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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4360762 No.4360762 [Reply] [Original]

What do you cunts think of this m8?

>> No.4360764


>> No.4360765

I like him. Bobby flay is a faggot

>> No.4360767


>> No.4360777

He makes a wide range of TV shows of which the BBC versions are better than the American versions.

>> No.4360790

He's the Simon Cowell of cooking, any respectability he may have once had has been destroyed by his shitty TV persona.

>> No.4360802

What you say is apt, but I would think his TV shows drive a class of people that don't spend 45-100 dollars a plate into anything that has his name on it.

>> No.4360822

Drive them to what? Yell at people and act like an unreasonable asshole?

All he does is fool idiots in to thinking he is the absolute authority in cooking because he is the loudest and swears the most.

>> No.4360823

If you really think the American TV shows are anything like any of the places he has his name on then you have never eaten at one of the places he owns or is partner.

>> No.4360830

I like him. He seems to prize simplicity and freshness above ridiculous experimentation and overly complicated bullshit, and I like the idea of his scrambled egg test.

>> No.4360838


lrn2 reading comprehension

>> No.4360841


>> No.4360952

I like it when he goes to black owned restaurants and tells them that they suck at cooking.

>> No.4360983

Love him and love his shows.
Even the American ones.

>> No.4361014


>> No.4361017

It's like watching a functional meth addict telling people how to cook good meth.

Needless to say i love it.

>> No.4361053

He used to be really good looking as he gets older his face start reminding of either a pug or the felt/carpet material they put on muppets.
I respect him as a cook,chef and restaurateur. As a TV personality I think he get a little weird.

>> No.4361939

His three worst restaurants are here in my town, Vegas.

Man... our food culture sucks.

>> No.4361941

A great guy, still working in one of his restaurants.

>> No.4361943

I love him. I don't know why. He's oddly charming.

>> No.4361948

No one yet?



>> No.4361949



This comes on tonight right?

Oh GOD I can't wait. Last season "I ain't no bitch chef!" HAHAHAHA

C'mere you fat donkey! Shut it down!

>> No.4362062

He does that for everyone restaurant you twat

>> No.4362079

He's pretty sexy for an old guy.

>> No.4362082

He does that at every restaurant, not just black owned. Guess what, even WHITE people suck at cooking!

>> No.4362087

Love him. Aside from all that red-faced screaming he does for show, he seems to be a very compassionate, intuitive and empathic person.

>> No.4362094

He can appreciate and love a good In N' Out burger, so he's alright in my book.

>> No.4362097

His american shows are a trainwreck.

His british shows are actually great.

>> No.4363777


He's not even 50.

>> No.4363791

Kitchen Nightmares is particularly bad. Every single episode of the American version is exactly the same. I think it's mostly the editing though.

>> No.4363806


>> No.4363887

I am pretty fucking sure when he visits a "troubled" restaurant to help out, he also hires a fucking crowd, to dine at the place, and be nit picky, and make random complaints and send the food back.

The amount out vocal dissatisfied diners, at that very night is way too much to be done on a regular basis.

I do like how he stresses perfection in simplicity rather then extravagant failures.

>> No.4363890

Oh my God I just read that in his voice.

>> No.4363892

>WHITE people suck at cooking!
go away SRS, no one likes your racism

>> No.4363895

Was a good cook before he decided being a celebrity was more important, his restaurants have suffered as a result.

>> No.4363897

I didn't like him until I saw the British versions of his shows. Then I realized FOX is the reason he seems like an ass.

>> No.4363905

His angry persona is exactly that, it's a persona. When he's being himself or teaching you a recipe he's brilliant, really informative, quick and straight to the point. His Youtube videos are great viewing

And unrelated and old in terms of date, but hilarious none the less

>> No.4363913

God they laugh at every other thing that comes out of his mouth.

>> No.4363916

The mere fact that he would stop as low as making a TV persona that is a complete and utter douchebag for the sake of money tells something.

