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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4390367 No.4390367[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>move in with boyfriend
>gonna cook dinner
>no rice cooker
>grew up in hawaii
>rice is my motherfucking staple
>crippled in kitchen the without it
>also its now a pain in the ass to steam vegetables
>man up
>try cook rice on a stove
>came out as a crunchy, mushy gruel
>try the pasta method
>closer, but not the same
>no wonder these people eat out all the time

/ck/, are there any other ways to do rice until I can visit my home and steal the spare rice cooker or buy a new one here? It's just regular-ass calrose rice.

Also, since I'll probably give up and buy a new one, does anyone have any suggestions? Thinking about sticking with Aroma, because the rice cookers we have are that brand and that thing has lasted 18+ years.

>> No.4390370

i was going to say something mean but instead i'll go ahead and say nothing. your welcome.

>> No.4390374

Thanks babe.

>> No.4390375

hapa-haole bro here. I know that feel.

Scour the thrift stores, shitty old-school rice cookers make glorious sticky rice.

In the mean time, find some place that sells sweet rice. Short short short grain, because the long grain shit they sell here in the mainland just dosent cut it. at the very least the short grain rice will help make up for the texture you're loosing by having to settle for stove-top rice.

>> No.4390376

>Asian people eat a lot of rice
>better make it my diet staple and post about it every day!

This board is basically as repetitive as /b/ now, but with 99% more weebs.

>> No.4390378

I don't know why I've never thought of steaming vegetables in a rice cooker

Holy shit thank you OP

>> No.4390377

You sound really upset. Unreasonably so, even.

I like rice on the stove-top so I can't relate to your problem. Clearly you don't like it (though some might say 2 attempts are not enough to know.) I suggest you buy a new rice cooker.

I wonder if you see the asininity in looking down on people who want to order out when you can't even make rice without a special machine.

>> No.4390381

>I wonder if you see the asininity in looking down on people who want to order out when you can't even make rice without a special machine.
Fucking this. I've never had trouble making rice on the stove top. Learn to read some directions and follow them.

>> No.4390385


chee, Haole much braddah? you no mo' get da kine rice mainland you might as well go back kaimuki, call off.

>> No.4390388

1 part rice 2 parts water
boil water
add rice, stir
reduce heat to as low as possible (if electric with no simmer settings, might have to turn off after about 10 minutes)
~20 minutes
remove cover
fluff rice, let rest 5 minutes
if bottom is still too wet, fluff and rest again

stoves and pots can vary, it might take some tweaking

>> No.4390390


This, OP, is why you should not be listening to these people.

>> No.4390391

You can't cook rice on a stove top? Are you fucking kidding?
Practice. Make a bunch of rice until you can do it. It's not that hard.

>> No.4390393

Didn't even think about thrift stores, thanks man.

Nah. It's not really like that though.

I forgot to delete that part, while creating the post I ended up going on a rant on how there are also little to no fresh foods in the house to speak of. No fruits at all. No cheese. No bread. No cooking utensils like spatulas, knives, etc. No cutting boards. Dirty dishes in the cupboards, etc.

>no wonder these people eat out all the time
So yeah, I'll say that.

I like to do it because it somehow always magically gets carrots perfect. Also steamed cabbage with pork? P fucking good.

>> No.4390394

you have a better way to aid in more even moisture distribution?

>> No.4390398

Cook the rice in the stove bitch. Do it like ancient chink ancestors.

First take your water and race and put it in the pot (Gonna assume you know how much water). Well put maybe 2 tablespoons more water so you can have larger room for error.

Now put the stove on high then when the water is boiling cool the stove to a low and let it simmer.

Now this is the most crucial part. Don't fucking leave the kitchen. You gotta constantly eye the bitch. If the stove top is as retarded as mine and doesn't get the heat distributed to the whole pot you'll need to constantly move the pot every once in awhile. Its okay to stir the rice every once in awhile but don't do it too often. Stir it and eat some to check if its done. Usually it takes somewhere of 25 min for 3 cups of rice.

