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4374979 No.4374979 [Reply] [Original]

Is it okay to go dining out alone?

>> No.4374989
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>look at him
>he is eating alone

>> No.4374990

This is my phobia.

>> No.4374991

Absolutely but it's more acceptable to eat lunch alone than dinner I've noticed

>> No.4374994

You would listen to laughing bitches? Go eat alone and you'll see no one will mind.

>> No.4375003
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I am very self conscious, but I have no problem eating alone out in public. My spouse is very picky, so we rarely eat out. If I want to eat something particularly exotic then I have to either find a friend to go with me, or eat dinner out by myself. I don't mind it and I have plenty of culinary adventures.

>> No.4375005

I ate alone for a while, no one cares. I just went after work during dinner or for lunch. Just sit at the bar if you can.

>> No.4375007

>Is it okay to go dining out alone?

Going through life caring what strangers think about you.
Why would you even?

You're gonna die, don't worry about it.

>> No.4375011

If you sit at the bar, yes. Places without a bar to sit at it's acceptable at lunch but can look a little odd in the evening.

>> No.4375014

>Dating a picky eater
>She may one day be my wife, and still be picky
>Can no longer eat at anything but burgers, and that's if she doesn't realize it was once a living animal

This is my other phobia.

>> No.4375015

no you beta faggot get some friends

>> No.4375017

>not caring what strangers think
i am having trouble with this exact thing.
How do I become less of a pussy?

>> No.4375020

Journofag here, I tell all my friends to do the following:

If you ever want to dine out alone bring a notepad and a pen, tell the people at the restaurant you're reviewing the place for a piece in your local rag. Not only will you have an excuse for being there alone, you'll get vastly better service and also possibly free things chucked in/discount cos they want a good review.

Try it in other places like the cinema too. You'd be surprised how much nicer people are when they think they're under scrutiny.

>> No.4375019

Yes, it's okay. But why don't you just cook whatever you'd order yourself? It's much cheaper, higher quality, and probably take less time.

>> No.4375026

>implying the sperglords here could pull it off

>> No.4375027

Yes. I'm a paying customer I do whatever the fuck I want.

>> No.4375037
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>mfw i imagine what a greentext story about attending a restaurant looks like because theres no way an autist would actually bring spaghetti in his pocket to a restaurant

>> No.4375039

>not bringin spaghetti in your noodle so you can order just the sauce and save $$$

>> No.4375045

Going alone is fantastic.

You eat at your own pace, order as much as you want, and you can eavesdrop on everyone.

>> No.4375053

>go to movie on birthday
>don't want to be considered a loser
>buy eight tickets
>wear large novelty party hat
>explain that the others will arrive shortly
>enter screening room
>place novelty hats and party streamers on all the seats
>as other customers enter, inform them that my friends are currently using the restroom
>enjoy film having given everyone the impression that I am a popular, sociable person

Another embarrassing episode avoided.

I'm like the socially awkward Batman. All I need is prep time.

>> No.4375056

How could you distract people in a theater like that. They'd have been too busy laughing at you to enjoy the movie.

>> No.4375058

This. Plus you can go get shitty at the bar next door for the price of one and pick up a barfly without buying her anything more than a vodka tonic.

>> No.4375060

That's more sad than going alone

>> No.4375062

>mad jelly that he doesn't have that level of game.

>> No.4375066

Holy shit, that spaghetti.

>> No.4375071


Do you have more of these stories?

>> No.4375073


>Finally work up the courage to go to the cinema alone
>"Don't worry, it's not that weird, no-one's going to notice or care"
>Get there
>Buy some snacks
>Go to purchase ticket
>Guy working the ticket counter was a guy who used mock me in high school
>"Oh, h-hey man, can I get one for Red Lights please"
>A shit-eating grin spreads across his face
>"Just one yeah?"
>He starts audibly chuckling as he hands me the ticket
>Visibly shaking at this point, practically run to the screen
>Movie is shit, but start to calm down as it goes on
>By the time it ends I'm back to relatively normal
>As I exit, the guy is standing there waiting to clean the theatre, chatting with a couple of qts who work there
>Shit eating grin engages when he sees me
>"Oh hey buddy. Enjoy your movie? Didn't get lonely or anything like that did you?"
>"It must be tough having to go to the cinema alone, maybe you and me could go sometime"
>Mumble something agreeing with him
>"Or maybe you could fuck off, how about that you greasy fucking loser?"
>Him and the others start laughing
>I run to the bathroom and hide in a stall
>He starts sticking a mop under the door
>"Sorry buddy, gotta clean the toilet"
>Unlock the door to leave
>He trips me up with the mop as I sprint out

