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4359221 No.4359221 [Reply] [Original]

For just general purpose use in the kitchen; sandwiches, fried eggs, baked potato, etc...

What do you use?

>> No.4359224

unsalted, always. I salt the food as I am cooking or after.

>> No.4359232

Pretty much this. If I'm baking, then any good recipe will use unsalted butter with specific amounts of salt.

Tastes fine on everything else, so no need to buy two kinds of butter. I use butter a lot less than I used to, because I usually have some kind of rendered pork fat to cook with.

You know, I've never thought about it, but I wonder if there are some retarded soccer moms that are trying to be health conscious and buy the "low sodium" butter. Holy shit, that would be hilarious.

>> No.4359234

Good point, next time unsalted it is!

>> No.4359239

My stepmother used to cook with low fat margarine. She also used to refuse to use sugar in puddings. Getting through the rhubarb crumble was always fun.

>> No.4359245

I feel the same way, I've went back to using butter, after using "spread" for several years, because I use the stuff minimally, and within moderation. I realized that the health benefit to flavor wasn't worth it to not have "real" butter in my life.

I mean a pound/4 sticks usually last me over a month.

>> No.4359254

margarine isn't that good for us in the first place. so the health benefit is a fucking crock.

>> No.4359256


>> No.4359313

Salted. When baking I put less salt then the recipe calls for. But I like salted butter on baked potatoes and on toast and fuck buying 2 kinds.

>> No.4359335

This, who the fuck salts buttered toast?

>> No.4359336

Half of the butter I buy ends up in oatmeal or on toast so I usually buy salted.

I used unsalted for a few years but I lately I just fucking love salt.

PROTIP: try putting salt on sweet/bitter things, blow your fucking mind. Salt on pineapple is the best.

>> No.4359347

Some people can cope with 1 meal without adding copious amounts of salt.

>> No.4359353


>> No.4360659

A tub of I Can't Believe It's Not Butter.

>> No.4360664

I use Earth Balance.

It's the best. I'm thinking about trying out refined coconut oil too, because I hear good things and it's supposed to be super healthy I guess.

>> No.4360667

Butter! I use so little of the stuff I'd rather get the real stuff than settle for that cheap fake "healthy" spread. I mean really if you are using enough of the stuff for the health implications to be a concern then you have more to worry about than using real butter, you are using too much of the stuff.

Real butter only, in moderation.

>> No.4360669

if im baking or cooking something special i only use unsalted
if its just dinner i use whatever we have at the time

>> No.4360692

unsalted in the fridge and for recipes/ most cooking.
half-or-less stick of salted in the covered butter dish on the counter for morning toast-buttering, dinner roll, anything like that. Don't go through either quickly.

(keep the extra sticks in the freezer!)

>> No.4360721

Unsalted. Just add salt when required.