unfurnished apartment and spend the evening drinking only water while self-flagellating

>> No.4400285 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4400504

That sounds legitimately awesome

>> No.4401148

Had the 2 cheesburger meal for lunch for about a year at work. I would always put sweet and sour on it to make it bearable. I can't eat at mcdonalds anymore because it makes me feel sick after I'm done and I literally can't taste anything in their food anymore. Soylent gruel.

>> No.4401160

everytime i go in to a 7-11 late at night someone comes in right behind me & buys a corndog or one of those breakfast burritos & i cant help but look at them in terror

>> No.4401581

>Canned burgers are a real thing
Based Switzerland

>> No.4401592

ITT: people who have never been hungry

>> No.4401595


don't eat it, steve!
it's a shame he stopped doing that bit

>> No.4401597

yeah I haven't had a appetite for like 2 months

>> No.4401646

TV dinners always make me depressed because they remind me of a time when my parents were still together.


>> No.4401650

I love McDonald's. I never used to have it growing up (the closest one was two hours away), so it has a bit of a novelty for me.

>> No.4401673


>Wahh I can't eat bread
>Wahh I have to pay myself sick to get gluten-free bread because I am a gigantic manchild and mega-retard who doesn't know how to prepare anything else

kill urself

>> No.4401674


nigga dats nasty

>> No.4401675


I ate one of those during a week-long trek.

I was pretty okay, for a hamburger-in-a-can.

>> No.4401694


I like the taste. It's plastic-ish, but still, it's a taste that I can develop a craving for.

>> No.4401716
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Cali-fag here
anyone ever eat off-brand spam?
>single darkest part of my childhood

>> No.4401759

Check this hoity toity fucker out with his banana and butter!

>> No.4401865

There's a difference between 'Best before' and 'Expires on' labels.
I hope you're not the kind of person that doesn't understand the difference

>> No.4401908
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jaime oliver boots sandwiches. because hipster and overpriced.

>> No.4402202

>my secret food vice
But it hast to be a very specific brand....

>> No.4403966

We're talking about deli food. I've seen them wash off cocktail sausages that have gone slimy and put them back on display to sell.

>> No.4404078


I prefer the dirty chinaman spam that comes in the red and white tin.

>> No.4404114

>Depressing foods thread

Here we go.


>> No.4404181
File: 116 KB, 640x480, Chinese_buffet2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chinese Buffets!
It may seem like a good idea at first but you'll feel sucidal afterwards. People who eat there tend to be rather withetrashy too.

>> No.4404193

...No, no american has ever eaten that. It exists purely as a joke.

>> No.4404196

Actually, one of my local Chinese buffets is actually pretty damn good. Granted, it's always pretty busy, so the food has a high turn-over, but still.

>> No.4404213
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Shit, I'm taking time out of essay writing to write this but.. here goes.

I started working at this extremely shitty call centre selling raffle tickets for the RSPCA (Australian Charity). I was cold-calling households and saying "Hi, are you an animal lover? Oh you've got dogs? What kind of dogs do you have?"... etc. Absolutely soul draining. But I needed money.

Anyway on one of my breaks I decided to go off by myself and stop by this hole-in-the-wall chinese place. I never eat Chinese it seems to be shitty in Australia so I thought I'd give this one a go as it was really cheap... I ended up getting sweet and sour chicken (I think) and crumbed calamari, or something like that, with rice. It was horrible... bones and ligaments everywhere in the chicken, I had to pick most of it out. The sauce was overpowering and horrible. I felt sick before I'd even finished it. But I ate it.

Anyway I didnt see any bottles of water around and I was very thirsty from the shitty sweet chicken so I asked if I could have a cup of water. The Chinese lady pointed to the bottles of water that you buy, I didnt want those and so I specified I wanted a cup of water. So she came back with a plastic container with water in it. A PLASTIC CONTAINER! I shit you not! Like, a "tupperware" as Americans call it. I looked down at it and felt very sad. Sitting in this shithole chinese place on my work break, lonely. I looked across from me and this fat middle aged lady looked at me and raised her eyebrows.

Anyway that might seem like a bit of an anti-climax but I was really saddenned/offended.

Pic related plastic container

>> No.4404226

Tupperware's the brand, not a type of container. Just so you know.

