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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 82 KB, 963x733, MONSANTO-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4388520 No.4388520[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How do you like your cancerous seeds?

>> No.4388522

babby's first troll?

>> No.4388524


>> No.4390126

Better watch what you say about Monsanto. They will send their private army and government thugs after you. Then all the lawyers, so many lawyers.

>> No.4390132

Good job necromancing your shitty thread, OP. God forbid the board be any less shitty.

>> No.4390135

even the most oblivious food faggot knows Monsanto is pure evil. too easy, OP.

>> No.4390173


>> No.4391637


Cross-pollination of Monsanto plants and your plants in your garden is a big problem.

The new cancer study is just the icing on the cake.

>> No.4391642
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>> No.4391703


yea cause the kind of gutter-trash class that buys that gross shit will stop because some eco-nerds (that arent even christian) say so on a website they wouldnt go to even if they used the internet

>> No.4391715

Where is this "cancer" study?

>> No.4391719

Do any of you retards have a reason for calling it bad or do you just jump on bandwagons and email chains?

>> No.4391722

hes probably talking about that french one where they fed corn to rats, the very same study that was not peer reviewed by ANYBODY and is as invalid as anyone on the street claiming it because there isn't proof the study even ever happened, they just have pictures of rats with tumors and say SEE WHAT HAPPENEDED GAIS!!!!

>> No.4391724

All valid points, anon.

However, it'd be nice of Monsanto took a dive so shit like this >>4391637 "Cross-pollination" thing didn't happen. The farmers that have this happen to them get sued by Monsanto for copyright infringement.

>> No.4391733

>do you just jump on bandwagons
That is exactly what they do.

you hear about that evil corporation and how they sued that honest farmer because their patented plants were growing on his property?? Its outrageous!

the reality of the situation though
did you hear about that upstart lawyer that tried to sue a farmer only to be fired for stirring up shit and having the company drop the case when they found out what he did?

>> No.4391772

>the reality of the situation though
>did you hear about that upstart lawyer that tried to sue a farmer only to be fired for stirring up shit and having the company drop the case when they found out what he did?

You mean when the farmer gave up because the lawyer fees were reaching $1 million and paid Monsanto in an out-of-court settlement?

>> No.4391802

the soybean farmer? That wasn't cross pollination you fuck up, he bought monsanto seeds second hand from another farmer. He 100% broke the law, it is literally exactly like if he bought a DVD from his friend and started burning copies and selling them to people.

>> No.4391810

>He 100% broke the law,

So do the farmers of cross pollination. Monsanto lobbists made sure of that.

The problem here is allowing companies to copyright organisms of any kind. They go through seed banks and copyright everything they can get away with. It's pretty fucking bad actually.

>> No.4391827

>realize the corporation was correct
>realize you were defending people who were legally in the wrong
>shift gears and start complaining about the laws

>> No.4391834
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>mfw I live in sweden and buy a lot organic.
Especially my beans and corn. Don't have to worry so much about GMO up here anyway. My veggie soy products are either organic or labled non-gmo, or both.

>> No.4391840

Complaining about the laws does nothing. Taking down the company that put that law there is what you need to do. Otherwise, new laws are passed in their favor. Your freedom is an illusion.

Wake up.

>> No.4391842

But Green Giant said they do only GE, not GMO? I'm confused.

>> No.4391859

you are a faggot that believes fear mongers with absolutely no science on their side.
You are a heartless coward that wants people in developing countries to starve because new science is confusing and scary to you.

technophobic moron

>> No.4391862
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>People are this stupid

>> No.4391870
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Haven't been reading this thread, but I agree with this guy.

>> No.4391900
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this, GM crops are 100% safe, increase yield per acre and help reduce the reliance on excessive herbicides, pesticides and fertilizer, and increase resilience to droughts.

>> No.4391920

GE and GMO is buttfood for poor Americans that the fed doesn't want to keep alive.

Its mostly banned in the rest of the world, and illegal to sell without clear marking. USA is under the thumb of intellectual property lobbyists though, and they all club together to help each other.

