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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4391387 No.4391387[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>buying cheese and a few other things
>cashier is scanning my items
>picks up the goat cheese
>reads the label
>says "oh wow this looks so good"
is this really necessary?

>> No.4391393

>Cashier comments on your food
>She wants to fuck

No, but really. Pretty sure she does.

>> No.4391394


>> No.4391399

She was probably desperate to find some way to have a conversation because it was quiet and uncomfortable as fuck. It's so awkward when someone refused to say anything to you and just watches.

>> No.4391401

This annoys me too. I bought that ben and jerrys cannoli ice cream recently and the cashier spent like 5 minutes talking about it

>> No.4391412

Yeah I hate when people are normal, friendly human beings as well.

>> No.4391417

My cashiers at grocery stores do that sometimes. It's called friendly banter. I usually follow through with 'Yeah I thought so too! I thought it would go good with ***'.

>> No.4391434

I usually just reply with a nod and a smile. Say as few words as possible because fuck that.

>> No.4391446

it's called making small talk you autistic loser. yes, human beings actually talk to each other

>> No.4391449

Being a cashier can be incredibly boring and tedious. After a while, you just start to look for any pretext to engage in a normal human interaction. Most customers appreciate their service providers acting like human beings, so this usually isn't a problem. If you're seriously so autistic that you can't handle light conversation, just use the self-checkout.

>> No.4391457

And just when I forgot I was on 4chan....OP arrives.

>> No.4391460
File: 224 KB, 1135x553, Screen shot 2013-01-20 at 5.57.40 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol you autistic fatass

Pic related, this is the board you are browsing

>> No.4391488

My local supermarket has alot of hot girls working at the counters. I sometimes try to talk to them.

>Be at atm card checkout
>Can only use atm card to pay
>It is clearly shown everywhere. If they could show it any clearer they had to use a neon flashing sign.
>checkout girl still tells every customer its atm only.
>I figure there are retards out there who dont pay attention.
> "I take it it's a routine question?"
>".... what does routine mean?"
>be reminded that checkout girls are intellectually inferior beings.

>Cute girl at counter
>After I paid she stares at me and smiles for a few seconds while I bag my groceries.
>She wants to fuck
>Another day, pick her counter to check out my groceries.
>she asks if i want a receipt.
>tell her "Only if you write your phonenumber on it." while trying to sound as casual as possible.
>She laughs and tells me she has a boyfriend.
>customer behind me laughs
>I smell a hint of spaghetti in the air as I left the store.

I've yet to ring up and bag a checkout girl at this supermarket. winknudgewink

>> No.4391492

Everyone who doesn't want to have a friendly conversation with another human being is confirmed autistic.

>> No.4391494

OP can't into interpersonal communication.

Why do you even bother leaving mom's basement?

>> No.4391496

They're told to make small talk, it's their job.

>> No.4391501

Seriously, they pretty much are required to talk to you. I used to work as a clerk and rapport is a thing you're required to do. You get graded on it with secret shoppers, so yes it was really necessary.

They're also required to ask you for donations when they're doing cancer funds and the like. If they don't, you can get written up and eventually fired.

>> No.4391526
File: 476 KB, 160x160, fuck yooou.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>working at first job as a Walmart cashier
>manager says to always keep up light conversation and greet the customers
>one shift starts at 5 in the morning
>hungover and about the fall asleep, still trying to say hi and remain friendly to everyone
>finish ringing up one woman and about to go on break
>glance at my nametag which is very clearly displayed, but tell her anyway
>she goes on a 15 minute lecture because I said "hi" instead of "good morning"
>can't do anything about it because manager is right there

You can go fuck yourself too, OP.

>> No.4391528

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>> No.4391530

This is a North American phenomenon and it's annoying as fuck.

>> No.4391533

cashiers are pretty universally high school dropouts or mexican/indian/arab immigrants. ignore them or self checkout.

>> No.4391542

i used to never hollar at girls at the checkout cuase i get the vibe that they get the shit all the time and cant stand it

well now ive realized that they fear an ugly guy at the checkout will try to warm them up, but hope to god a handsome attractive guy will do it

>> No.4391562

I agree I hate talking to people in general if it's not online. I wish people at jobs would just be robotic in their responses. I don't actually leave my house, but when I do go to the store, I don't go there for social interaction. If you fucking faggots really want to socially interact, there are places for you to go like a bar.

>> No.4391564

I worked as a cashier when I was young, it was expected, if not mandatory to make friendly chit-chat with the customers, especially about the food they were buying in some desperate attempt for us to upsell merch.

>> No.4391580

Have you ever had a service job when you were younger, OP?

>> No.4391595

Doubt OP has ever had a job.

