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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4392698 No.4392698 [Reply] [Original]

1. Medium Rare
2. Rare
3. Medium

900. Medium Well

90001. Blue Rare
90000000000000000000000000001. Well Done

>> No.4392707

Eh, it depends on the cut. Super lean like tenderloin is best rare if you can trust the source and who's cooking it; evenly marbled like NY strip is best m-r so that the fat is heated; unevenly marbled like ribeye is best medium so the fat has begun to infuse into the meat while still retaining as much of the original moisture as possible. And ribs or brisket are best cooked low and slow til they fall apart.

Right. So. Commence troll thread.

>> No.4392711

I actually agree 100%
I'll allow this thread

>> No.4392712

nothing to discuss here dude

>> No.4392714

>very new to cooking
>cook myself steaks in a pan for medium rare time length
>always scared that i'm gonna get food poisoning because they look pink as fuck

>> No.4392740


Your only concern is if you do this with ground beef. With a steak any bacteria is on the outside and gets destroyed when you have it touching a 700degree pan. Ground beef has the inside and outside of the cut mixed together so you should cook it more unless you ground it yourself.

>> No.4392743

yeah i know that, i just still get a bit nervous when i cook a steak and i see how pink it is in the middle

its delicious but still

>> No.4392749

Yep. Troll threads aside, common bacterias on beef only penetrate 1mm into the meat. If you're even moderately confidant of the source/where it's being cooked, as long as that outer 1mm is cooked enough to kill bacteria you're safe. Ground beef poses obvious risks because... well, if you're not retarded that doesn't take any explaining.

>> No.4392752

You can always start with fattier cuts that work better being cooked slightly longer and wean yourself down to the rarer levels.

>> No.4392756

it isnt like i don't eat the steaks and cook them until they're brown, i still eat them and enjoy them

>> No.4392924

>eating raw meat
I mean, seriously, we're human beings, not animals.

>> No.4392943

You are what you eat.

>> No.4392953

a little raw meat in your diet is actually traditional and has nutritional benefits.

>> No.4392963
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>Still thinking Rareness has anything to do with tenderness
>Medium master race reporting

>> No.4392969


In a healthy mammal blood is sterile. So only the outside which has been exposed to dirty knives/surfaces/air could be contaminated. However if the animal was sick with something (like a parasite etc) then you're at risk.

>> No.4393017

There's little no no blood in steaks. That shit gets drained out. The thin red juice you see is from the pigment of the muscles themselves because some of the cells have been damaged.

>> No.4393034

Actually it does. Depending on what cut it is it will require more or less cooking to be tender according to the amount of motion the muscle has to do. More movement (roast) Needs more cooking to be tender. Minimal motion (tenderloin)
Requires little cooking to be tender, as it is already very soft.
>Actual line cook master race

>> No.4393094

I tried rare steak for the first time some weeks ago, and it was delicious. I was worried about the middle being cold, but it wasn't

>> No.4393433

Am I the only guy who likes his steaks done differently than his burgers? Medium/Medium Rare for a steak is ideal for me, but I really like my burgers a good Medium Well/Well Done.

>> No.4393521

I feel the same way, nothing is grosser than slimy underdone burgers.

I enjoy my steaks from rare to medium rare.

Ground meat tastes weird when not cooked through.

>> No.4393547

I'm retarded. Please explain.

>> No.4393556

I've never liked that chart much because of the big gap in doneness between medium rare and medium.

I like mine somewhere in between medium rare and medium as shown on the chart. Just a bit of red in the center, mostly pink.

I'll eat about anything, but I don't really like rare or well done that much.

I typically order medium at restaurants, since I've noticed a tendency for restaurants to undercook their steak, probably because if a customer bitches, it's easier to take an undercooked steak back and cook it a bit longer than to cook a whole new steak if it's overdone.

>> No.4393568
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When i just get a steak it's usually a ribeye, which i find is best at medium rare. When im feeding multiple people a london broil cooked to medium seems to be the best.

Generic ground whatever from the store i cook it to pretty much medium well or well done, if i grind it myself from chuck i like it medium to medium rare.

>> No.4396114
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Here ya go op, I fixed it for you.

>> No.4396953

>God Tier
Well Done

>Great Tier
Medium Well, Medium

>Meh Tier
Medium Rare

>Shit Tier

Blue Rare

>> No.4396960

I have to confess, I can't eat anything but well-done.

>> No.4397004

what exactly is blue rare?

i also want 4chans take on it

>medium rare masterrace

>> No.4397007


It's what you order when you're trying to prove something. Prove what? That you don't know shit about meat but you're a macho macho man.

>> No.4397008

it doesnt look like it would really be different from rare, unless, god forbid

>the inside is still cold
>not even animals are that fucking pleb

>> No.4397010

I would think that in order to create blue rare, you would have zero sear on the steak

That's why I find medium rare perfect.

Good sear but soft and tender inside

>> No.4397013


>> No.4397015


i need my meat to be hot

>> No.4397016

>the inside is still cold

That's exactly what it is. Clammy, gristly jelly with a slightly cooked outer crust. Blah blah blah serve it with the cow still mooing, is what these plebs usually ask for. Of course if you ask them if they like carpaccio or tartare they give you a blank stare.

It's for ignorant cunts who like to ruin food to make a statement.

>> No.4397017

>serve it with the cow still mooing
that would be fine

but cows are mammals
they are warm

might as well suck on a frozen chicken breast

>> No.4397021

>meat from a freshly slaughtered cow is fine
>what is dry aged steak

>> No.4397025

it is fine
not as good as properly prepared steak, but that's how most shit is

>and it's warm

>> No.4397630

I love well done, a real man like me enjoys tough, smokey meat.

>> No.4397651

I'm the same. If I bite into a steak that isn't well done, I have to fight not to vomit.

>> No.4397662


learn 2 steak u mentally fucking retarded children during ACTIVITIES HOUR!

oh wait

>> No.4397664

>not grilling your meat so dry you can pull off the fibres by hand and chew on it for minutes


>> No.4397674

>Best tier
Medium Rare

>Fine too tier

>Not ideal, but edible tier
Rare, Medium Well

>Overcooked tier
Well Done

>Not cooked tier
Blue rare

>> No.4397676

I'll eat meat any way, but so many idiots can't cook a good well done steak.

Preference is Blue Rare or Rare though.
Depends on cut of meat and thickness

Everyone has their own preferences, but I do get annoyed when they refuse to even try something different to what they're used to.


>> No.4397681



>> No.4397686
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I don't care how you cook your steak, to each their own preference, but don't order something that you know goddamn well is going to have fat marbling in it, then spend the next 20 minutes complaining and meticulously removing every single piece of fat from the meat like a 5-year-old.

>> No.4397691
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>> No.4399217

>I am a girly little princes, real meat is icky and I only eat soy substitutes.

fixed your fix

>> No.4399228
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I like rare unless its with eggs, then I like medium rare.

>> No.4399230

half the time when I order rare the middle is still pretty damn cold, which is why I never order rare (generally m-r or m)
Have those cases of cold just been undercooked rare? I had assumed the cases of not-cold were overcooked rare

>> No.4399233


A really well executed blue rare [aka left out to warm up before searing] can be delicious, but you'll almost never find that in a restaurant for health issues. It's best done at home.

>> No.4399235

>going to have fat marbling
>fat marbling

>Implying a nice pattern of melting fat throughout the meat is comperable to the inch thick piece of unchewable rubbery fat on the side that a skilled butcher could have trimmed