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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 162 KB, 710x1080, eat fire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4390655 No.4390655 [Reply] [Original]

Broke ass college student

Wtf do I buy (do not say ramen, Im talking actual food)

I've been here for 3 terms and I still don't know what to buy for food.

Halp /ck/

>comic for lulz

>> No.4390660
File: 48 KB, 357x309, yakisoba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4390664

buy bread, milk, eggs
perhaps some orange juice too


cook meat and vegetables together to form "meals". Have water/tea/coffee/juice with these meals. This is called a "drink".

do this three times a day.

>> No.4390666

fucking love those

>> No.4390667

yeee i stock up on these bitches
the beef is the shit

>> No.4390669

safeway brand ravioli for 79 cents each

protein fat and carbs and salt

>> No.4390678
File: 525 KB, 1750x1313, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This'll keep you alive and well, but like it says on the pic, the version is < 1 and beta.

>> No.4390681

ily anon
exactly what i was looking for

>> No.4390685

Is this healthy?
Or atleast not bad for me

>> No.4390686

Needs some chicken breast. This is propaganda trying to get meat eater to go vegan.

>> No.4390689

Staple carbs like.
All of these are cheap.

Various legumes unless that's against your religion.

Various cheap veggies.
Staples here being onion, garlic, carrots, celery/celeriac.

Whatever protein source you can get cheap. Fish, chicken, meat, whatever. Legumes bulk up the protein content of any food.
If you have a proper freezer, stock up on shit when it's on sale.

Various spices.

Always keep a stock of staples and spices.

>> No.4390691

Add in whatever cooking oil you can get at a reasonable price too.

>> No.4390732

Things I always have and are easy to store for a long time:
Dried Pasta
Canned tomatoes
Dried herbs and spices
Stock cubes
Pepper and salt, obviously
Barbecue sauce and cheese in my fridge
A small pot with a basil and parsley plant each

Just with that I have the basis for a lot of dishes and can live relatively cheaply (about 130-160€ a month).

>> No.4390782

oats for breakfast, no one put eggs thats a good cheap source of protein and other healthy shit

water fuck any other drink if your broke except maybe milk

>> No.4390791

Spices from a mexican grocery 99 cents each for every spice. Shit will last months and you'll never have a bland meal again.

>> No.4390794


what meals do you cook?