>> No.4391925

This is not difficult

1) GMO foods are safe and will solve world hunger

2) Monsanto is a greedy corporation that sues farmers unless they buy new seeds every year which is ridiculous since crops make their own seeds

The two items are not related

>> No.4391942

This may come as a surprise to you but america is the cradle of global innovation right now and the ones developing these crops. Countries that ban them are doing it because they do not want their farmers using american technology that makes everything they have to offer by way of agriculture completely obsolete.

>> No.4391954
File: 7 KB, 262x192, mfwspag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hahahaha at all the disinfo in this thread.

>GM crops ... help reduce the reliance on excessive herbicides
What is Monsanto's #1 seed product and #1 chemical product? "Roundup Ready" soybeans and RoundUp herbicide. Seeds that are specifically designed to be used in combination with regular applications of herbicide.
>increase resilience to droughts
name one Monsanto seed that has increased resistance to drought. GM seeds are designed for monoculture industrial farming, not traditional dryland farming where drought resistance is needed. Are RoundUp soybeans drought resistant? Nope. New Leaf potatoes? Nope.
In fact all GM crops are utterly dependent on massive chemical inputs, unlike the traditional landrace varieties they are squeezing out.
Surprise surprise, a seed variety developed in a Monsanto lab to be sold to all of Africa isn't as hardy as the 100's of local cultivars that adapted to the local climates over generations.

>You are a heartless coward that wants people in developing countries to starve because new science is confusing and scary to you.
You are an ignorant dupe who bought into the bullshit that GM crops were meant for the poor.
"Golden" rice? How much of that is grown compared to RoundUp soybeans?

Btw, silly shills, we have Monsanto to thank for a nbew class of "superweeds" that has developed herbicide resistance thanks to overapplication of RoundUp in RoundUp crop fields. And we also have Monsanto to thank for insects gaining resistance to Bt in fields of Bt corn and potatoes.
Good job, Monsanto! Breeding stronger insects to make the shareholders rich!

>> No.4391971

Here, check this article from this "hippy" website that doesn't get much rep,


>> No.4391977

Why the fuck do you keep talking about Monsanto you fucking retard?
You said Monsanto and roundup 6 times in that post. Someone said to you the potential A FIELD OF SCIENCE has and you went off on a buttfrustrated tangent BUT MONSTANTO AND MUH ORGANICS!!!

genetically modifying plants is a field of science not a business model.

>> No.4391982
File: 5 KB, 259x194, mfwgrouchogetaload.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why the fuck do you keep talking about Monsanto you fucking retard?
Because it's a thread about Monsanto
>you fucking retard

>and you went off on a buttfrustrated tangent BUT MONSTANTO AND MUH ORGANICS!!!
didn't use the word 'organic' once, wtf the fuck are you even talking about, weirdo?

>> No.4391987

That "study" was already referenced in this thread. How about you read the comments where even the author questions what he wrote because it was brought to his attention that the study was not legitimate and did not use and semblance of a scientific method, they went in there with a goal in mind and tried to achieve it and that is why it is rejected by the scientific community.

>> No.4391996

An image in the first post is not the topic of the thread, the discussion was about GMOs but you understand so little about them you keep trying to shift it back to big evil corporations.

we all can see you are an organic localfag that is trying to veganize the world, you are mad because GMOs are not what you want to eat.

>> No.4391999

>This may come as a surprise to you but america is the cradle of global innovation right now and the ones developing these crops. Countries that ban them are doing it because they do not want their farmers using american technology that makes everything they have to offer by way of agriculture completely obsolete.

Persecution complex is one of the surest signs of mental illness

>> No.4392003
File: 12 KB, 352x201, mfwzaphodlaugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Let's talk about GMO's but not mention Monsanto"

On the slim chance you're not a troll, I guarantee you I know more about GMO's and the science behind them than you do.

>> No.4392009

>american technology that makes everything they have to offer by way of agriculture completely obsolete
you forgot grandiosity too

>> No.4392010

It is not that you mention them, it is that you wont stop talking about them.

>> No.4392011

>didn't read the provided article.

