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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4360102 No.4360102 [Reply] [Original]

Hi /ck/, fa/tg/uy here.

So let's say you woke up on a linoleum floor in a kitchen that isn't yours with no memory of what happened the night before.
You're alone in the apartment, nothing looks familiar. You have your phone, wallet and keys. Your stomach is upset and you don't remember what you ate.
What would you do first?

>> No.4360104

Find a bottle of liquor and keep going.

You act like this doesn't happen often.

>> No.4360108

Egads, I didn't post the time! It's still dark out. Your friends pussed out and you're finishing the bottle by yourself at their place.
You walk over to the window and realize you're on the 30th storey of a tall apartment complex. There's music with a heavy beat playing below you and a tray of sushi on the coffee table. What do you do next?

>> No.4360109

I'll do what I always do.

First, I'll start by drinking a lot of water, then I'll take a piss, and step outside to search around.

If my truck is there and I have my keys, I'll skim the place for personal possessions, and leave a note saying I left.

Then I go home, shower, and crash in my bed until I sober up. Wake up and buy the best food I can afford. Get drunk and go back to sleep.

Nothing better, really.

>> No.4360110

I'd probably try to figure out where the hell I am and then try to find my car.

>> No.4360112


ransack the cupboards and fridge for snacks take everything I can carry and make a run for it.

>> No.4360113


eat the rest of the sushi and run to the blasting techno.

>> No.4360116

>>step outside
This anon falls off the balcony 30 floors to his death. Please play again.

This anon has discovered his location! Your phone says you're in Chiang Mai, Thailand.

On your way out the door, you bump into a gorgeous young hotel worker. There's a bundle of spaghetti under your arm, and it's slipping. You don't have much time, what do you say?

>> No.4360119


I'd spin my fanny pack around and do the reverse Carlton until the distracting spaghetti provided a diversion for my escape.

>> No.4360120

#3 Pardon me miss, could you help me with my package?

>> No.4360121

The cute hotel worker is startled, and never had a chance to say anything to you. They thought you were cute, too. Now begins the tedious task of cleaning up all this spaghetti.

>> No.4360124

She helps you catch the bundle just before it falls out of your arms. She smiles and makes a little noise as she helps you adjust the weight. Your other hand brushes against her and you feel that she has a package, too.

>> No.4360127

Tell "her" "Many thanks, gents." and continue on my way.

>> No.4360132
File: 68 KB, 400x298, dried_spaghetti.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4360137
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initiate spaghetti drop and vacate move, hotel worker are trained to clean up a mess...just imagine this move with a spaghetti drop and scatter.