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File: 103 KB, 680x340, MadSausageSiteLarge634976633922559659.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4357089 No.4357089 [Reply] [Original]


Holy shit.

>> No.4357094

Goddamn, the militant vegfags are out in force today.

>> No.4357119


Because everyone else is unemotionally affected by violence? Give me a break. Most people are shocked and pretty horrified when they see where their food comes from, since we as a society are so detached from the source.

>> No.4357129

Except the video OP linked openly tells people to become vegetarian. OP is just another faggot trying to convert people

>> No.4357158

This kind of shit will never work on me, and you'd have to be pretty gullible to fall for it. I'm not going to be sympathetic to your cause until you grow up and drop the scare tactics.

If you're going to get me to eat less meat, then that's what you're going to have to do. I am not going to give it up entirely. At best, I will be a vegetarian two days out of the week.

But you'd better have a damn good reason for me doing so.

Can we enjoy better quality meat if we grow less of it? OK, I'm down for that. We both get what we want.

>> No.4357162

you get better meat by not buying from factory farms

go to a livestock auction and buy a cow have it slaughtered

then store your years worth of meat in a chest freezer in the basement

grab a pig and goat too if you want

it will also be far cheaper than factory meat in the long run

>> No.4357163

If veggies could talk I'm sure they'd be pissy too.

But they don't, and neither does meat, because one has no mental capability, and one has severely limited.

>> No.4357169

Maybe I don't want frozen meat.

>> No.4357171

What's your point? Vegetarians don't like any kind of livestock.

>> No.4357172

>one has severely limited.

Pigs are one of the smartest animals on this planet. Smarter than three year old humans, even. Have you ever actually spent time with livestock animals? You'll be surprised how complex their emotions and thoughts are.

>> No.4357176

then you can salt cure it

>> No.4357177

This. Cows and chickens are fairly stupid, but pigs are shockingly smart.

Also, why will people refuse to accept that our current meat industry is pretty shitty and cruel? I'm not saying change what you eat, or anything like that (I love meat), but people wont even acknowledge that it's pretty fucking brutal.

>> No.4357180

But what if I just want fresh meat?

>> No.4357181

This is the edgiest piece of eurofag shit I've seen come from the veganites.

I like the part when the literal talking piece of shit said fuck.

>> No.4357186

Harvesting the flesh of living beings is brutal?


>> No.4357187

This I agree with only for the fact that it would result in higher quality meat. I don't give two fucks for the animals involved but if the meat is better as an end result I'd support that.

>> No.4357190

then you can eat it fresh, you can then cure or freeze or dry age the leftovers or just give them to charity

you can also just store it in the fridge but it will be a lot of meat you glutton

>> No.4357197

Hey, it could easily be done less cruelly. Not even the killing part, but the living part of their life. Being stuck in a cage your whole life is unfair to any animal.

I'm just busting your balls, frozen beef that's raised naturally in a smaller beef farm will always taste better than the freshest store-bought beef.

>> No.4357200

I've never understood the reasoning of, "Well, dolphins and pigs are hella smart so I won't eat them, but cows and chickens don't play video games and do cool tricks so I'll eat them."

Intelligence has little to do with capacity for pain and suffering. It's like using IQ scores as a metric for how much people can suffer. Doesn't matter how smart an animal is, if you cut off its limbs while it's still alive, it's going to be screaming, thrashing, bleeding, and hurting like hell.

>> No.4357204

Smarter animals have a better appreciation for abstract suffering, which is different from immediate pain. It's not so much the slaughter as it is the raising

>> No.4357207

factory farms give the animal electroconvulsive therapy before the slaughter

after having seizures they stay more tender
they also dont feel pain because they are in the middle of a seizure

>> No.4357209

Lets put it this way, all those animals are going to have to die even if you do manage to abolish factory farming.

>> No.4357212


>cows, chickens, pigs
>shockingly smart

hahah. right on hippies.

>> No.4357213

well everything living is going to die

except a few plants and animals that live forever

>> No.4357217

But it'd be a wholesale slaughter I mean that's a ridiculous amount of animals that have been bred to the point where they can't survive autonomously anymore.

>> No.4357218

Factory farms kill them by electrocuting their brains. It's not a seizure, they're already dead. Their muscles just keep moving.

Doesn't mean they need to have a crappier life. There's nothing wrong with not wanting an animal to suffer much.

Confirmed for retard reading comprehension

>> No.4357221

cows chickens and pigs can survive autonomously if given the space to live

>> No.4357223

Are you guys familiar with slaughterhouse failure rates? I was reading an interesting article on it a couple months ago in a veterinarian medicine journal. Basically, even the very best slaughterhouses, under perfect conditions, have a failure rate of 3%+ meaning that millions of animals go through the butchering process while still fully conscious.

The normal rate of failure is more like 15-20%+
meaning a whole lot of pigs, cows, and chickens get cut up limb by limb. Extremely inhumane.

