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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4386509 No.4386509 [Reply] [Original]

Why is hamburger and fries such a popular dish?

Ground beef isn't good food. A burger is worse than almost any kind of sandwich. Fries is a really bad choice for a side dish.

Just don't get whats so good about it. Convince me that eating hamburgers isn't a huge waste of time.

>> No.4386515

People have different tastes. Imagine that!

>> No.4386517

Why do we need to convince you of anything? Eat whatever the fuck you want to, we don't give two shits. Now, GTFO, faggot.

>> No.4386519

Go eat a burger and fries at a non-fast food place. Well made burger and fries really are amazing.

>> No.4386518

Just because your typical fast-food burger is horrid doesn't make the dish as a whole bad.

Try actually putting some effort into making burgers; make your own ground beef, bread, sauce and fries, and you'll realize that it's a whole different dish.

>> No.4386520 [DELETED] 
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>Why is hamburger and fries such a popular dish?
Savory faeces

>> No.4386528

>Convince me that eating hamburgers isn't a huge waste of time.
Impossible. They're crap marketed to kids. Sure, made with really good ingredients and some care they can be fucking delicious, but they're not serious food.

>> No.4386549


If you are trying to develop cancer or cardiovascular disease, you would be hard pressed to find a more efficient method than downing cheeseburgers all day long.

How can it be a huge waste of time if it is very useful for that?

You can argue that it's a waste of time for you because you aren't interested in that.... but for anyone that does want to pursue that it certainly isn't a waste of time at all.

>> No.4386593
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There's a lot of shit posters on /ck/ lately...

Anyway, OP, you obviously haven't tried making your own hamburgers and fries.When you put the effort into making something yourself it becomes 10x better.
Also, it's essentially a meal on a bun, if you decide to put a decent amount of veggies on it. It's the same as eating a steak and 2 veg sides, just with different flavors and consistency.

>> No.4386600
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>Ground beef isn't good food.

>> No.4386634


>> No.4386651
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>ask why people like something
>People have different tastes. Imagine that!

>> No.4386655


>What the fuck is discussion?

Stop being autistic

>> No.4386660

>implying this board wasn't always a shithole

Welcome to 4chan, Anon.

>> No.4386664

It wasn't always this way.

>> No.4386666

>convince me to like what I don't like!
>worthwhile discussion
>implying anyone actually gives a shit what OP eats

>> No.4386697

>Why is hamburger and fries such a popular dish?

I'm pretty sure the last sentence isn't his main point

Food is subjective as hell and this is the one thread you care about talking about opinions you fucktard

>> No.4386700

We don't give a shit what you eat.

>> No.4386701 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4386716

ITT: Selfish assholes.

Want to know how to get these losers to answer you OP,
You have to rephrase your question and make it ALL about them. Here, I'll help you.

Why do you like hamburger and fries?

What do you like about the ground beef you use? (Give details such as fat percentage, etc.). How do you compare hamburgers to other sandwiches. What makes your burger god tier?

I haven't been particularly fond of them lately. Tell me why you like them so much

>> No.4386723
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nice 6's brah

>> No.4386726

>number autism


>> No.4386731
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>flame seared juicy meat patty
>on a soft or toasty bun
>with condiments and toppings that enhance the flavor and texture
>served with crispy and salty potato fries
>that can be dipped in delicious sauces

That's why hamburgers and fries are so good.

>> No.4386804

If you enjoy red meat it's great. Especially since you can infuse shit into the ground beef (peppers, cheese, etc.). A good burger, medium, juicy as fuck, right next to a pile of crispy golden fries that are waiting to be dipped in the sauce of your choosing. I prefer dumping malt vinegar all over mine.
God damn I want a burger.

>> No.4386894

well the french fries are a pretty genius idea, because potatoes are dirt cheap so restaurants make a shit load of money on them. same with the accompanying pop. burgers are actually good, so idk what you're talking about there.

>> No.4386937 [DELETED] 
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>Why is hamburger and fries such a popular dish?

Produces nice, healthy faeces

>> No.4387357


They're both very easy to make, offer a variety of things you could do with them, and often satisfy with a lower amount of food.

I'd never have a burger if I was able to have something else, but I'm not opposed to having them if I'm at a BBQ or something. Fries are great when paired correctly too, but most homemade fries suck ass since people don't know how to make 'em correctly.

>> No.4387422

>A burger is worse than almost any kind of sandwich.
I would wager that you have either not had a good hamburger or a truly awful sandwich.

That said, fast food pairs fries with burgers because they can be made quick and easy, and people buy the garbage fast food for the same reasons.
>serious food.
I don't even
This is a thing?

>> No.4387535

>Serious food, is that a thing?
Most good restaurants that have a burger on the menu have it in a grudging way, because the chef would rather it wasn't there. He knows those ordering it either don't appreciate the rest of the menu or are cheaping out. Otherwise they'd be at a burger joint.

A burger and fries can be tasty as fuck. I've tasted an example of such at a Michelin starred restaurant (truffle fries, to boot), and it was great. But why anyone would order that when there were so many tastier and more interesting things on the menu is beyond me. No. Wait. It isn't. We were out with a kid, and she ordered it. Then she couldn't finish it. Which is how I got a taste of it.

>> No.4387562


While they aren't healthy in excess, burgers and fries are concentrated sources of fat and calories essential to our body. For that reason, consumption as an occassional indulgence isn't a waste of time.

>> No.4387571

It's not an 'all the time' food, but if honestly no part of you can find any pleasure in the consumption of a greasy, juicy burger and some crisp, salty fries then I truly feel sorry for you. Some part deep inside of you is cold and dead.

>> No.4387576

See: Any "survey" thread where people just jam out their reply and then wait for someone to quote their post.

>nobody ever does

>> No.4387578
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No one has brought up the reason hamburgers are so ubiquitous. Its because the ground beef becomes cheaper than any solid cut because of economies of scale. Large scale beef producers can simply set aside trimmings from other cuts and use those to make ground beef. But it doesnt taste like the cheapest meat, since its just a mix of trimmings. Really doesnt taste all that bad.
French fries I could live without though.

>> No.4387597

Because AMERICA you pansy faggot.

>> No.4387640

Please be to consider

Sausages are the oldest form of meat cooking

sausages are delicious

sausages are ground meat stuffed into casing

>> No.4387836

why would i try to convince you. I couldn't give a flying fuck if you dont like burgers you stupid faggot stop shitting up this board with your faggotry

>> No.4387850
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