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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 521 KB, 1366x1024, IBB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4389803 No.4389803 [Reply] [Original]

>Friday Night

No beer thread. What?

What are you guys working on this evening?

Pic related.

>> No.4389814

I'm sad because I can't find any more Anchor porters in my area. It was me go-to beer. Settled for a Stone porter tonight.

>> No.4389820

Going to a pub later with friends. I had Evil Twin's Molotov Cocktail yesterday, it was decent.

>> No.4389821
File: 35 KB, 310x400, KBS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4389819

Drinking some Tyranena Bourbon Barrel Scotch Ale

Apparently its too new for Google Images to give me an image of it

>> No.4389824

also some New Glarus Edel Pils and Dark Horse Double Crooked Tree

>> No.4389845

Fuck you for having this!

>> No.4389851
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Plagues all minds for this evening

>> No.4389897


Fuck! I only have one beer and that is Iron Throne for Sunday. I would love to attend a /ck/ bottleshare.

>> No.4389905

Its funny, I found KBS easily enough, but still haven't found any Iron Throne

>> No.4389911
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>> No.4389914

Founders is coming to keg this month and bottle next month in Texas. I'm so fucking excited.

>> No.4389917

Picked up 3 bottles of Iron Throne. It was a sad day that I realized I don't like blonde ales.

>> No.4389929

I had a 375mL bottle of Saison DuPont. Funky stuff. You can taste the farmhouse, but in a good kind of way.

Going to a party in a bit. Going to bring a growler of homebrew since the girl throwing it liked it so much when I gave her a bottle.

>> No.4389935
File: 254 KB, 1200x1600, 111 Double Dog Double Pale Ale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Flying Dog's Double Dog IPA get on my level, niggaz ...


>> No.4389941

Are those all empty bottles sitting on the cabinets?

>> No.4389944
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It's pretty fucking good.

>> No.4389946
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You from MD? I know Flying Dog has a wide distribution, but I figure I'd ask.


They don't distribute to MD.

>> No.4389951
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no ... Northern VA (Loudoun County to be exact) ... but i'd love to do the Flying Dog brewery tour ...

>> No.4389952


That is for Barleys double dog, not FD's.


>> No.4389958
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You have to register at least 2 months in advance if you go with a decent sized group. I just went up to DFH 2 weeks ago with 6 friends and stayed at my friend's place in OC. Tried all the brewpub exclusives and got their UBER tap handle

>> No.4389959
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However, they had some old pimp cane handles at their brewpub (not for sale).

>> No.4389960
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yeah i'd like to check out DFH as well, but i'm still a huge fan of Flying Dog

>> No.4389963
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i believe you to be sorely mistaken, my good sir ...

>> No.4389966


Have you had any of their recent brewhouse rarities? I just got into beer a few months ago, but focused on the DFH and Stone catalog, so I am just now branching out. My main focus is ipas though. What have you had of theirs? I don't like their pearl necklace. I loved their barrel-aged gonzo porter. Their centennial and el dorado single hop ipas were great. Not a big fan of the green tea imperial stout or pumpernickel ipa though. That is all I have had of theirs so far. I really want to try raging bitch, double dog, kujo and horn dog.



>> No.4389968
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It would be the shit, I've got a case of Cantillon my buddy brought back from Belgium just sitting in my closet right now.

>> No.4389976
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IMO Double Dog is their best, but i'm a huge hop-head admittedly and i only prefer big beers (although i'd never turn down smaller ones!)

Stouts/porters are ok only if they're not sweet. Raging Bitch is kinda fascinating ... it's half IPA, half Belgian ... goes great with mild cheese

>> No.4389977


You could trade for so much shit on BA. I have yet to have a Cantillon due to availability and price. I do love my sours though.

>> No.4389980
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not to slag on lambic fans but wtf this shit is too fruity for my tastes. is that beer supposed to be super awesome/valuable?

>> No.4389986
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Huge hop-head here too. Ruination is probably my favorite beer that is available year-round. What are your favorite beers (or just IPAs)?Have you had Stone's Enjoy By? THE BEST DIPA I HAVE EVER HAD. http://www.stonebrewing.com/enjoyby/

>> No.4389988
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Talking about fruit beers now?

This stuff is awesome

>> No.4389995
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Ruination is fucking nectar, brother. I cannot say i've had the EnjoyBy ... will have to scout for it at my run beer run. Is it rare/limited?

>> No.4389997


Sorry I kind of lump lambics and Cantillon into the sours group. Well, they are made in Belgium using traditional methods and are probably the best in their category. Think a larger scale Russian River. First, you have to like lambics in this case, and second lambics take anywhere from 1 to 3 years to age, and then they are sometimes set aside for a few more years (reserve varieties). Sours (lambics) are expensive because of the time scale and extra work that needs to be done.