>> No.4357224

no they get a metal rod driven in to their skull after the shock

I have been to a tyson slaughter house

>> No.4357226

Not the ones that live on those farms, have you seen what some of the pigs look like? They HAVE to be kept indoors because their immune systems can't cope with the outside.

>> No.4357229

I guess it's different where you live. In Canada, they shock them and it kills them instantaneously.

>> No.4357230

the first generation will struggle but after that its good to go

my uncles wife used to keep chickens before they got divorced

he just let the chickens go wild
they are doing pretty good on their own

>> No.4357233

just shocking is pretty unreliable so a lot of the time they just get slaughtered while in a seizure

not like it really matters though becuase they wont feel anything

>> No.4357237

Yeah, for sure. either way, it's not even the slaughtering part that bugs me, it's the raising part. The conditions are horrible. It was enough to put me off store bought stuff, and I get all my meat from a local farm now.

>> No.4357243


Here's an article in Canada's vet journal. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1852607/

The problem is, even if bolt guns and electricity work perfectly in theory, reality never goes so smoothly. Animals move. Workers mess up due to the production line moving so fast, fatigue, etc. So you end up with animals boiled alive, and butchered while conscious.

Electric immobilization is pretty outdated and inhumane as a method. CAK (controlled-atmosphere killing) is the best choice, but not many places have implemented it yet.

>> No.4357244

>That scene
>No cows in the sausage's ptsd flashbacks
Guess cows are safe to eat then

>> No.4357245

its good you can still do that with meat

Monsanto is closing the door for fruit and vegetables though

>> No.4357248

Jesus, do they not re-kill (or something) these animals? That's pretty fucked up, and I already thought the industry was fucked up in the first place.

At least plants don't suffer. Monsanto is fucking awful though, with their terminator seeds and shit.

>> No.4357249
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Good video to fight against fast food and processed shit

>go vegetarian


>> No.4357254

that would involve stopping the line

that cant be done

I had a friend that worked in a tyson plant

one of the mexicans he worked with got fired for shitting his pants too many times

they dont even let the workers stop for anything

>> No.4357256

>Work on a farm
>Occasionally get some hippies crying about how I slaughter animals and enslave them
>Offer to let them try and save an animal by helping me to take care of them for a few weeks
>By the end, they hate the fucking animals and don't even care what happens to them anymore.

The only people who give a fuck about eating meat are the people who have never had to work with farm animals. They are horrid, retarded beasts who deserve much worse than what actually happens to them.

>> No.4357266


Plants can tell when they're being damaged and destroyed.


You're just a speciest. You dismiss the pain of plants because you can't comprehend how they react to being damaged.

>> No.4357281
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> grow a vegetable
> let my vegetables think they have a good life
> ruthlessly cut them down in their prime
> pic related

The best thing about vegans is that their diet is so bad, they'll all eventually die out. Now, my wife is vegetarian and I have no problem with it, but fuck vegans...nothing but hipster faggots.

>> No.4357288

>tyson plant

Few years back there was a worker at a Tyson plant who went vegan because of all the horrors he witnessed slaughtering chickens. Horrifying shit to read.

>> No.4357300

>They are horrid, retarded beasts

I'm sure people at dog and cat slaughter plants think the same about dogs and cats, yet the rest of the world is in love with their pets.

All animals are awesome. Period. It's simply a matter of how you view them as a culture.

>> No.4357304

I mean, I don't agree with your opinion of farm animals (except for pigs, they're terrible creatures), but I do agree that the people who want livestock to roam free and "be happy" have never worked with them. Livestock has been bred to be exactly that, a human commodity. Sheep are horribly dumb animals, they're either looking for food or looking for a place to die. That's all they do. And, they die at the drop of a hat. Goats are smarter, but tear everything up. Fences, vegetation, everything. But, I do like goats. Cattle are probably my favorite livestock animal. But, they require tremendous care, and bulls are particularly destructive, not only to property, but to other livestock. I can't tell you how many fences I've help mend where a bull has gone on a rampage. And don't even get me started on how expensive horses are to care for, not to mention the time you MUST put in with them.

>> No.4357315

>this kills the garlic
get out

>> No.4357323

>That's all they do.

Sheep have complex social organizations and behavior. Just because you don't understand an animal doesn't mean it's not awesome. Many animals could look at the human behaviors they see and think we're simplistic dumbasses too.

>> No.4357340


>> No.4357348

>Sheep have complex social organizations and behavior.
>implying I don't understand the animals I work with on a daily basis..

>> No.4357354


When someone works with an animal only in the capacity of it being a commodity for profit, then yeah I say people usually don't understand the animal, since the interactions are so defined and limited.

Even researchers whose entire life is to study a specific animal get blinded by the "all animals do is eat, mate, and sleep" rhetoric. When incidents like mother Cheetahs saving orphaned chimps and raising them as their own children happen, even cheetah researchers refuse to believe their eyes.

The animal kingdom is more complex than we can imagine.

