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4372808 No.4372808 [Reply] [Original]

Good day /ck/.

Ask a delivery driver anything. Will be lurking most of the night, hungover as all fuck today.

>> No.4372825

>where do you live
>do you expect tips

Yes it's that time again

>> No.4372835

I live in an undisclosed major city.

I do expect a small tip to pay for my gas and car wear. My company doesn't pay me for gas or anything, if I am not compensated by the customer for fuel then I am losing money.

>> No.4372840

major city where
And if it turns out you think we should assume you're american I am leaving this thread

>> No.4372845

Major city in the US. Its a sunbelt city. Lots of people here.

>> No.4372846

>inb4 some troll or genuine asshole comes along and bitches at you for expecting a tip

>> No.4372874

Its almost certain to happen. No fucks given. IMO you shouldn't be expected to tip a driver if they are using a company delivery vehicle and/or the company reimburses them for gas and car wear. Since I pay my gas and car out of pocket then I feel like I am being taken advantage of if I don't get a small "donation" for my gas. It doesn't bother me much though.

>> No.4372958

First page bump for......boredom.

>> No.4372972


The customer doesn't know that and it's the duty of the employer to pay fair wages. If you feel like it's not fair you should find a job (even another delivery job) where this is a non-issue.

>> No.4372983

Yea, I know. Thats why I'm saying it doesn't really bother me. Its a non issue. Sucks when I have to drive far and get nothing but I make enough for it not to matter.

>> No.4372998


Well you also said

> I feel like I am being taken advantage of if I don't get a small "donation" for my gas

which implies a much different opinion. You also can't tell what that the customer's able to pay. I do tip but I don't look at those who don't any differently. I really only do it out of tradition because generally I'd rather not.

Because I'm in a wheelchair I'll often ask the delivery guy to bring my pizza or whatever I ordered into the building but if they're cool about it (they usually are) I can justify tipping. If they didn't I'd definitely not tip.

I tip based on how they treat me as a customer + tradition. If they treat me neutrally, probably $1.00. If they treat me well $2.00-$5.00. I'm a student so I'm not exactly tipping big but I try to show gratification.

Anyway, just my two cents.

>> No.4373015

No, it's Zimbabwe you fucking dumbass.

>> No.4373027

Yea, I'm pretty much the same as you, as far as tipping goes. And I agree that tipping is optional, not a requirement. I don't feel that I am owed anything, in the end it really is up to my company to pay me a fair wage for doing my job.

I'm just saying that giving a driver absolutely nothing can hurt them financially. Some drivers aren't even paid minimum wage because the store expects them to make it up in tips. Thankfully I have a pretty good gig and am paid a base of $8.14 an hour. I do feel for the drivers making like $4 an hour though, that sucks.

>> No.4373044

Do you ever get sex in lieu of payment?

Because I don't see how any delivery man could ever find the time for that.

>> No.4373052

No, I don't really deliver to private houses. Most of my deliveries go to office buildings, hospitals, schools, board rooms, etc. I have picked up a few phone numbers in elevators, lobbies, etc. All those secretaries are a lonely, flirtatious bunch.

>> No.4373164

Is a blowjob an acceptable tip? Would you accept a blowjob if offered to you? Do any delivery drivers actually get blowjobs?

>> No.4373181

I'd be happy with a blowjob. Its worth at least $20, much more if the lady is attractive. If a nice enough looking girl was willing to suck me off I would definitely take her up on the offer, I'd finish up quick as fuck though. No sex or drawn out foreplay, I've got a job to do afterall. If she wanted to fuck I'd get her number and come back later.

>> No.4374114

Sup /ck/.

Your friendly delivery driver is back. Come converse with me this fine evening.

>> No.4374119

>I'd be happy with a blowjob. Its worth at least $20

What shithole do you live in?

Seriously curious here.

>> No.4374130

The United States of America. Not California though, they don't count.

>> No.4374137

And I said at LEAST $20, that is about as cheap as they get around here. And that is from an unattractive crackwhore who may or may not be female. I would never stoop so low. Just saying, a blowjob is worth a minimum of $20, prices rise quickly from that point on.

>> No.4374154

What do you do when customers don't tip you?