Also, that sucks anon.

>> No.4404335

people actually eat that shit?

>> No.4404337

Just had 3 am Jack in the Box. That was depressing as shit.

>> No.4404344

>lose most friends beginning of highschool
>revert to loner ways
>spend my lunch breaks walking around off school property to avoid being seeing
>often eat at a greasy spoon
>eating my lunch one day, probably looking sad, and an old man says hello to me and gives me $5
>I protest, he says "don't worry, I'll take care of you today"
>save $5 bill, never see him again

I was almost in tears when I left and still get like that when I think about it.

>> No.4404354

Dump moar anon.

>> No.4404362

Don't know where you are in australia but if you can't find fair chinese food then you must truely be out in the styx

>> No.4404767

Cute ;3

>> No.4404826

Not depressing, but at my school convenience store, they have this local restaurant deliver sandwiches, salads, and wraps to sell. I was just looking at a normal looking sandwich... it was fucking 7.65.

For a fucking cold sandwich.

Fuck that shit.

>> No.4404833

Reminds me of this one kid in high school who ate his lunch alone in on the top beams of the school theater.

>> No.4404839
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>> No.4404889

I had a bowl of cheerios, alone, on thanksgiving one year.

>> No.4404893

No. Little Caesars is friendship night for me. Add beer and Mario Party.

>> No.4404901

No shit. And at 5 bucks it's hard to beat.

>> No.4404905
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>> No.4404944

Ate nothing but dry cereal for a while, not because I couldn't afford anything else but because I craved it.

Ended up not being able to poop for like a week

>> No.4405044
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I want to vomit into infinity.

>> No.4405130

Why did you not just...eat somewhere else?

>> No.4405153

I'm honestly more repulsed by the idea of sweet and sour on a mcdonalds cheeseburger than the idea of eating mcdonalds for lunch every day

>> No.4405201


That sounds awesome.

I was a theaterfag in High School and College though.

>> No.4405224

I live in the shittiest southern state and I've never even heard of canned chicken. Never seen it in the grocery store, walmart, anywhere.

>> No.4405340

>for the better part of 3 years

How did you survive the worst part?

>> No.4405753
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>> No.4405776

theyre really good though
£4 is pretty standard for a sandwich
i always buy chicken baguettes and cold samosas from weird little indian corner shops
honestly britanons i know you live near a little indian corner shop
check out their fridge
if they have anything with tikka chicken you have scored theyre always p good and cheaper than tescos sarnies

also holy shit did anyone get to eat the cheese and jam sandwiches tesco sold? they were actually the most upsetting food ive ever paid money for.

>> No.4405778

And this is why people hate asians.

>> No.4405802

Just the whole frozen goods section in the super market, but more importantly, the type of guy that goes there.
You can read it all over them man, divorced, fucked up, smoker, soon to be alcoholic, only sees his kid once in a week kind of guy

>> No.4405828
File: 29 KB, 410x410, nachos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel disgusting after I have Lunchables Nachos, but goddamn I love that cheese it comes with. It's one of my guilty pleasures.

>> No.4405829

The average sandwich is slightly less than £2

>> No.4405862


I have one of them in my house right now.

>> No.4405919

Moar of her

>> No.4406179

Don't pay attention to this faggot bro. He can't possibly understand the life of a soldier.

>> No.4406245
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Speaking of depressing food stories and Lunchables, I used to eat these every day for lunch as a kid. Sometimes I would ignore the tortillas in lieu of eating the "meat filling" straight from the packet.

I didn't have a good home life.

>> No.4406249
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>> No.4406285

I started buying those after my social anxiety prevented me from buying egg and cheeses on a croissant everyday for lunch, since I didn't like having to wait around in the crowd of students in line. Actually before that I was buying PB&J, but I got too self-conscious about that too. If they sold already-made Egg&Cheeses at my college, I'd be the happiest faggot on campus.

>> No.4406695

I used to get the tuna ones from a gas station for lunch in high school. They weren't too bad at the time. I only ate them maybe once a week or every other week so the possible damage wasn't bad, but I can imagine eating them on a regular basis wouldn't be the best idea.