Simply put, he is a shit cook, his shows are shit, he is shit.

People don't watch his shows to see cooking, they watch his shows to laugh at the people he chimps out at. Lowest Common Denominator indeed.

>> No.4363919

Actually, one of the few restaurants where he ever liked the food was black-owned (a least on the UK versions).

>> No.4363920

are the british versions actually good? i've watched the american shit, and it's sort of entertaining, but it's too obviously... scripted. him AND the contestants.

>> No.4363922

was it that soul food joint? i remember that one, and the food did look pretty decent.

>> No.4363930

He used to be an OK cook, but then he sold his soul to become a fucking celebrity.

Also, if you enjoy the American versions of his shows at all, I hate you.

Seriously, your just watching it to see people yelled at and make your own life less shitty.

>> No.4363932

he's basically a high level fraud. His cuisine's very derivative (ever hear of Marco Pierre White?)

and he's a really nasty guy, and also a closeted bisexual (real talk)

>> No.4363948


>a closeted bisexual

not only that, but i heard that he likes blacks.

>> No.4363959


>Hear Gordon Ramsay is in town to fix up a restaurant
>Able to go eat at said restaurant
>Food tastes like shit
>What the fuck
>I'll just sit here and not say anything ;_;

>> No.4363961


He's a dick.

>> No.4363992

time to go watch the f word again

>> No.4364003
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>the most amazing

>> No.4364093

>Gordon Ramsay comes to restaurant in my town as well
>Have some respect for guy ("celebrity")
>Go to eat at restaurant
>Food taste alright.. nothing special
>no one gos to eat there after he leaves
> restaurant closes down within a month
its sad m8

hes an asshole on American shows... semi nice guy on brit shows. He is an ass though for cheating on his wife... I would have treated her right.

>> No.4364130

The british version are 100x better.


They don't use sneaky editing to up the drama, or dramatic music. Ramsay also narrates everything.

Every episode is different instead of the
1) Taste test
2) Dinner service
4) clean up
5) heart to heart talk
7) restaurant is successful

Formula the American version uses

>> No.4364912

He's 100% self-conscious. He knows FOX/USA want retarded-tier tv, and quite frankly, so do I.

Hell's Kitchen is great entertainment. Master Chef is a great alternative for when you don't want to feel completely retarded.

Kitchen Nightmares embarrass me. I don't like seeing people fail when the show isn't being set-up as something mindlessly retarded.

> tfw next episode gonna be most shocking in the history of hell's kitchen
> tfw shockingness never delivers

>> No.4365117


Many people believe the very first episode of the UK version where Gordon throws up over a rancid scallop was fake, because they say anyone can easily smell that a scallop is rancid, so why did he even put it in his mouth?

>> No.4365120

His show is incredibly fake, but he seems like a pro when he's not putting on his TV persona.

>> No.4365132

He's a lame ass drama queen. What else need's be said.

Every one of his American shows is staged and full of shit and high drama. They even say at the beginning of the show that "certain parts maybe enacted for dramatic effect."

If you can't see the bullshit for yourself just watch how the vast majority of the restraunts he attempts to help, he goes in, and it's the same formula every time, EVERY TIME, he eats the food first then gets disgusted by the disgusting kitchen and health practices therein. You'd think check the kitchen first before eating the food at some rundown shithole?

Also these kitchens they show are utterly disgusting, as if no health inspectors exist in the USA? WTF is that?

I don't expect anything from that drama queen, he and beckham should get a room and do each other. Two drama queens all snug together in a double bed.

>> No.4365162


That TV persona is actually him in his own kitchen. You should see Gordon Ramsay's Boiling Point.

>> No.4365168


>British TV tells Gordon to be himself because they think it will make for a good TV program.
>Gordon acts like a cunt and good TV is enjoyed by all.


>American TV tells Gordon to do exactly what they say so the producers can tick loads of arbitrary boxes about what makes a good TV program.
>Gordon allows himself to be micromanaged and America ruins yet another good thing.