How awkward you must feel right now. lol

>> No.4392014

not even a little, dont need a 3 page long winded article to say people against GMOs are retarded

>> No.4392016


>> No.4392017
File: 476 KB, 2832x1716, 1364626650698.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the fact that monsanto owns the goverment should be alarming but you retards ignore it

>> No.4392025

Lets talk less about GMO foods and more that there is only 1 variety of each of these produces left. There used to be available many different kinds of corn, carrots, tomatoes, etc. But these farmers all now only grow the same crop every time and our foods have become bland and tasteless.

What do we do about this?

>> No.4392029

>that image

let's just give up and welcome our monsanto overlords. there's no sense in stressing about any of this.

>> No.4392031
File: 266 KB, 500x346, 1365812719249.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dat pic

>> No.4392037

you can do that same thing with almost any large company

You can tell it was made by a retard because it implies aspartame is bad. Bet you think MSG is bad too right?

>> No.4392045

> that disinfo

No, all it does is mention that he got a key product made by his ex employer legalized, despite the obvious conflict of interest.

>> No.4392047

I wonder if there are people reading /ck/ that think you are not a troll?

>> No.4392051

Letting a large corporation write its own regulations is always a good idea!

>> No.4392053

most of those jobs have nothing to do with agricultural regulation

>> No.4392059

>made by his ex employer legalized, despite the obvious conflict of interest.
>ex employer
>EX employer

as in not current, as in no conflict of interest. Are you loyal to every company you ever worked for?

>> No.4392074


Sounds like a government problem to me. Why are we bitching about Monsanto instead of the gov't which allows this to happen?

>> No.4392080

because being a young liberal dictates that the government is uncorruptable and always has the best interest of the people in mind, and corporations are always evil faceless monsters that have no purpose and contribute nothing to the world, everything should just be like..freeee man, you cant OWN stuff maaan.

>> No.4392094

look again
they all have an involvement

>> No.4392095

yeah just like dick how he never kicked all those contracts to Halliburton

>> No.4392097

does being whatever you are dictate that you be a douchebag?

>being a young liberal dictates that the government is uncorruptable
corporations writing their own legislation is by defintion government corruption, fucktard

>> No.4392100

No maaan its not the government, the big corporations took over maan and make you think they are the government maaaaaan

>> No.4392101


I think he's saying that many young liberals are'nt educated enough to realize that, and they blame the "roaches" instead of the homemaker who left food all over the kitchen. In other words, they blame Monsanto instead of the people in the government who voted for the bills which allowed Monsanto to do what they are doing.

>> No.4392104



this is great stuff

>> No.4392108

there's plenty of blame to go around.
Monsanto for being a bunch of amoral money-hungry scumbags,
government officials who write legislation for industry and then leave for a cushy job at the same company they were "regulating",
and the public, for being dumb as rocks and paying more attention to American Idol than who is in office.

>> No.4392109

exactly this. They get mad and say they hate capitalism, what they actually hate is chrony capitalism when companies are in bed with the government. In proper capitalism the private and public sector don't suck each others cocks for exclusivity contracts and patent laws, when that is the case it is the people that have all the control but companies get government protection because the government is fucked up, not the companies.

>> No.4392114


this. we need to abolish the government because then there would be nothing to corrupt. I wish these liberal pussies would understand that government does nothing and only stifles innovation and steals from the makers in order to give to the takers. but then, libs = leeches, so there you go.

>> No.4392116

I find it humorous that the anti-liberal anti-hippie people talk more like and more often like the people they think are liberals and hippies.

>> No.4392118

it is simple, if this is not your stance you are objectively wrong


>> No.4392127

>government does nothing and only stifles innovation
What is NASA?

>> No.4392129

You will notice how the private sector is innovating space travel way fast than NASA is. They had a monopoly on it at one time aside from the russians, now they don't

>> No.4392135
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>Tenacious D

>> No.4392144


An organization that innovated less than the equivalent amount of money spent by private business would have. Like all government agencies, NASA's budget is incredibly wasteful compared to what they do/did.

>> No.4392152
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>> No.4392162

proven on that king of the nerds show when the NASA engineer lost a physics equation challenge to someone that looked up how to do physics problems on wikipedia the night before

>> No.4392166


nice. I have to watch this then, I currently get most of my anti government facts from penn & teller and similar documentaries.

