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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4362577 No.4362577 [Reply] [Original]

Alternate Universe thread: What if our moms used /ck/?

>> No.4362579

They'll be complaining about their autistic children instead!

>> No.4362584

it's even funnier when you have aspbergers.
she might weigh less than 250lbs and could have raised me on less Betty Crocker/ sara lee dinner in a box shit.

>> No.4362585

If my mom used /ck/, then you faggots would actually be learning how to make good food.

>> No.4362590


>> No.4362593

I know for a fact that we have real mothers on this board.

>> No.4362598

>less Betty Crocker/Sara Lee dinner in a box shit
I'd rather have Betty Crocker box dinners than ramen omelets.

>> No.4362601

ITT: How to not burn canned soup

>not even kidding, it's why I cook for the whole family

>> No.4362604

I would be dead.

>> No.4362614
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>Mfw both my sister and my mom ask questions on here

>> No.4362626
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My mother wouldn't be caught dead on here but I am a mom to a 17 year old and a 18 month old. I don't think either of them care. I get a lot of tips, get into great debates, receive insightful advice, give advice, and post pictures of what I cook sometimes. 4chan isn't a big deal to Mothers anymore, I just stay away from /b/ and it all works out.

>> No.4362630

>I am a mom to a 17 year old and a 18 month old
How old are you?

>> No.4362633

This, in a nutshell.
Mom to a 15 yr. old reporting.

>> No.4362632


>> No.4362636
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>> No.4362637

So you were 12 when you had your first child? What?

>> No.4362638

I went to a rough elementary school.

>> No.4362646
File: 67 KB, 540x720, Superheroine Mom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that isn't me, I wasn't that bad. I did date a skinhead once, but that was just a phase.

>> No.4362650

>tfw your mom calls you a pleb faggot

>> No.4362651

/ck/, the number one source of milfs on 4chan

>> No.4362653

this for sure. if my mom learned how to cook from /ck/ her skill would drop significantly.

>> No.4362656

Kind of jealous of you both. I'm going to be 26 later on this year and I can feel the baby fever stirring already.

>> No.4362658
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>why do they only eat ramen noodles

>> No.4362665

Well, you have plenty of time still. Take it easy and wait, it was easier when I was in my thirties.

>> No.4362664
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>I just LOVE Guy Fieri. He's so funny.

>> No.4362668

I don't think the moms on here are just learning to cook. Most are giving advice, I'd assume, and/or sharing pic and recipes. At least, that what I find myself doing for the most part. Although, I have recived some excellent advice on certain things myself, as well. >>4362633 here, by the way. Also, fyi, I've never eaten a ramen omelet, lol.

>> No.4362670

Now go to your room and think about what you've done.

>> No.4362671

that's why the first part of my post agreed with a post that said /ck/ would actually learn how to cook good food...

>> No.4362672
File: 125 KB, 400x300, someone's baby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We'd have baby pictures threads.

>ITT post the messiest picture of your babies you have

>> No.4362674

Yeah, I'm not in a big rush to get settled or anything. It's just surprising how strong the instinct is. I used to be completely ambivalent about babies but in the past year or so it's been like, OH GOD MY OVARIES whenever I see a cute kid.

>> No.4362675

Ah, okay then.

>> No.4362677

>aww how cute

>> No.4362678

But he's so kewl, mom. Look at his hair. Look how much gel he uses, he must be loaded to be able to afford it all.

>> No.4362688
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>mfw there are moms on 4chan

>> No.4362691

Why are all these moms on 4chan and not in the kitchen where they belong?

>> No.4362696

I'd never post my kid's pic on here, but if I did, it would be the pic of him when he was 2, with his Sesame Street toilet seat stuck on his head, freaking out. (i.e. What happens when you let them use the potty by themselves the first time.)
But I'm not that kind of mom. I don't really care much about other people's kids, and I don't expect them to care about mine. I care very much about mine, and that takes all of my motherly care, lol.

>> No.4362714
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>> No.4362751

It kinda sucks that girls suddenly want babies harder as they get older.

>> No.4362766

Not all girls get that.

>> No.4362782

The reverse was true for me, but probably only because I kind of know what it feels like to have labor pains and I don't want any of that shit.

>> No.4362796

Well, I guess I'd be having more sex.

>> No.4362900
File: 65 KB, 554x439, 1306992582807.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there are mothers and fathers of elementary school kids that use 4chan.

I know I shouldn't be surprised since this site's been here almost 10 years but it still really blows me away.

Maybe the 4chan demographic has changed since this place went mainstream but damn, this is a place that had a lolicon board at one time.

>> No.4362901

First time my mother saw /b/, she would probably just unplug the internet cord.

My mom is a shitty cook anyway, so she would probably benefit from being on this site.

>> No.4362975

It had a lolicon board? Why was it removed?

>> No.4363017

Legality issues, I think.

>> No.4363031

with... your mum?

>> No.4363036

I think he meant with his dad. As his mum.