>> No.4406788


>> No.4406811

when I worked, pretty much every lunch I had was a sandwich of white bread and the same chicken breast meat. sometimes lettuce as well. didnt really know how to make a good sandwich. don't like much of what's normally put on sandwiches, mayo for instance. was still depressing and barely felt like a sandwich.

>> No.4407101

that ain't europe, that's everywhere that isn't amerika.

>> No.4407104

I think I had a cucumber sandwich on small KLM flight. Pretty revolting but that might have been the stinky ass cheese they put on there.

>> No.4407107

reminds me of some popular pre packaged sandwich type in japan I saw a fair bit when I was travelling there. It's like, white bread, without crust and it is just strawberries and whipped cream. Was pretty decent but obviously more of a snack/dessert than any sort of meal.

>> No.4407116

>cucumber sandwiches
>stinky cheese
The only way this could turn out bad is if the cucumbers were rotten, or the cheese was cheap shit

>> No.4407194

It's something you shove down your gullet to get the nutrients to last you for the next few hours and then you move on with your day.

>> No.4407320

its october 14th you twat

>> No.4407325

Every time I've been to Carl's jr I've gotten ill.
never again

>> No.4407336

"I like my steak well done cuz I don't want none of that juice" Gee thanks bitch. Now I have to suffer because your black ass likes the taste of shoe leather.

>> No.4407365

I use to get these sandwiches before jamie oliver put his face on them I tryed them again after and they became crap.

>> No.4407367

> pot of oatmeal and pot of pea soup in my fridge
> food for the entire week

I tried mixing a bit of both together. Weird.

>> No.4407371

Fuck you. I had just managed to forget about that.

>> No.4407373


>> No.4407384

That guys demeanor made that go from trashy to just sad.

>> No.4407387

>the dead, hopeless look in that man's eyes
I now know what it looks like when a person's soul has been utterly crushed.

>> No.4407405

I-I dont even.......

Takes the fucking cake...

>> No.4407408

My campus has a place that has a large selection of actually good ingredients and bread, and you custom make a sandwich and the price is based on weight. I had to stop eating there because I got too nervous talking to the employees telling them what I wanted.

>> No.4407428

You know, I think I just died a little inside. Why did you do this to me /ck/, I was so innocent and naive.

>> No.4407487
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>> No.4407506

>internal broadcast to college students in dorms
>pick an old guy instead of a student
>unwittingly reduce worldwide happiness by 2%

>> No.4407524

What Guy Fieri is trying to say is that, "If you can negotiate an exchange of currency for foodstuff, it can be a wondrous thing." "I would purchase some of your grandmother's goods in a hurry."

>> No.4407538

Like your butthole

>> No.4407556

>the way he stammers on "three to six people."

"But I don't know three to six people."

>> No.4407569

Then eat it all yourself like the disgusting pig you are.

>> No.4407587

I don't understand. What am I looking at?

>> No.4407592

He's reading from cards, you can see him look to his left when he pauses.

>> No.4407631

Current Subway employee here. I've worked at 4 different ones in the area and we always throw away our foods if they're past date.

>Meatballs sit in the pan for 2-3 days

Wrong. Maybe the meatballs weren't so popular at your shitty, corner-cutting stores. But we go through 2-3 pans a day here.

>You're supposed to throw out meat at the end of the day

That's just bullshit and wasteful. If you cooked up a fresh pot of meatballs in your own kitchen would you throw the entire uneaten portion away or stick it in the fridge for the next day, knowing it would still be good to eat? Would you throw away an entire package of turkey because you didn't eat the entire pack in one day? No, and neither does Subway because that is goddamn retarded. We throw away what is old and unsuitable to serve, not what is perfectly good to eat just because it was in the fridge overnight.

>> No.4407651

i know that feel bro

>> No.4407731
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>that feel when you look into the background of the guy and find out he's a sex offender

>> No.4407792

Chinese/Indian food from a food court, 1/10 times it's ok but for some reason I still gamble with those odds

>> No.4407810

If you feel that way due to eating a sandwich, however shitty, then you've got other problems.

>> No.4407875

Yes, OP clearly said it made him think how much he fucked up his life.

>> No.4407925
File: 52 KB, 565x350, Nacho-Guy[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The feels.....


>> No.4407950

Holy shit. This is my fucking future. Guys...I think I'm going to go kill myself now.