>> No.4392179
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>I walk out of my house and begin to enjoy life in the country of Amerisanto
>Priv-Check 4000 rolls by my house and scans my garden for unchecked GMC privilege
>Ejaculates seeds into my tomato garden
>My tomatoes turn gray and have pits inside of them
>Monsanto sues me for tomato infringement
>Have to sell my house

T-thanks Monsanto

>> No.4392181

and the challenge after that was practical engineering.
They were given a bunch of objects of various shapes and sizes and had to build a tower with them...guess who lost

>> No.4392182
File: 353 KB, 900x2793, 1359814668356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You know for a fact that these companies are in bed with the entire upper echelons of the US goverment, right?

>You know they pay people to spread disinfo and advertise across many online fronts, right?

>You know it's always about the money with them, they don't give a fuck about you, right?

>You know their shit is objectively bad for you, right?

Buy local, grow local, eat local. Simple living is best, and those that want cheap garbage food are welcome to it. Check where your seeds are coming from, buy sparingly, eat healthy and within your means.

>> No.4392188

Seconding this.

>> No.4392191

tell that to people living in a dustbowl that cant grow crops

check your first world privilege

>> No.4392194


[citation needed]

>> No.4392198

>cant grow crops

People in apartments grow crops, anon. lrn2/moderntechnologyandmethods/

>> No.4392200

>what are greenhouses?

>> No.4392201
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Then you have to do the best with what you've got. I don't know anything about raising crops in arid conditions like that, but you have to find some way of eating and living without sucking down garbage every day.

>> No.4392203
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>> No.4392208

>goalposts: moved

>pure speculation voiced as fact

>> No.4392211

>modern technology in 3rd world nations that barely even have working irrigation systems

>> No.4392214

>goalposts: moved
just because you can't think of a rebuttal is no reason to get pissy

>> No.4392216

>tell that to people living in a dustbowl that cant grow crops
Name specifically the Monsanto crop that can be grown in a dustbowl where other crops won't grow.
Hint: you can't, because Monsanto only designs seeds to be grown on existing farmland replacing traditional crops.

>> No.4392217

Seeds can't have cancer.

But I don't like Monsanto.

>> No.4392218

>3rd world nations

lol I know some places in the USA are bad, but come on.

>> No.4392223

>back to talking about Monsanto because you know you will look really fucking stupid if you even attempt to claim that genetic modification as a science would be incapable of solving this problem

>> No.4392221

the rebuttal is that NASA innovated many things, and you're busted but you can't admit you're wrong so you went on some bullshit "muh private industry" rant

>> No.4392222

>the private sector is innovating space travel way fast than NASA is.


Nasa went from first manned rockets to moonlanding in about 8 years. What has private space travel got us except for beardy cunts like richard branson saying they want to flog space cruise tickets to oligarchs for millions at a time?

>> No.4392226

Seeds can have and do get cancer. That type of cancer doesn't affect humans of course.

>> No.4392228

He is correct though.

>> No.4392230

>What has private space travel got us except for beardy cunts like richard branson saying they want to flog space cruise tickets to oligarchs for millions at a time?

troll rant detected

>> No.4392233

Lots of Monsanto flunkies ITT it seems. lol You can't fool us.

>> No.4392236

I'm not wrong, NASA is a shitty organization and you are lying to yourself if you think they aren't.
also they didn't innovate shit, all of the materials they used and even their vehicles were contracted out to private companies for development or at the very least manufacturing.

ever hear of the Grumman lunar module? Not the NASA lunar module, not the US lunar module, the Grumman lunar module because it was developed by a private company.

>> No.4392239
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>back to talking about Monsanto because you know you will look really fucking stupid if you even attempt to claim that genetic modification as a science would be incapable of solving this problem

cool story, bro.
i'm talking about the real world and things that actually exist, and you're off in fantasy-land.
why then are no corporations doing what you say they can do?
because there's no money in it and they don't really give a fuck oh and also genetic modification ISN'T FUCKING MAGIC and if there is less than 6 inches of rain a year, you're not growing corn no matter fucking what.

>> No.4392251

You are the retard trying to demonize an entire field of science because you don't like the business practices of a company.

>> No.4392254

>Monsanto thread
>"Whyyyyyyyy do you keep mentioning Monsanto? Whhyyyyyyyyyy????"
Stop crying, bitchface.

