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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 10 KB, 250x250, tray-veg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4382115 No.4382115 [Reply] [Original]

> Sure, I'd love to come to a potluck! I'll bring a veggie tray!

>> No.4382125

> Sure, I'd love to start a thread! I'll use a thumbnail!

No, but this is kind of a shitty move, even if I'd gladly eat everything on that tray. Lrn 2 potluck

>> No.4382137
File: 135 KB, 640x480, 3504636096_047f2a59cd_z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll bring the pop.

>> No.4382139

What's so bad about a veggie tray?

>> No.4382143
File: 11 KB, 300x195, 71d6edfb-44f1-4713-a541-6f3ad72b64d1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And here is the dessert I'll bring

>> No.4382152


> A potluck is a gathering of people where each person or group of people may contribute a dish of food prepared by the person or the group of people, to be shared among the group.

It's not prepared by the person bringing it. It's disrespectful to the potluck gods.

Same thing goes for cheese platters, shrimp rings, and M&M frozen entrees.

I resent being the only person at a potluck that actually cooks something.

>> No.4382155

bad taste bringing shit like that to a pot luck

>> No.4382160
File: 100 KB, 838x1105, non_printed_ice_bag__37332_zoom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'll bring the ice!

>> No.4382162


But what if you made a fuckwin homemade dip to go with the veggie tray? Like baked artichoke or something?

I like bringing a crudite platter, because half the time whenever people bring stuff to a potluck it's all desserts or fat people food, and nobody likes to cook with vegetables as much as I do, I have found.

>> No.4382169

I fucking hate that everyone these days just tries to go the easy route when it comes to potlucks. In my last workplace half the people just went to Costco to buy salads and whatever there. At least it was easy to please them, I brought a bean salad once and they raved about it like it was fucking foie gras :/

>> No.4382175


That would be acceptable. Anyone can cut veggies, but not everyone can make a good veggie dip. OP's picture is clearly the shit tier ranch dressing that comes with the tray though.

>> No.4382178


Well, yes. Ranch or any prepared dip is pig disgusting. I just happen to like vegetable trays.

Which I realize is weird for north america, but I can't help it.

>> No.4382181

I've never been to a potluck... But I have been grillmaster at summer parties.

Maybe some day...

>> No.4382184
File: 12 KB, 264x306, sadanon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'll bring the-
>You'll bring the deviled eggs, anon.
>But I'm good at things besides deviled eggs-
>No you're not, stick to what you're good at.

My mother's not a tactful person.

>> No.4382191
File: 6 KB, 350x300, 1365434473371.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'll bring a dessert!!

Forgets to make something, shows up anyways and just eats all the food

>> No.4382213

You could always hit her
Watch that tact fade away

>> No.4382231

Fuck no, that woman's got an arm like Mike Tyson and she's twice as mean, I wouldn't last a minute against her.

>> No.4382238

>make spicy chili for potluck because I like it
>everyone is apparently too weak-stomached to eat spicy food
Sometimes I think coming from the Southwest makes me a space alien in the rest of the country when it comes to hot and spicy.

>> No.4382242

Where did you move to? I'm midwestfag here, which is mainly fatty comfort food, cheese, and beer, but still love some burn. That being said, a lot of people here don't share that last sentiment.

>> No.4382280
File: 150 KB, 375x500, k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i'll bring the chips

>> No.4382343
File: 23 KB, 400x266, "cookies".jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'll bring dessert!

>> No.4382346

Jesus, NO!

Does anyone actually like these things? I mean, store-bought doughnuts sure, but dried out frosted shit cakes?

>> No.4382356

those are fucking delicious, no shame.

>> No.4382357

They're decent once you scrape off the icing.

>> No.4382360

I fucking kill for those

>> No.4382361

Augh.. no thanks.

I guess I can see why they keep showing up at parties though thanks to your fanfare though...

>> No.4382365

I agree, they're fucking disgusting.

Captcha: Transferred uncheasy

>> No.4382368

Same. I hate them, they're not even real cookies.

>> No.4382388

Dear /ck/
Its ok if you bring a veggie tray to my potluck.
I fucking love the veggie tray.
Just get an awesome dip, not shitty ranch.

Also you don't have to cook. But you could get balls deep in some pussy if you do.

>> No.4382401

Not even gonna lie, God Bless shitty American food THOSE fucking cookies are good as fuck.

>> No.4383256

I like the texture.

>> No.4383277
File: 487 KB, 968x627, asia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no thanks I'll stay home guys

>> No.4383279

I love good veggie trays. But whatever dips you serve better not be bottle ranch dressing, or you'll be looking for a smack!

>> No.4383282

It's just that OP's pic is the store bought veggie tray that took 0 effort to buy when other people actually cooked a dish.

>> No.4383298

Riiiight. I get your point. I've brought veggies trays to parties (but I also usually bring something else, like a dessert or a meat and cheese tray too) But I make the veggie tray at home, myself, after selecting the veggies I want to include. The store bought ones are inevitably dried out and all come with terrible ranch dressing or some other god awful dip. When I do a veggie tray, I try to include several dips, that will appeal to most people. Like roasted red pepper dip, or homemade green goddess dip, or red onion-basil dip, or even hot artichoke-spinach dip.

>> No.4383301

When I bring veggie trays to potlucks I replace the ranch with ketchup.