>> No.4374165

Nothing. I am still very polite and professional and I do what is expected of me. And I don't show favoritism to good tippers over the bad, I take my deliveries in the order they were put in and I get there on time no matter what. Also, I'm not delivering pizzas to houses. I do a lot of catering, most of my orders cost more than $100. I've taken a $3000 delivery several times.

>> No.4374168

Say to yourself, "what a fucking twat", and move on.

If you're a notorious no-tipper your order will always be ignored by the drivers and will most likely be the last order to be delivered by the poor driver who gets stuck with it.

Source: Also a sushi and chinese delivery driver for ~3 years

>> No.4374172

Well, you sound like a pretty cool guy. I'd sure as fuck tip you.

>> No.4374174

I guess I always assumed they'd piss on your door step or put boogers on your next order or something.

>> No.4374177

Not where I'm at. We have two drivers and we take orders in whatever order they come in. No favoritism. Unless we have somebody that wants a $1000 delivery in the slot that was taken up by the person that wanted a $30 delivery, then we usually either take the small delivery early or we'll call them and work out another time to take it. As far as showing favoritism to good tippers, no. Its luck of the draw. Sometimes I get good tippers, sometimes I don't. It all evens out in the end.

>> No.4374189

So who wants to hear about the time I got in a wreck on a delivery???

>> No.4374199

The chinese place I worked had 6 drivers and mad volume. It usually went in "first come, first serve" until several came in the same direction then order did not matter as much. As taking 4 deliveries in the same direction saved more time than sending one guy with that one first order. It always evens out though, you're right, it's just something to bitch about.

Ain't nobody got time for that.

>> No.4374208

It does even out indeed. Non tippers are part of the job, deal with it. The others more than make up for it, at least for what I'm doing. Most of my deliveries are paid for by corporations, the tip isn't coming out of the pockets of whoever I bring them to. People will give me a %15 on a $1500 delivery because.....well I guess because they can. The places I go are bursting at the seams with wealth.

>> No.4374219

I'll tell you anyway.

>Be taking delivery to some haughty energy company
>Be almost there, two blocks away
>Some asshole turns into my car and knocks me into a light pole
>Front tire is popped, car is undriveable
>Exchange insurance info over about five minutes
>Guy leaves
>Put on emergency lights, call wrecker
>Take food out of my car, carry it all to the building two blocks away
>Get there on time, set up, leave.
>Walk to car as tow truck is arriving.
>Ride to the garage closeby, get rental car for free because insurance.
>Drive back to store in totally different car
>Keep doing my deliveries and making them on time.

>> No.4374221

Upper-middle class suburbia here. Rarely big orders like that. Everything was always cash under the table. I was making ~$15-20/hr even after a pack of smokes and gas to drive around in my comfy grand cherokee, sip liquor, and listen to music.

>> No.4374242

>Sip liquor

Haha, asshole. I drink on a daily basis but don't do that shit on the job man. Especially as a driver. Especially if your making $20 an hour, show a little discipline.

>> No.4374254

I wouldn't nowadays but you can bet I was much better off than the completely stoned pizza guys down the street.

>> No.4374252

He might direct the feeling of being taken advantage of towards the company instead of the non-tipper

>> No.4374267

Professional as fuck.

>> No.4374270

Isn't that just what a normal person would do?

>> No.4374273

Why do you guys forget to bring crushed red peppers all the time?

>> No.4374274

because you forget to ask for them.

>> No.4374282

dominoes online does not have an option to ask for them or order them

>> No.4374288

You gotta ask for the special shit. An excellent driver will keep a stash of extra stuff in his car in case a customer wants it. A good driver will make sure that its there, assuming you asked for it specifically. Most drivers won't keep the extra stuff in the car and will probably overlook it even if you ask for it specifically.

If you are really particular about what you get I'd suggest you not order online and do it over the phone. Also have the person repeat back your order so you know they got all the info.

>> No.4374290

Are you afraid of talking to someone over a telephone line?

You can even make your autistic, overly-elaborate order online so they don't fuck it up, and then just call a minute later to say " MY NAME IS BILLY. I JUST ORDERED ONLINE. I NEED A LOT OF CRUSHED RED PEPPER."