>> No.4392278
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time to get on your short bus and move on to the next hysterical cause-du-jour, even the true believers are jumping off the bandwagon


>> No.4392286
File: 8 KB, 259x194, chapela.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sitting stunned, Chapela replied: 'So you are going to take a revolver out now and kill me or something, what is going on?' Then Monasterio offered Chapela a deal: 'After he told me how I had created the problem, he said I could be part of the solution, just like in a typical gangster movie. He proceeded to invite me to be part of a secret scientific team that was going to show the world what the reality of GM was all about. He said it was going to be made up of the best scientists in the world and you are going to be one of them, and we are going to meet in a secret place in Baja, California. And I said, "who are the other scientists"', and he said "Oh I have them already lined up, there are two from Monsanto and two from DuPont". And I kept saying "Well that is not the way I work, and I wasn't the problem, and the problem is out there".'

>> No.4392289
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Then events took a very sinister turn. 'He brings up my family', recalls Chapela. 'He makes reference to him knowing my family and ways in which he can access my family. It was very cheap. I was scared. I felt intimidated and I felt threatened for sure. Whether he meant it I don't know, but it was very nasty to the point that I felt "why should I be here, listening to all this and I should leave".'

>> No.4392292


What is credibility?

>> No.4392297
File: 7 KB, 284x177, mfwbruledeal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>time to get on your short bus and move on to the next hysterical cause-du-jour, even the true believers are jumping off the bandwagon
-GM crops being banned in many countries
-herbicide-resistant superweeds being found in GM fields all over America faster than projections indicated
-insects rapidly becoming resistant to GM crops containing pesticide genes
-GM crops like canola escaping from GM fields into the wild everywhere they're cultivated
-irreversible genetic pollution of non-GM crops by GM pollen
-farmers discovering that it's just as easy to go bankrupt growing GM crops despite all the slick marketing

oh yeah, it's going GREAT

>> No.4392300

if you want to talk about corporate ethics take it to >>>/pol/
if you want to talk about environmental effects of GMOs you can take it to >>>/an/
if you want to talk about genetic engineering you can take it to >>>/sci/
if you want to complain for no reason you can take it to >>>/lgbt/

but this company has nothing to do with food and cooking at its core just because farmers buy their products

>> No.4392306

oops, i forgot:
-GM crops never approved for human consumption finding their way into the human food supply even though the big corporations swore that would never happen
-American farmers losing millions when their crops accidentally get polluted by GM seed and they can't sell to Japan

>> No.4392305

Not to mention all the honey bees dying from GM pesticide crops.

>> No.4392307

>GM pesticide crops.

Systemic pesticides too.

>> No.4392308

NASA is another government umbrella that is the face for government produced products. It's called NASA lunar module because it was through their funding by the people (taxes) that NASA allocated enough money to pay a private corporation who hire working citizens, to produce a space exploration vehicle. To be used in whatever crazy design someone behind a mahogany desk is scheming.

As for Monsanto there are just another corporation who funded production to private citizens who created a genetically modified plant. The only difference is time, they did much quicker then say American Indians or Quakers, or the Amish who over multiple generations cross-bred plants or just chose to keep the seeds from the plant that did the best.

OP is misinformed and has no understanding of the situation, just another 90% faggot running around like a chicken with its head chopped off.

>> No.4392311

>GM crops never approved for human consumption finding their way into the human food supply

I know for a fact off hand that has never happened so I have no reason to believe any of the other speculation you are presenting

>> No.4392315

Replace your argument of NASA with FDA and see how it goes. After all the FDA is funded by taxes too.

>> No.4392309

>if you want to talk about corporate ethics take it to >>>/pol/
>if you want to talk about environmental effects of GMOs you can take it to >>>/an/
>if you want to talk about genetic engineering you can take it to >>>/sci/
>if you want to complain for no reason you can take it to >>>/lgbt/

if you want to tell me what to do, take it to someone who gives a fuck what you say (you cunt)

>> No.4392318

>but this company has nothing to do with food
>nothing to do with food
Full retard and then some.