>> No.4383304

I'm neither a vegetarian nor do I want to eat meat every day.
What OP has looks good, I'd love that.

>> No.4383306
File: 604 KB, 1280x720, hoarderskitchen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>your coworkers kitchen

>> No.4383327

>The kitchen at work

>> No.4383337
File: 101 KB, 640x480, budget bytes salsa chicken casserole.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to be like that, whenever I had to cook something for potluck I would just go buy something because it was too difficult to deal with. I got help and now I am better. I am now a fastidious neat freak in the kitchen since I am terrified that if I let myself slip I will go back to hoarder status. Now, I have no problem cooking for people.

salsa chicken casserole, anyone?

>> No.4383404

>looks perfectly safe

>> No.4383415

>masao's mom

>> No.4383602

I was going to make a thread similar to this, what are your thoughts on cocktails and/or mocktails being brought to a potluck?

With my group of friends, they all like to have a drink or two, so I usually pick an interesting cocktail drink (and a non alcoholic drink if I know any non-drinkers are coming) I supply the ingredients myself, I'm wondering if anyone else does this? and is it acceptable?

>> No.4383606

Amongst friends, sure. Make a sangria or some kind of fruit infused alcoholic or non-alcoholic lemonade. Usually cheaper than bringing individual bottles to mix and serve all night.

>> No.4383615

I might not be the neatest person around.

But I clean up before it even gets to that stage.

>> No.4383624
File: 173 KB, 948x768, IMG_0747.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't even know what good cookies are.

>> No.4383625
File: 264 KB, 1300x1300, Clorox-35420-Gallon-Refill-Clean-up-Cleaner-with-Bleach.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, God!

>> No.4383627


Fair enough, I'll google some recipes for fruit infused drinks.

>> No.4383637

Who cares if theyre real, they're fucking delicious

Havent had one since grade school though...

>tfw you will never enjoy sugar cookies again

>> No.4383690

shit thats big

>> No.4383713

they support gays

>> No.4383735


time to stop buying clorox then

>> No.4383743

Sweet I fucking love Dr thunder

>> No.4383762

The following also all support gays.

Abercrombie & Fitch, Adobe Systems, Allstate Insurance, Amazon, American Apparel, American Airlines, Applebee's, Barnes & Noble, Ben & Jerry's, Best Buy, Boeing, Cablevision, Coca-Cola, Delta Airlines, EBay, Electronic Arts, EMC Corporation, Expedia, Facebook, Ford, Gap, Banana Republic, Old Navy, General Mills, General Motors, Goldman Sachs, Google, Motorola, Youtube, Zagat, Groupon, Hewlett-Packard, Hilton hotels, Home Depot, IBM, Intel, Intuit, JC Penney, Kraft Foods, Levi's, LinkedIn,
Marriott Hotels, McDonald's, J.D. Power & Associates, Microsoft, Morgan Stanley, Nationwide Insurance, Nike, Nordstrom, Olive Garden, Office Depot, Orbitz, Oreo, Panasonic, Pepsi, Pacific gas and electric, Procter and Gamble, Red Lobster, Rite Aid, Sears, Land's End, Southwest Airlines, Sun Life Financial, Starbucks, State Farm Insurance, Target, T-Mobile, United Airlines, UPS, Verizon Communications, Walgreens, ABC, ESPN, Pixar, Marvel, Walt Disney, The Muppets, Wells Fargo, and Xerox.

>> No.4383773

Why bother?
As long as gays/iFags/android-lovers/moslems/christfags/<you-name-it> don't try to "convert" me -- I don't give a fuck. When they do I feel exactly the opposite of what they want -- I hate them and their opinion.

If they don't bother me -- I don't give a fuck. Let them have their view on things.

>> No.4383888

probably the north

it's a well known fact that the farther you get from mexicans, the less people like spicy food

>> No.4383908

Nothing wrong with Dr Thunder.

>> No.4383910

I have work to do.

>> No.4383917

Count me in. I can't stand them.

They were the first thing in the thread that made me actually cringe at the thought of going to a potluck.

>> No.4383922

This is why I don't eat at potlucks or accept food from people I don't know well or at all.

I figure restaurants are already pretty much maxing out any potential risk.

>> No.4383929

I hate how they always stick to the roof of my mouth. And the times when there's an ungodly amount of flour caked onto the bottom, presumably because the store was too cheap to grease the pan...


>> No.4383974

Not really, it's probably only filled about 1/10 of the way up.

>> No.4384463

I hate that shit, it's why I always check the weight.

>> No.4386717

What if the veggie tray was actually prepared by the person? With raddishes and peppers perhaps. Or veggies grown from one's own garden? How about buttermilk ranch and creamy pepper dill for dipping? Would that be frowned upon?

>> No.4386752

Of course not. That's the whole point of this thread. It doesn't matter what you bring, just that you put more effort into it than waddling down to the deli.

Captcha: assolfic welcome

>> No.4386843

I've never been to a potluck. If I want a gathering with food, my wife and I, and maybe a trusted friend, make the food at my home, invite people over, and everyone has a good time. I just don't trust other people's food habits.

>> No.4386895

Dr Thunder alright, but the worst part about it is that the 2 liters go flat so easily, no matter how tight you tighten the lid.

>> No.4386936 [DELETED] 
File: 55 KB, 640x480, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and I brought faeces!