>> No.4408097


ma sides.

>> No.4408655


>> No.4408670

Oh god Anon. I know that feel. I know that feel hard.

>> No.4408727

A terrible place to eat. Unless you only like rolls and mashed potatos.

>> No.4408790

The fuck? It's not like you have to share a steak with the bitch. Just fucking tell them you want yours rare or whatever and they'll fucking give you that.

>> No.4408798

There goes my boner. Depressing as fuck

>> No.4408800
File: 1.22 MB, 3264x1836, blt7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jerk off and then have your sandwich.

>that video was fucking fantastically put together.

>> No.4408806

fuck yeah commissary

>> No.4408829


>> No.4408836

dude I love golden corral

I get a shit ton of eggs, bacon, toast, tea, milk, and various other breakfast foods

if you wanna talk best buffet though...

Mr. Gatti's

I had one near my house as a kid and got cheese sticks and cinnamon sticks and watched cartoons in the kid room

>> No.4408854

>microwave chilli in small bowl
>transfer it after to a larger bowl

>> No.4408956

I demand a source.

>> No.4409034

The only depressing purchase I can think of was the one time I bought a subway sandwich with only bacon, ham and cheese on it. They don't load the son of a bitch with meat or anything, so it felt flat (compared to meatball subs, which are pretty much my staple when I DO go to Subway). The only reason I ordered it was because I was too fucking lazy to head home and make one myself.

That said, I'm fairly sure this pales in comparison to you guys' stories. Convenience store sandwiches, seriously?

>> No.4409118

>i used to go to school with this chick jan
>she was kinda crazy but in a good way
>her mom made the greatest fucking lunches every day
>the usual was toasted Italian bread with bacon, deli fresh cheese, jahlepenos or bannana peppers, lettuce tomato, mustard, mayo, the fucking works
>she also her fresh chicken wraps, meatball subs, rib sandwiches and all kinds of other delicious food that wouldnt look out of place in a resturant
>every day jan would eat a few bites and give it to either me or our other friend

>we seriously couldnt believe she was just giving us this dope ass food, plus the mm cookies she packed every day
>she always seemed cool about it, like it was no big deal (she was rich and we, her best friends were pretty poor, so the concept of wasting food was pretty lost on us)
>we actually had thought that she was just buying the food someplace and then saying her mom made it, until we had dinner at her house and her mom made quite possibly the greatest pasta i have ever eaten.
>shit went onlike this for a few months, she would come in, eat a few bites, throw the rest in the middle of the table and atch the rest of us fight over it, everybody laughed
>our faces when we found out that her mom was cheating on her dad and her family was going through a messy divorce
>tfw she hadnt been eating anything because she was clinically depressed
>tfw she passed out at my house from eating nothing for 3 days straight and we had to take her to the hospital and find all this out.
we felt like such shit for eating her food every day while she was destroying her body.
her parents divorced and she moved out to arizona, we talk still through facebook and she still acts all bubbly and shit on the outside, but i seriously worry about her. me and the other kid are saving up so we can drive out to arizona and check up on her

>> No.4409122

I hope you guys do. Poor girl.

>> No.4409125

Chicken, lettuce and mayo is my all-time favourite sandwich. It has to be a certain type of bread though.

>> No.4409128

>cheese sauce in a jar
What the fuck America?

>> No.4409129

>go out for lunch with friend yesterday
>he gets Chinese from the foodcourt
>halfway through, he says "I've just remembered why I don't get food from there"
>"It's shit"

>> No.4409135

For me, it's also convenience store sandwiches. You're poor, mom's not home, she gave you 2 bucks, you're hungry, what can you do?

Also, another for me is microwave lasagna. I remember that when I was 9, we were at the store and I chose microwave lasagna for some reason and that was fine. However, at the checkout line, there was that one "newspaper" that in big bold letters said, "WORLD BEING DESTROYED BY ASTEROID SOON." Of course I thought it was real. So when I got home, I microwaved it, but apparently not long enough. Anyway, I was eating the lasagna even though it was cold in some parts while thinking about how I didn't want to die and how I was only just 9. I also thought about how my family would all die too. It was really fucked up now that I remember it.

