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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4385763 No.4385763 [Reply] [Original]

Behold, the ranch dressing waterfall.
America: #1
Rest of the world: Not even trying to compete anymore

>> No.4385771

An Australian friend or euro posted this no doubt.

>> No.4385773

My problem with this is not the ranch, but the open-air setting. People are disgusting.

>> No.4385775

Ranch, chocolate, cheese fountain. I don't know why people still have these at events. They're filthy. People double dip and kids stick their dirty fingers in it.

>> No.4385779

That looks too pure white to be ranch dressing.

>> No.4385783

also insects, shitloads of insects

>> No.4385782


That's a really shitty idea, do you even know how much you would have to thin out a good ranch dressing to make it flow through that thing...the shit would be all watery.


>> No.4385789


I can tell by the old lady in the black skirt sucking phantom dicks and holding carrots that she has already sabotaged the fountain with her yeasty juices; because she's hates Indian bitchz.

>> No.4385875

Maybe it's hot.

>> No.4385878


this looks like the sort of pointless decadent shit one would expect to see in Rome right before it started to collapse, or in France right before the revolution.

these are supposedly successful people, who went to college, and look down on ignorant shits who clean their toilets, repair their cars, and mow their lawns.

>> No.4385883
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>> No.4385885

You've never been to the lindt museum in switzerlad?

Eh, faggot.

>> No.4386190 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4386672
File: 73 KB, 500x447, 3f967cf2c8dacb7044ce5fa8894a36c4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw the man you love insists on a ranch dressing waterfall at your wedding.

>> No.4386730


>> No.4386736
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I doubt this managed to surprise someone.

>> No.4386748

Europeans have this strange obsession with America. When they aren't thinking about America, they're talking about America. Canadian friend, by the way.

>> No.4386753

I would seriously be reconsidering what I'm doing marrying someone who wants to pay for and eat from a fountain of ANYTHING. The whole concept of food fountains reeks of trailer trash and disease.

>> No.4386754

>stop liking what I don't like!

>> No.4386760

>I'm extremely lonely, please stop being happy
>I'm projecting on the internet again

>> No.4386761

I would purposely leave random items I find laying around into that fountain.

>> No.4386764

You spelled Australians wrong

>> No.4386773

No, it's Europeans. It's always so obvious when they post.

>> No.4386777

Nope, I'm happily married to a man who has more taste and class than to eat from a fountain of diseased crap.

>> No.4386783


This made me laugh more than it should have.

>> No.4386786 [DELETED] 

>I'm so lonely that I'm making up stories
>liking something I don't like obviously makes them inferior me
>being this miserable

>> No.4386794

That's grounds for a breakup, seriously

>> No.4386795

that's obviously white chocolate.

>> No.4386805

>I'm so lonely that I'm making up stories
>liking something I don't like obviously makes them inferior to me
>being this miserable

>> No.4386799


No it isn't

>> No.4386812

talking about yourself, I see.
Stop projecting and being sad you can't be like us normals.
See, I don't care whether you believe me, because I have someone who's there for me and knows me better than anyone. Been married for over a decade now. Suck on that. Yes, I'm smug about it. In this day and age, we're a resounding success.

>> No.4386820

If he wants something like that and you still love him what does that say about you

Just a thought

>> No.4386821

Is your situation really this bad?

>> No.4386829

You're definitely normal, you're arguing about fountains on the internet right now. Let that sink in.

>> No.4386830
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>happily married = bad

>> No.4386834


And she's probably in her 30's, which makes it so much worse.

>> No.4386837

What's with the influx of mad people to /ck/ lately? Just over the past few days I've seen people freaking out about the tiniest things. We're normally a pretty stable board, are we being raided or something?

Polite sage for off-topic

>> No.4386846

>implying life doesn't just get better and better once you're over 30.
Oh you young'uns. Always thinking you've got it all figured out.

>> No.4386854

It's been this way for a couple of months, at least. I blame the fact that too many people from fucking "R" found us. The stupid ones came. Now we must disinfect everything. The influx of random stupidity and vegans is just abnormal and out of control.

>> No.4386855

Not to mention the literal shit posting.

What we need is a group hug right now.

>> No.4386853

I really hope I have better things to do than tell people my life story and argue about fountains on 4chan when I'm in my 30's... this is so sad.

>> No.4386860

Then why are you here?
Oh yes, because once we get older, we should never have time to sit and relax for lulz on the internet. Please, stop being such a child.

>> No.4386871

I really hope that I have more going on in my 30s than sitting around trawling 4chan for "lulz".

>> No.4386868

Yep, it is. Sorry to rain on your parade friend, but we had chocolate fountains at my prom back in high school, and the white chocolate one looked just like that.

>> No.4386884

>in your 30's
>typing the word lulz

I'm not that guy, but this is getting depressing. Stop arguing with people half your age on the internet, I'm cringing so fucking hard right now. Christ.

>> No.4386889

I couldn't care less whether you're cringing or not. This whole thing started because I mentioned how trashy and disgusting food fountains are, and the usual neckbeards had to start projecting. And as far as internet slang, in particularly 4chan slang goes, you should know better. How new are you? I love it when kids think that older people sit around in suits and offices constantly doing nothing but work or taking care of children. Guess what, adults like to relax and have fun too. Sometimes, we even use the internet for that!

>> No.4386891
File: 86 KB, 500x667, small_ranch_dressing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do people usually dip veggies in chocolate?

>> No.4386896

They need to create a /mom/ board for ladies like you. You're 2grownup4me.

>> No.4386897

It is also obvious when Canadians post.
"Oh that is your opinion? Mine is different, but I respect yours friend."

>> No.4386901

You do know /ck/ is heavily populated with moms. There was a whole thread with them posting a week or so ago.

>> No.4386906 [DELETED] 
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Faeces, out if nowhere

>> No.4386907

>/ck/ is heavily populated with moms
>shitty shitfest shitastic posting 24/7
>dear god think of the children
>won't somebody
>think of the children

>> No.4386908
File: 27 KB, 400x300, cringe1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>in your 30's
>still proud of the time you've spent in the internet's asshole

You are a really depressing person. Last reply you'll get from me... because, you know, you're behaving like an embarrassing child right now and I have better things to do, I'm sorry you don't.

>> No.4386920

Yeah, this board is full of mom's alright.

>> No.4386926

That's probably someone's mom just posting toilet photos for the lulz. Don't be so rude, anon!

>> No.4387011

Luckily for me, you don't know me. I'm far from depressing. Actually, I'm extremely social, which is why I waste a little time here, because I enjoy talking with people. I'm sorry you have such a sad outlook on life that you feel the need to be uptight and super-serious. And I highly doubt you have better things to do at this exact moment, otherwise you wouldn't have been here in the first place.

>> No.4387050 [DELETED] 
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>>shitty shitfest shitastic posting 24/7

You misspelled faeces