Never again ;_;

>> No.4375076

>Go to chinese restaurant alone
>Went there with friends before that I no longer hang out with
>Order food
>waiter somehow remembers me
>"oh u no flends today?"
>mumble something

>> No.4375083
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Haha, Jesus Effie Christ!!!

>> No.4375122

One thing I miss about smoking weed is how awesome it was for a hangover cure.

>> No.4375126

>tfw you try to get a single ticket to see TDKR
>cashier has never had to ring up a single ticket before, doesn't know how to do less than two at a time
>she muddles about with it for a few minutes, queue is growing and movie is starting soon
>people getting restless
>i feel my sweat glands weeping
>she calls over her manager from across the room
>now everyone knows i'm alone
>he can't do it either
>he raises his voice, asks the people in line if any of them will ring up their tickets with me
>a qtp2t dfc dsl girl of around 20 says sure
>i turn to face her, she sees me
>she mumbles out a never mind
>piercing silence goes unbroken
>i try to say i'll just go, nervous as shit by now
>doesn't come out right
>cashier is saying "excuse me? sir? sir where are you going?"
>act like i can't hear her, i clearly can
>everyone watches me power walk to the door
>pull it, it's a push door
>wait in mcdonalds for three hours before my mum can pick me up
never again

>> No.4375136

>wait 3 hours before mum can pick me up
I always laugh at that line

>> No.4375146


>> No.4375147

I'd never go to a restaurant alone. The way I see it, eating out is a social event and if I go alone, I'm just wasting my time and money instead of just cooking it myself.

Eating out is all about spending time with others, at least it is for me. The food is almost incidental

>> No.4375154

The hell? How do people know you're not buying your own ticket and/or just meeting a friend? You people over think this shit sometimes.

>> No.4375155

Take a book/tablet to read with you if you feel awkward waiting for your order.

>> No.4375182

I eat alone sometimes, generally just at more casual places. I don't think i've ever gone to a fine restaurant alone unless waiting for someone else.

>> No.4375188
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I eat out alone all the time. However, I almost always sit at the bar when I do. Not because I give a fuck what any giggling teenagers might think, it's because the TV is right in front of me and the bar tender is typically a decent person to trade quips with.

Thank got I'm not so pathetic that I cannot do anything by myself without freaking out about what others are thinking. You'd have to have a seriously thin character to be so utterly self conscience.

>> No.4375191

I once at alone at a Michelin restaurant in Copenhagen.

Just bring a little notebook and scribble a little every now and then.

They think your're a critic.

>> No.4375197

>waiting staff are laughing at the fat neckbeard pretending to be a food critic and eating alone

>> No.4375198

Fuck, ate*

>> No.4375202


Stop projecting.

>> No.4375203

It's just an overplayed trope. Anybody who's actually worried about being laughed at going to the movies alone would just buy their ticket at the automated machine.

>> No.4375210


>wake up
>throw up
>hit the bong
>order a pizza
>watch football

Every. Goddamn. Sunday

>> No.4375206

>Go to see the new batman film alone
>Use free ticket
>Buy giant popcorn and coke for myself
>Not give a single fuck

>> No.4375207
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I ate out alone yesterday morning and Friday evening. I was an Infantry Sergeant so I have a resounding voice. When you enter a place, you are greeted. Although I'm am working on breaking it, I retain the habit of making myself known when I walk into an establishment. I greet these people as if I was greeting a formation of paratroopers. "THANK YOU, MA'AM. I AM DOING WELL. GOOD EVENING." It is not my intention to be disruptive. Nevertheless, I cannot fathom being too self conscious to enjoy myself in public alone.

I strongly suspect the people who believe this is a taboo activity lack all the self confidence in the world.