>> No.4391606

>cashiers are forced to make conversation
>therefore the conversation is fake and unnatural

Why is he autistic if he doesn't want to participate in bullshit conversation when the cashier likely doesn't want to either? You people are the autistic ones, not OP. These people are strangers, not your best friends. Save the chit-chat for your partner/whoever at home.

>> No.4391612

>don't talk
>get fired

Yeah, it's the cashier's fault.
How hard is it to just nod?

>> No.4391615

I doubt cashiers mind it, and it's probably second nature. The manager wouldn't make them a cashier if they didn't want to talk to people.

If you can't/don't want to make small talk for a minute or two while they check you out, then you are socially inept.

>> No.4391616

I'm German and this never happened to me.
I have a friend though who uses every chance he can get to involve cashiers in strange and confusing conversations, wich can be hilarious at times.

>> No.4391622

Fuck, how hard it is to just say 'yeah it looks good' or something?

>> No.4391628

>don't want to talk with a stranger
>socially inept
American culture at its finest.

>> No.4391634
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>> No.4391639

There's a huge difference between a stranger on the street and an employee with a large nametag at a business.

You fuckers will bitch about anything.

>> No.4391645

>huge difference
No, there really isn't. The name tag doesn't establish any sort of relationship which necessitates me participating in small talk.

>> No.4391653

>not knowing the people that work at your local stores

I bet you avoid eye contact too.

>> No.4391652

I used to work as a cashier and it's awful because I had to deal with people like you everyday. You are basically required to make small talk or you get fired, so it always sucks when there's an asshole that gets offended when you are trying to be nice.

People who can't talk to others should just never leave their houses.

>> No.4391656

>You are basically required to make small talk or you get fired,

Did you work at Hooters?

>> No.4391657

>implying I ever said I acted like an asshole
I responded and had a small conversation with the cashier. I was just commenting on how unnecessary it was.

>> No.4391658

You've never worked at a grocery store, have you.

>> No.4391660

The nature of a long transaction at a grocery store does.

>> No.4391661

No because I have an education and an actual job

>> No.4391662

3 of them when I was a teen.

>> No.4391667

Keep supporting your ridiculous American culture. I bet you tip them after, too.

>> No.4391671

I like it and no, I don't tip cashiers, lol. Good luck socializing solely through the internet, anon.

>> No.4391673
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>small talk with a cashier is "ridiculous"
>the beta continent of yurop

>> No.4391681

>considers talking to the cashier "socialising"
That's socialising? What do you consider a friendship - talking to the waitress at your local Denny's? Pathetic.

>> No.4391693

Lol, you're just trying too hard now. If you can't talk to a cashier, I bet you sweat at the thought of going to a bar.

>> No.4391695

As a cashier, I usually just give a smile and a friendly "Hello! :D "

If you don't want to talk.. its cool. I usually just keep my head down and focused on ringing shit up anyway, making sure I don't charge you twice or screw up anything.
Its never really awkward, because when you're ringing up so much shit you just sorta get.. 'in the zone' and don't notice much else but the groceries in front of you.

I love super busy days because it makes the time fly by pretty fast.
...as long as theres no screaming little shits behind me in the other lane.

>> No.4391709

I just think it's a strange thing to say because sometimes I feel like replying,

"Well of course it's good... why would I buy it if it wasn't good?"

>> No.4391735

As a former cashier, I hated when others did this. Be cordial, but shut the fuck up. Don't ask stupid questions.

>> No.4391754

You never had a job as a kid?

>> No.4391767

What happens if they're not colon dee?

>from that one band

>> No.4391774
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>'actual job'
>'real job'
I love how its always unemployed people who say that.

>> No.4391783
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>it's just a temporary job

>> No.4391785

>waaah waaaah

>> No.4391797
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I would kill for bus queues like this

In Britain everyone humps your arse or tries to push in front of you if you're not and god forbid they're old

And then they act like you're in the wrong to ask them to stop rubbing themselves against your butt

>> No.4391805
File: 62 KB, 400x300, 1341364650YRQA48.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In America we have bus shelters for the school bus stops. Some are pretty fancy.

>> No.4391811

They're nice until a bunch of assholes get in there and start breaking shit and writing all over the place, then the city takes it away and replaces it with a fucking concrete bench.

>> No.4391821

only time i commeneted on a product was when i saw a guy buying maxwell house i told him it gave me heart burn he thanked me ruturned the coffee and came back with another brand.

>> No.4391832


Yeah we have bus shelters too

Doesn't stop every guy and their mother grinding against me

>> No.4391833
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>> No.4391843

>Doesn't stop every guy and their mother grinding against me

That sounds like the plot to a hentai manga.

>> No.4391866

Maybe anon lives in Ohio, because that is the only place I've seen bus shelters before.