When my power went out I had to cook the rice like that. Fucking pot cooked rice is fucking tasty as fuck. Better than rice cooker rice in my opinion

>> No.4390400

Rice cookers are lazy as fuck
Be a man and cook it on the stove

>> No.4390399


for basic white rice (medium to long) soak rice in lukewarm water for five minutes then put your hand in and shake the rice around, you'll start to see the water getting cloudy. rinse, strain and repeat two more times, letting the rice soak each time.

step 2: heat water in a pot or add steam water to pot (ratio 1:1.75 of rice to water), if your warming up the water wait till it starts steaming, add salt, add rice and wait with the lid OFF the pot until it starts boiling.

once it starts boiling

step 3: put lid on the pot and reduce heat to simmer (low setting) and set a timer from 10 to 20 minutes. the large difference is due to how much rice you are cooking, i say go with an even 15 minutes, if the rice sticks to the bottom reduce time (on the next try) or if it's still wet increase time.

adding a tablespoon or two (1-2 tbsp) of oil will help the rice not stick if you don't rinse the rice well enough.,
some people say just soaking and rinsing is good, i find mixing with your hands gets the best results.

>> No.4390402

>more even moisture distribution?
you literally have no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.4390403

Oh? Enlighten me, then.

>> No.4390406

Water to rice ratio depends on the grain. With long grain its 2:1 water to rice, shorter/stickier grains require less water.

1. Wash the rice until the water running through it is clear to remove excess starch
2. Add water and salt/seasonings to the pot
3. Boil water
4. Toss in rice
5. Put on the lid and leave it on
6. Reduce to a simmer
7. Cook for generally 20 minutes
8. Open the lid and stir the rice with a fork to release the steam

If the rice isn't done still, add more water, stir the rice quickly, cover the pot up again, and continue to cook.
If it's over cooked, reduce the cooking time
If it's mushy, reduce the amount of initial water

The first few times I put less water and check on the rice at the 15 minute mark and add more water as needed every few minutes or so.

>> No.4390407

forgot link

also give up on the rice cooker, the only people that should use them are ones who need to save time because they are working making 30 other orders.

>> No.4390409

The point is your goal here is not to get "Fluffy" rice. The typical Hawaiian staple rice is more sticky than fluffy and is usually served with ice cream scoops.. hence the reason why no proper meal is served without "Two scoop rice"

The consistency is sticky, not mushy, but sticky, the grains staying together in a more or less cohesive mass. To accomplish this, OP needs to use Short grain rice, sushi rice, sweet rice.. not the typical long grain rice that mainlanders use.

Cooking on the stovetop isnt exactly as conducive to creating the proper texture. but then again neither is using the wrong variety of rice, so you cant just say 'cook better', OP needs to figure out a lot of shit here.

A rice cooker (A good shitty rice cooker mind you) will probably work out better as its a lower maintenance process for OP, not to mention you kinda want the machine to 'fuck it up' so to speak. once again, Thrift stores OP.

>> No.4390412

>I forgot to delete that part
Yeah, it definitely needs back story, because you look like an ass the way it is now.

Even so, I don't think a rice cooker would fix the problem of them eating out. They're probably going to say something like "why would you buy a $30-$100 rice cooker when you can buy a pint of steamed rice for $3?"

>> No.4390413

op, it has directions on the fucking packet how to stove top cook rice you dumb fucking cunt

how can people not know this? how can people not cook rice on a fucking stove?

i have never ever used a rice cooker, and people didnt for thousands of years

you think those ching chongs in poor rural nipland use rice cookers?

harden the fuck up

>> No.4390416

OP here,

Thanks everyone for posting different recipes and all.

I'm gonna follow
and just make a fuckton of rice using all your different methods until I'm too tired to scrape my gooey shortcomings out of the pot one more time, and hopefully by then I'll have figured it out.

Then I'll scour thrift shops for rice cookers, surely I'll find the one.

>> No.4390419

Once you become a stovetop convert you won't want to use a rice cooker

>> No.4390420

I never said "cook better", although that is the goal. Calrose is a medium grain rice, not long, and is capable of getting a decent texture stove top. It takes practice using the same cookware and stove top, and even then, will be less consistent than a rice cooker. But then, I learned from a Hawaiian Japanese chef when I worked for him in Seattle, and you're probably right, he had no idea what he was doing.

>> No.4390422


Yeah, I can see how it makes me look like an asshole and I wish I had gone back through and re-read before I posted.

However, it's not like they don't like to buy appliances or they're poor or anything. The mom just bought a hot dog cooker the other day.

The not being poor also fuels my shock at the state of their kitchen, they're far more well of than my family money-wise, but we're leagues ahead of them kitchen-wise.

>> No.4390423

>bought a hot dog cooker
What.... the fuck?

>> No.4390427
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Yep, this exact one. I didn't even think these were available as a home appliance.

>> No.4390429

not to be to simple but here
for 1 cup rice add 2 cups water, maybe a little more than rice.
put rice in pot, add water, the stove should be on med-high until the water is boiling. now keep the lid closed, turn off hear and let it sit for about half an hour. thats about all there is to cooking rice, boil it and turn it off.
also when you add water you can add other things for flavor, bouillon, worcesteshair sauce, soy sauce, bay leaves, what ever you want to add.