>> No.4374291

Thanks for the info, I just bought a bottle of crushed red peppers, never worry about the drivers not bringing me my peppers again

>> No.4374295

>overly elaborate

It's just crushed red peppers dude

>> No.4374296

What is considered a bad time?

Lets say I order an 8 dollar pizza and have it delivered, after fees and taxes, 13 bucks.

How much should I tip, whats a good tip, and a bad tip, and average tip

>> No.4374302

That was implying you needed to order online because you wanted a bunch of nonsense like " half with this many toppings, half the pie that..."

>> No.4374306

ahh gotcha

>> No.4374307


You're only getting robbed with fees because most places (any type of food) have a minimum delivery order of $15

>> No.4374311

I tip 3 on normal, but I was considering moving down to 2

Paying 15 bucks for a pizza that supposed to be 8 kinda sucks

>> No.4374319

I don't know, I don't deliver pizzas. I do something between regular delivery and catering, our minimum delivery order is $30. And there is no such thing as a regular tip. I've gotten between $0 and $200 as a tip for delivery. An average tip for me is $10-$20, but an average delivery is $50-$300. If you've got a small order then you oughta at least pay the guy a few bucks for gas and stuff, most places that do small orders don't even pay the drivers minimum wage.

>> No.4374322

You have to order 2 pizzas to cover (or a salad and a drink, whatever), it doesn't make the price of a pizza go up.

Don't lower your standard tip, buddy guy. If , wherever you live, your delivery guy has to take $8 orders all night, he probably appreciates that one dollar more than you do.

>> No.4374321

ahh ok

>> No.4374327

Would you tell us what city you're in because your numbers do not equate to most of the world.

>inb4 NYC

>> No.4374330

Does he? I get the impression that drivers get hella money from tips, and my one dollar is like chump change

And to a college student that orders delivery like every week, a dollar adds up haha

>> No.4374348

3 is good, 2 could cut it I guess if your broke. Just go and get the pizza yourself man, if your really concerned about saving money and you have a soul and don't want to fuck over a person trying to make ends meet, either get off your ass or pay the guy bringing it to you.

A thing I wanna mention, that delivery fee usually does not go to the driver. My place charges a $3.50 delivery fee no matter how large the order is, the driver gets none of it. I've asked the manager where that money goes, he claims to have no idea where the money goes. Its fucking bullshit. So yea, that delivery fee is the company fucking you, which ends up fucking us drivers because many people assume that the $3.50 goes to us. It does not, it goes...........hell, I don't know. It disappears into someones greedy pocket and is never seen or talked about.

>> No.4374357

>do not equate to most of the world.

I live in USA and it is not California or NYC. Its definitely a city though.

>> No.4374359

They add up when you're running 5-6 deliveries an hour. Granted, I was fast, most cats weren't so. It was my part of town, no GPS needed. Make it two bucks and you paid for my gas all night in half an hour.

>> No.4374363

So... what city?

>> No.4374368

What about getting your tip in change?

Sometimes I order the pizza, notice I got no bills, but a fuck load of quarters and half dollars

I literally sometimes hand the driver 3 bucks in quarters

And twice, 2 different drivers said the same response when I asked if quarters were OK

"Yea, need money to do the laundry"

>> No.4374376

Obnoxious, but I never cared, as long as you weren't lying about how much, ha. The restaurant would take it when I cashed out and I had 2 banks. No biggie. And like a I said I never cared, but those fat trailer park girls at the gas station hated when I paid for smokes in dimes on a nice july afternoon. God forbid they'd have to leave the slurpee machine.

>> No.4374378

I don't see any reason to tell you. And what of it?

>> No.4374380

And actually, my favorite car wash is a self-wash deal that's quarter operated.

As long as it's legal tender, no one cares.

>> No.4374385

>no one cares

2 differing opinions

>> No.4374394
File: 48 KB, 200x200, quarrel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just wondering what your place offers and/or where $1500 orders are common.

>> No.4374399

Being obnoxious doesn't have to mean a person thinks twice about it.

It's might be a slight inconvenience, that's it.

>> No.4374409

We offer tasty foods, and orders like that are very common where there are large business meetings, training sessions, congregations of all sorts of peoples, etc.

>> No.4374420
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