>> No.4391951

I worked in a gas station in my first year of college and one of my co-workers said to never look people in the eyes cause then they'll always want something. So I did, always a quick glance at their face and then continue to be busy behind the till. I fucking hated that job even though nothing eventful happened.

>> No.4391964

if you're still here, did you like the cannoli ice cream?

>> No.4391998

She wants the D bro, go back there and give it to her.

>> No.4392012

I kind of wish I could small talk to make those situations less awkward. All I do is smile politely. Self checkouts are my saviour.

>> No.4392042

The conversation makes you feel more comfortable and more like a social situation than a purchase. You're more relaxed and thus more willing to spend more money, as well as return to the store in future. It works more often than not, and when it doesn't not much is lost, so it's standard policy in retail.

Shit, it's not like the cashier is desperate to be friends. Just basic marketing

>> No.4392581

yeah i bought it again

>> No.4392593

>looking through this thread
Please say you guys are joking. Cashier made a friendly comment, what's wrong with that? It's not like they went 'Oh man goat cheese? This stuff sucks. Why are you buying this?' or anything.

>> No.4392612


Was this at a publix... I swear they train their people to say that shit.

>> No.4392899


Just do the right thing. Actually be polite and answere him truthfully:
>Yes. When im coming home, im going to eat this cheese, then kill myself. You have a nice day. Solong!

>> No.4392911


>Yes.. it surely looks nice now, but the feeling crushing it slowly between my buttocks gives me the best orgasms.. OH.. Sorry, i better leave!
Then run off

>> No.4393008

>She laughs and tells me she has a boyfriend.
>customer behind me laughs
>I smell a hint of spaghetti in the air as I left the store.

The correct fucking answer was "then no receipt" followed by a smile and eye contact, or a wink or something. Fuck dude!

>> No.4393019

I'm a cashier in a supermarket. I talk about this sort of thing to customers all the time, they don't mind.

Then again, the people in my area are actually normal and well-adjusted.

>> No.4393065

>normal and well-adjusted

if that helps you sleep at night

>> No.4394531
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>small talk is an American phenomenon

>> No.4394582

I bet at least 7 people out there want to kill you.

>> No.4394613

your coworkers were smart. Once you look someone in the eyes they start in with their life story/a complaint/a demand/some ridiculous question that no one knows the answer to.

>> No.4394619
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Here's something any woman who works with the public (retail, service industry etc) should consider:dozens if not hundreds of the male customers you interact with jerk off thinking about you.Horrible fantasies. You fucking dogs. you fucking littler kids. Raping you, abducting you, destroying you.Or maybe just tawdry scenarios involving slobbery blowjobs in the parking lot.
Then they hand you money they touched with the same hand they fap with. Maybe they deliberately smear it with jizz, knowing they'll be handing it to you.
Unless you're a fatty. Then you're safe.

>> No.4394649

I work in a gas station in a fairly shitty neighborhood. Many of my regulars are druggies, hokers, dealers, and pimps. They are some of the most pleasant people I've ever met

>> No.4394661


>> No.4394677
File: 31 KB, 450x600, l[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to store to buy beer
>buy a 12 pack thinking its 12 x 330ml
>get home and find out they were actually 12 x 275 ml

Im so angry right now... what sort of degenerate midget demographic requires beer companies to produce stupid little bottles of beer for them.

>> No.4394714


Excuse me but is that a fucking midget with the head of an attractive woman?

>> No.4394716

What beer?

>> No.4394717

i'd rather not disclose its brand

>> No.4394757

where the fuck are you shopping? that isn't even a cheese

>> No.4396048

the fuck are you trying to protect a brand you insulted on a anonymous image board.

>> No.4396222

lrn2Brigitte The Midget, porn n00b

>> No.4396249

>engaging in conversation with others about cheese is hard and totally worthy of a thread

>> No.4396316


order your groceries online then, shitstain. normal people fill lulls in conversation with small talk.

>> No.4396337

>They are some of the most pleasant people I've ever met

This is fucking true, I found it strange as hell that the people society shat all over happened to be so nice, even if they did stink like a dead carcass in the desert.

>> No.4396342

I've been to the grocery store twice since this thread and both times I made a point of initiating conversation with the cashier. They really seemed happy that I was talking to them and not just staring THROUGH them like they were a human shaped lump of nothingness and garbage.

Registers have feelings. Who knew.

>> No.4396349

I do cashier crap and I don't say shit cashiers when I'm buying stuff. Deal with it.