>> No.4409136

There's a pho place in the mall by where I live. They serve it in plastic bowls. Surprise, it's shit.

>> No.4409188
File: 24 KB, 471x312, smoko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me it's what Aussies call a smoko van.
It's a ute with hot food storage on the back, normally driven by a pretty girl around construction sites and industrial areas.
As the girl drives past she honks her air horn alerting all the lonely bachelors in the area that she is near. People line up and pay top dollar for their cold shriveled chicken wings and dim sims or soggy pre made burgers and watch her travel off into the distance to the next bunch of hungry bogans.

>> No.4409256


I would have called it a chazzwazzer.

>> No.4409268
File: 183 KB, 500x375, RJ1IP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's probably the name of the girl driving the food truck.

>> No.4409281


fuck I was just about to post this.
The epitome of depression here

>> No.4409292

>ordering pizza from chains

why do people keep doing this? pizza from some small privately owned pizzerias are always infinitely better.

>> No.4409297

Because $5.

>> No.4409309

>buy caesar salad wrap
>has bacon and a buttload of dressing
>realize this is not healthy at all
>why am I eating stupid salad then
>buy heart attack burger erryday
>happy naooo

>> No.4409318

I know this post is from 2 days ago, but my friend and I wanted to go to this place we usually go for some real good mexican food but it was closed for building renovation. We went down to this street and went some Chinese buffet. Now I don't mind buffets in general, I've been to decent ones (at least moneys worth), but this one was terrible. All the food was cold (my friend was positive that they were using just florescent lights instead of actual heat lamps), the chow mien they had was literally used spaghetti noodles, and everything was stale.

It was the first time in years that I was really really disappointed eating somewhere, probably because it was the first place I ate at that wasn't recommended or at least Google'd before settling. I'm just glad I didn't go in the bathroom there, because apparently one of the reviews said their was shit smeared on the wall when they went.

>> No.4409337
File: 77 KB, 800x600, mcdonalds_mcdouble_03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Grey fast food patties.

>mfw I still McChicken

>> No.4409340
File: 34 KB, 232x223, HPOrigMeatballandMozzarella6.12.08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> ctrl+f
> no hot pockets
Biting into one of those unevenly cooked abomination you just pulled them out of the microwave truly made me realize how shit my life became.

>> No.4409347

>Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals

>> No.4409399

That shit is pitiful on many levels. The poor guys microwave takes 6.5 minutes to heat the food.

My microwave cost $40 and is 20yrs old, and in half that time the food would have gone super critical, melt the jars, and possibly destroy the entire kitchen.

>> No.4409431

> stores don't sell expired food

You are being silly

> Hurricane Sandy knocked out the power to my neighborhood for 4 days.
> Day after power is back I'm craving some ice cream, but every store I go to just has empty freezers and are waiting on new shipment.
> Punjab Quickie Mart next door to me have a whole freezer full of ice cream.
> Goddamnit, the ice cream had a sell-by date of Feb 2011. Not only expired, but they obviously didn't throw any of the shit out that went unrefrigerated for 4 days.

Ever notice the customer base at all these ethnic stores/restaurants? Ever see ethnic people there? Its because they know better.

>> No.4409715

I don't think I'm going to take restaurant recommendations from someone who loves Golden Corral.

>> No.4409724

I have one of these once a week.

You can't beat the price and frozen pizzas all taste like shit.

>> No.4409732

Well sorry Mr. Moneybags, not all of us can afford that shit.

>> No.4410781
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>> No.4410882
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Sat solitary in his bedsit with the air as stale as the bread in his reduced-to-clear supermarket sandwich, Steven Reed's glassy-eyed stare was fixed on the non-operational television. His eyes were sunken into his face, with dark circles around each vacant socket and skin sagging on his haggard face.

Chin and jaw, both bristling with uneven stubble, quivered as he held back the sobs that made his chest ache. Outside was a sunny world, with smiling people and happy hearts. Someone like him, an offender, didn't belong out there.

No, this damp hovel, broken and delapidated, mirrored his body and soul. His ventures out were brief. It took him hours to build up the courage to go out. And always there would be something that would knock down his fragile psyche and send him scuttling back to his abode like a frightened crustacean.