>> No.4357367

I'm far from "blinded" by anything. I care more for my animals than I do for people, but I still KNOW what they are and how they function. I've witnessed things you'd puke, cry, freak out and get hysterical over (and not in reference to killing animals, either). I have a degree in agricultural science with a specialization in breeding and nutrition. My grandfather is a vet. Everyone in my family works with animals, of all sorts, not just livestock. You can sit there being an armchair philosopher, but unless you have something concrete to talk about, I couldn't care less about your opinion. You couldn't do the work I do.

>> No.4357368

>Implying you understand animal neurology and behavioral science better than leading experts in the field

>> No.4357372

>>4357368 here, I do agree with the other stuff that you're saying though. Although I cant tell if you'd be for or against those cages that are too small to turn around in. If you support treating them decently for what they are, then I agree

>> No.4357374

Have you worked with sheep? No? Then STFU.

>> No.4357381

Except I have. Probably not to the extent you have, but I've cared for livestock for a couple years. Still doesn't mean that you have a better understanding of complex social interactions than experts. You just don't know what to look for, because you were never educated to do so. I'm not putting you down, it's just one of those things you dont see until you know what to look for

>> No.4357384

All the animals I work with are free range. I am and have always been against caging. I was raised to treat livestock with respect. But I still stick with my opinion that sheep are horribly dumb.

>> No.4357386

Fair enough. I can absolutely respect that

>> No.4357389

I know what to look for. I know how they breed, how they flock, how they interact with their young, how they make themselves inevitably vulnerable to predators, how their anatomy works. I've spent my entire life around sheep, goats, cattle, pigs, chickens, llamas, donkeys, horses, dogs, cats, geese, lovebirds, and numerous other animals, including wild ones, such as ringtail, beaver, badger, raccoon, deer, etc.

>> No.4357403

LOL, for example, I always remember the first time I cussed at an animal we were working with around my grandfather. (a extremely beefy and angry Charolais bull) He gave me the look of death, and said "You don't talk that way to your animals." Never have again, lol.

>> No.4357409


I don't have problems with respectful raising and slaughter of livestock, where the animal gets to lead a life without suffering.

Sadly 99% of meat now is concentration camp meat.

>> No.4357422

Oh, I know, believe me. We raise our own meat animals, or, when we're out (because there's a specific amount of time before animals are ready to be slaughtered), I buy from other local farms. And if we're out, and I can't get meat from another local farm, then we just don't eat meat for awhile! I don't buy meat at the grocery store. I don't even buy my fish at the grocery store, I go to an independent local fish market, where I know it's fresh and wild-caught actually means wild-caught.

>> No.4357438

Fuck it, as long as my meat tastes good I'm not even slightly bothered where it comes from. Perhaps it's a sign that the vegan party line is rather weak if it can't be put across convincingly without this hyperbole.

To suggest that I have no right to eat meat unless I raise/kill it myself is as ridiculous as suggesting that people who don't fabricate microchips shouldn't own a smartphone. That's how capitalism works, you find something you want to do more than the guy who pays you does and use that earned credit to exchange for the labors of others

>> No.4357445

go work in a meat packing plant

you will never buy anything but local again

>> No.4357446

>I'm not even slightly bothered where it comes from.

Sadly this seems to be human nature. In the 1800s, the majority of people didn't give a shit where they sugar they ate came from either, even if they knew of the slaves suffering on sugar plantations.

But some of us like to think that empathy wins out over human greed and selfishness in the end.

>> No.4357456

I buy mine from a local butcher because it tastes better and it's actually cheaper than the supermarket. The only exception to this is chickens because the guy can't butcher them for shit.

The important thing is that you found a way to feel superior.

>> No.4357465


Study some history. Your world view has been proven wrong over and over again throughout all of human history.

>> No.4357469


>stop trying to better the world! you're a dick!

>> No.4357475


>> No.4357478

Local meat does not = humane meat.

Plenty of small farms have fucked up practices too. The only way to know for sure is to visit the farm, but I don't think many people do that. Kudos to those who do. But I live in a city, and am not gonna drive to every farm just to see how my meat is raised, so simply avoiding meat is the easiest solution for me.

>> No.4357490


>The best thing about vegans is that their diet is so bad, they'll all eventually die out

What's your reasoning on that?

>> No.4357498


Because the amount of effort and money it takes to have a healthy diet and remain a vegan is absolutely staggering.

Add on top of that that most vegans don't tend to be the brightest of individuals to start with, and you end up with something on the order of 90% of vegans having to drop it due to severe medical complications from various nutritional deficiencies.

>> No.4357506

>retarded vegans try to put baby on vegan diet
>it fucking dies
>this actually happens
add that to the pile.

>> No.4357509

>it takes to have a healthy diet and remain a vegan is absolutely staggering.

Myth. Veganism and vegetarianism are cheaper. Meat requires far more resources to produce and is more expensive per calorie than grains and legumes.

My grocery bill went down by half when I started avoiding meat.