>> No.4389998


I don't need to trade for shit. My buddy is a beer distributor for an awesome distribution company so he always hooks me up with great shit from Three Floyds and tons of other badass breweries. His bottle shares are legendary, last week we had 2 bottles of Bourbon County Rare opened, among other things. Phenomenal stuff.

>> No.4390002

I was drinking beer earlier tonight but I'm having dinner soon and switched to wine. dinner without wine isn't dinner. it's just some food on a plate.

but the beer was founders centennial IPA.

>> No.4390003


Wish they distributed further.


Well, each batch has the date on the bottle and is in very limited quantities and are only sent to the states listed for that specific date. You should check out the site. It lists where they are available if they are in your state for that batch. These beers are made to be had only fresh, so they are pulled from store shelves on the final date of that batch. So, this new batch 5/17/13 is due in MD like in 2 weeks and will only be available for a month. However, this stuff is so popular that kegs are kicked soon after tapping and bottles are gone within a few days. I had it at an event. Trying to get a bottle this time.

>> No.4390005


So jealous. It helps to have distributor friends. I would love to get my hands on some FFF and some BCBS.

>> No.4390048

WANT on both counts.

Something about a Rose Hip Lambic really intrigues me. and Courage Imperial Russian Stout sounds fucking godly just for the name.

>> No.4390070

>tfw almost finished your KBS and you know you won't be able to taste it again for another year

>> No.4390087
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>not being friends with a guy who has an entire keg of KBS he's tapping next month

>> No.4390869
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What's this that just came in the mail? (....yesterday)
Ah, yes. It's my emergency beer consignment.

>> No.4390893

>No Eisbocks
step it up

>> No.4390898
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>German beers
seriously though, I am quietly working my way through this site:
(No Eisbock)
I have a preference for fruity or hoppy beers. Although the stock rotates a little, any suggestions for next time will be more than helpful.

>> No.4391055
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Not even wanting to know the cost of a 1/4 barrel of KBS....

>texts my Founder's vendor to find out how much it would be to bring it in to my bar

Yeah... I didn't want to know that

To be fair, KBS is good... but it's like Oberon, in that it's hyped so much because of it's limited availability. Also yes people still think oberon is limited despite it being available for like 9 months out of the year.

If they made it year round like Dragon's Milk then it would have it's fan base but you wouldn't see people as crazy as they are now about it.

>last panel is mfw people still come in "Hey do you have any of some beer called uhhh KB stout or something."

>> No.4391065

What's with /ck/'s sudden hard on for KBS? It's been around for a while but it seems like every thread lately is 90% KBS circle jerking. It's good beer but come on people. It's like you guys never had anything better than bud light.

>> No.4391070

you get flavour of the month's in any group. One person posts it almost at random, and in the thread someone just happens to be reading to get ideas. They go and try it. Next time, the thread is two people talking about how good something is. A third guy feels left out so HE then goes and tries it. And it snowballs from there.

The other alternative, is marketing people from breweries use this board to generate false interest in their products. It all depends on how cynical you are.

>> No.4392128


Also, it just recently hit store shelves again. So, everyone just got their rations of it for the year.

>> No.4392154
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Some of this

>> No.4392190
File: 34 KB, 600x600, crispin_saint-1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bought some of this, was gonna drink it later.
It'll be my first cider.

>> No.4392197

Prepare your anus for a horde of elitist dipshits.

>> No.4392207

Its the king of beers. What's not to love.

>> No.4392212

My tastes is beer is so sporadic, I think most beer is gross but randomly I'll end up enjoying moosehead or Miller HL but then hate it next time I have it. The only beers I've had that I really enjoy are Wheat beers and Alaskan Amber.
Do you guys know of anything similar?

>> No.4392245

It tastes bad

Even amongst big adjunct lagers its unremarkable. At least make the step up to High Life or PBR

>> No.4392252

most craft brewers will make an amber or red, not sure whats available in your area, but that would probably be a good place to explore

>> No.4392267


Just finished a Ommegang BPA bomber. Feeling pretty good. Looking forward to a nice evening. Next up some cheap whiskey and a cider.

>> No.4392269
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I showed up late, managed to score six

>> No.4392520


I hope that doesn't put you off ciders. However, Crispin has some of the most widely available cider bombers. JK Scrumpys is my favorite (their winter one is good too). Angry Orchards' Iceman is much better than their Strawman. I generally prefer fox barrel to crispin. Look out for Crispin's limited edition 12 oz bottle, like bird on a wire. Their best bomber is probably their new release Bohemian. Also, the ginger angry orchard is quite good for a six packer. Julian makes some good cider as well.

>> No.4392660
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>drinking alcohol

>> No.4392664

Fuck off. Jesus drank wine.

>> No.4392673
File: 203 KB, 950x1300, 110314-Beer-Clear-2-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus made his own blood into wine. He was clearly ok with drinking

>> No.4392690

Not to mention everyone back then was fucked from lead poisoning and almost all bread/wheat products were providing a slow drip of mildly hallucinogenic mold.