He caught the can of chill in his line of sight at the supermarket. The brand sent him back to those days of presenting that small college cookery show. The students mocking him had been bad enough. The staff? Worse. But it was out there on the internet, on the you tube and shared over the face books.

He thought of that chilli, and the things he could make to it. It could feed three to six people. He didn't know one other person who'd want to eat with him. And as he took a bite of that front-loaded sandwich, wilted salad and fatty, flavourless meat? He dropped the sandwich back into the flimsy container it came in.

He didn't even want to eat with himself.

>> No.4410906

he wanted a hummer Anon. why didn't you give him your tight bhole? that's what he wanted.

>> No.4410915

that's the alphaness of the food there. i'm sorry you're too much of a beta bitch to enjoy a monster thickburger.

>> No.4410924
File: 97 KB, 264x489, ifindyourpostsaddening.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4410925

wait.... why did you have a boner?

>> No.4410951


that's a date to SELL it by, food is normally edible long after that.

>> No.4411145

i have seen some shit, and that is among the most disgusting things i've seen

>> No.4411198

Holy shit, I feel so bad.

>> No.4411244
File: 58 KB, 138x186, no homo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No proper reaction image so I'm just going to post this.

>> No.4411269
File: 212 KB, 1600x957, Salad Bar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By far chinese and american buffets are the most depressing things to eat. I mean yeah it all seems okie dorie at first but then after, if not when, your eating...you start to look around at your fellow diners:
>Old geriatrics shoveling their food into their schnozes while coughing at the same time
>The extremely obese southern family when their little porker kids screaming I WAN MO FRAID SHRAMP
>The ethnic families bickering in their languages and gesturing wildly
>That rather nice mexican family who are eating relatively well
>Then you and another diner lock eyes
>We both know we look extremely out of place
>We both get up and leave
>high five after not paying

>> No.4411290

>>We both know we look extremely out of place
>>We both get up and leave
>>high five after not paying

so true.

>> No.4411296


That labored breathing. You can hear the flapping pieces of fat in his throat fluttering in his breath.

Reminds me of some of my high school teachers


>> No.4411307

I think you mean calories

>> No.4411314

Fucking mexinigger detected.

>That rather nice mexican family who are eating relatively well

LMFAO. Never happened once in the history of that filth.

>> No.4411320

>Be a waiter at a steak house in Tulsa
>The night sucks, lots of niggers and the like
>Around 8 or so this old couple walks in, asks for a booth for 2
>I sit them down, get their drink orders, and walk off to get em
>As im filling their cups i look over and they arent even saying a word to each other
>Walk back over, place down their drinks
>Not. A. Fucking. Word.
>Looking between them i pull up a chair, getting a glare from my manager, and i tap my pencil end on end while clearing my throat.
So...how did you two meet?
>The older guy looks at me
Now mind you he was the classic old farmer. Blue over-alls, red shirt, scuffy work boots, white ball cap.
>Old man looks at me and says:
We met... at her husbands place.
>I chuckle and this pulls a smile from him and his wife
>I ask them what they want to eat, walk off and put the order in
>As im walking back i can see them talking amongst each other.
>Thank god...
So, after you two met, what ensued?
>They both look up at me and begin to regale to me their story of how they met, how they married, how he went off to war, etc
>Guy was fucking crazy, stabbing nazies with sharpened horse shoes and shit
>Get them both laughing
>Get them both smiling
>Their food comes out
>They eat, while chatting with me happily
>They finish, thank me for their meal and my time, i get a few hugs and a fiver

Anytime i see an old couple just sitting there and not talking i just want to break. I want to go over there and talk to them, but i always dont because im not sure how they would react. I just HATE how they look.. its heart breaking

>> No.4411335

only folks in the place eating a salad with lemon drippings as a "dressing". Also im a 6'1 white asshole.

>> No.4411341


Wow that's rough.

>> No.4411348


That actually reminds me of the university.

And how much happier my life was then.

>> No.4411370

As a never married, fucked up, nonsmoking, already borderline alcoholic, nokids kind of guy, I resent and yet somewhat resemble this.

>> No.4411378

I know that feeling pretty well. We honestly should take better care of old people.

>> No.4411389
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cheesey peas

>> No.4411398
File: 15 KB, 400x300, squints.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doing that now.