Fuck you and fuck Gordon Ramsey.

>> No.4365172

I wouldn't go to one of his places. Seriously I could be homeless and without food and he'd offer me his top of the line crap, I'd turn it down. I'm not into the drama. I'm not the "LOOK AT ME, LOOK AT ME" type.

Plus I don't need a fucking arrogant brit telling me what the fuck to do or how to do it. We've been doing just fine in the USA without their help since we defeated them in two wars.

>> No.4365188


He is a perfectionist, and when his staff is working as if they don't care, he is going to lash out, and the staff usually agrees with him. There's a lot of pressure for Michelin star restaurants.

>> No.4365195

America didn't ruin it, he was a drama queen from the very start. Blame the USA for all your problems all you want but we're not to blame for Ramsay being a drama queen cum bucket.

Are you a vegetarian homosexual that naturally likes fooling yourself? Because it sure seems like it.

>> No.4365204

>Blame the USA for all your problems all you want

He's your problem now. The spineless cunt even started say "heck" instead of "fuck", because your delicate American sensibilities couldn't handle it.

>> No.4365209


It's because USA is full of christian fuckholes who can't handle big words.

I wish he wouldn't cancel his British Kitchen Nightmares.

>> No.4365223

Tons of people like perfection without going down the homosexual drama queen route... aka the hershey highway.

She never came over to the USA thinking she knew everything, she was just awesome. Ramsay can bugger the fuck off back to England where he belongs, him and Beckham and that utter faggot Piers Morgan. Ever notice that their wives all look unsatisfied, maybe that's because they're all banging each other in gaybars?

And I honestly don't care about michelen stars, what is that some french crap? What's that have to do with American food? NOTHING, ZIP! NADA!

Get over yourself, you sound like an arrogant brit defending that which is indefensible. Plus compare and contrast to say Julia Child, she was totally awesome, and her shows are great to watch and there's a lot to learn from them. She's certainly no drama queen, she's just technical banging out the good food.

>> No.4365225

I thought he already did

>> No.4365226

British Gordon Ramsey shows:

>He's an angry chef just like one you might find in a kitchen!

American Gordon Ramsey shows:

>He's an angry chef just like one you might find in a Saturday morning sitcom made for six year old girls!

Also: The American shows have "personalities" for contestants instead of decent chefs and they spend three quarters of the show not fucking cooking.

>> No.4365230
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>And I honestly don't care about michelen stars, what is that some french crap? What's that have to do with American food? NOTHING, ZIP! NADA!

>> No.4365235

*** Insert Julia Child there as NOT a drama queen and compare and contrast her to Ramsay. No comparison, I'd take something Julia Child made anytime over Ramsay and his drama.

There are a lot of awesome british chefs, but ramsay is queen of them all. He should go full out trannie and start singing showtunes on broadway.

>> No.4365237


Yeah, I have really wondered how the hell people like Raj from season 8 of US Hell's Kitchen was doing there, other than being the most bizarre character in cooking history.



>> No.4365269

I tried watching one of his actual cooking shows. The inside voice and use of adjectives creeped the hell out of me.

>> No.4365324

He gets too much tv time. The shows are ok, but the giant marathons make no sense to me.

>> No.4365335

Fuck Gordon Fucking Ramsey to Death. Go watch him cook "scrambled eggs" and tell me this man deserves the title "chef."

>> No.4365356


I'm not defending ramsay because I know he has lost his way a little bit, what with his failing restaurants and his american debut, but you can't call him a shit cook, he has 3 michelin star restaurants. That is the highest of the high. Beyond that if you ever see him actually cook(inb4burnttoast) he has a lot of good technique.

>> No.4365368

I want to have passionate sex with him then make him cook me breakfast, eat breakfast, have sex with him again and then marry him and live forever in a house made of daisies and rainbows and sweary words.

>> No.4365915


Most the US ones are closed now.