>> No.4357512

While I know about those horrors and feel sorry for the animals, in the end I still eat meat. I still buy clothing from chain-stores like H&M even after reading about the workers in Cambodia. I still buy tomatoes after it was revealed that the workers in the italian tomato farms lived in slave conditions. I still use computers and other technology even though I was a part of the crew that made an episode about young chinese girls being sent away from their families to large factories, working 13 hours a day in bad conditions with shit wage, putting together the pieces that was found by poor miners in Kongo that sacrifice their lives to earn a little money for their family.

I know about the awful stories behind the things I buy and I feel sorry for the people and animals. But in the end I still buy and use it. And you probably do too.

>> No.4357514


You're exactly the type of retarded vegan I was talking about.

Remember this post in 10 years when your doctor tells you you either need to start eating meat again or buying the insanely expensive "vegan" dietary supplements so that you don't die.

>> No.4357518

>absolutely staggering

Provided you don't work 10 hours a day/7 days a week It's not much more than a little extra work.

Not to mention, as a trend, a collection of vegan friends would make the process much easier.

>> No.4357520

>a collection of vegan friends
>Choosing your friends baded on their diet.
You're mentally ill.

>> No.4357521


Who the hell becomes nutrient deficient on a vegan diet? It's all fruits, veg, nuts, grains, and legumes. That's where all of the world's nutrition comes from

>> No.4357532


This. Veganism is known for being super healthy. Many people go vegan to cure their diabetes, heart disease, etc. Look at Bill Clinton.

>> No.4357535
File: 16 KB, 460x315, Ahuehuehue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Most vegans, because they don't properly watch calcium, B12, Iron, Zinc, and Omega 3 intake which is normally mostly gotten from meat and animal products.


President Clinton can afford a nutritionist and personal chef to make sure he's getting everything he needs. Your typical retarded vegan cannot.

>> No.4357537

>I met a girl who briefly dabbled in veganism during high school or college and then gave up because she didn't bother to do her homework


>> No.4357538
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>veganism cures diabetes

>> No.4357540


All of those are found in abundance in plant foods, especially leafy greens or nuts for Omega-3s

Besides B12 of course, which the body synthesizes on its own. Meat hardly has any nutrition compared to plants. In fact, the little nutrition meat does have COMES from the animal it belongs to eating plant foods that gave it those nutrients

>> No.4357551


Believe what you want to believe. I don't particularly care either way. I just hope you remember this discussion when you quit. And you will most likely quit. 3/4s of vegetarians/vegans do.

>> No.4357556


Been on this diet for a few years now, I'd be surprised if I quit. Most people who switch over just do it as a fad thing because they heard about it on TV but they don't actually know what they're doing or why they're doing it. That doesn't mean a vegan diet isn't healthy though

>> No.4357559


Few years doesn't mean shit mate. The average length of the "vegetarianism" phase for most people is about a decade.

Come back when you've been one for more than 10 years.

>> No.4357570

>The average length of the "vegetarianism" phase for most people is about a decade

That's a sign of failure to you? Most people's beerfaggotry phase is about 1/3 of that.

>> No.4357576


And people who stop eating cake and ice cream always end up going back to the Blue Bell and Little Debbies

I guess we should never try to be healthy

>> No.4357582



>> No.4357629


Plenty of people stay vegetarian/vegan for life. It's like anything else in life; some revert back to old ways, some stick with the new lifestyle.

>> No.4357632

16 years here. wanna blow me?

>> No.4357911

This thread is full of vegfags who just keep talking about inhumane killing of animals. So tell me, what is the best way? Killing them with spears and arrows like we used to? Knifes? Guns? No matter how you kill them people will cry out "INHUMANE KILLING OF ANIMALS!"

>> No.4357953


I thought the message would be to est less processed and factory farmed meats, and invest in sustainable and humane alternatives. But no, they had to make that irrational jump to full-blown vegetarianism as the only option to mitigating these cruel acts.

If there were a greater push for simply eating LESS meat which was raised in a healthier way, a difference might actually come about.

I am not a vegetarian or vegan, FYI.

>> No.4357954


Sorry, poor wording:

If there were a greater push for simply eating LESS meat, and to only eat meat which was raised in a healthier way, a difference might actually come about.

>> No.4357965

>LESS meat,


>> No.4357976

I loved this commercial, perfect. Only thing I had a problem with was when they said "choose vegetarian". I hate when they water down the message like that.

Choose VEGAN. Vegetarianism is essentially pointless, if you're substituting meat for dairy and eggs.

>> No.4357977


It's harder to make the jump to vegan, so far fewer people would do it. Even vegetarianism seems impossible to the public, which is why many campaigns go with simply "eat less meat" or "don't eat meat on X day"

>> No.4357979

Nyjah Huston was raised vegan since birth. Joaquin Phoenix was raised vegan since age 3. There are hundreds and thousands of healthy vegan babies. But of course the media will spread a story about a baby that died because it was fed nothing but breast milk and apple juice. SMH.

>> No.4357984

It was super easy for me. But maybe they could have just said "choose veg".

If someone just learns how to cook vegan food and becomes familiar with it as they became familiar with animal based foods, then it's really extremely easy. And there are so many vegan options these days in grocery stores it's ridiculously easy.

