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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4362215 No.4362215 [Reply] [Original]

Hello /k/, I has a question:

When making fried rice, if you are adding something large like prawns to the rice, do you cut it up before cooking it, or do you cook them whole, then cut them, or do you cook them whole and add them whole, and let the eater chomp them up as they eat?

The reason I ask is because I'm going to make a simple fried rice tonight, but the prawns I have a pretty big. I normally don't marinade them either, but I'm reading recipes that say to marinate them in oyster + soy sauce and some corn starch/water.


>> No.4362219

>cutting large shrimp

what an idiot, why don't you just buy little shrimp like yourself instead.

>> No.4362264


Oh brother, the autism has finally hit /ck/...

I already HAVE the shrimp, I didn't buy them for the purpose of making fried rice. They are extras that I am going to use in the fried rice.

>> No.4362268


and yes, I typo'ed, should have addressed /ck/ properly in my opening post.

>> No.4362284

shrimp cook really fast. Peel them, and make your fried rice. When it is just about done toss the raw shrimp in and stir around until they are cooked

>> No.4362286

/ck/ is a bit shit lately

No need to cut up any prawns/shrimp, cook whole, serve whole, no need to marinade in my opinion, just some splashes of soy sauce while cooking, maybe a little sriracha

>> No.4362295


>paying extra for larger shrimp
>cutting then up to look like cheaper shrimp

You must have been last in line when they were handing out noodles.

>> No.4362318
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2/10 for getting me to respond twice to your trolling.

Please go die in a fire now.


>> No.4362320

LEAVE THEM WHOLE, cook the shrimp separately. You can do better things with it fried rice is kind of like throwing them away considering how homogeneous the flavors gets. Or at the very least wrap them in bamboo leaf packets with seasoning on the inside then burry them under the rice for a little bit to let them cook. Before serving unwrap them or don't. Personally I enjoy unwrapping the little packets to find a flavorful spicy shrimp. It's like presents on a plate. Although I saw some fat fuck eat the shrimp while it was still wrapped in the leaf once...

>> No.4362332
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hmmm...this sounds interesting. Please go on. Any suggestions to the 'seasoning' for the shrimp? Also, are you saying let the heat from the rice cook the shrimp? Not quite sure I follow you there...

>> No.4362351

well the heats still on say you're like 3/4ths done with cooking it. Then you move all the rice to the outside edges of your wok then place the packets in the center. Heap the rice on top of them and continue to cook. The rice is just acting as an insulator at that point. You can also put a lid on it but doing that just before serving will probably give everything a much moister texture than what you're trying for. I really can't remember how my aunt seasons them. Although she's from thailand so I no idea if it's traditionally Vietnamese or Thai.

>> No.4362360

correction: I meant banana leaf not bamboo