>> No.4390430

that is disturbing
I hope they don't eat enough hot dogs to truly warrant owning such a thing.

>> No.4390432

I can't even begin to imagine
Why couldn't they just put the hot dogs on a pan and just roll them around themselves?
Do they just leave the hotdogs on the cooker until they fancy a bite?

>> No.4390438
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>water and race then put it in a pot
>my sides

>> No.4390442

You say you moved in with your boyfriend, and then mention his mom bought a hotdog cooker (what the fuck, by the way) does that mean you moved in to his family's house?

If you start cooking nice things for them, be careful. Maybe it will catch on, but more likely they either won't care because it doesn't taste like their take-out (which will be insulting) or they will make you their kitchen bitch and pester you with questions like "I'm hungry - what's for dinner? I want [x] today." (which will be hellish.)

Good luck.

>> No.4390449
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I'm going to hide in OPs Asian rice and kill him!

>> No.4390462

Sure it isn't, you sad soul.

>> No.4390623

So I got a rice cooker and I don't think I understand how it works. I oil the container, put in the ratio of rice:water (after washing the rice a bit) it tells me on the manual and flip the cook switch. What now? How many minutes do I leave it on? I just do like 10 minutes but it came out pretty mushy and sticky and no sir, I do not like it!

>> No.4390630


Soak it.

>> No.4390641

> baww I can't cook for shit baawww
> blame your complete ineptitude on lack of a specialised grass-seed cooker
> hurr these people must not be able to cook thats why they go out so much

Idiot. Rice is easy as fuck to cook. I even own a rice cooker and I've only ever used it about twice.

Again: you're an idiot.

>> No.4390647

I'm fairly sure the cooker will just turn itself off when done.

>> No.4390684

Rice is your staple but you can't cook it without a rice cooker? The fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.4390688

Are you... retarded? Your staple dish, of course, you're from Hawaii after all! Yet you need a fucking rice cooker.

Really? Why didn't you just Google "how to cook rice" instead of posting it here and making yourself out to be a moron?

>> No.4390745

Put 3 parts water in a pot and bring to boil. Add 2 parts rice and 1 tsp salt. Optionally add diced onion and garlic, olive oil.

Boil for 5 minutes, while covered. Take off heat, leave covered for 20 minutes.

Open and stir.


>> No.4390748

Are you even supposed to oil the container? I never had to do that with my rice cooker.

>> No.4390752

Now OP, I use a rice cooker everyday.

But I managed to make a pot of rice on my first go when it finally broke down.

If you know how a rice cooker works in the first place I assume you would know how to do it.

The main problem sounds like you're using too much water or to little water.

>> No.4390753

>making rice on the stovetop the first time the other day
>follow instructions on the bag of rice
>comes out perfect
Shit's not rocket science.

>> No.4390789

Seriously. People are dumb. If you aren't used to eyeballing your ingredients and haven't cooked it before, you should measure out your ingredients/follow the recipe. That's like 99% of the reason why people mess up rice and cooking in general.

>> No.4390806

wow what a faggot

>> No.4390808
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As the ancient Hawaiians say: Sometimes a bird sings; other times it coughs up a worm”

>> No.4390811

Or once you get a rice cooker, you won't have to deal with cooking rice on a stove top.

>> No.4390814

Not supposed to oil the container, who the fuck told you to oil the container?

Also, wash your rice, if you did. Good. Wash it again to be sure.

If it came out mushy, you used too much water. Generally, depending on the what sort of rice you're using, the amount of water should come up to your knuckles if you lay our hand flat on the rice.

>> No.4390819

>implying rice hasn't been eaten for thousands of years without a rice cooker

You put rice in a pot of water and let it simmer. It's not fucking complicated

>> No.4390840

If you don't know how to make rice without a rice cooker, then you don't know how to cook.

>> No.4390876

You do realize you messed up and now are venting on others right?

Just learn to properly cook rice on a stove its not very complicated. Numerous people can do it, its not impossible

>> No.4390878

Bag of 60seconds in the microwave

Faster and tastier tjan anything i can produce

>> No.4390880

if you own a rice cooker and don't even use it, it's a waste, there are so many things you can do with rice cookers. I boil eggs,potatos, pasta in mine and it is fucking awesome, and to know that your rice cooker will turn off by itself after it's done cooking, saves you time to prep other stuff and cook...

> Captcha : "sense" iencemsa

>> No.4390883

If it came out both crunchy AND mushy, you probably cooked it at too low of a heat for not long enough.