>> No.4357989

I'm eating tasty animals for protein, I don't give a shit what hippies say

>> No.4357994

>It was super easy for me.

Like anything else, veganism is super easy if you set yourself upon it, but many people aren't quite ready for that. So small steps help.

And in terms of animals and environmental issues helped, even eating 1 meal less of meat per day helps. Don't have to go full veg to make a difference.

>> No.4358002

I guess I can see how small steps could make it easier on people. Me, I went cold turkey after seeing a video about the widespread animal cruelty in factory farms. No way I'm supporting that, at all, ever again.

It was actually really fun for me trying out all the different vegan foods and learning new ways of cooking. Like a culinary adventure.

But I guess you're right, each person is different.

>> No.4358007

being a vegan does not make you safe from horrible industry practices

thansk to obama you cant stop it either

>> No.4358013

I'm growing my own garden. One day I hope to be 90% self-sufficient. Long way off, but I try.

>> No.4358015


Yeah, some people see something like Earthlings and go vegan on the spot, but I think those people have tons of life experiences that culminate in that decision, and it's just one thing that sets it all off.

Meat and dairy are such huge parts of our food culture from the moment we're born. For a lot of us it takes a lot to be able to go against that.

>> No.4358019

good luck with the Monsanto terminator seeds™ going around

unless you are doing an indoor grow op your not safe

>> No.4358024

You have a good point, I was physically abused from about age 10-16 so I do think it struck more of a nerve with me than it does other people. I guess since I've experienced pain I have more empathy and am not as able to push it out of my mind.

>> No.4358055



If this video were playing on tv like smoking ads do all the time, meat eating would become looked down upon too eventually.

>> No.4358062

meh. I tried to care as I watched it but it wasn't anything new.

I quit smoking because there are real reasons to quit. a talking CGI sausage? how old are you?

>> No.4358069


Because of lazy fucks like you, yes.

>> No.4358079


Way more reasons to stop eating meat than to stop smoking. Smoking is just health. Meat is health, ethics, and environment.

>> No.4358080
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Rolf do you even know how terminator seeds work? They are bred so they don't reproduce on their own. How would they infect your crop of plants? Even if terminator seed pollen got on your plant the plant wouldn't breed and therefor you wouldn't need to worry about your seed harvest getting ruined.

>ITT stupid plebs

The terminator seed tech would have saved us a lot of genetic contamination, but since people were afraid of the name like this retard, they aren't used.

>> No.4358083

>whining about an ancient way of preparing food

vegan filth pls go

>> No.4358084
File: 498 KB, 280x242, Really.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Click on "Play" link
>It opens a Youtube video
>Have to click "Play" again

>> No.4358085

Living independently and collecting all of your own food is the antithesis of civilization.

Go try living in Africa and see how that lifestyle works out.

>> No.4358088
File: 32 KB, 500x484, hahahamustache.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hear it is a good lifestyle if you want to technologically advance.

>> No.4358089

even better, it loads ridiculously slow
like 56k slow

>> No.4358093
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>mfw entire thing loads in 2 seconds on the carnivorous internet

>mfw vegan internet

>> No.4358141


lol, fags like you will never get gains.

>> No.4358149

There is a real philosophical debate about rationalizing speciesism here but vegetarians tend to be unaware this argument exists and just go with the old animal cruelty is bad because it's sad stick (or other reasons but this is clearly about animal treatment).

>> No.4358168

Must be troll.

>> No.4358169


I'm not trolling. What came off as if I was?

>> No.4358170

Can I torture your mother?

>> No.4358174


You cannot.

>> No.4358191

Why not?

>> No.4358211

I am never going to look at meat the same way again

>> No.4358220


Because you have no right to harm someone who follows the societal moral code along with you.

>> No.4358240

Oh my god, you're so stupid.

Unfortunately 4chan thinks this link is spam, so google "wall street journal the brains of the animal kingdom".

The speciesist beliefs revolve solely around your pleasure. It has no basis in logic. It's basically just the lack of ability to see a creature that doesn't speak your language as worthy of life and the freedom from needless suffering. It's a lack of empathetic intelligence, and delusion.

>> No.4358249


>Oh my god, you're so stupid.

Thanks for showing a lack of respect.

> It's basically just the lack of ability to see a creature that doesn't speak your language as worthy of life and the freedom from needless suffering

I am aware. Animals also don't follow our moral code.

> It's a lack of empathetic intelligence, and delusion

It's definitely not delusion. It's innate and human nature to hold our species needs above the needs of other species. Animals do the same. Our now ingrained desire to eat meat also has desensitized many to the slaughtering of animals for food because we desire the meat from the process.

I really see nothing wrong with it. The reason why people treat household animals better than livestock is because the majority of pets show compassion to some degree. Others simply love animals. The norm is to treat livestock as a product and nothing more.

This my personal view. I don't care if people hold differing ones. I would only ever be willing to change it if I saw animals act morally. The closest I can saw I've come to it is intelligent dogs. Most other animals I don't hold much empathy for.

