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4362570 No.4362570 [Reply] [Original]

why dont supermarkets have goat meat available?

>> No.4362573

because they're super markets. They specialize in nothing other than appealing to mass consumer demographics.

>> No.4362578

Not enough demand to make it worth keeping in stock. The very few people interested in goat meat aren't going to look at a Wal-Mart anyway; they're either going to go to a professional butcher or an ethnic market.

>> No.4362580

This mostly

The US is a very big beer, pork, chicken meat. We produce a lot of it, we eat a lot of it. Everything beyond that is considered specialty stuff.

>> No.4362586

I've seen goat meat at mexican grocery stores, never your generic supermarket though.

>> No.4362588

>beer meat
I know you meant beef but I like the idea.

>> No.4362591

Damn now I'm in the mood to make beer can chicken

>> No.4362592

water veal on nothing but dark beers

>> No.4362597

It's not even the US, even in the UK goat meat isn't really readily available in supermarkets and there's a lot of goat lovers there if you know what I mean...

The food industry dictates what ends up on our plate. Here in Canada lamb/goat meat is ridiculously expensive compared to chicken, beef or pork. The only time I ever get lamb/goat is when I go out to Greek or Arab restaurants :(

>> No.4362606

makes ya wonder why the US hasn't switched to goat then. They take less land to raise, they're pretty sturdy and not as prone to illnesses as cows, they don't require tons of expensive equipment to restrain or lift them, they don't trample people to death on accident (often) they don't stampede potentially injuring people and themselves, they reproduce faster and their offspring are ready to slaughter or reproduce sooner. I think in the US is largely a demand and lobbying issue. Like everything here it's almost always political.

>> No.4362644

Most No Frills stores have cheap goat for Apu Ackbar crowd. As for lamb, about once a month the fresh/wet aged Aussie stuff goes on sale at Loblaws so that it's no more expensive than chicken.

>> No.4362662

Goat has flavor, whereas we've bred all of our pigs to be the same kind of fucking bland. Cows aren't being replaced because no one wants to give up steaks, even if they're a pale comparison of what we had a mere ten years ago.

>> No.4362666

Nothing like that here in BC. Aussie leg of lamb is never on sale and costs something like $40-50. It comes out to something like $6 per lbs as compared to when pork legs go on sale and are on sale at 98c per lbs.

>> No.4362682

NZfag here,
We do have goat in the supermarkets. Damn cheap, too.

>> No.4362715

The only market that has goat all the time around here is the asian market.

>> No.4362735

Because goat meat is not G.O.A.T. in the public opinion.

>> No.4362744

Take up hunting, get dat fresh wild meat

>> No.4362795

I see it sometimes in Ausfagland

what would be a good dish to prepare using goat? sort of keen to try it. something greek i'd imagine.

>> No.4362799


ain't nothing like a fucking leg of lamb though

>> No.4362802

Because goat is usually view as being an inferior meat eaten by poor people.

And in America, that's usually the case; we produce a crazy amount of beef, pork and chicken.

>> No.4362808

Goat is terrorist meat.

If you eat goat you are terrorist, and anti American

>> No.4362814

They do. The majority of the ones in my area sell goat. Where do you live? I live in Philadelphia.

>> No.4362818

I can get goat almost anywhere... where do you live OP?

>> No.4362838

I know man, I know ;_;

thank god there's a greek restaurant literally half a block away from my house, and I live in a shitty suburb with few restaurants

>> No.4362849

I can get goat meat in the super market closest to me. Don't know about the 5 other super markets in a 10 mile radios of my house. I live in Vermont

>> No.4362931

You're something of an exception; Vermont is full of hippies and their love of uncommon foods.

Great state, though.

>> No.4362962

my nigga. I'm from Vermont too. *fistbump*

>> No.4363028

Sheep farmers have a hard enough time getting shelf space for lamb.
In the U.S the beef industry is so strong that they greatly influence what meats are available to the mainstream consumers.

>> No.4363055

In NYC they've passed off mutton for goat in the ghetto grocery stores for so long that an entire generation of Puerto Ricans grew up here thinking mutton WAS goat.

Here I can get real goat at some halal butchers, but the best I've had was from Heritage Meats in the Essex Street Market. Unfortunately they cater to a posh clientele, so the goat is over $15/lb! But I spring for it every now and then because it's fucking delicious.

>> No.4363094

What are you talking about? They have beef. GOAT meat.