>> No.4392706
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>> No.4392713

>taking picture with yourself in the the shot
Stop using women photography.

Also I happened to be drinking that too.
It's the only wheat beer other than Frazisakaner that I've tried, and now it's my favorite

>> No.4392728

Great Lakes Rye of the Tiger...quality stuff, as I'd expect from them. I definitely needed a beer after spending 12 hours at a wine sensory workshop today. While tasting booze all day sounds great in principle... you get fatigued to a point where you just need something completely different.

>> No.4392734

At least the beer was the focus and I wasn't blocking it out. I prefer the Hefeweissbier but the store I visited didn't have it.

>> No.4392750


also I didn't even notice that at first, I drank the hefeweissbier myself.
Wheat beer so delicious

>> No.4393327
File: 224 KB, 750x1000, Slumbrew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a big fan of hefeweissbier myself.

I'm going to try this tonight, though!

>> No.4393329

How do you guys feel relying on alcohol intoxication to give you artificial fun?

>> No.4393360

>How do you guys feel relying on video games to give you artificial fun?
>How do you guys feel relying on sports to give you artificial fun?
>How do you guys feel relying on movies to give you artificial fun?
>How do you guys feel relying on sex to give you artificial fun?
>How do you guys feel relying on music to give you artificial fun?
>How do you guys feel relying on art to give you artificial fun?

>> No.4393364

I don't get "intoxicated" myself. I can enjoy a beverage that goes beyond sweet fruit juices and super sweet sodas. Some people enjoy flavors outside of chocolate milk, "chicken" McNuggets, and mac and cheese.

>> No.4393374

Do you guys order online? I can't find any of this shit in liquor stores.

>> No.4393379

Are you a fucking Lilliputian?

>> No.4393386
File: 125 KB, 626x300, Binge Drinking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is it artificial?

Also its not that alcohol is necessary for fun, its alcohol makes all thing more fun and is also delicious. Stop being an evangelical southerner

>> No.4393388

Obama has a shit ton of laws making interstate distribution very tough on brewers. Selling online is generally not allowed

>> No.4393390

Tried Westvleteren XII (bottled). Over-hyped is the keyword here.

>> No.4393394
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Only a month or two until the best wheat beer returns

>> No.4393396

Are places like liquormart.com legitimate? I know that places that sell cigarettes online are scams.

>> No.4393418
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i live right next to Half Acre so i'm going through my (ahem, second) growler of daisy cutter.

but, god. they do not make a good beer. cheap given my location but... aw i don't know, not super great.

some of y'all have seriously tasty looking beverages this weekend!

>> No.4393424


>> No.4393441

Hmm, never saw this before.

I'll have to keep an eye for it.

>> No.4393450

Its only sold in Wisconsin in the summer, but if you are ever there and like wheat beer, definitely buy some

>> No.4393476

So I see, I plugged in my zipcode into their site and saw it was only in WI.

I don't really like beer much but have really like all the Wheat beers I've tried so I'm tempted to take the 20mi trip to Hudson, it just sucks that my SUV chugs gas like I chug liquor

>> No.4393487

Definitely worth the trip if you are in the Minneapolis area.

Their calendar says it is being released this month, but I have yet to see it. It is readily available in the summer though, basically every grocery/liquor store carries the full new Glarus line in Wisconsin so once it is out it will be easy to find

Also if you like fruit beer be sure to buy New Glarus's Serendipity and/or Raspberry Tart on your trip

>> No.4394595

Same for Florida! I saw an image on BeerAdvocate of an overpriced KBS at some restaurant, which struck me to wonder "Why don't we have Founders here?" Bam, there's the announcement (and only a week or two old). Very excited.

Flying Dog is one step above Shipyard to me. Maybe two if the bottle art is put into consideration. Their six packs generally run for either $9 or 10. I'd rather pay an extra dollar and get Titan or Two Hearted. Or pay less and grab some Torpedo tallboys.

I don't pay for that stuff anymore though, even when samplers are on sale ($12 for 12 packs on occasion). It's just not worth it.

>> No.4394602
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Working on this, just finished some Thornbridge Halcyon

>> No.4394609

seems about right.

>> No.4394610

Marston's Oyster Stout.

7.5/10 but it's pretty cheap

>> No.4394611

If you like Ruination keep your eyes peeled for Green Flash Palate Wrecker. It's price is comparative to Ruination (so, expensive), but it has a bit more wallop.

I keep thinking "I might like it more than Ruination" every time I buy it, but it's been too long since I've had Ruination to rightly make that claim. It's just a shame they don't sell more of the 12 oz. 4 packs I've seen of Ruination, just bombers. I generally don't buy a bomber for $8 when I can get a 6 pack of solid, nearly world class beer for $10. For some reason I am okay with $13 for 4 Palate Wreckers though? Math (and sense) obviously evades me sometimes.

As in Bell's Oberon? I've never seen a store WITHOUT Oberon if that's what you're talking about.