>> No.4358288

i already know what sausage is made of.

i still eat meat all day erry day

>> No.4358349

>Animals do the same.

Animals have been known to love and care for members of other species just as much as their own. Dogs raising baby calves, cheetahs and elephants that are best friends with dogs, jungle cats and monkeys, you name it.

I certainly have friends who value their pets more than other humans. Love isn't so bound in species so much as experience.

>> No.4358365

>>they care for someone
>>this makes them moral
no, what makes them ethically similar to humans would be not doing something like stealing something, obeying the law, not hurting small children, not shitting in public, not fucking in public. Basically an animal can show empathy but it cannot truly control it's passions unless trained to, and this training takes a long time and isn't really successful in a lot of ways, IE you cannot train your cats out of being hunters, if they are born with the instinct as most are, they will hunt things, even if they happily get along with mr bunny.

>> No.4358375

>but it cannot truly control it's passions unless trained to, and this training takes a long time and isn't really successful in a lot of ways,

As if the same can't be said about humans....

>> No.4358414


Much of animal behavior is learned, not instinctual. Many animals learn what animals they are supposed to kill, how to kill them, who they are supposed to bond with, how to bond, from their parents and social groups. Just like we learn through ours.

Depends on species and the specific behavior, of course, but my point is that much of what people consider animal "instinct" is really just learned behaviors. If they grow up in different environments, they will act completely different.

>> No.4360064
File: 93 KB, 960x792, animals cant turn around 2.5 years in stalls who asked sow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not really about what it's made of. It's what the animals go through before they're slaughtered.

>> No.4360081
File: 59 KB, 600x354, sausage_casing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not really about what it's made of

Funny because I seem to recall the first few minutes going on about how it's made of stuff "I probably don't want to know about" or something along those lines. As if (a) I didn't realize it wasn't made of pork tenderloin, and (b) I'm supposed to be grossed out by sausage made of parts of the animal that have an actually worthwhile flavor and texture.

I get where they're coming from and in fact sympathize on the whole cleanliness thing with factory farms, but it would have been much more effective if it didn't come across as having been produced by and aimed at people who are hopelessly naive and uninformed about meat.

>> No.4360093

You sound like you have no experience with animals.

It is also funny when people try to explain how humans are different than animals and their rationale is based on our society (learned traits).

>> No.4360098

Some people are hopeless.

>> No.4360101

most vegans

>> No.4360133


>> No.4360136

oh, okay.
all vegans.

>> No.4360151

If you are a meat eater, and you think you hate vegans in general, this is for you.:

You people are actually mentally ill. Your condition is called cognitive dissonance. You don't want to hurt animals, but you also don't want to have to change your lifestyle. This makes you very uncomfortable. So when you meet an ethical vegan, you hate them for pointing out the reality that you participate in a shitload of animal cruelty. So you try to point the finger back at them to make yourself feel less guilty for not being like us. You pretend that being vegan is pointless while refusing to educate yourself on basic fucking economics, or anything related to factory farming for that matter, because you know that education would mean you wouldn't be able to hide from the damage you cause anymore. You don't actually want to learn anything about nutrition, you just want to regurgitate irrelevant and in most cases untrue bullshit in order to fool yourself into thinking you actually need the shit. This is all about you being defensive and has nothing to do with veganism itself. Grow up, wake up, and take responsibility for your actions instead of trying to see the worst in the people who are doing better than you.

>> No.4360161
File: 650 KB, 1450x877, 1359264299969.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sounds about right. They're like Canadians obsessed with Americans so they constantly complain about Americans on the internet.

>> No.4360167

ah fuck, im a vegitarian and i feel bad that im associated with these people

my apologies to carnivores/omnivores

>> No.4360169
File: 3 KB, 223x268, 1353297340703.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4360172

If you posted this, this is for you:

You are a thoughtless, mindless drone wandering day by day so absorbed in your own washed-out attempts at being a better human being that you have forgotten what that even means, and now are just another faggot with a superiority complex.

>> No.4360174


> They're like Canadians obsessed with Americans so they constantly complain about Americans on the internet.


>> No.4360189

Vegetarianism is pointless. Don't compare yourself to vegans, please. Don't apologize for us because there's nothing to apologize for.

And no humans are carnivores. Fuck.

I actually hate apologist vegetarians and vegans probably more than I hate defensive and dim witted carnists. You're just so pathetic.

>> No.4360191

To tell you the truth, I am actually friends with a few vegans, I only talk shit on the net cause it makes me feel special.
Seriously though the only people I have problems with are the ones who interrupt my meal to give me some spiel about animal cruelty (This does happen, think uni cafeteria between 18-22 yrs old). If you have made the decision to change your day to day life to reflect your beliefs, you have my utmost respect....just don't expect me to do the same.

>> No.4360196

This is largely true, except that cognitive dissonance isn't a disorder. Just a natural result of holding conflicting ideas or interests at the same time.

Anyone who studies quantum mechanics even at a low level gets comfortable with a certain level of it.

