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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.69 MB, 3630x2419, 9412_orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4361855 No.4361855 [Reply] [Original]

Nothing makes me hungrier than seeing a bunch of awesome looking food in a movie or TV show. What are your favorite food related scenes, /ck/?
(pic related)

>> No.4361867
File: 105 KB, 400x590, were_back.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't find a picture of the scene, but in the beginning of We're Back! when they're eating those sausages. Holy fuck they look good.

>> No.4361885

I watched The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance a few weeks ago. The steak and potatoes in the restaurant scene looked good. (even though the movie is black and white)

>> No.4361910
File: 4 KB, 168x70, 3146983-cartoon-illustration-of-a-hunk-of-meat-on-bone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. The pink icing stuff that Scooby Doo licks off himself in the intro.

2. Anytime it shows the big hunk of meat with a bone in it.

>> No.4361924

Always Krabby Patties. And I actually hate hamburgers with the exception of the burgers they served in high school, which is what I imagine Krabby Patties taste like.

>> No.4361935
File: 441 KB, 697x301, screen-shot-2013-01-30-at-1-15-43-pm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh shit the flashbacks you gave me.

I always thought the warthogs that they ate in Asterix and Obelix looked delicious.

>> No.4361944
File: 34 KB, 640x480, Kayeat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


this son of a stone makes me so hungry when i was a kid

>> No.4361951


Hook. Bangarang mother fucker!

>> No.4361955


what you bring back to my mind!

>> No.4361965

oh gosh yes the asterix hogs always look like the most amazing thing

>> No.4361978
File: 186 KB, 773x1031, Pooh Eating Honey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This fucking bear and his fucking hunny

tbh the honey always looked more like nacho cheese or something to me

>> No.4361980

Duff Beer. I wish regular beer looked that creamy and tasty.

>> No.4361981

that shit always looks tasty in cartoons

>> No.4362002

I thought part of that scene was gross.
They pull a cooked bird out of that murky water and I think they intend to eat it.

>> No.4362011

Wild Boar, not warthog. No Pumbaas were harmed in the production of Asterix.

>> No.4362016
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>> No.4362400


Every single Loony tunes scene were they're eating a lot. I don't know why but always makes me hungry. Can't find a pic tho.

Also the food parts of dragonball/z.

>> No.4362416

Scooby Do ofcourse with the large sandwiches.
And cookie monster

>> No.4362428
File: 56 KB, 430x242, the-midnight-meat-train.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Midnight Meat Train the entire movie.

>> No.4362460
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>> No.4362463
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these burgers ALWAYS looked good

>> No.4362464
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>> No.4362466
File: 98 KB, 499x755, tampopo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pretty much all the parts where they are cooking for some reason once it's served I don't want it.

>> No.4362501
File: 19 KB, 500x251, ohsweetchrist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The pizza in the Goofy Movie, no pizza has ever looked so gooey and delicious.

>> No.4362512

every time they're eating on harry potter i want some of it. i'm usually high if i'm watching harry potter though.

>dem slices of toast in the holders
>dem cheeri-owls
>dem giant bowls of fruit

>> No.4362515
File: 289 KB, 1280x720, cartoon food.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's just something about really simplistic looking cartoon food that I think looks really appetizing.

>> No.4362517
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>> No.4362543
File: 413 KB, 500x300, omnomghiblinom.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty much all food scenes from Studio Ghibli

>> No.4362545

>ham sandwich


>> No.4362551

That still has yet to be confirmed or denied.

>> No.4362553


What are you taking about, she even says "Ham sandwich". You literally hear it straight from the horse's mouth

>> No.4362556

Bullshit. I rewatch every episode weekly and I can say with certainty that that isn't true.

>> No.4362565


>> No.4362569

Too bad it turns you into a pig


>> No.4362600

all the scenes in harry potter where they're eating in the giant dining hall

>> No.4362618

Not a movie/show, but everything in the Redwall books

>It was a joyous meal for honest creatures. Dishes were passed to be shared, both sweet and savory. October ale and strawberry cordial, tarts, pies, flans, and puddings, served out and replaced by fresh delights from Redwall's kitchens. Turnovers, trifles, breads, fondants, salads, pasties, and cheeses alternated with beakers of greensap milk, mint tea, rosehip cup and elderberry wine. Rufe Brush, the Abbey Bellringer, shared a heavy fruitcake with his friend Durry Quill, hedgehog Cellarkeeper and nephew of the late good old Gabe Quill, from whom he had inherited his duties.