>> No.4375208

I often eat out alone. What's the big deal?

>> No.4375211

i've done it, not that big of a deal
I typically sit at the bar but to be honest I think id rather get a table from now on
the bartenders tend to get to chatty &/or you get other loners that come to the bar & want to talk to about god knows what
basically if I go out alone its because I want to be alone

>> No.4375214

How to eat alone without looking pathetic:

1. Do you have room at the bar? (ask this even if there is obviously room at the bar)
2. Sit at the bar. Order a drink while you wait. Don't pull out your phone right away. You don't want to look like you're a pro at this.
3. Play with your phone. Try to chat up anyone who appears to be online. Do not to go to /ck/, reddit, or any other such sites.
4. When the food comes, eat. Tip exactly 20%.

If there is no bar, then make sure it's either fast a food/fast casual restaurant, an airport restaurant, or at least a chain restaurant.

If you can't manage the above, just prepare to look pathetic. Chances are you do most of the time anyway.

>> No.4375220

>Order a table for one at Kong Hans Kælder
>Dress in a nice suit
>Arrive on time
>Be nice and semi-chatty with the staff
>Have good table manners and eat slowly
>Pay and thank the chef

How hard is it?

I did this a few weeks ago.

>> No.4375221

>Enter restaurant
>Order food
>Eat food
>Pay and leave

Gosh that was hard.

>> No.4375224

I used to be incredibly afraid to eat alone. I do eat pretty much daily not because I'm at University and eat a cafeteria with a meal plan (which actually serves really good food).

I don't like having to eat around other's schedules so I just go myself most of the time. It was weird at first but you get over it quick. If you even considered going alone you're going because you want to enjoy the food not to necessarily chat. Just do it.

>> No.4375227

>wearing a suit to a michelin 1 star

I have a feeling they're more choosy with their michelin stars in Europe. Here in Murka it seems like they just hand them out so they can have enough stuff to pad the guidebook.

>> No.4375229

Well, it would be acceptable to go in a nice shirt/polo, but I like a suit.

>> No.4375232

I travel quite a bit, which often means dining out alone in strange cities. It makes for a quiet meal unless you choose a place where you can eat at the bar, which is a good option for dining alone in an upscale place.

I've had fun finding the immigrant neighborhoods, and getting something exotic. If you hit a Chinatown noodle shop or a Turkish joint you can often find a good meal for cheap, often in the company of others dining alone. Because many joints in immigrant neighborhoods cater to single immigrant men looking for a taste of home. These are good choices for dining alone, especially on a budget. (I like having some of my per diem money left in my pocket at the end of a trip.

>> No.4375233

You will just look like a super-masculine overworked Salaryman who hasn't time to cook. Add some beer and smoke to make is more credible. Of course, it won't work if you're looking younger than 30.

>> No.4375235

>chinese and turkish

>> No.4375240
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what was that?

>> No.4375247

Fuck off, you know what I mean.

>> No.4375314

It's copypasta you autist.

>> No.4375333

I typically bring something to read (a journal article, a book, whatever), but that's only because I don't want to get bored.

I notice that people in western countries seem to have a bigger issue with eating alone than others.

>> No.4375346

I did when I was looking for a restaurant to stage me. Stage ends in 10 days so I'll start doing it again for apprenticeship this time. I don't really feel bad about it but it did feel a bit akward at times.

>> No.4375348

It's basically impossible to eat alone at a more formal Chinese restaurant, given that the norm is to order 4-8 dishes or so which are placed on the lazy susan for the group to enjoy. Hell it's hard to eat at those places with less than three people.

>> No.4375350

Did you just call him autistic for not knowing something was "copypasta"? Shouldn't that be kind of the other way around? Granted, I'm sure neither of you are autstic, but that just doesn't make sense?

>> No.4375353

Must be a bitch with the one child policy.

>> No.4375365

Most formal Chinese restaurants I've been to have the round tables for groups and then normal tables for couples. I've never had a problem.

>> No.4375371

I was curious about the same thing.