You also don't take into account that some people just don't care. Animal cruelty is a non-issue to them. Sustainability is as well, so long as nothing crashes too badly during their projected lifetime.

>> No.4360197

"Don't worry I'm not like those OTHER vegetarians and vegans! LOL. I don't care if you torture animals for your trivial conveniences. LOL. I'm a GOOD vegetarian!"

You try so hard to fit in. What must it be like having absolutely no backbone?

>> No.4360200

No, he's right actually. A bit blunt, yes, but still correct.

>> No.4360202

Oh look, they're trying to come across as hardcore now. How cute.

>> No.4360204

No, he's not correct, and if you buy into that bullshit attempt at sounding intelligent, you're worse off than that poster.

>> No.4360212

>meat eaters
bawww I'm being persecuted for my beliefs
bawww check ur privilege cis scum

all of you need to kill yourselves

>> No.4360217

How is he incorrect?

>> No.4360223

I think his or her statement probably applies to some of the meat eating vegan hating population. 10-15% maybe.

Honestly, though, the easiest way to get these faggots off our board would be to swear to cook and eat a meat dish with our families every time they make a thread. We'd all need to post timestamped pics as proof, of course. Bonus points if you can prove you butchered the animal to do it.

>> No.4360226

>If you are a meat eater, and you think you hate vegans in general, this is for you.:

>You people are actually mentally ill. Your condition is called cognitive dissonance. You don't want to...

You cannot honestly, in good faith, say that you think this is true all the time. In addition to the fact that cognitive dissonance isn't a "condition".

>> No.4360228

You realize most vegans went vegan because of factory farming, right?

Butchering your own animal would be a huge improvement...

>> No.4360230


The easiest way to get "these faggots" off our board would be to stop replying 200+ times to every thread that comes along

>> No.4360235

Because it assumes everyone that eats meat would prefer to ignore the fact that they are eating meat, and have no idea that eating meat means killing something. That is incorrect, and generalizing, and all around asshattery. It's funny, though, because I never really had any issues with vegans until I started posting on this board, and even then, not until the past few weeks when the ridiculousness and crusade type of mentality has really surfaced.

>> No.4360236

>refusing to educate yourself on factory farming

>> No.4360242


>> No.4360241

and once again, a prick reveals that they believe they are superior and more informed because someone does not agree. Fuck off

>> No.4360246


>> No.4360247

No, that's not true actually. It's not plausible first off. We have too many trolls and too many new users every day. Even were it plausible, I bet they'd still post. It's free communication forum for them, after all.

Good point. Bonus points for buying storebought meat, then. Preferably nicer cuts that keep demand high.

>> No.4360248

Alright, that part was completely incorrect, but everything else was right.

But if people knew what they were eating, they wouldn't eat it, right? And if they still chose to eat it, wouldn't they be preferring to ignore the info they've been given?

>> No.4360252

It's that you think we're just against eating meat because the animals are slaughtered.

No, they're tortured essentially their entire lives. About 95% of animal products in the U.S. come from horribly abused animals.

>> No.4360253

Or some people don't equate an animal with a human
(Or the simple fact that some people just plain don't give a shit)

>> No.4360256

If the animals can't stop themselves from being factory farmed, why do they *deserve* any better?
Life is power and you're a pussy.

>> No.4360257


>> No.4360263

I'm going to torture your grandmother.

If she doesn't stop me from gagging her and tying her to a chair, she doesn't deserve to not be tortured, deal?

Oh, and same for your kids.

>> No.4360276

You guys do realize that these are basically small raids, right? Veganfags from other parts of the internet are doing this shit purposely and in a coordinated fashion. Same with the womynazis in other boards, who fortunately don't like /ck/. Something about gender stereotypes I think.

Anyways, they figure if they can convert just one person, all their time will be worthwhile. That means you can't beat them with any form of argument. Or ignoring them, since they'll happily just be billboards. These are NOT trolls.

>> No.4360289

Don't know about anyone else, but that's fine. Sometimes a person can have a little fun stoking the fire. If someone is dumb enough to think anything they say has any real value, that's their problem.

>> No.4360333

I never said that. There's been more than enough of you nitwits running around here lately to know full-well what you like to pass off as deep truth. Most of the time it's assuming things about other people, and accusing others of ignorance, and attempting to pass yourself off as some kind moral superior, just like you are doing.

>> No.4360343

Why would you focus on the killing of the animals if you didn't believe that was the issue?

Maybe you were deliberately focusing on that because you like to delude yourself that we're bleeding hearts?

>> No.4360359

Because for many who aren't bleeding hearts, raising animals meant for consumption in the way they are isn't animal cruelty. For people who hold this opinion, you are a bleeding heart. Apparently some people need this pointed out, even though that was already pointed out earlier. Yet again, I make the mistake of giving too much credit.

>> No.4360370

Standard practice in factory farms would be considered torture if done to any other animal.

If you genuinely think killing the animals is the point worth bringing up about factory farming, then you know nothing about factory farming.