>> No.4365918


That's not Gordon's fault. Nearly every single episode, the restaurant owner is so proud of the shit he serves that he turns down Gordon's changes, and goes back on track to bankruptcy.

>> No.4365935

Not claiming it is, just posting data.

That's another reason the UK show is better. A lot of the US places only seem in it for the remodel. Gordon doesn't give anyone shit in the UK version, aside from using occasionally using his connections to find them a new chef if they need one.

>> No.4365946

this this this a million times
the guy is British for fucks sakes
he knows jack shit about American mentality
but his British exploits are masterpieces of psychology

>> No.4365948


What do Americans understand then, physical violence?

>> No.4365962

You'll never understand us, you're not an American. And we really don't if you understand us or not. Get over it.

>> No.4365974

>And we really don't if you understand us or not.
Maybe we'd understand you better if you used complete sentences.

>> No.4365975

He remindes me of bloomberg with his stink finger out trying to shove it where it doesn't belong. He can piss the fuck off out of the USA and he wont be missed, not for one nanosecond.

>> No.4365978

Fact is, you're a brit and I don't care what you think. We proved that out by defeating you in two wars. Now go hit up your crack pipe and believe in your empire.

PIP PIP!!!!! That's culture!!!!!

>> No.4365981
File: 71 KB, 594x412, ainsley.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>watching this with my family
>they go to a magazine stand that has famous chefs
>they scan through them real quick
>see ainsley on the cover of a magazine
>quietly chuckle to myself

>> No.4365982

That's probably because he can get away with the act here, he'd get the fuck beaten out of him in Britian. The hooligans would go after him.

>> No.4365983

This show is a failure not because he's a bad chef, but because 70-80% of the restaurants end up closing down anyway. The whole point of this show is about him saving restaurants, but his success rate is abysmal. What happens is they follow his instruction for a month or two tops, then get lazy and go back to the same old same old and it ends up closing down.

Regardless, I still like the show. It's just depressing that almost everyone he deals with is a lost cause.

>> No.4365985

best chef on TV, would love to work for him

>> No.4365987


>> No.4365988

I remember him driving, saying that he's starving and then he passed a McDonalds, then he said that he'd rather eat cow shit than eat at McDonalds.

Why the hell does everyone hate Mickey D's so much? Sure it's terrible for you, but it tastes good.

>> No.4365992

His show is a failure, like pierce morgan's because Americans don't need some arrogant homosexual brit telling us what to do or how to do it. We do quite well on our own without British help.

>> No.4365997

Uh, do you even watch the show? It's about him trying to help out failing businesses on the brink of closing down. They kind of do need his help.

>> No.4366002

Pretty fucking great. Although his US shows are donkey dick compared to the UK ones.

-Aus Kanada

>> No.4366003

I've watched some of his shows, and he comes across as a complete drama queen. But that's what the demographic that does watch the show wants. Personally I can't watch it, it's useless staged drama crapola.

Look at how his show sucks just from the point of view of logic, it's same formuaic shit eveytime. Everytime, without fail. He goes into a restaurant, drama ensues, he eats food, thinks it sucks, then checks out the kitchen which is without a doubt completely disgusting, then more drama ensues, a redecorates the place, one batch of staged actors come in, think it sucks, he hollars at people, then the real night when another batch of actors come in and love it, then it's all honkey dorey.

For the number of shows he's done, how come he never checks out the disgusting kitchen first? The reason is because it adds more drama by pretending to be disgusted.

He's so fucking fake like beckham and pierce morgan that it's almost beyond description. All three of them should get a room and go homo on each other back in England.

>> No.4366008

Well so keep him to yourself, why inflict him on us... is this punishment for us defeating you in the revolution and the war of 1812? Take him back please, and throw beckham and pierce morgan in there too.

>> No.4366012

Watch the British version of Kitchen Nightmares. It's absolutely nothing like the American version, so you might like it.