>Finnbarr was instantly revived as he sniffed the delicious aromas wafting from the galley. Guosim shrews laid the food out on the hatch covers amidships; there was October ale, raspberry cordial, and hot mint tea, a plum and pear pudding, meadowcheese, and fresh farls of shrewbread, piping hot from the oven.

>Dishes went this way and that from paw to paw, snowcream pudding, hot fruit pies, colorful trifles, tasty pasties, steaming soup, new bread with shiny golden crusts, old cheeses studded with dandelion, acorn and celery. Sugared plums and honeyed pears vied for place with winter salads and vegetable flans. Aubretia and Bultip joined in the merriment, enjoyed the food and basked in the legendary hospitality of Redwall Abbey.

>> No.4362652


Its because the author grew up really poor and was no stranger to hunger. He said that he was always disappointed whenever food was mentioned in books but never described or elaborated on. He went out of his way to make sure that in the Redwall stories food was given proper detail and description.

>> No.4362654

Oh man, this.
Jacques made every bit of food in that series sound so god-damned delicious

>> No.4362667


You are just ADORABLY mad. Never change.

Holy shit yes. What I would give to have some hotroot soup.

>> No.4362679

>except thats almost no description

>nigga had a pie
>it had strawberries


I'm a little mad

>> No.4362686

this whole post makes me assume you aren't very literate.
>uses nigga in a sentence

and you are white as well

>> No.4362689

Reading ASOIAF

sweet jesus dat foodporn

>> No.4362697

You're just a retard.

>> No.4362699

>one noun and one adjective counts as something very descriptive

jesus christ

>> No.4362726
File: 607 KB, 300x222, 1268708108081.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i usually hate peas but that one episode of power puff girls where the professor eats the single pea really made me crave some.

>> No.4362811

Guess whats for breakfast!


>> No.4362816
File: 38 KB, 500x375, 262291-6876576-IMG_0056.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This pizza.

>> No.4362840

well also the fact that he wrote his stories for blind kids

>> No.4362855
File: 190 KB, 500x218, milk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tarantino is great at this.

>> No.4362859

Nice try but we all know where that's from.

>> No.4362863

did fern gully have any food in it?

i'm watching fern gully tomorrow with co-workers for our weekly dinner/movie night

i wonder if we could find a fern gully-appropriate place to get takeout

>> No.4362871

Rainforest Cafe.

>> No.4362876

aw man, i've been to a bunch of those. i don't think we have any here, though.

>> No.4362886

Hey Arnold. The eating competition.

The beautiful spread of food in Pans Labyrinth. The monster with the eyes in his hands guarded it all.

Honestly, the freaking zebra leg in Lion King that the hyena takes a bite out of.

>> No.4362897

Thanks for sharing, anon. That was a great video. I really enjoyed it.

>> No.4362906

That was actually pretty neat.

>> No.4362923

jesus christ all that hobbit food looks delicious
look at it! hanging meats, looks like quail by the door, i see oils & fresh veggies
shit looks so fresh

>> No.4362973

Littlest Pet Shop?

>> No.4363168


>hobbit food

Nigga are you for serious

That's food for the tops at Isengard including orc chieftans and what not.

In other words, it's orc grub.

>> No.4363186

The edible garden in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory always resonated with me.

>> No.4363187

this thread.
foodporn all day please.

>> No.4363194

This theater Alamo Drafthouse played Spirited Away and served food based on the movie, made me so sad I couldn't go. Best fucking thing.

>> No.4363193


why would orcs want cabbage and apples?

>> No.4363197

I never heard of half the shit they talked about in the Redwall series, but god damn did I want to fill my cake-hole with it!

>> No.4363198


That's probably for Saruman and his fellow pussy-ass attendants

>> No.4363478
File: 188 KB, 1480x1080, The Mouse Comes to Dinner (27).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

every single motherfucking episode when they're having food fights. seeing all that food go to waste made me cringe as a child.

>> No.4363507


The guys in the logging machine ate takeaway food and cakes and stuff. Batty ate berries...?

Huh, I thought it was just me with the zebra leg.