I'm not a bleeding heart. I'm just not a fucking sociopath.

>> No.4360373

95% of the American public cares about how animals raised for food are treated.


>> No.4360394

>The year of our lord 2013
>Not raising rabbits for supreme meat
Seriously though, rabbits are fairly simple to take care of, and their meat is some of the best I've ever eaten. Since they're rabbits, you can have self sustaining supply of fresh meat year round. Just feed em so cheapo pellets and hay mixed with garden vegetables and they are good to go.

Plus their poop makes amazing manure.

>> No.4360661

Meanwhile, "Organic Farming"
Real humane

>> No.4360670

ITT: Self Righteous faggots

>> No.4360689


>lady pulls out the goat's testes with her mouth

What the fuck. I don't even have balls but I fucking cringed. How awful.

>> No.4360730


Does anyone actually think "organic" has anything to do with animal welfare?

Even "free range" "cage free" and "grass fed" mean nothing.

>> No.4360748


There's a difference between "caring" and caring enough to do something about it.

>> No.4360758

Didn't watch the clip, but I've castrated livestock. NOT WITH MY TEETH, THOUGH. But yeah, I've removed calf, lamb, and goat balls before. Ask me anything.

>> No.4360761

who would do it with their fucking teeth

>> No.4360775

I've seen it.
Not directly in front of me, but pictures and stories from other people.

>> No.4360779

>>plants don't suffer.

Clearly you have never raised at least four generations of the same species in a hostile as fuck environment. Plants arguably do "suffer"; if they didn't, their capacity to adapt to their environment and continue to survive would be severely limited.

Pain as a concept is extremely subjective- its only a tool to help keep us alive, nothing more. After all, we do have several people in the human race who enjoy it, and I don't see anyone making ethics laws to stop them!

>> No.4360783

I'm not sure if you were being serious with your speciest argument, but it is certainly a good point.

The same goes for most people willing to step on bugs or slap mosquitos, but then throw a hissy fit over eating fish.

>> No.4360803

Seem to be a lot of anti-meat threads being made today. Once even the exact same link in to separate threads. Is Peta trying to advertise on fucking /ck/ of all places? Seems like a dopey idea.

>> No.4360806

I'm not sure that adaptation necessarily implies suffering.

>> No.4360812


Even the dairy, meat, and egg industries know their consumers care. That's why they use "humane" and "cage-free" labels to try and appeal to consumers' consciences.

Even if the labels are complete bull.

>> No.4360815

And for these reasons, no one has the right or the legitimacy to feel superior to their fellow man. Because they aren't.

>> No.4360832


They know they care about the label not the issue.

>> No.4360834

>>Candidate for copypasta.

>> No.4360839

Props, anon.

>> No.4360849

No. Plato made that same mistake with his argument that, if people knew what was good for them, they'd do what is good for them.

In practice, most people do not act this way, and you don't need a scientific study to prove as such (thinking of all the bad decisions involving alcohol, chain smokers, and others who commit high risk actions while fully aware of the possible, negative outcomes).

It's just a matter of human nature, namely that people often just don't give a fuck. Add into that a society that on a whole is preoccupied with doing as much as it can with this short life, regardless of its effects on others and the environment, and it becomes understandable.

>> No.4360858

You would have to be able to torture the mother in the first place, assuming you're not killed in the process.

We live like this all the time whether you want to acknowledge it or not. I guarantee you that there are many instances during your life when you have wanted to harm and/or kill another human being for some sleight, and others the same to you. The only reason you haven't, or others haven't, is because the consequences currently outweigh the gratification.

There are no consequences to our eating meat, at least, none that anyone really cares about.

You can stop with the edgy attempts to invoke radical, emotional scenarios in order to prove a weak point.

>> No.4360860

You should really stop throwing around random psychology terms without understanding their definitions. It makes you look less and less credible, and more like an armchair faggot whose knowledge comes from a cursory visit of Wikipedia.

>> No.4360862

Are you talking about the small ones people often keep as pets, or those gigantic ones that are the size of labrador retrievers? (incidentally the latter are often raised for food).

>> No.4361002

What would make you think I don't know what it means to be a sociopath?

>> No.4361004

lol, that sounded bad.

Why would you think I didn't know the definition of sociopath?*

>> No.4361011

Sociopaths have been known to hurt animals. It's one of the first signs.
They lack empathy.

>> No.4361204


Are they anesthetized before the procedure? What age do you do it? Are you strict about sterile tools or environment? Do you consider them to be your pets or a product? Do you care about the welfare of the animals you care for?

I don't mean to sound like a vegan faggot trying to patronize. Just genuinely curious as the the animals you work with and the techniques you use and how you feel about it.

>> No.4361253

How expensive are Flemish Giants really?

>> No.4363057

Why does the sausage have an Australian accent if it's an American pig?

Also, yes animal cruelty and factory farms are fucked up. But humans will probably go extinct before anything changes. Took us thousands of years to stop mass enslaving and torturing our own species, and even today we still treat our fellow man like crap.