>> No.4396358
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>at whole foods
>picking up some things on sale
>decide to get a $0.75 tea drink on the way out
>checking out like normal
>guy picks up the tea drink
>'have you ever had this before?'
>'because it's amazing man, amazing.'
>ok thanks
>get to the car with beverage in hand
>time to open this amazing drink
>take a sip
>it's just really basic tea

man fuck you cashier man at whole foods

>> No.4396376

>shopping at whole foods
>implying the sale items are still good deals
I hope you enjoy throwing away your money you yuppie-hipster-white twat.

>> No.4396390

I would much, much rather the cashier be friendly and talkative than completely ignore the fact that I'm standing there. My only complaint is when they want to tell you their whole life story. OR (as is always the case whenever I've had the misfortune to have to go into Whole Foods) stare off into space as if I'm not even worthy of their recognition.
I certainly don't mind people chatting about how my day or their day is going, or the weather, or products I'm buying, etc. That's called being sociable. It's a good thing. It's something that has always been encouraged in society, up until this latest generation, which is just full of selfish pricks.

>> No.4396394

My sister works at the grocery store around here in their deli. So most of the people who work as cashiers know who I am. I typically go to self-checkout, but since I so often bring my nephew I spend time talking to them as I ring shit up.

What's wrong with talking to cashiers?

>> No.4396396


I've been on the register, we just pretend to be happy to talk because that's what we're supposed to do, we can't just be dicks. It'd be a lot easier if we could just pass people through the line and get it done with without hassle

>> No.4396402
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I really do think it is kind of a bad thing that these health food shops force these poor cashiers to make weird conversation with everybody.
But in retrospect it would drive a lot of customers away if they acted like edgy teens, especially since most of them are infrequent shoppers.

>> No.4396416

some people prefer to get in and out
I don't really mind a little back and forth, but a full blown conversation no thanks

>> No.4396418

How much should I tip my cashier for talking to me? 20%? If they only say "hello" without any follow ups do I still tip?

Please help me, Americans.

>> No.4396420

I go to a bulk/health foods store that is exclusively staffed by pouty edgy 19-23 year old art school girls who won't even make eye contact.

>> No.4396428

I was in the store yesterday, and my cashier didn't even acknowledge my presence. UNTIL, she was ringing up several kinds of fruit, and she said "This is overripe, do you want me to go pick out some better ones for you?" I just stared at her and said "No. I like those, thanks." As if I don't know how to pick out fruit, for christsakes. And no, the fruit wasn't overripe, it was perfect, thank you very much.

>> No.4396432

>not realizing she was asking you out on a date
How autistic are you?

>> No.4396436

I'm a woman.
So, no. Unless she's a lesbian. And then, still no.

>> No.4396466
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I like that the girls that post on 4chan are utter degenerates... like, their sickness runs so deep that they think rotting fruit is good.

>> No.4396474
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and the foreveralones come out to play......

>> No.4396475

>work retail
>smile and say hi to customer
>they stare me down and scowl at my friendliness
>do nothing when new customer arrives, start scanning and bagging goods without saying anything
>customer gets offended im not friendly enough

fuck working retail

>> No.4396495

>no because I'm a sheltered white kid fixated on anime and being entirely selective of the human beings I grace with my conversations and ramblings on chinese cartoons, memes and dicks

>> No.4396496

I doubt it. Not anyone is an elite sperg or has serious physiological issues

>> No.4396504

Actually, yeah, we're trained to make small talk. And to talk about asshat customers in the break room.

By the way- you should do your best to piss off your deli people making your sub. That always ends up going well.

It gets so fucking boring when people don't make small-talk back, so yes, when you initiate conversation, we will definitely talk back.

>> No.4396518

I haven't had much of an issue with stench either.
The worst customers so far have been little shits who think it's funny to spill a slushie on the floor then leave, but that's because theyre young and stupid.

>> No.4396548
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I used to be a cashier at a grocery store. I like when people wanna talk about food/their lives, you know, like they wanna be there. I hate people who act all entitled and stupid, like they don't realize that being able to walk into a building with a fuckload of food, buy their shitty frozen dinners and diet soda and leave is actually a pretty big deal when you put it in perspective.

That they don't need to have 8 different kinds of toilet paper but they do, because well there's a market for it. No, some people just look past all that and throw a hissy fit because you couldn't duplicate some coupon for 50 cents or because they read the offer wrong.

If you've worked in a grocery store, you know who I'm talking about. 90% of the time it's an elderly person or a middle aged white woman. Just because you crapped out four kids and look like a burlap sack doesn't mean you should take it out on me, or god forbid one of the damn baggers who is still in high school.

Fuck you OP. You have the nerve to get upset for someone actually wanting to interact with you and share their life with you. Like it's such an inconvenience that someone asked you about your cheese .Shit son.

>> No.4396550

>Watch Buffy 6 hours a day
>Exactly know which scene that was