>> No.4392319
File: 5 KB, 232x154, mfwpatrice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I know for a fact off hand that has never happened so I have no reason to believe any of the other speculation you are presenting
You know exactly jack shit:

>> No.4392323

Just because you can eat a plant does not make the discussion food related.

I wouldn't come here and ask how to get my sunflowers to grow even though you can technically eat the seeds.

>> No.4392326


Yes, you're right. The function of the FDA could likewise be performed better by private industry.

>> No.4392329


But we aren't talking about their food. We're talking about their ethics, legal issues, government issues, and so on.

>> No.4392330

Frankly, I could give a fuck about your opinion.
You don't like the thread, fuckin leave.

>> No.4392333


If the private sector comes up with a bad drug, it won't sell. I don't know why stupid libs think we need a nanny government to tell us what to do. Then again any person who thinks that the cops are their for their protection and not just to clean up the mess after the nogs invade his unlocked city liberal apartment and rape his wife and daughter is probably too stupid to know a safe medicine from a poison anyway.

>> No.4392334

it was never eaten by anybody, the blood tests proved it, so it was never in the human food supply.

>> No.4392336

He knows for a fact because he works for a company that does damage control for Monsanto. Their web crawlers are pretty fast. Some friends and I did a check on this one time by making a no-name forum with fake posts. None of the posts were about Monsanto or anything related to them. The site was in googles search, but was never updated for a month.

Within 15 minutes of posting anti-Monsanto anti-GMO stuff we started getting posts calling us out on those posts. Yet, no one else besides us had ever posted on that site.

>> No.4392339

>If the private sector comes up with a bad drug, it won't sell.

Like how Crisco never did any good though it wasn't even for cooking.

>> No.4392341

it isn't my opinion, its the rules of the fucking site

>> No.4392337
File: 9 KB, 233x217, nelson2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If the private sector comes up with a bad drug, it won't sell.
You're right, that's never happened.

>> No.4392338

What's your point is that you're a retard? If you have such a problem with the way things are they why don't you do something instead of bitch in a FOOD FORUM how pointless....or move to some uninhabited island in the specific without your government handouts, like the free education, law enforcement and roads. get out of my 'mericka

>> No.4392342

Reading comprehension, what is it?
The article doesn't say the people never ate it, it says their allergic reactions weren't related to the Bt in it.
Jesus, take a second before you make yourself look stupid again.

>> No.4392343

Maybe you should read it, there is no proof they ever ate it

>> No.4392344

This is a food thread in the food forum.
Go fuck yourself.

>> No.4392345

>resorts to nothing but ad hominems

Good argument points, anon. Seems you lost, unless you have something to actually add to the conversation besides personal attacks.

>> No.4392348


A subsequent review of these tests by the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act Scientific Advisory Panel points out that while "the negative results decrease the probability that the Cry9C protein is the cause of allergic symptoms in the individuals examined ... in the absence of a positive control and questions regarding the sensitivity and specificity of the assay, it is not possible to assign a negative predictive value to this"[21]

>> No.4392351

There's this simple thing called "Google", that magically allows you to collect more information on a subject about which you know little.
Use it, because you're wrong. (And stupid).

>> No.4392353


I would like some additional information on this experience please.

>> No.4392358

not it isn't, its a troll thread discussing science, ethics, and government corruption on the food board

>> No.4392359

Not much to tell. Just several pro-GMO, pro-Monsanto people magically appearing on a "dead" site right after we post wed spider bait for them.

>> No.4392360

>In the first-ever product recall of a food because of its genetically engineered ingredients, Taco Bell brand taco shells are being pulled from supermarket shelves after tests confirmed the presence of an ingredient not approved for human consumption.
>The Taco Bell restaurant chain also said that, as a precautionary measure, it has begun substituting taco shells sold in its 7,000 locations nationwide.

>Kraft said yesterday that it had independently confirmed the presence of the StarLink corn in multiple samples and production lots.

>> No.4392363

and there is still no proof anybody ate anything that was contaminated

>> No.4392366
File: 69 KB, 610x378, mfw2dicks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"I don't like what's being said so I'll try to censor it by stamping my little foot"
Eat ALL the dicks, dick.