I'm planning to head up to the pub to try out their burgers, it'll be my first time in a pub and my first time dining alone (i.e. anywhere other than fast food)

>> No.4375373


The ones I went to only had a small number of small tables, which were always occupied unless you came an hour or two early. But even then you lose out on getting a variety of dishes to choose from during your meal.


That doesn't de facto apply to anyone in China who can afford to eat at that quality of restaurant. Not to mention extended family?

>> No.4375374

Just ignore him. He hasn't had his nap today so he's a little grumpy.

>> No.4375383


I'm pretty sure half the profits for pubs come from men who spend half the day there drinking alone.

>> No.4375385


>> No.4375386

Yea, I don't know what to expect from here,

it's a "pub" but seems more like a small eatery with beers

>> No.4375395


A gastropub? In any case you've got nothing to worry about. Bring a book or something if you need to, I study alone at quieter restaurants all the time. They probably have a lot of other things to think about than you, and in any case no one will really care.

>> No.4375423

pretend to write things on a notepaper, look around you all the time, observe the serving personel. they'll think you are a food reviewer and the other guests stop caring about you.

>> No.4375748
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ME 2!

>> No.4378586




>> No.4378647

I dine out alone all the time, and I've never gotten shit for it.... just a terrible terrible sensation of being miserably adrift in life and isolated from the human race that seems to live a world I cannot touch or comprehend.

>> No.4378902


>> No.4378916

yea, i don't do it unless i have to

i eat lunch from a restaurant about 5/6 days of the week, but i just get take out if i don't have someone to go with

>> No.4378959

people just assume you're travelling, especially the wait-staff.

>> No.4378962

>being afraid of going out alone

>> No.4379030

this. sometimes an attractive woman strikes up a conversation (or tries) since I am good looking and dressed according to what culture dictates, but I cannot hide my inner awkward creep behind a well tailored jacket and a nice haircut.

I wish my parents hadn't sent me to an all boys school. don't do this to your kids, ck. at least not if you want grandkids.

>> No.4379040

I do it all the time in between classes at school because I have to commute an hour each way, I'm probably one of the most anxious people on the fucking planet but this doesn't bother me at all.

>> No.4379050

Take it to /r9k/, I don't want to look at this pathetic shit.

>> No.4379061

My brother went to an all boys school and I went to a mixed one. He's the one who has girlfriends.

>> No.4379161

I'm still not sure if that "going to cinema alone" thing is just some /int/pol/b/ joke or people being serious.

>> No.4379211

Your head is broken. The schooling may not have helped, but it was broken the second your daddy shot his semen up your mom's sopping cunt. Apologies.

>> No.4381016


It is.

>> No.4382882

Legit. I actually go to the cinemas alone.

Not because of lack of friends, but because I enjoy the movie more. Plus most of my friends aren't really into the movies I am.

>> No.4382897

I remember working at a company for a few weeks for a project in high school, and during lunch I of course had to eat. One day I thought about grabbing a pizza at Pizza Hut, the waitress showed me to the table and said "Here's your LONELY table", I put lonely in caps because she did emphasize it. I was a bit taken aback because I just wanted to eat a pizza during lunch break.

>> No.4382906

What a bitch, this is the kind of service accepted in Pizza Hut now?

>> No.4382917

Yep. The waitresses who served me were really nice too.

>> No.4382929

>Is it okay to go dining out alone?
Do what you want, it's your life.
And stop worrying about what the ridiculous meatbags around you think.

>> No.4382942

I used to, but only out of necessity.

And instead of choosing a proper restaurant, I would always go for a pub dinner, bistro etc.

Seemed less pathetic.

>> No.4382944

One of my life goals is to eat at The Fat Duck, and some company would be nice. I wouldn't mind eating alone if the food was served quickly, but sitting around for half an hour on my own gets boring quickly. Are there any sites where I can find a dinner companion?

>> No.4382969


I wonder about these things too. Lots of nice restaurants that I want to go to but I don't know anybody I could go with. I have friends I occasionally eat out with but I'd never do anything that fancy with them.

>> No.4383104

Yeah, I'd feel bad asking someone I hardly know to go with me because it's expensive as fuck and I can't afford to pay for two people. I have a couple of friends I eat out with sometimes, but they would shit themselves at a meal costing more than 20 pounds.