>> No.4366016

I have I used to get BBCA here in NY and they showed the British editions. And you're right, they're very different shows. But saying the America ruined it is stupid, given who Ramsay claims to be, nobody forced him to be an asshole or come across as an utter scumbag. But like I said, if he pulled that stuff in England, the hooligans there would probably beat the fuck out of him. We're a lot more peaceful here in the USA than your media leads you to believe.

>> No.4366024

lol I'm American actually.

Ramsay obviously had a lot more creative control when it came to the British version. The American version just follows the same script each time, and they edit out all the "boring" stuff to up the drama.

I actually wouldn't be at all shocked if he wasn't acting at all in the US version and they just edited out the parts where he doesn't yell.

>> No.4366025

Stupid 'Murikan thinks he beat Canada. Dumbass 'revolutionionaries' were beaten by Canadian farmers in 1775 and again by Indians in 1812. Try harder faggot

>> No.4366049

fail fag

>> No.4366109

He makes cooking seem like an extreme sport, he has psychological issues (and yes he does act like he does in Hells Kitchen IRL), oh, and he gets mad when you call him a celebrity chef when it's so clear he is one.


>> No.4366143

Stupid idiot thinks he wants to drive a wedge between the USA and Canada. They're our northern neighbors and we're totally cool with each other. Maybe if you took a decent enema or something you might piss out your problems instead of putting it on others.

verif: hgromos floral.... hahaha like your floral enema!

>> No.4366167


See, now we're just getting silly. Our restaurant is closing, and we won't let a British world class chef save our asses from bankruptcy, because our country beat his country in some war a long time ago.

>> No.4366169


Well, when an owner has his head stuck that far up his own ass and debt, not even Gordon can fix it.

>> No.4366180

The Burger Kitchen was the best fucking one, holy shit those people were nuts.

>> No.4366183

I think the British Kitchen Nightmares was pretty good, although I haven't watched the American ones. I have a lot more respect for waiters and front of house staff now that I know what they actually spend their time doing and what will happen if they fuck up.

I also know that if I open a restaurant, I shouldn't cram my menu with billions of dishes from all different areas of the world then cook all of them in a microwave using supermarket sauces.

>> No.4366242
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lost twin?

>> No.4366307
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troll harder amerifat

>> No.4366346

I don't really watch that many shows

I mean I watched some Hell Kitchen episodes, But my favorites shows of him are the ones where he teaches cooking and the one when he went to India discover all those cuisines

Ktchen Nightmares is a neat idea, but it gets stale quickly
>Gordon visits restaurant
>Oh god this food is shit
>Oh god wahtefuck is gong on in the fridge
>My crew changed your restaurant
>Everybody happy

That said I like his cooking, and his recipes are pretty good too, so he is alright in my book

>> No.4366360

That why the British ones are better.

Some of them end up like that, but for the most part it's just dealing with management and personnel problems.

>> No.4366365

Okay: How about this: How does it feel to lose to a vegetarian in a diaper that never had to pick up a gun? Does it sting as much as still not winning a fight with a bunch of drunks over a hunk of mossy, north atlantic rock (despite trying for 800 years)

>> No.4366378

You're not speaking english.

>> No.4366384

I have no idea what the hell is going on here. I am guessing Indian Independence and Ireland? Yeesh. America still has commies right to the north and they only join the military because they can't get real jobs. Anyhow Gordon Ramsay gives good tv and that's that.

>> No.4366479

I think one of the people he's talking about is Hitler. Either way, he's a troll and a shitty one at that. No point in responding.

>> No.4367472

third time now, i'm not a limey you idiot

>> No.4368514

I think I remember, it was a hole in the wall type place that should have gotten amazing take ins but didn't

I think he was orgasming while eating a bigass plate of ribs

>> No.4369088

Kitchen Nightmares was pretty good, the UK one was anyway. The US version seems too faked and played up for the camera.

>> No.4369090

My thoughts exactly.

>> No.4369132

You know it's bad when this thread reminds you of Youtube comments.