I don't know this pasta method, so I can't say anything.

Have you tried following the directions on the bag? Because I produce flawless rice every time when I follow the directions on the bag.

>> No.4390886

this i can agree with, when the electricity is out, I cook mine stove top, and I measure the same I would with the cooker...and just check it occasionally :X

>> No.4390896
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I dated someone without a rice cooker once. it's not hard to cook rice with a pot but who the fuck does that? do you also toast toast with a fork and a stove? I mean, it's easy, right? so that means you should!

white people simultaneously amuse and disgust me.

>> No.4390899

>white people simultaneously amuse and disgust me.
Says the mud hut dwelling subhuman who still eats with sticks.

>> No.4390908

cooking rice on a stove top is hardly a chore

for me it's the equivalent of cutting your own vegetables as opposed to buying them precut in the store. What is the point?

>> No.4390913


Vegetables don't store once they've been cut, and you need different shapes for different things. Rice stores essentially forever and you want it to come out the same every time.

Be honest, how often do you actually cook as opposed to just watching Food Network for entertainment?

>> No.4390915

Actually it's more like using a toaster vs putting your bread in the oven.

>> No.4390918

So you can't cook without a machine made for idiots?

>> No.4390919
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You're asking someone about their cooking credentials and you can't make rice without a rice cooker?

>> No.4390926


You couldn't figure out the difference between buying precut onions in the store, and having a rice cooker at home. Your defensive reaction confirms you're a typical Alton Brown watching ne/ck/beard. Have fun toasting your bread on the stove, smelly white boy.

>> No.4390931

I wasn't the guy you originally replied to, just someone else who knows a hack when he sees one.

>> No.4390930

Woah hold on now.

Why would a white person not own a toaster?

>> No.4390929

Do you live at high altitude? That can affect your rice. If not, I guess you're kind of dumb. And poor. Rice cookers are like 50 bucks, right?

>> No.4390933


I don't know, you're the Alton Brown expert. Isn't he supposed to be the guy who coined the term "unitasker"?

>> No.4390932

You have no ground to stand on. You can't cook rice on a stove. Also, don't bring AB into this. He'd be against precut onions too.

>> No.4390935

I'm not even the guy you replied to, you just sound like a complete cunt.

>> No.4390936

>smelly white boy

I'm 12, you?

>> No.4390940


In a thread full of pointless shit flinging and casual racism, I'm suddenly a cunt? I must have struck a nerve with the AB comment. Typical AB watcher, insulting him is like insulting the Prophet Mohammed.

>> No.4390942

I eat rice daily and I don't own a rice cooker either. I don't know what you would need on for when a pot does the exact same job?!

>> No.4390944

He's just another fish face being mad at the world that he has to go through life with a hamster dick.

>> No.4390947

>I'm suddenly a cunt?
I suspect you always have been, Chang.

>> No.4390951

This works:


>> No.4390964

And what is so bad about alton brown?

>> No.4391072

>can't cook rice on stove top

Also, add butter to rice. You're welcome.

>> No.4391095

>let's add random "spices" to our bland rice

Don't forget sriracha.

>> No.4391099

Dude, try cooking rice with chicken broth instead of water
trust me bros

>> No.4391139

op, you can steam anything with a lidded pot and a colander/sieve that has the same diameter
put a little water in pot
put colander/sieve above water
put in rice
lid on top
ensemble goes on the fire

>> No.4391142

Get out of here gwai lo

>> No.4391151

ITT amerifats raised on HFCS need their rice to taste like a happy meal otherwise they throw their food and scream abuse at their parents.

>> No.4393764

If you don't know how to cook rice properly on a stove you fail as a cook.

>> No.4393792

I am perplexed. People aren't actually used to cooking rice the normal way? Stove, pan, water or broth?
Grrrrl, have you tried boiling a little less than 2 parts of water (add some salt) and then inserting 1 part of rice? Easiest thing ever, for newbies. Not getting the drama.

>> No.4393795

If you can't cook stove top rice properly...

Just fucking kill yourself. I'm Hawaiian and I can do it in my sleep.

>> No.4393800

eat something other than rice...problem solved. ever heard of meat?

>> No.4393808

What the fuck is up with you people and rice cookers? You can just cook it in a pan. Rice in, bit more than twice as much water, boil then leave. A fucking child could do it.

I lived with a Vietnamese girl who thought I was fucking magic not using a rice cooker. She said if I ever went to Vietnam I could cook rice in a pan and get laid erryday.

>> No.4394278

>Hawaiian name