>> No.4392370

keep going, you're only making yourself look more ridiculous

>> No.4392374

But anon, GMOs are deadly and if people ate it surely they would all have stage 4 cancer and be infertile now right?

>> No.4392378


Yeah, the one the EU's equivalent to the FDA threw out of because it was so badly run.

And then the scientist threw a hissy fit and refused to provide any more information on how it was run.

>> No.4392380

GM crops don't have to be poison to be a terrible idea

>> No.4392387

status: floundering

techophobe faggot

>> No.4392400

no, asshole, i never claimed they were poison, so i'm not "foundering"

>techophobe faggot
you're right, every possible application of technology is great and problem-free.
would you like some asbestos insulation for your bedroom, dummy?

>> No.4392405

Who argues like this? Trolls. Mad trolls it seems.

>> No.4392407

asbestos isn't technology, they are minerals.
You aren't very smart are you?

>> No.4392412

>asbestos isn't technology

Correct, but "asbestos insulation" is technology.

>> No.4392415

>asbestos isn't technology, they are minerals.
>You aren't very smart are you?
Naturally-occuring asbestos has to be processed with TECHNOLOGY into insulation.
You're not very smart AND you're a dick.

>> No.4392418
File: 47 KB, 500x375, 1268806115555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet this guy has sweaty palms now. How awkward. lol

>> No.4392419

So don't use asbestos as home insulation, that does not render the asbestos useless for all applications, unless of course you managed to come up with something that works better.

and for the record it was only dangerous because it was not being disposed of correctly, if it is properly maintained there is nothing wrong with it.

>> No.4392429
File: 62 KB, 334x500, straws_for_grasping.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Excuse me sir, I believe you are looking for these.

>> No.4392434

you will do anything to avoid addressing an argument head on wont you?

>> No.4392435

>So don't use asbestos as home insulation, that does not render the asbestos useless for all applications, unless of course you managed to come up with something that works better.
GM tech isn't useless either.
But the way it's being implemented, with business interests writing the regulations, terrible oversight, and no regard for the genetic pollution that's taking place - that's useless.

Look, within a matter of decades, RoundUp seeds will be useless because weeds will be immune to RoundUp. And Bt will be useless as a pesticide because Bt-gene crops produced bugs that are immune to it. Properly applied, Bt would have been useful for hundreds of years, GM crops are ruining it.

>> No.4392442

yeah evolution is a thing that happens sometimes, now you have a problem with how quickly it happens?
When something adapts as all things will, you change what you are doing and adapt along with it.

and keep in mind this thread was started with a shit post about cancer so don't try to wiggle out of how asinine this discussion was from the get go.

business interests and genetic pollution are not /ck/ related

>> No.4392451

>yeah evolution is a thing that happens sometimes, now you have a problem with how quickly it happens?
>When something adapts as all things will, you change what you are doing and adapt along with it.
Yeah, I have a problem with an extremely useful and important pesticide, Bt, being rendered useless because of the reckless planting of GM crops.
>business interests and genetic pollution are not /ck/ related
How many times do you need to be told? You're not the boss here, pushy, and this thread is about food.
You seem very invested in talking about this since you've replied so many times.

>> No.4392453

Your argument points are completely invalid. you are merely embarrassing yourself and trying to derail this thread, which I bet was your goal all along.

Back to the matter, Monsanto's GMO bullshit is just that, bullshit. They have no fucking clue what they are doing and make damn sure no one finds out. They don't even do proper length studies. GMO seeds have been proven to cause cancer in mice. Sorry you can't handle that, Mr. Grant.


>> No.4392475

>implying I'm the only one replying and saging this thread
I'm just here to eat up as many posts as I can personally. You aren't talking about food, you are talking about pesticides.

>> No.4392477

>GMO seeds have been proven to cause cancer in mice
lol no, already debunked in this thread several times

>> No.4392485

No, it hasn't. You're becoming delusional.

>> No.4392486

>ITT: pro-monsanto

How? Are they getting paid? This is like saying Obama isn't president or something equally crazy.

>> No.4392490

yes it has, you are just a liar

>> No.4392517

>implying I'm the only one replying and saging this thread
pfahaha, look at the jackass who doesn't know how to "sage" properly
keep bumping this food thread, dummy